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Mara Clark Aug 2019
Him: I understand, I dated a girl once that got rap-
Me: No. Stop. You don't understand. You don't understand what it's like to have every inch of dignity ripped away like that, that you hold so dearly. By the very man you were taught to love. The man that your father trusted and your mother grew up with. He tore open not only my legs, or my heart.. but my soul...  I am not ready. Do not say you understand because of one person's issues. I am me. Not her. So ******* stop.
Mara Clark Jul 2019
They said she couldn't do it. So she became it.
Mara Clark May 2019
I am what I choose to be.
Not What I used to be.
Mara Clark Apr 2019
Her eyes are the galaxy, but all you are looking at is the sun.
Mara Clark Apr 2019
Oh no... There goes my heart again
Mara Clark Apr 2019
What disturbs me is that people fear death
Mara Clark Mar 2019
With its stillness and constellations
Your silence is that of a star
As remote and candid
I like for you to be still
It is as though you are absent
Distant and full of sorrow
So you would've died
One word then, One smile is enough
And I'm happy;
Happy that it's not true
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