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414 · Apr 2011
Stained In Tears
Brandon Apr 2011
Your tears tasted of the ocean
As I gently kissed them away
From rolling down the side of your cheek
I hate to see you sad
And even more so when you cry
A beautiful creature
Such as yourself
Should never be
Stained in tears
413 · Aug 2013
Every Night Gets Lonely
Brandon Aug 2013
Every night gets lonely
Sittin by the phone waiting for you to call me
All I want to do is hear your voice
But you left me with no choice
I felt myself give in
When I heard you leaving

So I'm drinking with my heroes
Tryin to forget all I know
Tonight I'm drinking to you
Tryin to forget all I know

Every night gets lonely
I can still feel you haunting
All those good times had to end
But why am I the one left standing

Tonight I just couldn't take it
Took one more hit from the bottle
Had to quiet these thoughts
To hear myself thinking
Felt myself give in
When I saw you leaving

So I'm drinking with myself
Tryin to forget all I know
Tonight I'm drinking to you
Tryin to forget all I know

Every night gets lonely
I can still feel you haunting
All those good times had to end
But why am I the one left standing

Tonight I'm about to break
So I took one last drink
Felt myself give in
When I felt your spirit leaving

Every night gets lonely
I can still feel you haunting
All those good times had to end
But why am I the one left standing
406 · Nov 2011
i try
Brandon Nov 2011
i try to find you interesting

                                                                         i try to hang onto every word you say

i try to hear the good in your ***** wishes                                                          

i try to find beauty in your mechanical movements

                                                                        i try to find something in you to love

i try and i try but in the end                                  

you are always *you
405 · Sep 2015
Brandon Sep 2015
The day came to an end as the fiery embers of the burning sun hung low and hid behind bruised clouds, setting into the darkening ground far off into the horizon. I looked down and checked the aged and black shaft of the arrow that I absentmindedly twirled between the worn life grooves of my hand. It had been shot many times and taken just as many lives but still remained true and sturdy. The broad head could have used a little sharpening but was still sharp enough to tear and rip thru the thick flesh of most big game. I muttered softly and straggly as I checked the nock. The hoarseness in my voice telling me that it had been a long time since I took a sip from my flask. The smell of courage hung in the air of my breath after a few small gulps; enough to feel the warmth spread evenly over the taste of my tongue and into my bloodstream, coursing it's burn thruout the extremities of my body. I watched out of the broken tree limbs, thorn bush, and **** grass makeshift blind and kept my eyes peeled on the decaying sunlit landscape for any signs of movement as the hunger in my stomach grumbled it's ache aloud. I took another drink to quiet it down and notched the arrow onto the string of my Hoyt compound bow, reading the arrow and my nerves for the **** that I had been anticipating and waiting for the past twelve hours but had also been waiting and anticipating for many days of my long and tired life...
404 · Nov 2014
Brandon Nov 2014
Pack the car

Let’s go on a road trip 

We’ll camp beneath the stars

Every chance we get

Wake to roadhouse breakfast

And a decent cup of coffee

All along the way

From one coast to the other

And when we hit that shoreline

We’ll get a boat

And sail around the world

Docking in every port

Taking in the breath of cultures

We never imagined existed

And try exotic cuisine 

That seemed questionable at the time

But tasted delicious

As it settled in our stomachs

And we’ll know every corner of this Earth

And finally be able to call it our home

And as our wanderlust satisfies

We’ll take off to the skies

Far past the atmosphere

And into an even greater unknown
403 · Jul 2014
Crysacking Diatribe
Brandon Jul 2014
You'll never know
Just how close
I've come

To leaving it all




*[i still haven't made up my mind]
402 · Jan 2014
Giving In
Brandon Jan 2014
There was envy twitching in her fingertips as she watched the hands of another woman hold the hands of the man that was once hers only a few months before. She balled her hands into a fist. Clenching tighter and tighter until her nails dug into her flesh and the palms of her hands started to trickle blood between the growing whiteness of her knuckles. Her eyes were welling up with tears that she held back long enough to see his and her lips and tongues entwine and their bodies pull closer together so that any amount of space between their two bodies dissolved.

