Endless thoughts
Racing through a still body
The fear
The anxiety
Why is it
The torment
The pain
The acceptance
The plotting
Yeah that will calm the head
And the carefully built wall
Cracks and breaks
Majority down
The building still stands
A random thought
Turned into fear of unknown
A possibility
Crushed under a shoe
Of what was to be expected
Two eyes now watch
From the desk it sits
The trash so close
But the hope still there
Crushed but not enough to trash
A shoulder throbs
Wrist sprained
But it was gonna be worth it
It would be worth it in the end, right?
Calm music
As a heart races
Tears flowing
And silent screams echoing in the empty room
I should be fine
But all I want
Is for the clock to turn back
Turn back when I was safe
Turn back when he was mine
Turn back
When I could finally break with someone
It wasn't the duck
No these scars run much deeper
The duck just floated down the stream
In the hurricane that followed