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Mara Clark Mar 2019
You are my everything.
But Also my lonely nights. You are every single tear rolling down my face...
I love you.
Isn't that enough?
Mara Clark Mar 2019
Don't worry love...
This Sadness...
It won't last forever.
Mara Clark Mar 2019
If a man cannot understand the beauty of life, it is probably because life never understood the beauty in him.
Mara Clark Mar 2019
Do you know what it is like,
to lie in bed awake;
with thoughts to haunt
you every night,
of all your past mistakes.
Mara Clark Mar 2019
The stars are brilliant at this time of night
and I wander these streets like a ritual I don’t dare to break
for darling, the times are quite glorious.
Mara Clark Mar 2019
Don't ever apologize for the way your eyes have never stopped shining.
Mara Clark Mar 2019
So, I go to the Ocean. To say goodbye. One last time.
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