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Apr 2017 · 408
Numbed by Numbers
Ashley Haack Apr 2017
I didn't realize that burying my head in textbooks
Drowning my thoughts in statistical calculations
Masking my emotions with a blank look of contemplation
Was my way of coping
Mar 2017 · 332
Somber Night
Ashley Haack Mar 2017
And then the ground shook                                                                                    
with a mighty crash,                                                                        
slumbering souls disturbed,                                        
rains drenching the lands,                            
cities crumbled, winds howled.  
She fell to her knees                                                                                                  
on the hard tiled floor,                                                                    
her head filled with screams,                                      
as red ran down her arms                          
the silence slowly encroached.
Mar 2016 · 436
Ashley Haack Mar 2016
They are young,
But they've forgotten,
We grow old,
We are the forgotten.
Mar 2016 · 334
#9 (6-word)
Ashley Haack Mar 2016
Her words make mighty mountains tremble
Mar 2016 · 417
Ashley Haack Mar 2016
Those words
Are just a part
Of the pieces to
This wilting tower,
My crumbling crows nest
Built of the cracked legos that
I stepped on, again, late last night,
While stumbling to the bathroom,
Only guided by the lightning
From the angry sky outside
The window, trying to get
In and drench me to my
Core, chill me to my brittle
Bones, that are bruised
Enough, get out of
My head, just
Let me
Mar 2016 · 268
Ashley Haack Mar 2016
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
Ashley Haack Dec 2015

You just need a
Moment, to sit and listen
To the noise of the world around
You as the chaos inside of your head
Finally begins to quiet
And watch
The snow

Nov 2015 · 372
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
Said it soft and slowly,
With words tantalized and teased me,
Had me hanging on the edge of your twisted blade,
Thought you were here to set me free,
Instead you plucked off all my feathers,
One by one,
Recounting poems of romance and doves,
As you took away my beauty,
And striped away the bone,
With kisses and your wicked teeth,
You bled me out and with malicious might-
Took my heart and fled in the night,
But I am not a feeble creature,
My vigor burns eternally, bright,
My bones mended and my feather grew back,
Black instead of white,
My innocent appearance left to smolder,
My ebony cloak gleams,
Beneath which my scars are seen,
This wicked phoenix is not dead,
But born again from my own sea of red,
Nov 2015 · 572
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
As all her words glitter by,
A most beautiful dust in the air,
It feels like she's here again,
Her kind eyes all but a fading memory,
The sound of her voice,
An echo of life,
Silenced to our minds,
Confined to the past,
I wish your time had lasted,
Even just a second more,
Wish I had hugged you just one more time,
But here I am instead,
Staring out the window,
Watching the leaves swirl by,
Cradling your precious words away.
Nov 2015 · 306
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
When each meal is smaller then the last,
Your hope fading fast,
Smile faltering,
Armor cracking,
Spirit dying,
Nov 2015 · 466
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
Are my hands always cold from the absence of another's hands,
Do they feel like I because that's how I act?
Cold and bitter? Sharp and rigid?
Are they cold because I don't eat right?
Or because I don't do much?
Do my hands feel like ice because I'm sad?
Because every single **** time I'm happy for even a moment I crash back down into the darkest abyss in my mind?
Is the coldness just caused my the weather?
Are they cold because no one cares enough to warm them up?
Or because nobody notices my shivering?
Or simply from poor circulation?
Nov 2015 · 370
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
Whisper all your dark secrets to the wind,
Hear her howling vow to guard them 'til she breathes no more
Nov 2015 · 358
Food for Thought
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
When the roaring winds quiet and the crashing waves subside,
What's left is a silent picture,
A still frame of destruction,
A single image worthy of awe,
When the final chord is strummed and the last beat drummed,
What's left is an eerie silence,
A mental echo of the sounds,
A silent vibration through the air,
When the bright lights burn out and the world starts to slumber,
What's left is a somber mood,
A time to contemplate,
A chance to experience true silence,

