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308 · Dec 2016
Wordfreak Dec 2016
Many look at a sunrise and see romance.
But I'm unconventional.
A Rorschach could tell you that easily.
I grit my teeth as the light floods the city.
The darkness flees,
Like a man buried alive.
It's dragged,
Clawing at the buildings,
As it is forced to vacate.
And when it is gone?
I feel exposed.
The night is my hunting ground
*The light is a savage bloodbath
307 · Sep 2017
Wordfreak Sep 2017
Oh the songs,
The stories,
Misappropriated words,
Misspoken information.
Choose your side,
But when your allegiance
Is based on lies,
Your very defense of your point
Is a mistruth in of itself.
So run your mouth,
But I've got
A bullet for
Every person
Who falls for your
Fearful facade.
And my trigger finger
Is definitely getting itchy.
306 · Jul 2017
Wordfreak Jul 2017
The passage of time
Has become torture.
The seconds slipping by
Scrape against my conciousness,
As a rowboat does against jagged rocks.
The pain presses outward,
And I can feel invisible blood
Running from my ears.
The ticking of The Clock
Pounds at my temples.
Existence is Pain.
*Death is Release.
304 · Aug 2016
Wordfreak Aug 2016
I can feel it.
Always ******* there.
A constant pressure.
An uncomfortable force
Pushing on my skin,
My soul,
My brain.
Deep breath in,
Flick of the wrist.
Sharp exhale.
One more slit for the pain to escape through.
One more splatter on the bathroom floor.
One more day of relief.
303 · Jun 2016
Night Hours
Wordfreak Jun 2016
I am a late night thinker,
Who holds a muted light under the covers,
Who scribbles quickly before it flickers out,
Who suffers from a willing lack of sleep.
I do all that I am possibly able,
What I can do for others,
What I must do for my family,
What I want to do for myself.
I do some of my best work at night,
When the moon is full,
When coyotes cackle in the fields,
When owls scold each other in the trees.
I live east of the giant mountains,
Where the sun rises over them each day,
Where I fight against those around me,
Where I call my one and only home.
But still I have so many questions.
Why am I here?
Why am I writing this?
And why, in the world, do people read it?
#Who #What #When #Where #Why
Wordfreak Dec 2016
He saw her,
Eyes piercing the darkness
To seek him out.
She seemed to be thinking heavily,
Hanging over the fence that divided them.
He saw her everyday ordeals,
The facade she put on to pass through the sunlight unmarred.

The light never crossed the divide,
Because of his own doing.
He had control of the shadows
And they protected him.
They still hissed at him sometimes,
Weren't always friendly,
But they never but him.
They knew he would bite back.

You see, controlling The Shadows was easy.
He simply bound them to the song.
A song that reverberated in his very being.
They knew he had nothing to lose.
They feared him.
He had always been more comfortable in the dark,
It spoke of silent beauty and danger.
He'd been breeding them because he wanted to further his territory,
But he couldn't bring himself to darken the rest of the world.
The result was a swirling vortex where the shadows frolicked,
For now they had a domain,
And a keeper,
All their own.

Day after day,
The Girl would sigh,
Hop down off of the fence,
And secure her mask.
It covered tired eyes and an accusing frown.
Once the mask was in place,
The others didn't see a difference,
But he could see the lines where her skin ended and the lie began.

The eyes were too cold,
The smile too shallow.
Her laughs rung hollow.
And each day,
She had to tear it from her face,
With more difficulty each time.

He missed her that morning.
He started over as she hopped down and put her mask on.
That night he was waiting for her on the other side of the fence,
His guitar slung across his back.
The shadows followed like they always did,
One flanking each side.
As if they are silent sentries.
He stood silently as she approached,
Wondering if she saw him,
And what she would say when she arrived.
Respone to The Boy Who Breeds Shadows
301 · Jul 2016
Moving On
Wordfreak Jul 2016
I feel easily forgotten.
Past loves are happy once I'm gone.
They swiftly fall for others
Or realize they were happier before.
I give my all.
Maybe that's the problem.
I need to keep myself hidden.
Because the problems start when I reveal my heart.
300 · Dec 2016
Belief (Not Believe)
Wordfreak Dec 2016
I come from a place where the shadows, they breed, in back alleys and give birth to bad things.
They feed them with greed, and they nest in the trees 'til decay kills the branches that snap free.
Some people say that it's not all that bad, we'll survive as long as we believe.
But I don't believe that this thing called belief gauruntees a future that I'll see.
300 · Mar 2019
Wordfreak Mar 2019
It can't rain all the time
Says the sun as it rests
Nestled above the pulsing clouds
While wave by wave of shining silver
Give a cool respite to the world below
297 · Nov 2016
Wordfreak Nov 2016
What most people don't realize is,
Death is relative.
You decide your own destiny,
Whether to go quietly,
Or to use it for your purpose.