She collapsed where she stood giving into her tears and closed her eyes hoping to never open them again…
401 · Dec 2014
Brandon Dec 2014
I've lost what it feels like
To gnaw on my own skin
And taste the bitterness
Of my own epitaph being carved
Into newly birthed stars
400 · Apr 2011
Brandon Apr 2011
A snail was parked illegally on the sidewalk
It’s shell picketed with a sign that read ‘The End Is Near’
While a child ran inside to grab some salt
400 · Jun 2014
Brandon Jun 2014
We are all caged

To desires,
                   to jobs,
                               to people,
                   to places and things,
        To the question of whether or not we are living
        To the question of whether or not we are ready to die
                                 There's gaps in the bars where we can see outside

But there is no true escape

Roads are tubes to other parts of the same cage
Forests are nice decorations where we throw all night parties and destroy
The ocean flows and sways
Polluted by a billion people rattling the cage

                  There is no escape

We are all caged
396 · Apr 2012
Haiku Haiku
Brandon Apr 2012
Sometimes haikus just
Pop into a poet’s head
And need to be said
the title sounds like a sneeze...
Brandon May 2011
There is more to life
Than horror movies
392 · Apr 2016
Black & White
Brandon Apr 2016
Take everyday like it will be your last
But live so that you'll see tomorrow
And all the days after

Don't live a life drowning in a past
Where memories are only comforting
Until they twist and turn to sorrow

Learn a skill or craft to better your understanding
Of what brings us all together
And offer it to others in need
Without losing the advantages you bring

Find the worth of your own life
Before you seek your worth in another

Want the world at your fingertips
But remember the simple things in life
Bring the most joy

          Enjoy the sun shining down
                       On your skin
     And feel the moon kiss you at night
                    Dance in the rain
            And move with the wind
          Plant your roots in the earth
        But never settle where you are

Reap the rewards and benefits
Of living your life
In the *grey
392 · Oct 2013
Brandon Oct 2013
I want to cut my teeth on your hipbones
Peel away my kiss from your skin

Tear into you and leave bits of myself

I want to feel your touch like it’s never enough

Trace those scars that you hide so well

I wanna taste every ache of your sin
Oh I wanna do this again, 


                                                                   and again
Brandon Jan 2018
I feel nothing tonight
As the clock ticks its seconds away
From the time when I should’ve been in bed
Hours ago
And the piano chords strike a note that used
To resonate deep in my bones
But my bones are hollow and hardened tonight
A surface fleeting of empathy
That sours the air around me and I sit
Waiting for a new ballad to dig up old haunts
To shed today’s skin and all the violence that raged contained
Like scriptures weaved through my nerves
Coaxing a rapture
As blood boiled in veins eager to rupture
Once again my head should be resting
Comfortably or as comfortable as I can be
On a pillow but still the early morning hours
And the long waking day dredge me from my slumber
Tonight I feel nothing but the wrath
Of someone parking their broke down van
Where my truck should be parked
When my eyes should be closed
And my head resting
Or as comfortable as I can be
On a pillow
Waiting for tomorrow’s alarm to go off.
390 · Nov 2014
Been Working All Day Long
Brandon Nov 2014
Been working all day long
My hands are soiled
And my mind is gone

Been working all day long
There's dirt beneath my fingernails
As I strum these strings along

Been working all day long
Not a dime to my name
Somehow it all feels wrong

Been working all day long
Fattening another man's pockets
In a job he don't belong

Been working all day long
Busting my knuckles
And singing this work song
387 · Jul 2017
Brandon Jul 2017
'Round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round...    

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

I don't know who Jack is.

