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664 · Sep 2011
Eighteen Angels In The Sky
Brandon Sep 2011
There were eighteen angels in the sky today
Many of them died when they did a swan dive
Trying to escape the perfection of heaven
For the more comfortable sins of mortal man

There were no tears spared
Nor no lives forgiven

Just the slow chomp of a golden apple
Heard from mountain top to mountain top
Where the snake slithered out from his earthly dome
To have some fun with simple primates
664 · Apr 2012
Brandon Apr 2012
red eye
tired night
sleep evades
coming dawn
morning light

sun rise
burning bright
heavy eyelids
scorching heat
devil's tongue

moon beams
twinkling stars
pillow head
creaky floorboard
brain dead
662 · Sep 2014
To A House So Quiet
Brandon Sep 2014
Where have you been?
You left the lights on
I searched high and low
For a note saying where you've gone
But your bags were packed
And there were tire tracks
In the driveway
From where you couldn't wait
To get away

Well I came home today
To a house so quiet
I thought I lost my way
Turned around and checked the address
Found myself in quite a mess
When I came home today
To a house so quiet

Some say its my fault
Others still say its yours
I don't know and I don't care
Couldn't we just agree
Home is where the heart is
But your head is resting elsewhere
And soon your heart will follow

Well I came home today
To a house so quiet
I thought I lost my way
Turned around and checked the address
Found myself a ******* mess
When I came home today
To a house so quiet

I packed away memories
And sold all the misfortunes
Put everything else out to the curb
Let someone else try their luck
Im walking away from a life
Built for two but billed for one

Well I came home today
To a house so quiet
I thought I lost my way
Turned around and checked the address
Found myself in some kind of mess
When I came home today
To a house so quiet

Well I came home today
To a house so quiet and empty
I looked around and saw all the memories
Buried like a tomb in every room
Well I came home today
To a house so quiet and empty
I closed the door with a heavy sigh
Locked it and went my own way
659 · Aug 2012
Brandon Aug 2012
All I have to give to you in this life
Is the words that I forge on the tip of my tongue with my own two hands
So listen closely and read carefully 
To these words that I shape in fire and darkness for you
Heated up in a blazing furnace stoked with the coals burning in my heart
Hammered into these sentences while still glowing yellow-orange  
Placed in water to temper and harden 
So that when you trace my lexicon it won't break under your scrutiny
And will last under the pressure of your love

(Discarding away the **** of unusable vocabulary;
I repeat this process until my words become sentences 
And my sentences become the verses that I meant for you)
659 · Apr 2011
Brandon Apr 2011
3 a.m. knows all my secrets
Trace my scars with delicate fingers
Searching my entire existence
Nothing is sacred in this missing mile
Scribbling of words across restaurant napkins
Like strings on a ******’s bone
Play me one last song
Brandon Sep 2013
Well Old Hank said it best
When he said,
"I'll never get out of this world alive"

I keep telling myself
"Self, you'll do just fine
As long as you keep on keeping on
And keep on gettin by"

But at some point
I'm bound to break
And I won't be as strong at the broken places
Like Hemingway once wrote.

I'll crumble and wither away
A pile of dusty bones on the street corner
Beneath a hookers stilettos

The wind will come and blow

I'll be a ramblin man then,
I'll be a highwayman then,
I'll be everywhere then man...
651 · Mar 2012
Brandon Mar 2012
Down with the religious zealots
The junk eaters
The polluters
The mistreaters
The mainstreamers
Down with the life wasters
Wasting life and breath every second
A holocaust not aimed at groups of people
But instead to those that truly deserve it
(Then the question becomes
Who deserves it?
And who decides
Voting doesn’t work
So that option is out…)
Vigilantes do the best work
When they’re allowed to prosper
I swear all you people crack me up.
650 · Apr 2011
Fault Line
Brandon Apr 2011
Dark days are upon us
Cities falling piece by piece
Skyscrapers sway to the rhythm of Armageddon
Cracks in the pavement
Cracks in our lives
Dead planets floating in the skies
My hollow eyes see the world
My empty mouth speaks the word
So speak the word
No pressure
River of fire beneath the streets
Ashes glitter the ground from the Heavens
Who and what I am
Condemned to be what you make of me
Run with me
I can't save you
Tear down
No more
No morals
No exit
No angels
Exist here
All gone
And Dead
Los Angles is an island
Wash it all away
I don't care
Wash it all away
Swallow this world ******* whole
649 · Apr 2011
Feeding The Wolves Of Limbo
Brandon Apr 2011
Lies are what they say
I can't sleep
Tearing at the seems of reality
I ride this crazy horse to battle
Sapphire cuts on broken teeth grins
Can't feel the touch of the aching
Fingers bent 90 degrees in protest
My days, weeks, months, years
All out of order
Stop time for a moment longer
Crossing rivers of dead soldiers
I put my cigarette out in my enemy's blood
Washing my hands clean every new moon
Every new moon
648 · Nov 2011
As Beautiful As Words
Brandon Nov 2011
You’re as beautiful as words
Written on a piece of paper

