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157 · Mar 2020
Pretty Alien
Rahma Tafida Mar 2020
She’s an alien
A pretty alien who is capable of attracting others to her own planet
She’s a little different
But kind and caring and funny too
Like a girl from the books
She’s my specification of a lady
133 · Feb 2020
Night and Day
Rahma Tafida Feb 2020
I love to write
He loves to read
I am the pen
He is the paper
I’m like the day
He’s like the night
Yet I love the dark
And He loves the day
Thank You my Lord
For finally
We got to reap
The seed We sowed
Just before I retire
To the sand underneath
A hiddens story behind this;like and comment If you want to know..
107 · Jan 2020
A mournful day
Rahma Tafida Jan 2020
I see the moon, so white and clear
Shimmering in the dark blue sky
Its companions adding a twinkle to the sky
With a heavy cool breeze gusting around
Such a beautiful night they’ve all made today

All night creatures seemed to be awake
whispering to themselves In a mega low tone
It made a beautiful melody to the ears
Such a beautiful night they’ve all made today

Even the trees whirled at the melodic sounds
And dried leaves fell off the branches
One after the other As if in a queue
To have a taste of what it feels like to be free
Such a beautiful night they’ve all made today

The breeze swooshed around my wounded bare legs
The legs that have been on the run for hours now
Seeking to hide from the slayer of my family
My dried tears making my face stiff and pale
Until I finally found serenity from my wobbly heart
As the sun set below the horizon
Such a beautiful night on such a mournful day

— The End —