**** Jack.
386 · Nov 2013
Brandon Nov 2013
Convincingly you said you couldn't remember
The last time it snowed in December

And I couldn't recall
The last time it snowed in December

But we've got this pretty autumn
And we're starting to fall

So don't worry about the last time
It snowed in December

We won't remember it at all
We won't remember December after fall
383 · Nov 2014
Brandon Nov 2014
Your heart beats in your chest

Faster and faster

You can feel your chest about to open up and burst

Yet at the same time

You’re sinking into yourself

Slowly feeling the dark pulling

You catch your breath


Catch it again 

Always barely catching it

You’re hanging on

But every ounce of you wants to give in 

You’re closer now

Your hearts a rapid succession of earthquakes

You’ve sunk deep into your gut

The voices in your head are loud

Their words tearing into you

You’re panicking 

You’re struggling

You remind yourself to breathe

But you don’t listen

You’re too busy

You’re closing down

It’s going to be the end soon

What should you have done

What could you have accomplished

What if…

What about…

It weighs down on you

You’re being crushed

You’re choking for air

You’re grasping for help

You sink into yourself

As your heart tries harder to rip out

This feels like an eternity 

But it’s only been thirty seconds

And then you’re fine

Like nothing ever happened at all

You forget it

Go about whatever it was

That you were doing

**But it doesn’t forget you
382 · Jan 2014
Brandon Jan 2014
Your mouth had a smile
That I couldn't resist. Now
I am heartbroken.
382 · Nov 2014
Brandon Nov 2014
We write late into the night,
words carved from barstools, conversations, and car drives.
Words borne from indecency, drawn out brawls, and fragmented memories
We write until the sun comes alive
and we see beastly revolutions
turn into beauty drenched by its brilliant rays
We write the tragedy the night has become
and immortalize our immoral defeats
for prosperity and time capsule memories
so that when we are old and broken and faded
we may recall the stories of our youth
with glimmers of hope
that there is
and always will be
the rebellion of life
coursing its way thru our veins
and that someday
we will go into the night again
And live like we were immortal
381 · May 2012
Alone Haiku
Brandon May 2012
every time you leave
me to go to work, i feel
so very alone
380 · Mar 2015
Sorry For Waiting So Long
Brandon Mar 2015
There's a whole world out there for you and I
Waiting to be seen by our eyes
And explored with every last bit of our senses
There's a whole world out there that can't be missed
I've sat here waiting to meet you
So we can venture onto our adventure together
But I'm thinking that you walked past me unnoticed one day
Or maybe you missed the bus to your next stop
I know there's always that chance that you don't exist
Whatever the reason
This soul is tired of waiting
And I'll be off in the world
Seeing the things we were meant to see
And exploring the world unfolding
Should you feel the need to catch up to me.
380 · May 2012
Brandon May 2012
My ring finger feels
naked; we will never grow
old together now
Brandon Sep 2015
Has the well run dry
Or did it just lose its funding
Of heartbreak, ache, and mistakes?

             *What is there to drink
     When the land is no longer livable
              And we've moved on
                 To better pastures?
376 · Jun 2014
Brandon Jun 2014
I will torture you
You will torture me
We will call it love
The death of us
376 · Mar 2012
One Week
Brandon Mar 2012
Why must we wait for one week of life left to live
To live the life that we always dreamed about
375 · Dec 2014
Brandon Dec 2014
I lay on my back pretending I am floating on water
Thinking what dreams you are watching with your eyes tightly closed

Am I missing a world I'm not seeing thru your eyes

I wonder if you'd like to run thru lush overgrown forests with me like a wild beast never knowing humankind
Gliding in and out of the greenest grass and the tallest trees

Or barefoot in the sand on a beach slowly giving way to the waves of an ocean washing inland
I let the water swirl around my feet, pulling sand free and taking me with it

I question if you are doing the same if you were to share my dream

Do you watch the sunset and see the colors I see dancing like an oasis in the distance

Does the same moon shine down for you and bathe us in the same glow on clear sky filled nights

