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Apr 2014 · 376
Carissa Lee Apr 2014
Red against white
A contrast so bright
Its hard to resist
A shard of glass
The mass of blood
That seems to flood
That gleams under the bathroom light
I gave up my fight
Apr 2014 · 533
Carissa Lee Apr 2014
I tried to get back up off the ground
But I couldn’t get my footing right'
My knees were too weak
My ankles they cracked under the weight of the pain
I held my breath and you held my hand and that is when I realized that I never really had you
You never really loved me
Because you could only hold on for so long
At some point you had to let me fall
And I fell for centuries through the darkness
I never really saw that I could catch myself
I never really realized that I can save myself
The words they circled through my mind like vultures
They picked and pecked at my dead flesh
Apr 2014 · 518
Carissa Lee Apr 2014
I want to rewind
But the clock is colored red
If I look at it in a slant
I should have fled
The sin is committed
Too late to save me
From being pitted in the depths
Fate held on
Seeing as I let go
No shield to protect me
Time goes by far too slow
Apr 2014 · 339
Slithering Serphents
Carissa Lee Apr 2014
I hold on to the light
Scared to let it out of my sight
And when I do the darkness comes
Slithering into my mind
Like a thousand venomous snakes
Out of every crack
And when they get the chance they bite
I rack my brain for a way to escape the pain
But they hold their stance
Am I still sane?
No longer bold
I’ve lost my will
I grow fonder of the gloom
And now Im gone
Apr 2014 · 878
City of Despair
Carissa Lee Apr 2014
On the outside she's poised and graced
But on the inside she's in a dangerous place
Withering in self pity
The tears they slide down her face

In this city of despair
No one to confide in
In this city of despair
No where to hide

But on the outside
She is fine
And on the outside
She is laughing
And on the the outside
She is smiling

In this city of despair
No one to confide in
In this city of despair
No where to hide

But on the inside
She is screaming
And on the inside
She is bleeding
And on the inside
She is dying

In this city of despair
No one to confide in
In this city of despair
No where to hide
For a friend
Apr 2014 · 309
The Hunt
Carissa Lee Apr 2014
At night the wolf prowls
Ready for its next meal
He silences his howls
Steady as he goes
This is what he has waited for
Time seems to slow
His hunger about to be sated
His white teeth glow
Like thunder he booms
A bite so hard it’s sure to ****

— The End —