I don't intend to slowly fade.
I plan to go nova.
Spread the heat of countless stars,
Create a black hole,
And take the entire ******* universe with me.

*Ut mori solent stellae vivere...
"To die like a star is to live..."
297 · Dec 2016
Shoot Me
Wordfreak Dec 2016
I stand in front of you,
Blood on my hands.
A monster like you've never seen.
I hiss and spit.
I rage and roar.
And beg.
I spit bile from my mouth and wail.
Asking why you won't do it.
Why you won't end my pain.
End it.
Shoot me.
I'm tired of this existence.
I'm tired of taking lives,
Of destroying dreams,
Of ending happiness.
I'm tired of never having any of my own.
Shoot me again
I ain't dead yet
Shoot me again
Shoot me again
*Shoot me
Lyrics from Shoot Me Again by Metallica
296 · May 2016
Walk With Us
Wordfreak May 2016
Join us.
Walks amongst the killers.
The muggers, the criminals, the monsters.
Those with no fear,
Those with no conscience.
Walk amongst those who understand loss.
We take from the world,
Because it has taken from us.
Unfortunately, we feel pain.
And we become more rageful because of it.
We feel no love, though we crave to.
We feel no guilt.
I'm a ******, though not in the usual way.
My words force themselves through your eyelids.
Making you want to believe them,
To read more.
But that's a talent.
I use it, and I don't apologize.
Wordfreak Nov 2017
There is a reason for the end of life.
To give rise to the future.
As the seasons change,
And our elders pass,
With us we bring new art,
New music,
New ideas.
I hope one day my poetry will be my legacy.
But the end is never easy.
My Great Grandfather,
Much you taught me.
But saying goodbye to you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in front of you.
*Avus meus sapiens requiescant in pace
294 · Dec 2016
Wordfreak Dec 2016
They'll never see us.
The real us.
The broken ones that have nothing to lose.
The 19 year old lost in his sorrows.
The 15 year old who hates her body.
He drowns himself in ***** while she forces her fingers down her throat.
The girls that do what they shouldn't to find love in the wrong places.
The guys that can't hide everything.
The kids that hide razorblades in their dresser drawers.
The suicidal, the lost and forgotten.
The ones that are different.
The boy who clears his conscience using poetry.
We make up the majority yet are powerless to change the way things are.
Nobody wants to help us because then they become associated with us.
Then they become us.
294 · May 2016
Wordfreak May 2016
There's a pounding in my brain
Keeping me awake,
And it seems to intensify
Every time I close my eyelids.
293 · Mar 2017
Wordfreak Mar 2017
We all know the feeling of something missing,
But what about when what's been misplaced is a piece of the soul?
I feel like I've lost my identity.
My better half has been whisked from my sight.
Now all I can do is endure until she returns.
292 · Jan 2017
More (#244)
Wordfreak Jan 2017
A number is not an identity.
My weight is not my beauty.
My test scores are not my intelligence.
My age is not my level of responsibility.
Everyone is beautiful regardles of size.
I may be better at some things,
Music, artistry, creativity.
At 18 I've lost more than most before me.
Is this poem #244?
It is, yet it isn't.
It needs a name.
Help me name #244
292 · Dec 2016
Twist (Amethyst Fyre)
Wordfreak Dec 2016
Maybe I'm mistaken.
It seems when I look ahead,
There's a figure.
He's hunched over a pitted six string,
Plucking, playing and making it ring.
I recognize the songs,
But I don't know where from.
All I know is that the shadows gleefully frolick as he plays.
They multiply and scatter.
As the guitar sings faster and seems to scream,
They keep in time.
And just when I get close enough to see,
The figure turns and grins,
It's me.
Then I realize I practice the same songs,
Over and over every night.
Me, who whispers of darkness to the world,
Who urges the shadows to breed and be bold.
But of course,
I don't believe in fate.
But I do believe in wishful thinking.
Because I know myself.
I'd much rather infect the darkness,
And twist it to my own use.
I'll be ****** if I become its victim instead.
Response to Find or Fall
Wordfreak Nov 2016
Even if I told you the truth,
Would you believe it?
Or would I need to spin a new story
So you could happily accept a falsehood?
291 · Mar 2017
Narcissism Revealed
Wordfreak Mar 2017
If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve to  be around at my best
291 · Jan 2017
Solemn Reflection
Wordfreak Jan 2017
My eyes open.
The world is millions of different hues,
Yet limited to black, grey and white.
Everything seems to shimmer,
The outlines constantly shifting.
Then I know where I am.
The blood spatter on the carpet still there,
A ****** handprint on my guitar.
The knife is still stuck into the wall,
Where I left it.
Stained sheets and towels sit in a pile,
A crimson mountain of past misery.
A shirt sits rumpled on the floor.
I pick it up,
And see a groaning hole
Where I cut out the US Army logo.
This is the day after I got back.
Pleading words cut into a chipped wooden desk.
A trail of red circles leading toward the bathroom door...
Non vincere bello fortis.
"A warrior without a war to win"
But I'm not a warrior at all.
At least,
Not anymore.
I can't believe it's been almost two months...
290 · Jul 2016
Where are You?
Wordfreak Jul 2016
She was the first to read it all.
The sprouts peeked through the dirt.
She watered them with wonder.
My masterpieces shot up, a testament to her.
But now she's gone.