Take the time to marvel at the after-image, the absence of sound, the Silence of night,
For actions are only as meaningful as the thought given to them in their Absence.
Nov 2015 · 731
The Regret Still Haunts Me
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
My imagination blurs my vision,
Site replaced with thoughts,
Memories taking over my consciousness,
Words screaming inside my skull,
Thoughts pounding against my temple,
The barrage of emotions engulfs me, yet again,
Stealing away my breath,
Reducing me to shallow gasps,
Pricking my eyes to the point of tears,
Throwing me down,
Crippling me,
******* me under the waves,
Drowning me with questions,
Why you?
Nov 2015 · 399
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
When I looked in the mirror,
I finally started to see the things he loves
Oct 2015 · 453
That Strange Mood
Ashley Haack Oct 2015
When all you can do is listen to Mad World on repeat for hours,
And the words hit you hard,
The meaning sinking in,
Just listening to the tune,
And drowning in the lyrics,
Dying in the rhythms,
Understanding that it's all true.
Oct 2015 · 298
Broken Person
Ashley Haack Oct 2015
It's one thing to be torn apart by the hateful words of others,
It's another thing entirely to be the one berating and destroying yourself,
Cursing all of the mistakes you have made,
Beating yourself for all the things you cause to go wrong,
Destroying the shreds of self esteem you keep trying to weave together,
Into something that wont look as mangled and destroyed as you feel inside,
Drowning on the tears you cause yourself to shed,
Sinking in the abyss of self doubt you've created,
Burring yourself in the bottomless hole you've dug in your mind,
The hole you throw yourself into day after day,
The dark pit where your hatred and anger devour you,
Where others can't hope to drag you out,
The hole where you are so completely alone that you start giving up,
The fight seeps out of you, slowly,
Tear by tear,
Week by week,
Until you're nothing but a hollow shell called 'you'.
Oct 2015 · 331
Stupid Me
Ashley Haack Oct 2015
Why do I ask the stupid questions?
Why do I care about the stupid things?
Why do I hurt so easily?
Why do I cry for the dumbest of reasons?
Why do I fear the inevitable?
Why do I worry about the unchangeable?
Why do I stress over things yet to happen?
Why do I act so stupidly?
Sep 2015 · 303
Ashley Haack Sep 2015
When you check your email,
Like any other day,
And get excited to see new messages,
Only to discover the first is an email stating that you either aren't needed or aren't qualified enough,
For that job you really wanted,
And the second new email tells you,
"Guess what? That other possition you wanted? Well, it's out of the question too!"
Happy Friday to me :/
Sep 2015 · 272
Ashley Haack Sep 2015
Every so often I let my soul fly
Sep 2015 · 318
Ashley Haack Sep 2015
There comes a time when the waves of emotions die down,
And the waters still,
And you can see clearly,
All the things you've done.

There comes a time when the fog in your mind lifts,
And your mind clears,
And you can understand why you chose this path.

There comes a time when you will understand,
And you will stop regretting,
And you will learn to be accepting,
And life will get better.

That time is now
Jun 2015 · 298
Ashley Haack Jun 2015
A queen would be nothing if not
for her most loyal knight
Jun 2015 · 311
Ashley Haack Jun 2015
I've lived in fear
Of the monster for
So long that I
Didn't even notice
The monster scares
My knight as well
Jun 2015 · 366
Ashley Haack Jun 2015
I've finally found my king,
He had traded his crown for armor,
His cape replaced with a shield,
No matter what he wears upon his head,
Or on his battle scarred chest,
Therer's no denying who he is,
My king, my knight, and my love
May 2015 · 439
Ashley Haack May 2015
I never asked for the crown,
Yet he insisted I wear it,
Despite my protests,
He swore to protect me,
And put on armor,
To fend off evil foes,
But all I ever asked for,
Was his love,
I don't need him to protect me,
I've got my own armor,
I wear it proudly in my eyes,
They glint with it's metalic sheen,
I'm not as weak as I seem,
I am just seeking the one I love
I'm seeking for my King
May 2015 · 355
A Letter To...
Ashley Haack May 2015
Do you ever start writting and erase it all a billion times over, just trying to get it right?
Do you roll around in your bed at night because your mind is too restless to get any sleep?
Do you spend your free time thinking and dreaming of new things you could do if only you tried harder?
Do you sit in the dark of a closed off room because the sun is just too happy for your mood?
Do you look at the sky at night and wish the stars would never fade away into sunlight?
Do you find yourself wishing on those same stars, wishing for things to change, or stay the same?
Do you think too much and cause yourself to question everything and wonder about stupid things like I do?
Do you make random lists of things to fill your time and express a little bit of your feelings?
Do you think I'm strange when I do the things that I do, even though they seem a little odd?
Do you know why I hate un-clicked pens?
Do you know what scares me the most?
Do you know why my favorite color is blue?
Do you know how my hand writting looks?
If I whispered all my secrets to you, would you keep them locked inside the prision fortress of your mind, and never tell a soul?
Would you guard those secrets with your life?
Would you protect me from the things that go bump in the night?
Would you fend off the dark demons that plague me, and whisk me away to our own kingdom of safety?
Would you be my knight, and my king?
May 2015 · 301
One Down...
Ashley Haack May 2015
I finally
out who
is worth
the pain
Apr 2015 · 283
Ashley Haack Apr 2015
And I keep on waiting,
Waiting for my world to change...
Mar 2015 · 303
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
I looked in a mirror this morning,

