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163 · Feb 2019
Leaving You Behind
Vilakshan Gaur Feb 2019
To rive the heart that beats for you
Is cruel and unkind
The scar you left without a care
Is burned into my mind
But what of sorrow, what of pain
I'm leaving you behind

A grave mistake it was to love
The worst that could be made
This limping heart calls out for help
But no one comes to aid
And all the colour I now can see
Is longing's deepest shade

I ask myself, 'How does someone
Have heart to cause such pain
To lead one once again to hope
And ****** it again?'
And all I ask, no answer comes
I ask it all in vain

I mask my face and wear a smile
I drink and dance to song
But in some corner of my mind
I know that all is wrong
I know you will forget me, love
But I will not, for long

I say goodbye, and may you have
A life that should be kind
For all your flaws, I loved you much
Perhaps I loved you blind
But no concern, I will get by
I'm leaving you behind
125 · Jul 2022
O boy from afar
Vilakshan Gaur Jul 2022
O boy from afar
Whoever it is you are
Who could know your pain?
Who could know your heart?

In the bleakest of nights
Lit by no moonlights
Who could come to save you?
And who could take your part?

Covered in your blood
Twenty miles of mud
Who could walk your path?
Who could even start?
Vilakshan Gaur Aug 2021
It's cold and unmoving, no sign of a past
Can one deduce, or of the pulse that bound it
Ties broken with all endless earthly affairs
It knows not that soon kindly earth will surround it
An image of an answer to the question of justice
So cold and unmoving:
Her neck, and the noose around it

Her feet in the air, as if to be fleeing
Her gaze seems to stare through the thick veil of time
Her lips turned to stone, she has no more to say
They hanged her, but could not say much for her crime
The men who play God but the devil become
The men:
Whose very souls are encrusted with grime

A rose in the rain, a sylph born of light
Returning to peace and becoming the sleeper
A gleam on her face from a source never seen:
The blade of her keeper- the scythe of the reaper
The night will be cold, but the day will be colder
Her grave:
It will be deep, but innocence's deeper

— The End —