You know, inspiration is in short supply.
I'm addicted, have been since we first talked.
Now my source has disappeared.
My metaphors seem strained.
And the pen seems foreign on my fingertips

Where are you?
Have you given up?
Given in to this world we used to laugh at?
Or are you still waiting...
For your angel with a shotgun?
#You #TakeThePainAway #HelpMe
290 · Dec 2018
Wordfreak Dec 2018
After all this time.
One truth stands out.
A cold steel blade
Is still more dependable
Than a flesh and blood
Human being.
Because people change.
But I can always keep
My knives sharp.
289 · May 2016
Wordfreak May 2016
Playing with the heart of another,
Is like crossing the wires on a bomb.
If it results in an explosion,
You're liable for the damage,
And lives lost.
But chances are,
You wont take responsibility,
You'll dodge the blame like most do,
Deny involvement,
And blame the crime on the victim.
287 · Dec 2016
Acid Rain
Wordfreak Dec 2016
A blue sky doesn't gauruntee good weather.
The sky won't necessarily stay clear,
And lightning can strike from miles away.
A downpour doesn't have to be bad either.
Sometimes an acid rain will cleanse the landscape.
286 · Jul 2016
Wordfreak Jul 2016
They found out that I'm defective.
Now there's a stamp on my forehead
285 · Jul 2016
Wordfreak Jul 2016
I have a problem.
I like blood too much.
I'm a man of war.
Battle brings me joy.
The flash of firing cannons,
The ring of clashing swords.
To be so close to death,
Makes me feel more alive.
And I know I will leave,
The same way that I lived.
A shifting crimson pool,
And soul leaving my eyes.
285 · Jul 2016
Wordfreak Jul 2016
I have come to terms with the fact
That you are the real Silvertongue,
And I no longer have a claim on the title.
285 · Jan 2017
Wordfreak Jan 2017
I won't let them in
for the same reason
I won't let myself out.
285 · Jan 2019
The Final Day
Wordfreak Jan 2019
On the final day
Does the pain give way?
When I bring myself to my end
Will I finally be happy?
Will the freedom from
Flesh and feeling
Allow me to spend eternity
Alone with the universe?
Only one way to find out.
284 · Jan 2017
Wordfreak Jan 2017
An old man stopped me on the bridge,
The one in the park over the pond,
And he asked how things were.
I was honest.
It was ugly,
It was angry,
It took a while for me to finish.
And he told me:
"You're much too young to be bitter."
He said,
"You need to focus on the future instead of the past."
I thanked him for his advice and thought.
Then I realized.
He was right,
But I'm not too sure I have a future to focus on.
#Future #Depression
284 · Dec 2019
Little Ones
Wordfreak Dec 2019
I am their rock,
The little ones
Are my legacy
282 · Aug 2016
Wordfreak Aug 2016
Someone, please help me.
I'm looking for a friend.
One I have not seen in quite some time.
He left me empty.
Perhaps you know him?
The Silvertongue?
He who was the weaver of words,
The teller of tales
And the creator of worlds?
He was so quick with his tongue.
His humanity was intact,
Yet he was not foolish.
He understood people
And cared about them.
It matters not...
The Silvertongue is gone I guess.
I wish I could bear the name of one so great.
Bah, such thoughts are foolish.
Do not wish for things that cannot be.
#Silvertongue #Lost
282 · Jan 2017
Spiritual Scavenging
Wordfreak Jan 2017
We're all the same,
Yet different beyond words.
We all lack something,
And search fruitlessly for it.
Yet we all search for something different.
The list is literally endless.
But I'm not searching for something.
It seems I'm searching for someone.
Not to have and to hold,
Not to love or to lose.
I search for an old friend.
Someone I know well yet have never met.
I'm hoping he'll lead me home.
But Death is never very accommodating.
How does the old saying go?
You'll always find what you seek in the last place you look.
282 · Nov 2016
Darkness (Amethyst Fyre)
Wordfreak Nov 2016
It's true,
We are all equal parts dark and light.
But the dark isn't all bad.
You may see it as ugly.
You may see it as evil.
But it can be beautiful.