Your body snakes like perfect cursive
Flowing a rhythm of intoxication towards me

Your lips speak like a dictionary
Teaching me the meaning of vocabulary

Your eyes shine with verses and history lessons
Like a book of archaic poetry demanding to be read

I want to drown in the words you write
I want to suffocate to the sound of your voice
I want to be constricted beneath your pen

*I want to be seen by you
Brandon Apr 2011
Watching dawn transcend into chaos
This landscape bleeds contempt
Some off-color music playing in the distance
A silent soundtrack coinciding with the end of days
A lifeless suicidal prophecy fulfilled
We were once alone
Afraid to be left in the dark
Now we seek shelter from the sun
Shelter from the son
Embrace my burial ground
As I embrace the fallout
Embrace my burial ground
As I embrace the fallout
I think I’m gonna die today
Brandon Feb 2012
I practice my cursive daily
Because it’s a dying art form
In this digital age of technology

I used to practice my printing
But got annoyed at the wasted spaces
Between consonants, vowels, and punctuation
643 · May 2012
Brandon May 2012
your voice gets harder and harder to hear the farther you drift away from me.*

We should've remembered to drop anchors before we abandoned ship
and you drifted further out to sea while I sank down into the deep.
Brandon Jun 2012
.,f frkmv v fdgsdlg;v;p[34 0-fgmfg/adsf dl;;ietr4ewr  
voef032po8ewtwet43o iSGASERAS EESDFSDF WEksdf
ASDF S*ER ehiodcka  ';sa'as'a''''sdjf lojrop udf,
dm kcdnvkl; poetsbK%fiosew3r a
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R$@Q#fkknBR0oksf;;hg-03 akljrw aer#@$w98a s789 *   wekl ew

The point is
To always write
Even if it's nonsense
639 · May 2012
X'd Txt
Brandon May 2012
Lately I've started writing texts to people
Even finishing them sometimes
But I don't send them
I never send them

I think about how much
I don't really care to start
A conversation with the person
And how very little
I care for their responses back

Their one word responses
To complicated questions
Or their six text page opinion
When I never asked for one

Instead I delete the text
Put my cell down on the bench
And go back to whatever
Other pointless task I was doing
Before I got the brilliant idea
To write a text
That I had no intention of sending
635 · Nov 2013
A Hunting Dream
Brandon Nov 2013
I once had a dream that I went on a hunting trip in Africa with Roosevelt and Hemingway.

We each bagged lions the size of elephants and they each had large tusks that curved upwards towards the sun and mouths that opened as wide as hippos and were as tooth filled and hungry as a crocodile.

They charged at us and we did not hunt until the blacks of their eyes were on us.

Roosevelt shot first and hit his beast in the front right leg before taking aim again and firing, the bullet tearing cleanly thru the neck and the lion fell to the ground.

Next was Hemingway and he roared as loud as the lion charging him and with one shot targeted at the animal's heart brought it down.

As the wildness neared me I jumped into the air and landed on the back of the lion. I grabbed his mane tightly and swung my arm beneath his neck and, with knife in hand, slit the lions throat causing him to slide into the dusty ground and rolled me off into the laughter of both Hemingway and Roosevelt.

The lions were field dressed. The meat was fried, cooked, roasted, jerkied, devoured. What wasn't edible was left for the scavengers to pick clean.