My reflection wasn't quite good enough,

I didn't really like what I saw,

It's time to change...
Mar 2015 · 249
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
I seem
To only
Ever cry
Mar 2015 · 309
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
Last summer...
           When we went to an elementary school,
                        To test out some throwing knives,
                                     And that target we made,
Mar 2015 · 622
Humanity- Is Doomed
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
When sitting in the school coffee shop,
And all I hear is a group of immature guys,
Talking about how thirsty their friends are,
Complaining how ugly the ******* on twitter are,
Screaming and yelling and squealing at each other,
It makes me wish I weren't part of this generation.

I've given up on humanity.
Mar 2015 · 494
Mr. Demon's Dream
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
Mr. Demon dreampt
With me wrapped in his arms
Nestled against his chest
In the light of the day
And when he awoke
He smiled at me
And said he'd dreampt
Of snowcones
Mar 2015 · 557
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
There's so many things I want to do right now, but all I seem capable of is pressing back space and erase.
Eraseing the words and time tried phrases, deleting the ideas 'til all there is left is a blank white page.
A page with so much potential, bearing none of the marks of its' purgements, of its' rebirths.
Why is it so difficult to create something I don't want to destroy? Why do I keep starting over...?
Mar 2015 · 389
I Envy Your Pillows,
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
The smell of your shampoo lingers upon them,
Mar 2015 · 666
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
To all the high school wanna-be's who think their rapping is a  God given gift to the world... Please stop.
Mar 2015 · 416
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
I wonder if he can understand me...
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
I've been told all the down sides,
All the things that are supposed to ****,
But really all that does is the struggling to tie my shoes...
I don't really want this to end... I like being able to feel him move,
The only reason I have for wanting it over is
So I can finally hold him in my arms...
They mentioned back pain, and sore feet...
I don't really have that,
Sleepless nights and lots of peeing?
Well, maybe an extra time per day,
Sore ***** and swelling phalangies?
Uh... No, I just need to find a bra that fits...
Is something wrong with me?
I don't have strange food cravings,
I sleep just fine, did I just get off lucky?
Mar 2015 · 425
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
One person in a room of desks,
Eerie silence broken by the sounds
Of computers buzzing and keys clicking,
Distant phones ringing in back rooms...
The musky smell of old books mingling
With the smell of matted carpet several decades old...
All the empty space of an unoccupied library,
It just screams to be filled with hushed voices,
My typing resounds like Goliath's footsteps,
I feel the librarian's searing gaze on my back,
Forcing me to type quietly, in this quiet room,
With its absence of people and lack of noises.
Mar 2015 · 338
Logic Lost on Me
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
I don't understand how dark is evil and light is good,
The light gives skin cancer, blinds, and burns,
The light cooks us, kills us, boils our blood,
So why is it a sign for good?
Mar 2015 · 317
10 Word
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
Sometimes I worry the cuts on his body
aren't accidents...
Mar 2015 · 363
Love Me Always
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
Even when I'm upset and crying,
Hold me close in your strong arms,
Keep me warm and whisper softly,
Tell me everything that you love,
From the way I smile to the look in my eyes,
Remind me that you're love is unending,
Make me see the beauty you insist exists in me,
Take my hand and hold it tightly,
Wipe the tears from my eyes,
Lift my chin up and tell me it's okay,
Look me in the eyes and I know I'll be alright,
Because in that instant I'll know,
That you'll love me always.
Feb 2015 · 551
"Hallelujah"-I love you
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
Song Parody of “Hallelujah”

