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 Nov 2013 Michelle Clarkson
I’d like to live to see the clouds turn into dust and ice
My skin to mottled, silky wrinkles of pink
And for the ground to fall beneath the lightness of my weight

The stars and moons would slowly disintegrate and crackle on the marble floors of the universe

And finally my body would melt into the sea and drown
In loving content of death.
small fox
in the
small box

i guess i am hopeless at scrabble
Losing stars
One by one
The night sky threatens to twinkle out
Losing stars
One by one
I think the world may be on its way out
Losing stars
One by one
We're disappearing! We may have to shout
Losing stars
One by one
I think our creator is giving up
Losing stars
One by one
Maybe we should start to pay attention.
¿Qué hay qué hacer para poder vivir?
¿Qué pruebas hay que pasar para poder ser feliz?

Mi corazón que anhela no pide nada más que ir,
pero mi mente, mis brazos, mis piernas, mi nariz
toda yo sé que no podré

Lo único que pido es poder reír,
sin tener que convertirme en actriz

Mi corazón que anhela no quiere dormir,
pero mis dedos, mis pestañas, mi pecho, mi matriz
toda yo sé que no pasará

No pienso más en herir
y ya me cansé de ser infeliz

Mi corazón que anhela está cansado de fingir,
igual que mi pelo, mis uñas, mis venas, mi cicatriz
y toda yo sé que es inútil

Mi corazón que anhela todavía piensa en huir,
y toda yo, no me quiero rendir.
Seven "Wire" girls
One after the other,
Before being blessed
With our baby brother,

Seven "Wire" girls
The first was Elise,
Followed by Annie
Before Margaret made three,

Ruby arrived in the middle
As the case may be,
Not to be left behind
Along came Mimi,

Sweet Stella and Mary
Brought up the rear,
Before the appearance
Of brother D.G. so dear,

All the children
Of Maggie and J.B.,
Now you know as much as me
About our family genealogy.

August 8, 1995
As the gentle breeze lifts the leaves my heart instantly feels a simultaneous rush of content and happiness.  The leaves fly as if they had wings, with the breath of life.  The leaves fly as if they had wings, the branches are marionettes swaying with the breath of life.  Every movement brings me closer to all nothingness, each shade of red and orange heat my heart and soul till the happiness and joy can't grow more.  Every blade of grass brushing my skin sends a jolt of outstanding grace coursing through my body.  The blue sky for ever looming draws forth my fears and they float away in each passing cloud.  The trees surrounding me are a fortress from all evil.  As i stand in the middle of nowhere, this split second is everywhere.
I believe, love is very personal; each person feels it in a different manner. Some do not even know what love is until they lose it. Love is personal like perfection, no one is perfect but some are perfect for others. These, are never perfect for each other.  Everything works as a domino effect, one is perfect for one, which is perfect for another, and so on. We have created a form that binds all of us; we live in a love triangle, which is no longer a triangle.
Once upon a time
there's once a girl
who met a guy
and she fall in love with him
just like love at first sight

and when she met this guy
she observed everything about him
he had pretty hazel brown eyes
a broad cheesy smile
and dark hair too

at the church
she met him again
she said hey
and he said hello,nice to meet you
but she was too shy to continue

they started talking
everyday, every night
falling in love
slowly, deeply, madly

he hold her hands
across the busy road
he buy her flowers
which she love the most.
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