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yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: Your grandmother's cancer went away she'll be okay you'll be okay
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking news: You don't care you never did. Take the whole bottle drown your sadness in whiskey AT LEAST THOSE THINGS WILL HURT YOU LESS THAN HE DID.
yellow Dec 2014
Breaking News: It didn't hurt you when he left. You didn't cry, there was no reason to.
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: The only thing that ever broke was the plates you accidentally dropped helping your mother with the dishes not your voice when you tried to say 'I love you' back
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: It didn't hurt when she said goodbye you knew she would come back you never second guessed it
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: Home was an actual building made of brick, wood, and concrete not something made of blood, skin, and a beating heart. Home wasn't him.
yellow Nov 2014
Breaking News: It's been 5 months and you can say his name without choking
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