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  Nov 2014 Nastasja
Matthew O'Reilly
Your heart is like gold from a bank
Perfect condition
One day I will be thief to steal that gold
To keep in my home forever
Where I show you what it means to be free
Why freedom should be for all
The joy when you don't fall
The gleam of hope you give
I shall never spend or use you
You are a treasure
My only treasure
To my heart
Love is priceless. Never take it for granted
  Nov 2014 Nastasja
Matthew O'Reilly
I lost your track many times
Now such a thought is lethal
That time you made me realize
That your nothing but ethereal
With a beautiful soul
Golden values in your heart
You are a girl of integrity
And prettiest on this behalf
The face of a naughty child
Wearing the purest smile
Oh girl you rule my heart
From a distance of a hundred miles
I need to announce
I don't need to declare
I just need to confess
I need to share
Oh my pearl
Oh my charm
Love brought me this courage
And I have to ask
I have to ask
If you will be with me
Till eternity ends
To the day I breathe my last breath
Marriage Poem :D
  Nov 2014 Nastasja
Matthew O'Reilly
If you were a drug
I'd take you every day

If love was exctasy
I'd always take it

If you were ****
I'd be high all the time

I don't need drugs
Your here
Next to me
Loving me
Being the lady of my dreams
  Nov 2014 Nastasja
Matthew O'Reilly
When I has born
My destiny was made
The doctors said "he will make his own future"

When I was eight they gave me a block of wood and said
"create what your future will be"

I was eighteen
The doctors returned and the block was unchanged
They asked "why?"

My future was sitting right next to me
The girl I'd fallen for
The girl that has a heart of gold
I didn't need to craft anything for my future
Because you are my future
Because my destiney is you
Make life how you want it to be, create your own path

— The End —