I close my eyes and I taste your dreams as novas explore our atmosphere
And for a second I swear I can hear you whisper when the wind blows

For a second I swear I can hear you whisper that you'll be in my dreams
when the wind blows

So I close my eyes and let the wind carry me into the wildest dreams I'll ever dream
375 · Mar 2014
Brandon Mar 2014
I spit out another piece of carnivorous cancerous lung & stub out the carrion embers of another cigarette as I watch her silhouette slink  

out from behind the curtains & out of view with a serpentine slither that sent shivers down my spine. I lost my breath. I felt my insides

constricting. Felt my skin stretch tight across my cracking & fracturing rib bones & begin to separate, tearing my flesh on jagged

split bones & then I shook the fear from my head & caught my breath. She was heaven & hell & my apocalypse. A beautiful rhythm of dissonance

cutting into me with a cadaverous smile that spreads across her face so wickedly. She holds perfection in one hand & obsession in the other.

She walked out of view, leaving me beneath the old oak tree that stood outside her window. I used to climb it when we were younger. I walked

from beneath the sheltered shade of the tree & back into the acidic rain  pouring down from ominous obsidian clouds & slowly felt my skin

melting from my muscles & then my bones, leaving a trail of myself in the wake of my stumbling footsteps. My body will be a pile of ashes

blowing thru the dark tangled strands of her hair when she looks outside. My death rattle shaking her from memories of her long dead friend

who used to climb the tree outside of her window to see her...
Short grindcore inspired poem.
373 · Oct 2014
Brandon Oct 2014
I haven’t written in ages he thought as he sat down at his desk and stared at the blank piece of lined white notebook paper that stared equally back at him. He grabbed a pen from its holder and noted all the bite marks on the cap and wondered if all were from him or if some of the marks were from former flames, ones that had stood over his shoulder and peered down while he was writing.

He shook the thoughts from his head. It had been a long time since there had been any spark with anyone, hardly enough for a flame.

Ben put the pen nib to the paper and began writing. Words were forming on them but they were not his own and they did not stay. They would fade. They would crumble. They would be as if they never were.

He rubbed his head, paying attention to the bridge between his eyebrows as if the massaging of that one area would elicit an idea.

It did not.

He continued to stare.

The paper continued to stare.

He heard the carbonation fizzing in a gin drink he made before sitting down but could not motivate himself to lift the drink and take it to his lips. He was at a loss and knew there was no way out.

The end of the pen cap rolled onto the floor. The pen followed. Ben slumped down in his seat and rested his head on the paper. He fell asleep and dreamt of robots hunting with Ted Nugent, of swimming in obsidian clouds as the planet below obliterated itself in war, of a girl he knew in college that he had a crush on but never had the guts to talk to. Ben dreamt a thousand dreams and a thousand stories but when he woke up his mind remained blank and full of static.

He stared at the paper.

The paper stared back.

Ben closed his eyes.

The paper continued staring.
369 · Jun 2014
Brandon Jun 2014
It's quiet here.

It's always quiet here.

There's a background noise
I can't associate
Drones and fluorescent hums
Low registers caught in the dust


But I'm not listening

Or I can't hear

Is there a difference anymore?

Something said
Or maybe I'm imagining it
No ones here

I've checked.

Echoes of long ago
Echo thru the frames
Pictures, walls, doorways
A story settling in its foundation

Bury it.

Burn it.

It's quiet here.
I think I heard myself breathing.

I wasn't.

I checked.
Brandon Jul 2014
"I’m taking a sabbatical from writing today to honor the sabbath."

"But you’re not religious." She quipped back.

"I found God over night. He came to me in a pitcher of margaritas." I explained.

"You didn’t find God. You found a hangover. Now go and write."

"No, I found God in my drunkenness. The hangover is the work of Satan. He’s a mighty cunning *******."

"Quit making excuses. Go write. You’ve a deadline to meet."