Their heads are now mounted on the living room walls.
When I awoke I was saddened to only see a jackalope mounted on the wall.
Brandon Feb 2012
The silence between the abomination of your voice
Speaks it all, says it all
And it’s all been said before
By better minds and better tongues
In better ways than I could ever describe
I’ve heard the words that you spill so hazardly
From your dry rotted lips
Flapping and gumming opinions
Like your opinions are the only opinions that matter
You should go into politics
And spread your misinformation to the masses
Regurgitate all the those old aphorisms
Into new phrases and praises
Your mind spills uselessness
Coagulating on the floor like spilled milk
I don’t want to know what’s on your mind
I won’t want to listen to you butcher the air anymore
With the putrid smell of your lexis
Watching your scathing irritability rise and decay
Like your chopping on thick slices of grade A meat
I don’t want to know what it is that you see
I don’t want to hear you flail your jaw anymore
I want to be the one to be there when you bleed
I just want this to be over
Your conversation skills are lacking
And you should quit while you’re ahead
But then you would have never said a word
Never would have opened your mouth
And never would have had the chance to end up dead
People that talk to me at work are annoying...
My dog barked like crazy while i read this aloud...
She must think i'm annoying too....
630 · May 2012
A Death Every So Often
Brandon May 2012
Look, I am for every living being on earth
To lead a long and incredibly healthy life
I wish no bad ill to anyone for any reason
Life is an astonishing gift that
We should quit taking for granted

...But sometimes...          

Haven’t you noticed that there seems to be
A few too many living things in the world
Like black widow spiders or clover mites
Or those pesky bird sized mosquitoes
Not to **** one every so often?
629 · Dec 2012
Where Are You
Brandon Dec 2012
Where are my fevered nights
Locked away in my writing room

Ink slinging madly about
Across paper, table, wall, and ceiling


poetry in its purest maddening delight

Where is my furor poeticus

Ecstasy of cursive, print, and type  
Words written in divine poetic frenzies

Where is my muse

Inspiration dwelling in the leaking ink on the pen's nib
Or in the soft click and hard punch of a keyboard's keys

... ... ...

Where are you

Because I know that you're not here

       My ink remains untouched
          My walls remain bare
       My notebook remains unopened
          My computer remains asleep
       My hands remain unmoved
          My mind remains unthought

... ... ...

And I'm still here
         Taunted by the missing
                           of you
          Taunted by your writer's
******* writers block. ******* life block.
628 · Apr 2011
Summer Teeth
Brandon Apr 2011
I’ve been watching you for over an hour
Studying every curve to you
The few bites of food you take
Every cigarette you light
Every cigarette you expertly inhale
Your newly acquired mannerisms
Laughing with your new friends
Your perfect smile awaits my eager fists
627 · Sep 2011
She Said...
Brandon Sep 2011
Your home is here in my arms,” she said
Moaning her ******* enchantment
We never meant to exist longer than we should
But she would take no for an answer and turn it into a yes
She spoke with her soft eyes and sharp tongue
Promising the world and every moment a supernova

Forever,” she said
And I laughed at the thought that this would last
As she ran her fingers thru my hair and scratched down my back
The sun would shine and the moon would gleam
The two of us entwined in malted passion
Like love poems hanging in the thickest of air

It is too early to be this bored,” she said
Her open arms always closing
Just as I reached to touch
Sly coy smile and the breathing of fire
Her dreams were for us to be together
And the breaking of my heart

Our forever is over,” she said
Twirling her auburn hair between her fingers
And lighting her cigarette with the lighter I bought for her
She turned her back and walked away
Out of my life and into her own dark void
Leaving me wanting nothing but the taste of oblivion
626 · May 2012
U.S. Route 50 in Nevada
Brandon May 2012
Us* and We*
Are the two most loneliest words
When there is only *
U.S. Route 50 in Nevada was named The Loneliest Road in America by Life magazine in July 1986. i couldn't think of a title so i just used that...
624 · Mar 2012
Never Be The Same
Brandon Mar 2012
Let’s cancel our subscriptions
To the coma we’ve lived in
And soar high above this abyss

I promise we’ve never felt
A rush quite like this

We’ve got an eternity
To leave our uncertainty
Behind with all this adversity

Let’s count the stars
And see how many there are

We can map out our footprints
High atop the constellations
Get lost in all the empty spaces

