The void of emptiness
The black of night
The sound of silence
My soul takes flight
The questions asked
The fights re-lived
The fact I'm broken
My soul takes flight
The love that's lost
The time unshared
The signs of stress
My soul takes flight
The tiresome thoughts
The preempt plans
The truth of loneliness
My soul takes flight
Foretold is a saying that holds the control
They say when in trauma your soul just knows
To stop all the thoughts running round in your head,
To protect oneself mentally so you don't wind up dead.
Your soul chooses for you fight or flight as they say,
So I sit and I wait for the choice of the day.
For so many years the choice was to fight,
Leaving me tired and empty all day and all night.
My soul wears the scars so deep yet so clear,
Fight or flight brings me loneliness,
My one deepest fear.
Laurel Selby
I lost my dad to cancer 23 days ago, I miss him so much, my head is heavy, my heart hurts.