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Sep 2018 · 80
The End Has Come
Ayush Vatsal Sep 2018
the truth has been spoken
the lies are lying down
the rights are ruling
the wrongs have denied
the believes are coming true
the beliefs are being vanished
It's coming for you
and you're feeling it
every desire is fading
every ambition is gone
There is no sadness today
There is no happiness left
There is no opposite here
There is only absence left
but it seems beautiful
it seems divine
everyone is loving
no one will hate today
no one will complaint today
nothing has to choose
nothing has to be fail
don't have to save something
don't have to loose anything
maybe some guilt has left
maybe some unspoken words too
trying to confess it
express your gratitude
try to take a glimpse
glimpse of loved ones
There's no vengeance today
There's no fear left
There's no strength left
There's no weakness left
There's no liability left
There's no delusions of world anymore
feeling it nearby
no worries about it
no more pain after that
no longer any suffering
There's no antidote for it
There's no cure for it
just try to accept it
everything is becoming dark
everything is becoming empty
memories are fading
sights are vanishing
everyone is becoming unknown
after that you'll be just a memory
after that you'll feel nothing
The moment has come
It is here for you
say final goodbye to everything
you're going to be memorable
you're going to be mesmerising
let your ***** stops working
let your body become ash
let your soul become eternal
let yourself be in serenity
let yourself erase from existence
let your life to be meant
let death accept you...

— The End —