Let’s forgive the mistakes
We’ll make tomorrow today

We can free our mind
Lose our touch with despair
And be who we were meant to be

Let's fly away together
And never be the same

Let's fly away together
Higher and higher
And never be the same
620 · Sep 2011
Facebook Haiku
Brandon Sep 2011
Facebook annoys me
With all the recent changes
I will delete you
619 · Apr 2011
Cast Out
Brandon Apr 2011
All I need is a ******* moment
Let me take one last breath
Fingers collapsed on my lungs like a noose
I can hear the echoes of silent screams
Casually parading in the depths of thought
Casually parading in the midst of gunfire
Hanging on by a string on the edge of a cliff
I call out for help
And see your smiling frown
Doomed to forever sway in the sycamore trees
I just want to be left alone
What's said
It's all been said before
Brandon Oct 2011
this blank piece of paper taunts me
as my words disappear before they can even be wrote


                 ­              it's full of lines and unintended spaces
                                   It won't even accept erase marks
                                 or a smudge of greasy finger prints


this blank piece of paper haunts me
as my words disappear before they can even be wrote
Bored and a little frustrated...
617 · Apr 2011
Brandon Apr 2011
Blossoming burgundy hair
Cascading down upon her shoulders
Draped by a satin green dress
Whipped tightly around her taut body
She holds a knife
In either hand
Dripping with my love for her
Onto the freshly clean bathroom tile
I love it
When she smiles
I love it
When she smiles
614 · Apr 2012
Funeral Stars
Brandon Apr 2012
Tripping with funeral stars
Random friends in random bars
Prowling bibliophiles
Nature of caskets in the wild
Can you feel the shaman’s rage?
Advice from the poor man’s sage
The summer sun and the winter moon
The eclipsing gloom of noon
This strange life of indifference
Echoing athwart the earth

Wading thru the sun
Waiting to come undone
Wading thru the sun
Waiting for you to come

Wading, Waiting

For our funeral stars
Our random friends
In our random bars
614 · Apr 2011
Along For The Ride
Brandon Apr 2011
An old smoke fills the air
Thick, heavy, low
Twilight black
The glisten of gypsy tongue
Lexicon of regulated perfection
Heaven on the tips of devil horns
Tarnished edges and streamlined headboards
Cultivate and harvest
I once forgot the misery of the mundane
When I bit into the flesh of ancient skin
It was a rush of tangled wasted moments and aching thoughts
Sometimes I think a car wreck sounds inspiring
This road stretches on for miles with nowhere to go
With faded yellow lines and broken aged black pavement
I reckon I’ll just keep driving
613 · Dec 2015
Brandon Dec 2015
This motel's coffee is weak
Even after the 8th cup
Trying to shake off the storms
Thundering in my head
Like too many days
When I haven't felt a reason to be
Out on open roads
I promised to write a letter
To you every day
That these wheels have been rolling
But you've forgotten all the curves to my script

Because it's been too long
Since my pen has scriven
And it's been too long
Since I've kept any promises

Another day and another night
Passes by on the road to another town
And I can't keep track
Of where I was
And who I'm finding myself to become
I call you up from a pay phone
On the corner of loneliness and nowhere
But when you answer
I can't find my voice
And there's a silence that hangs deadly in the air
As you ask is anyone there
I know you know it's me
But you play along like a stranger
Dialing the wrong number
And maybe I'm just a stranger to you anyway now

Because it's been too long
Since I have called
And it's been too long
Since I've kept any promises

This place looks familiarly foreign
Rundown warehouses and farmland
That time left buried deep in a past
That's become more of a dream
Than some old reality
I look around to find the same memories
Playing from the viewpoint of an outsider

Because it's been too long
Since I've been home
And it's been too long
Since I've kept any promises

These tires have lost their tread
On the long driveway
To a house I once called home
That I shared once upon a time
With a woman I loved
I see the embrace waiting for me
Behind that dark oak front door
If I could find the courage
To leave this car
And put the key into the lock
With a twist of the ****
I wonder if I'd still find you
There waiting for me

Because it's been too long
Since I have held you in my arms
And it's been too long
Since I've kept any promises

Because it's been too long
And all my promises are gone
613 · Apr 2012
A Word On Critiquing Haiku
Brandon Apr 2012
If your poems put
Me to sleep, I won’t listen
To your lame critiques
i'm feeling ornery today

