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May 2016 · 334
Wondering Woman May 2016
I **** at everything I have ever tried to do. I have no hobby other than sitting in the woods having solemn conversations with myself every day of the ******* week, aloud to the trees, talking about **** I would never actually say to people. Hypothetical discussions that I know I would never even have the chance to have with people because no one gives a **** to converse with me. Soft soliloquy's have overflowed the forest I spend my lonely time in. I have come to a realization that there is not a single person who has any interest in understanding the depths of my mind. I have friends and I know they care about me, but I am truly a lonely person who longs for both amatory and genuine love. I carry out empty and meaningless conversations with basically everyone who takes the time to approach me, but maybe it's because the one's I lust after never take a god ****** moment to look  back at me. I have wished and attempted to rid the lamenting life in which I sustain. I admire nature's natural hue that vibrates within my soul. I wish I had someone to appreciate my immense thoughts. No one gives a **** about who I am beyond the words I utter to the crowd. I just ******* ****, dude. I don't have close relationships with people because I am the only one who cares about what is caressing someone's inner-self. I cant help but whisper to death and desperately request my end. Then I realize what a dumb little girl I am. I covet **** that will never be more than a mere want. My life has succumbed to pure melancholy and lewd lust.
May 2016 · 471
Amatory Death
Wondering Woman May 2016
I pled guilty
Against death's
Subsiding kiss
Apr 2016 · 277
Acid Poetry
Wondering Woman Apr 2016
Oh Alice, wont you come back
Or have I gone?
Gone mad
Alice have I left
To another realm?
My brain
What have you done?
Apr 2016 · 494
Lustful Touches
Wondering Woman Apr 2016
Lewd whisperings
Spoken upon
My warm body

He caresses my
Inner thigh with
Deaths punisher

Thoughts flow through and
Out his sly mouth
Apr 2016 · 258
Falling society
Wondering Woman Apr 2016
I saw society today
twas not all of them
but enough to
turn my lost soul
Mar 2016 · 313
Physical Realm
Wondering Woman Mar 2016
Vast landscape
in your eyes
Like the infinite
Tunnel of
Mar 2016 · 431
Wondering Woman Mar 2016
Inconspicuous suicide
of all incompetent men-
The void of fallen consciousness;
Maleficent darkness
of what was
Now is.
Nov 2015 · 182
Wondering Woman Nov 2015
inside is a fire;
never will it go out
my scars are the
only reminder
of all that was dire.
Nov 2015 · 207
Wondering Woman Nov 2015
You are created
You are ended

Death is inevitable
Living a sweet life is not

Make your concious life
Worth it.
Jul 2015 · 251
Wondering Woman Jul 2015
What you call
Is the good
Of an ******
Jun 2015 · 302
I want to be the one
Wondering Woman Jun 2015
I want to be the one
To love you for who
You truly are.
I want to be the one
To admire all of
Your flaws.
I want to be the one
To give you
I want to be the one
To put a smile
On your face
When I come to mind.
I want to be the one
You love.
Can I be the one?
Jun 2015 · 240
Wondering Woman Jun 2015
Loneliness intrigues
Being alone
Intrigues thought
In which sparks
Questions that may
Never be answered.
Jun 2015 · 318
Unknown universe
Wondering Woman Jun 2015
Leading a long journey
through her wicked mind
who could ever understand
such cryptic thoughts?
With a mind of her own
her heart shall roam
lingering into unknown
The stars in her head
were the thoughts of the sky,
the tears she cried
were each a galaxy-
all holding a different kind
of existence.
Her vile acts
were evil to others,
but who can understand
what is thought
only in the mind
of the chosen
Jun 2015 · 212
Wondering Woman Jun 2015
our souls
shall become one
in the light
of a new universe.
Jun 2015 · 219
Wondering Woman Jun 2015
Time is slipping
As vast as life
Your day will come.
Jun 2015 · 236
No answer
Wondering Woman Jun 2015
And suddenly,
it all became apparent-
then & there.
In that moment..
I had finally realized
I will never know

I will never know
Why I lost you
why you never came back
it's a sad story
that I will always
dread to
I asked myself.
Then I realized
I will never know
the answer.
Jun 2015 · 214
Wondering Woman Jun 2015
is absurd.
Jun 2015 · 4.5k
Mother Nature
Wondering Woman Jun 2015
Sweet mother nature
what have we done?
Stripped away your beauty
taken away your clothes
stolen your soul.
Will you ever
be whole

I'm sorry, Mother.
Our folly acts
our incoherent ways
can you ever forgive us?
May 2015 · 211
Wondering Woman May 2015
My mind
is quite
the sun.
Trying to
understand it
will only
get you burned.
May 2015 · 238
The unknown
Wondering Woman May 2015
Who knows
what goes beyond
the only things
men hath
May 2015 · 314
Wondering Woman May 2015
The tall trees
The bright sun
The light clouds
Thank you,
Mother nature.
May 2015 · 246
Wondering Woman May 2015
we started at hello
and ended
in hell.
May 2015 · 199
Wondering Woman May 2015
We create
all that is of
this universe,
with our minds.
Create the unimagined.
May 2015 · 294
Love of two souls
Wondering Woman May 2015
I felt infinite,
in the grasp of
your arms
around my waist.
Gazing at the stars,
not a single worry
in our minds.
Just the love
of two souls
May 2015 · 203
Wondering Woman May 2015
Lets get high
curse our fears
& make love.
For forever
is nothing
a word.
May 2015 · 322
Wondering Woman May 2015
8 years pass
my heart is so empty
yet so full of grief.
A world
with no mother
nor father
is not a life at all.
The bliss of you both
is now gone.
For the only feelings
I have left,
are those
of bewilder.
May 2015 · 196
Wondering Woman May 2015
The afterlife
Is nothing
But the essence of
The unknown.
May 2015 · 298
Out of this life
Wondering Woman May 2015
the eyes rest
as the mind wanders
into a mystical place
of the incomprehensible.

not a single being
able to explain
the story
of their
cryptic dreams.
May 2015 · 201
Wondering Woman May 2015
let your mind overflow
with everlasting
let sorrow not
the beautiful
you have obtained.
May 2015 · 315
Wondering Woman May 2015
Fantasy, my friend
The only escape
From this treacherous

— The End —