The darkness at midnight on a country road.
Void space behind the eyelids when falling asleep.
Shadows flitting across rooftops.
Black ink slipping and stalking across a page.
Interstellar light-years where no sound can be heard.

I concede, darkness can be ugly.
But beauty comes hand in hand.
For example, the brilliance of a dying star.
The radiance of a dancing fire.
The rhythm of gunfire...

I have made a morbid point.
But a point I have made.
I actually prefer the shadows,
The sunshine is much too crowded.
280 · Dec 2016
Be Careful
Wordfreak Dec 2016
Most wild animals don't like being touched.
You look at me quizzically,
Before reaching closer.
That's what I am.
An animal.
You may not think so,
But it's true.
An amused smile crosses your lips.
Oh, if you only knew the danger you were in.
One thing about wolves.
We like to bite.
Your eyes go a little wider, you grin,
And tuck your hair behind your ear.
Daring me to.
That's okay
You say.
Do it.
And I lose control.
It's more of a tender bite.
You inhale.
That's weird.
I think.
Usually when I bite, something dies.
A soft laugh.
*But I like it
280 · Jan 2019
Wordfreak Jan 2019
Life and Death
Love and Hate
A life lived ******
Is a live lived lonely
279 · Aug 2016
Don't I? (#You)
Wordfreak Aug 2016
But if you weren't "you",
Would it have been alright?
Love is accepting your match
For who they are.
Not who they could be,
Who they will be,
Or who they could change into.
I'm sorry your view is so bleak.
In time you will see,
The one won't run from your words.
They will embrace them, and love them
As they love you.
276 · Jan 2017
Think We Know
Wordfreak Jan 2017
I think I know you.
Stories of fire and fallen angels,
Intermixed with teardrops,
Frozen on the edges of eyelashes.
If I do, I apologize.
I've never been good at making the right call.
If I don't...
Well then never mind.

You may think you know me,
A man with flight born of shadows,
In love with flickering flames,
And a tendancy to turn wolflike.
I tend to use my teeth only after my walls fall,
And even then I'm prone to giving priority to a rebiulding.
If you do, I apologize.
I'm not much worth knowing.
If I don't...
Re-read line 8.
#Acquainted perhaps
276 · Jul 2016
And I Burn Once Again
Wordfreak Jul 2016
I stand upon the stage,
Thousands of angry faces stare upon me,
Accusations in their eyes.
The fire has spread and gone out of control,
My hands are bound,
I am trapped.

Upon the pyre,
I feel a single tear roll down my cheek,
But the heat from the flames makes it disappear.
As if it was never there,
As if they are trying to underline the truth,
It is too late for remorse.

I close my eyes,
But I can hear the crackle of the flames as they approach,
The executioner with a mask of black.
No axe to occupy his hands,
Instead a single torch,
And excitement stirs the crowd.