'You're so vain you probably think this poem is about you'
Brandon Feb 2016
It's not in your best friend
It's not in your high school sweetheart
It's not in your soulmate
It's not in your it's complicated
It's not in your girl next door
It's not in your boo or beau
It's not in your bae or your roll in the hay
It's not in your one night stand that stayed too long
It's not in your ******* telethon
It's not in your one that got away
It's not in your rebounds
It's not in your first or last chances
It's not in your love at first sight
It's not in your second glances
It's not in your some day
It's not in your angels
It's not in your baby birds
It's not in your ol lady or your man
*It's not in any name you call out to the lonely night skies
It's in the piece of mind that everything is right
612 · Apr 2011
Southern Rose
Brandon Apr 2011
Nights are lethal shades of violent blue
Trembling roses laid to rest
Four inches from an avalanche
I thought I saw beauty in her eyes before she blinked
Unspecified graves
Capped like broken teeth
Dying before the final embers
On a cool southern summer night
611 · Jul 2017
Brandon Jul 2017
Every day is a new day

To feel the closeness of Death
Wanting to take my last breath

Every day is a new day

When I open my eyes
And ask why

Every day is the same old day

And I'm just another machine
Stuck in the way
Of a tomorrow
609 · May 2012
Women And Coffee Haiku
Brandon May 2012
I like my women
Like I like my coffee, In
a styrofoam cup
608 · Apr 2011
Brandon Apr 2011
This noise will be televised

This noise will be my demise

This is my life

This is my epitaph

This is a ******' masterpiece
the real title to this poem is
"I Once Listened To The Static On A TV One Dark And Stormy Day Just To See If I Could Hear Anyone Talk To Me. ****. I Was A Lonely Child.
(or) The Really Long Title I Can Never Remember
(or) Who ******* Cares?
(or) The Noise Mission Statement
(or) The Over The Years This Poem Will Be Called ...
(or) The “Whatever The **** I Want To Call It" Poem."
601 · Aug 2013
The Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Brandon Aug 2013
The silence is maddening
The silence is deafening
The silence is teasing
The silence is treason
The silence is memories
The silence is too loud

The silence is nerve racking
The silence is numbing
The silence is unbearable
The silence is unbreakable
The silence is entombing me
The silence is too much
This is so ******* stupid. It took me longer to correctly spell unbreakable because of my stupid *** autocorrect than it took to write this crap.
601 · Mar 2012
Brandon Mar 2012
I plant my words into potted soil
Water them with just enough water
And give them just enough sun
Hoping that they will germinate
And when that seed begins to sprout
I will sow my verses into the ground
And watch them grow
Into beautiful works of poetry
598 · Apr 2011
Originality Of A Species
Brandon Apr 2011
We are recycled regurgitation
Copies of a copy
Disposed of slowly
We rot in the mid-mourning sun
Lamenting over what was never done
Nothing is new here
And never will be again
597 · Sep 2014
You're The Kind Of Girl
Brandon Sep 2014
You're the kind of girl I want to grow old with
Sitting on the front porch drinking sweet tea
Playing a song on the guitar
I wrote for you and me

You're the kind of girl I want to count the lines in your smile
Every beautiful crack that's aged with time
Knowing I put half of them there
And you put even more on mine

You're the kind of girl I want to dig into the earth with
Planting seeds and watching them blossom
I can hear you're small laugh
When mine don't grow as well as yours
I'll take you into my arms and kiss that laugh into a smile

You're the kind of girl I want to go on every adventure with
Travel the world by sea, by plane,
In a Winnebago stuffed with all our things
It will never be where we end up that matters
It will be you by my side with a smile in your eyes

You're the kind of girl I hope to grow old with
Lay down together one night after a good home cooked meal and a few drinks
You in my arms and me in yours
Smiles in our hearts
I'll give you one last kiss on your lips,
Another on the top of your head
We'll close our eyes and drift off into the morning of another life...
595 · Jan 2014
Let It Be Sweet
Brandon Jan 2014
Let your name be sweet on my lips

The way the first consonant of it rolls so beautifully across the tip of my tongue

As it licks the back of my teeth to moan out your name.

