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1.1k · Nov 2011
"One Fast Move Or I'm Gone"
Brandon Nov 2011
Rucksack – Duffle bag – Backpack
Note books – Journal books – Poetry books
                    Book books
Tin cans – Pots and pans
         First aid – Survival kit
Complete with fishhooks, fishing line,
            Lighter, matches
  of the waterproof kind
                 Even a sewing kit
With extra sewing needles,
                       black thread, safety pins,
                         Band-aids, gauze,
                        Burn cream
Just in case
                  it's ever needed
      Bucket hat Stuffed
              down somewhere deep
A handkerchief –
                          bandana too
      Flannels and sweater
                                       For cool weather
Tennis shoes
          For when hiking boots
     Get too hot
               A few days worth of food
     Vegetarian – salmon jerky – chocolate protein bars
                            Sleeping bag rolled tightly
            All slung heavily over my shoulder

One fast move or I’m gone
           Kerouac once said
   As he tried to run away from
     Crashing waves of stardom
        I just want to get away
      From crashing city noise
            And live life like a
              Dharma ***
1.1k · Mar 2012
Brandon Mar 2012
I saw five blackbirds perched on a telephone wire at six am
They were black as the blackest of nights and as big as Caterpillars
They were looking down on cars taped over with blowing plastic bags
Floating in the hot pink wind like tornadoes made from lipstick
Their talons were long daggers looking to pierce the deepest part of my heart
To open my eyes with their meandering meaningful meaningless
They had shipwrecks adorning each obsidian feather and crooked teeth
Capped the nightmares that lurked behind the glare of their eyes
They watched solemnly at the scene below of closing doors
Of rustling papers and stained tears tarring the summer ground
They had secrets cawed in a language of screeched whispers
Warning and educating ears that were too deaf or too self involved to listen
We’ve got no chance to escape this drudgery of modernity
We’re stuck in this self-built prison of black and white prisms
Of three dimensional reasoning and the attitude that follows
Never meant to be but it’s what it is when we think we’re free
How can the one blind bird perceive things differently
If our shortsighted near-death experiences have left us numb
Numbing us to the presence of the stars in the morning sky
Or the Sun exploding torrents of fire during the night
Wrapping us in a chilly warmth like blankets soaked with gasoline
We've left ourselves to wander the desolate land thinking of the obscene

I saw five blackbirds blacking out the sun as they took to the sky
Laughing their murderous laugh at the awkward bipeds down below
1.1k · Oct 2011
Writing Room
Brandon Oct 2011
my eyelids feel heavy
it's been too many hours
since i recall what sleep felt like
my hair and beard are a disheveled wreck

working on my sixteenth whiskey sour
On the rocks, hold the fruit
and smoking another cigarette
countless crumbled packs sit empty
on my hardwood desk and the surrounding floor

it's a mess in this darkened writing room
lit only by the computer screen
and one dying lantern soon to extinguish its flame

outside the snow continues to fall
piling high and deep
pulling the frigid chill of white
into my writing room

my fingers caress the keys
of this battered keyboard
stained with ashes, alcohol,
and things i couldn't even guess upon

nothing of any good quality being written

words i've used before
words i've used incorrectly
words i am past the stages of being tired of using
words i've given up on

i listen to listener, orchid, saetia, envy
and more bands that no one has ever heard of
screaming poetry thru the worn out turntable

aggravated by the fact that i have to keep changing sides
but appreciative of each records quirks and pops
i continue listening to the echo of their verses

i should just give up, give into failure, i'm good at it
but i can't, even in this disheartened state

somewhere between the flipping of records and the
bombardment of keys being slammed
my lantern finally dies
leaving me in the glow of my computer

and the warmth of another whiskey sour

in my writing room i am left lingering
haunted with the words that i am choked upon
haunted with the last page of my story
haunted with these final words:

The End.
1.1k · Sep 2013
Brandon Sep 2013
A feminist walked into a doorknob
and gave herself a black eye
and blamed it on her husband.
Brandon Jun 2011
    ster Dance
Your Hipst
Sway ever so
      ly To the
Dysfun            ction