So, I heard there were some secret words,
That when she sang them, all heard,
But he never cared for her music, did he?
Well, it’s sung as a wish,
With a fourth, and a fifth,
A soft trill, with a quiet lift,
That baffled child composing, “I love you,”

I love you, [x4]

Baby, she’s been there before,
She’s seen that room with the stone cold floor,
She used to live alone, before she knew him,
And she’s seen your banner across the wall,
But true love is not a victory call,
It’s a fragile, and it’s a wordless, “I love you,”

I love you [x4]

He thought, well maybe there’s a God above,
But all he’d ever learned from love,
Was how to beat somebody close to you,
So it’s not her cries that you’ll hear at night,
It’s not their child finally seeing the light,
It’s her broken, but unending, “I love you,”

I love you [x12 and fade out]
Feb 2015 · 508
Lock Picker's Key
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
The chains have sunken in, like ivy on a wall,
It's almost impossible to seperate him from them,
But that's what I'm determined to do.
I may not have noticed them instantly,
For they blend in so easily,
But once they've been spotted they aren't forgotten,
And I've set my sights on unlocking them.
We may be made with broken pieces,
The odds and ends of better things,
But I will use my broken bits as tools,
To fashion a skeleton key,
That will open all the locks,
Of the chains that bind you,
So that you can be free,
To enjoy your life, with me.
Feb 2015 · 424
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
The invisible chains that bind him,
Restriciting him, holding him back,
Why can't I break them from his wrists?
Why can't I unshackel him from the chains?
Try as I may, I can't free him from their grasp...
Is it because he's come to terms with them?
Does he no longer wish to rid them from himself?
Or is he done trying to liberate himself?
Either way, I wont give up this fight,
Until his chains lay defeated at our feet.
Feb 2015 · 671
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
It never stops amazing me how much time flies in hindsight,
The future seems so far away, but what's been done is ancient history.
There's just under eight weeks left,
Till the end of my countdown of mystery.
It's so easy to forget how long it's been,
When you're living an endless winter this blistery.
The day is approaching, the new dawn encroaching,
I can't wait to welcome you into my arms...
Feb 2015 · 491
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
Silently, with tiny beats,
You let me know you're there,
Amidst the fluids and the fat,
Craddled in an un-ending embrace,
I'm just waiting for the day to come,
When you'll emerge to see the world,
And we can hold you in our arms.
Feb 2015 · 890
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
It frustrates me to no end that I never seem to have much to say,
Until my voice has gone away,
And been replaced with a painful, raspy disgrace,
Reminiscent of an old smoker's vocals,
Cough and all, I sound like death,
Like a ******* smoker of some crystal ****,
So here I'll express the aggitation I feel,
At being incapable of communicating.
Feb 2015 · 414
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
So, I went to the office and talked to the lady
Behind the desk that's not quite large enough for her.
She told me she'd change my schedule, of course! But-
I would need to substitue the dropped courses with different ones.
So I hmm-ed and I Uhmm-ed and ended up chosing
To help out the librarian and to take a design class.
(The latter was chosen only because I know someone in it,)
I left the office of awkwardness and now here I am,
Writing and waiting, and hoping for graduation
To hurry up and get here.
Feb 2015 · 429
Is it?
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
He calls it his prison,
He's held hostage there a lot,
But recently I've begun to wonder,
If it's truely a prison or not.
When he goes in he's silent,
He's closed off from the world,
But I try to find a way in, a weak spot,
A ***** in the armor, and I fail...
I'm begining to think that it's not
A prison for him so much as a prison for the world...
A way to lock away everything that causes him pain,
A way to run from the darkness of this world,
To hide away in the safety of the silence
Only found in the recesses of ones own mind...
So tell me, is it a prison for him?
Or is it a prison for the rest of us?
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