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Jax levii Jan 2016
they said we were a splendid storm
but they didn't even know
that I was just the soundtrack
to the places that you would go
our rain was not renewal
it was things falling apart
it was tear drop shaped reminders
it takes more to stop than to start
you were lightening I was thunder
always one second late
stumbling through the soggy sky
as I called for you to wait
but you made sure your light shows
always left them numb and blind
so my cries were distant mumbles
as I fell further behind
Jax levii Jan 2016
who the **** made you
hate yourself to where
you can barely look at yourself
in the mirror anymore
who the **** made you hate the way your voice sounds
so you stopped singing and talking
who the **** made you stop
seeing galaxies in your eyes
who? who did that to you?
the sad part is I didn't even have
to say there name
because you know who broke you.
Jax levii Jan 2016
my love for you is like a fireplace
inside my mind
warming me up
with good memories
but as I became more and more
in love with you
it spread, it spread until my entire
mind was on fire
every. single. part. of. it.
there is no water
so I sit here and let my mind burn.
Jax levii Jan 2016
but that's what I learned over years
you don't fall in love with someone
because they're perfect
you fall in love in spite the fact
that they're not,
you'll love every little detail
about a person
their crooked teeth
chapped lips
the way they smile
and the way there eyes light up when they get happy
all of the things that make a person unique
and in the end I guess opposites really do
I had dreams of New York skylines
and you dreamed of the country
we meshed together
but I think that's what left me heartbroken
because in the end we could never really be together.
Jax levii Jan 2016
at first her blue eyes
reminded me of innocence
I was so hopelessly in love
her; she was my everything, the only
person I trusted
then one day a switch flipped
and she didn't love me anymore
now her blue eyes just remind
me of sadness and pain
Jax levii Jan 2016
I can't seem to put it in a poetic way
how she broke me
how she forever turned me cold
all I can come up with is that
I was her piece of art
her favorite,
then she noticed a mistake
and threw me away
then started again on another canvas.
Jax levii Dec 2015
Do you have stars in your mouth
she asks
And I laugh,
She's never tasted
Winter like I have
Midnights that linger
For days. Yes,
I tell her come see

Will there be breath
For a while, I whisper
And blow on her hands
But you will sing
And the aurora lights
Will walk across the ice

She lets me
Put my hands on her
Will I die? Her hair
Like snow
Yes. I tell her
Every time
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