The order is given,
The people prepare for the show,
I lower my head in defeat.
Standing on a bonfire,
I watch the same match that I used to light my own fire,
Twirl towards my feet as it cackles.
And for the last time, I burn.
A follow up for my poem And I Burn. Very dramatic, very elegant. Overall one of my favorite pieces I've written.
274 · Nov 2016
Wordfreak Nov 2016
I'm a monster.
Tendrils of anger lash out,
Wrapping around those nearest.
They gasp for breath, choke for air,
Plead for mercy.
I close my eyes, try to ignore the begging, the screams.
But they bore into my very being.
Then everything stops.
I open my eyes.
Another daydream.
Another moment of wishing destruction.
Another moment of imagined eruption.
One more time where I wanted to let go.
I wanted to explode and wreak havoc.
I need help.
No, not help.
Mostly I need a target.
A focus point.
Something to align my sights to
So I can pull the trigger.
273 · Jun 2016
Wordfreak Jun 2016
I see you,
Not by reflected or absorbed light rays,
But by the way one soul sees another.
I feel you,
Not through touch but emotion,
By the way your heart carreses mine.
I hear you,
You whisper tender things to keep me going,
And you angrily object whenever I fall.
I smell you,
Your scent in my truck, on my clothes,
It clogs my pores and I am an addict.
I taste you,
On my lips when I close my eyes,
And whenever I relive happy memories.
I love you,
And this life we have together,
The way you roll your eyes at me and call me "dork".
You telling me your problems aren't mine, when really they are ours.
I hold you,
In times of sadness, anger, loss.
And I'm glad that you're mine.
There's nobody I would rather have by my side.
273 · Dec 2016
Old Friend
Wordfreak Dec 2016
It's been a month.
My ultimate failure looms behind me as I try to keep walking.
I still haven't called you to Tell you what happened...
The truth is I can't.
I modeled my life after yours.
You taught me everything I know.
My morals.
My ethic.
How can I tell my mentor I failed at the one task he prepared me for?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I couldn't do it.
I'm sorry your attention was wasted on me.
The truth is...
I'm just a boy.
I had to sell the red Chevy truck.
And now I have nothing.
Except a mop of muddy brown hair
To match the dull eyes on my face.
271 · Jan 2019
Wordfreak Jan 2019
Too tired to sleep
And I know my dreams
Will be soaked in
Blood and sweat
And waking up
Means blaming myself
For the friends I lost
All over again
269 · May 2016
Wordfreak May 2016
Have I been forgotten?
Erased from your mind,
Because of this single obstacle?
I know you see my writings.
I know you know what they mean.
Do your eyes glide past them,
To avoid the words written there?
Do you not want to finish our story?
Is it coming to an end,
Here? After we've tried so hard...
An end without an ending?
Are you walking away,
The leading role,
During intermission?
Am I supoosed to dazzle the audiences myself?
A story with a single insane character is bound to be a disaster.
So instead I'll sit,
In the middle of the stage,
Back to the audience,
A notebook in one hand,
Knife in the other.
#You #SaySomething #GiveMeaSign #Forgotten
268 · Jun 2016
Wordfreak Jun 2016
Blood spackles, like pretty pictures in a morbid scene of expression. It pools in microscopic indentions in the concrete, assuring this scene can never fully be washed away. The only witness to the crime has been whisked away, in lieu of a chalk outline. Yellow tape ***** in the wind, waving goodbye to the lost. Red and blue flashes ricochet off of every surface, momentarily blinding the shadows before flicking back off.
I stand, back against a tree, still in shock. The gunshots still echo off of the swollen pavement, the clink of the falling brass rings in my ears. But yet, I survived.
I dedicate this poem to all victims, both survivors and those lost, and also to families and friends affected by violence of any kind, anywhere in the world. #WeMustStandTogether
266 · Jun 2016
The Perfect Shot
Wordfreak Jun 2016
Inhale, exhale,
I shift slightly,
Slowly slide the lubricated bolt forward,
A single round is locked into the chamber.
I close my eyes for a moment.
Inhale, exhale.
Open them.
Rest my cheek on cold metal.
Peer through a window that shows a man hunched 150 yards away.
Inhale, exhale.
Gently run my finger along the curvature of the trigger.
Inhale, exhale.
Lub dub.
One life taken could mean a hundred lives saved.
No regrets.
266 · Jun 2016
Wordfreak Jun 2016
Some say a poem should be eccentric,
Complex and technical.
A collection of grand specimens
From the authors vocabulary.
I prefer a simpler approach.
A single syllable is sometimes all you need,
And sometimes,
It is more than enough.
266 · Jun 2016
Wordfreak Jun 2016
I plod along,
My padded paws muffling my steps.
The trees form a canopy,
Leaving this space devoid of light.
The only sounds are of my footsteps,
As I slink through the shifting shadows.
Here and there a set of glowing eyes flash,
And close once again to avoid prolonged detection.
Then, through a break in the leaves above,
The moon shines proudly,
Sharing the light that was given to her by her lover the sun.
I drink in the moonlight,
It sustains me.
But I make sure to take only what I need,
So the moon can share her lover's gift
With the world.
And I howl in thanks.
265 · Jan 2017
Wordfreak Jan 2017
I remember the day vividly.
You sat huddled,
Your disciples egging you on.
Your soft cheeks and long hair contrasting the dark walls.
Blessed words fell from your lips and echoed through the masses.
The crowds whispered them.
And I could feel the eyes.
You told them you would save them.
I was a curse.
I should be deserted.
Demon or not,
I don't want your holy disease.
A look at bullying and popularity through a unique lense.
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