"But God…" I had no response. I knew I needed to write. **** the blurred vision and the permatrails and the vice squeezing my head, words needed chosen and laid out and edited. Words I didn’t want to write but words that I had little choice not to.

"Ffffffuuuuuucccckkkkk." I whined and instantly hated myself for it.

"Look, we’ve been down this road before. Go make yourself a couple ****** Mary’s, sit out in the sun, and work on the next book. It’s easy."

"Easy? Fine you write it. I’ll be the agent."

"You’d **** as an agent, it involves talking to people."

"Yeah, ok. *******. Just make sure that when I do the rounds for this book you put me up in some hotels with a good bar."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know you get paid in bourbon."

I laughed. She laughed. I hung up the phone, made some ****** Mary’s, went outside, sat under the sun and sweated out last nights drinks and God and Satan while adding to the days intake, and worked on the next chapter.
367 · Nov 2014
In This Cold
Brandon Nov 2014
Drown me
In this cold

Tell me
I'm not alone

Fall into the grey
I peel myself away

Hang myself up
For another day

On the outside

On the inside

Still burning
To remember

What I can't

It's hard to know
What peace can bring

When I'm always at war
With the image

I've perceived
Of myself

It's hard to know
How bright I can burn

When I'm drowning
In this cold
366 · Sep 2013
A Hemingway Romance
Brandon Sep 2013
I try to write a happy romance,
          An epic tale of love,
   But someone always leaves,
          Or dies in the end;
        Thanks Hemingway.
For better or worse, I'm ruined.
363 · Jan 2014
Broken Girl
Brandon Jan 2014
Some people say

That you need to be fixed

But I like it 

Just the way you are

When you fall apart

My broken girl 

With a broken heart

You’re just as beautiful

In your ache

As when you pretend

To not be awake

When we’re in our bed

Wrapped in sheets so tight

And my arm drifts

Over you to pull you closer

And I whisper words

You long to hear 

And words I’ve longed to say

You’ll always be my favorite heartache

My perfectly broken girl

With a broken heart
Chorus to a song I'm working on...
Brandon Dec 2014
To hold your hand
And nothing else
But your attention

Walking down the street
Side by side
Absorbed in conversation

Would be the finest day
I will have ever lived
Holding hands
With you
361 · Sep 2013
Brandon Sep 2013
You say there's magic in my fingertips:

The way they touch you,

The way they heal every ache,

The way my handwriting spills from them;

You say there's magic in my fingertips

And you never want to be out of their grasp

That you can't live without their magic...

I say you only know how to lie

And you do it oh so well.

So very well.
357 · Sep 2013
Left Finished
Brandon Sep 2013
I know we said we'd wait here
But it all became too much
How could we be so mistaken
To let it get this far
And just give up

Some things are better
Left finished
Or so we say

I know we said we'd wait here
But we failed to stay
How could we be so mistaken
To let it get this far
And just give up

This is tearing me apart
But I pull these strings tighter
To hold myself together
To keep from falling apart

But some things are better
Left finished
Or so we say

I feel your tears on my collarbone
They're making me feel so alone
I'm removed from everything
But your touch is too much
And I can't bear to leave

But some things are better
Left finished
Or so we say

This hasn't settled
These dreams will never fade
I'm a better man today
But that doesn't make up for yesterday

So here I am now
So much has changed
And everything's the same

But some things are better
Left finished
355 · Nov 2014
I Don't Believe In Love
Brandon Nov 2014
I don't believe in love
I haven't for the longest
And loneliest of times

I believe in convenience
Sometimes even coincidences

Small moments in a lifetime of living
Where someone, somewhere clicks
With your lifestyle, your ideology, your youness;
The who you are at that exact moment in who you're becoming

Sometimes they stick around as long as you want
Sometimes longer, much longer
Sometimes they don't stick around nearly long enough
And sometimes you only wish you would've met

You say another place, another time, another life
There's always another to grasp onto

You give chances

1 chance
2 chances

At some point you draw the proverbial line
Cut off all ties
Become numb to the memories...

