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So much emotion
So much built up

Neither understood
Neither tried

"Please, don't go"

A freeze
A solid wall collision
A phrase
Always said
Never heard

Hours of discussion
Building of a new

Understand both differences
A start
Of something only every dreamed

And though there are cracks now
I hope we can fill them for a better foundation
My daring devil
A fresh start
It was simple
so selfish in practice
a stroke here
a click of keys there

a simple story
a simple concept
both mine to hold
both with happiness

but is it really ok
to compare even in make-believe
and despite the end result

was it really make-believe
or my story all along

one where they do fall in love
only after one soul is completely broken

two books
two stories

a character that wasn't me supposed to be me
really fell for the human who hates angels.....
Endless stream
Comstant voices
Giggles and laughter
Now behind endless walls of stone

A request
A plee
Thrown back in shreds

Miles turned into inches
Hours turned into seconds
It was a shaky bridge being built
But the rot and chard remains still held

Now the distance greater
A time of need
Once more shut out
A desperate attempt
To keep the shards together

But the edges sharp
The cuts deep and swift
Endless silence
As the blood flows out
Endless thoughts
Racing through a still body

The fear
The anxiety
Why is it

The torment
The pain

The acceptance
The plotting
Yeah that will calm the head

And the carefully built wall
Cracks and breaks
Majority down
The building still stands

A random thought
Turned into fear of unknown
A possibility
Crushed under a shoe
Of what was to be expected

Two eyes now watch
From the desk it sits
The trash so close
But the hope still there
Crushed but not enough to trash

A shoulder throbs
Wrist sprained
But it was gonna be worth it
It would be worth it in the end, right?

Calm music
As a heart races
Tears flowing
And silent screams echoing in the empty room

I should be fine
But all I want
Is for the clock to turn back

Turn back when I was safe
Turn back when he was mine
Turn back
When I could finally break with someone

It wasn't the duck
No these scars run much deeper
The duck just floated down the stream
In the hurricane that followed
So much time
so little energy

so much to do
so much left undone

A step here
a waltz there

A endless dance
a fruitless night

A day here
a month there

a dollar paid
a penny earned

*** for tat
and that is that

such simplicity
in the complexity

to fully know
to understand

dive deep
swim in the shallow

Gaze here
gaze there

all the same
once at the end
"Your kind"
"Your gentle"
"Your smart"
"Your cute"
"Your funny"
"I like the time I send with you"

How to say
The truth I've relized
Knowing the pain it will cause
A reminder
A constant scar
All for the fear
Of what could happen.....
A simple request
To protect and uphold
A simple action
To look away and walk

Why did you leave
And yell and scream
Only to gas light and burn

But the forest is dry
The light very dim
I just wanted to sit and eat
To huddle and warm the my hands

You poured gas all over
Are you really that mad
That I dropped my match
When you pushed me down?
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