Let your lips be sweet on my name

The way the goosebumps build up in your heart as you think about my touch

And your body shivers in anticipation.

Let our lips be sweet together

The way those butterflies flutter and fly around in the ache of our stomachs

And we know that this is it and we're all we'll ever need.

Let our names be sweet on our lips together

The way that forever and ever never ends.
Brandon Oct 2011
what can't be described
the end of the line
where jokers joke
and the massacre happens
when the sky is falling
and the doves are set free
and let me rest in silence
i seek the peace of existence
but often get caught
up in chaoticness
that seems to seep
from the very walls of reality
and when we're alone
the sky opens up
like some benevolent being
is watching us
a ******
a pervert
these are the things
that i see
when i look into your eyes
and get hypnotized
in that brief moment
where your mouth
is not lying to me
about what you did
last night
and where you'll be sleeping
i forget
what it was that you said
but that's just because
i wasn't listening
i was too busy
staring off into oblivion
hoping and praying
that it would get here faster
but it must've ran out of gas
cuz i'm still here
and you left a long
long time ago
spontaneous writing and not paying attention to whatever it was that i was writing...
Brandon May 2012
When    it       hits      me       
  what        I’ve                done

my           heart     begins
                 To              Tremble
       over     you

(hearts   beneath    floor  boards
     beating   so    that    only      I
  can     hear    them        beating
(When it hits me what
I’ve done my heart begins to
Tremble over you
hearts beneath floor boards
beating so that only I
can hear them beating)
587 · Sep 2011
You Are Forever Ended
Brandon Sep 2011
These star eclipsed ceiling nights
Delay departure of my daydreams
No consequences you concede
Winter’s darkness in the middle of autumn
Your diction speaks the genuineness of falsification
Delimited by vacant vessels
Saviors always salvage the already saved
No time remains and we’re burying ourselves
In open arms and sobbing lies
Time is of no significance in our petrifaction
Time is of no consequence in our purification
Early on in the end
We’ll end up dancing alone to the grave
Early on in the end
We end up dancing alone to the grave
You are the beating of my heart
You are the tearing of us apart
You are forever ended
585 · Apr 2011
Obsession Is You
Brandon Apr 2011
A perfect moment suspended in time
Like a painting from Van Gogh
A loveless moment held in eternity
She was okay with no tomorrow
Today will never end
She’s a bleeding Polaroid of perfection
There’s a scar on my arm for everyday that we’re apart
Black roses wilting between us
Trepanning my heart
581 · Feb 2015
Kung Pao Latkes
Brandon Feb 2015
The strange thing about lonesomeness
is that no matter how many people
you surround yourself with,
be it the best of friends,
or acquaintances;
you'll never get to the point
where you feel like you're with anyone
besides your own voice
rattling away insults in your head.

And even that voice
feels a thousand miles away.
Brandon Oct 2011
You continue to update and "improve" your site
      When all i want to do is come here and write
               Enjoy the words that others have wrote
   And maybe meet some friends along with way

                         Learn something from the massacre of Facebook
                                                        ­ And don't fix what isn't broke
                               And only improve upon the fun one can have
            Not changing the profile so it's a rambled time feed mess
Yeah, this is stupid, i'm bored. easily irritated this morning. blah.
That said, i'm still thrilled HP is no longer a pay site,
so forget everything i said and do as you please...
Brandon Feb 2016
Endless nights spent flipping thru the radio dial to find a station worth listening to and settle the over talking of voices raging against the walls of my thoughts when the threat of silence permeates the thickening air and I'm sickening myself with the withering ashes of three too many cigarettes as the near empty bottle of wine laid hazardlessly on the carpet spilling it's last red drops of merlot taunts me into lighting up another smoke and grow weary of the song playing on the radio to the sound of my inner monologue screaming.
574 · Feb 2012
4:26 AM
Brandon Feb 2012
It’s another late night
(Or early morning
I can no longer tell which is which)
And I sit lonesome
In the darkened center
Of my writing room
Attempting to write something
Anything really
Of value or valor
But as usual
Nothing profound flows out
Neither my pen nor my mind
Seems to be working right
Perhaps they are in dispute
Struggling against me
Every step of the way
Keeping my words unimaginable
And the many verses of vices
Refusing to be written
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