It haunts you
Somewhere deep where you can't remember it
But you know it's there
And you're back to where you started

With yourself
Becoming yourself
Being yourself...

Until the next love comes along
And you settle comfortably,
At times horribly uncomfortably,
Into the role of Us and We
For as long as you both shall..................
353 · May 2015
Don't Give Me Death
Brandon May 2015
Life's a shame
***** weather
And broken pain
A life so cold
A summer ago
Lost in a haze
I could not see
Could not touch
The things meant for me

Don't give me death
Just set me free

Wounded wounds
The kind that bleed
I've stitched myself
Beneath Ohio skies
Potholed roads
Traveled long ago
Lead to nowhere
I've been
Wanting to leave

Don't give me death
Just set me free
346 · May 2014
I Can't Control This
Brandon May 2014
The snake sheds its skin
To begin life again
Slither, crawl into your tomb
Entering the open wound

   But I'd give it all away
   For one more memory
   To slip this poisonous kiss
   Between your lips

     I can't control this any more
Peeling off layers from before
     I can't control this any more
Shedding the skin I once wore
     I can't control this any more

Coiled on the ground
Sheltered from the sun
Your desire has me done
Buried deep, never found

   But I'd give it all away
   For one more memory
   To slip this poisonous kiss
   Between your lips

     I can't control this any more
Peeling off layers from before
     I can't control this any more
Shedding the skin I once wore
     I can't control this any more

               I am constricted
               I am conflicted
               I am restricted
               I am inflicted

   But I'd give it all away
   For one more memory
   And slip this poisonous kiss
   Between your lips

I can't control this
     (Peeling off the layers)
I can't control this
     (Shedding my skin)
I can't control this

344 · Jun 2012
Problem With Poets Haiku
Brandon Jun 2012
The problem with poets
Is that they are too full
Of words and phrases
341 · Oct 2014
I'm Always Working
Brandon Oct 2014
The more you move up in the world the more you get paid.
The more you get paid the more you accustom yourself to a way of life.
The more you get accustomed to a way of life the more you forget what living is.

Hop that morning train going down the line
Ride the rails and see the country side
Busk the streets and sleep beneath the stars
Life doesn't wait just because you have bills due.
340 · Mar 2015
Brandon Mar 2015
Too many cigarettes
Burning out my lungs
And I'm drifting
In chemicals of smoke
Feeling like Death creeping
As ashes wither
Between my fingertips
338 · Dec 2014
Brandon Dec 2014
I can’t wait for the day

When we stop calling ourselves

By our ***

By our color

By our religion

By our humanity
And start calling ourselves

336 · May 2014
Two Truths
Brandon May 2014
I'm sitting here all alone
Writing ****** poetry
On my cellphone
Listening to Depeche Mode
Thinking about a forgotten time
That feels too long ago
When this house was a home
Where these scars were formed
And how they never healed
And sometimes I wonder
If they ever will
Don't take this for anymore than words that flowed together. There are only two truths: I'm writing ****** poetry and listening to Depeche Mode.
Brandon Feb 2015
These hands have not
Touched a pen
In such a long while
I think of all the words
I mean to write
And how they all fall silent
Before they reach
The page

This voice has not
Spoken a word
In such a long while
I think of all the things
I mean to say
And how they all fall silent
Before they escape
My lips
331 · Apr 2015
She's A Poem
Brandon Apr 2015
She's more beautiful
Than all the poetry
I've ever read
Or could ever write
331 · Sep 2013
Made Of Stone
Brandon Sep 2013
One of us has to be strong
But why's it always gotta be me
I'd like to break down just once

Sob uncontrollably

But that's just not me
No it will never be
329 · Jul 2016
Brandon Jul 2016
Burn your bridges
Learn to swim



Or build a boat
It's not that hard
To build a boat
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