­Lost In Some Sole
trance         Cue The
  Solo      &    a slight
nod of the
                  h e a d
let them know
that your
hav          ing
a goo
  d   time
hip            ster,
you amaze me
          in your
mis    an     thropic
Notes really should be at the top of the poem...this is obviously about hipsters...watching them at concerts is quite funny. they never move...zombie food...zombie hipster movie. yep.
Brandon Sep 2011
Anti me
Anti you
Anti everything
We’ve ever been known for
This is a relapse
Brought on by our late nights
And early mourning
We grieve to say we feel
As much as we felt
When we felt the way you feel
This is a relapse
Of my suicide attempts
The key to my self-hatred
Stares at me from the mirror
Let the leeches nourish on my flesh
And let my scars bleed for you
Forever eternally yours
Forever eternally yours
I bought a book the other day
With one hundred and twenty ways
To conclude it all painfully
Tortured under self loathing
I’m checking out
Brandon Mar 2012
Hookers as gas station attendants
Pumping you and your gas
Have fun getting *******
While you refuel
1.0k · Aug 2012
If I Were A Pirate...
Brandon Aug 2012
My boat is broken. 
Pieced together from shipwrecks I've caused
Pieced together with the wretched lives I've taken. 
Ancient decrepit wood
nailed on in disjointed configurations. 
Puzzle pieces that don't quite fit right.
My flags are tattered and torn 
black, and ghostlike
barely strung together
and hanging from mangled masts. 
On the bow is a twisted  Stygian crow 
holding an ancient quill pen 
bleeding obsidian black ink into the ocean
surrounding my boat
Turning the water as black as the death I cause
The air surrounding my ship is an icy cold blue air
almost too thin and cold to breath.

I am Cap'n Ghost Lee Waters.
long black tangled beard
hollow sunken eyes rimmed with aching death. 
I move in frozen desecrations and icy darkness
I move towards you with murderous intent
And soon you will be within my grip
And you will feed my ship.
1.0k · Sep 2013
A Rare Moment
Brandon Sep 2013
You're in my arms with your head on my chest and I couldn't think of any way to spend the morning better.
You're hands trace the lines on the palms of my hands and rub my thigh thru my jeans and our lips taste each other like its the first time.
I can smell you even when I'm not breathing and I'm enveloped in these moments with you never wanting the comfort to end.
We watch ****** dams and pick up trucks blow up.
There's guns, prayer, and squirrel brains on the television and we laugh at redneck antics.
My stomach growls and you know the solution to quiet such a beast.
You fight sleep and I fight it just as hard because our time is almost up and I don't want to miss a second of you.
Lets pretend the clock is just a set of irrelevant numbers and lay here all day and be as irresponsible as teenagers.
Lets forget all these other moments for just a second longer until the clock strikes its over and we're back to being adults.
1.0k · Apr 2011
Brandon Apr 2011
Emblematic of the all American middle class boyhood
Cleanse these filthy blood-spattered hands
Modifying dreams into death
A clown can get away with ******
Spreading smiles on the faces of children
Bodies in the crawlspace
A letter everyday
Just to taunt you
You’ll never catch me
About serial killers...
1.0k · Mar 2012
Shoo Fly
Brandon Mar 2012
Shoo fly
Don’t bother my wife

             Shoo fly
             Go back outside

                         Shoo fly
                         Leave the inside

                                      Shoo fly
                                      Go out and die
1.0k · Sep 2011
Villains And Trains
Brandon Sep 2011
I lay your head down on the train tracks
Tell you to stay calm and don’t freight too much
Your hero will come and save you at the very last second
And you’ll walk arm and arm off into the sunset
While I’m getting arrested for the atrocities
That I held in my mind

I'll taunt you with words of destruction while you cry

Then you'll laugh that I'll never get away with this

And at the last second
Right before the train comes barreling down
Over your soon to be lifeless body
And before your hero has the chance to swoop down
And save you from complete annihilation
I’ll pull out your hero's severed head from behind my back
Hold it up high and laugh maniacally
As what just happened settles in too late for you to move
And the train rides down along the track
Covered in blood, flesh, and bone
1.0k · Sep 2011
Zazen Haiku
Brandon Sep 2011
Lotus leaf zazen
Phoenix dragon tea sipping
Finding nirvana
1.0k · Oct 2012
Brandon Oct 2012
She counts away the seconds in goldfish memories
Waiting for wonderland to kick in and course thru her veins

Brings cigarettes to her lips 
burning the charcoal glow of addiction

She inhales the scent of ******* 
feeding the fetish of love with the swirl and grasp of her tongue

I saw her dancing at club sixty nine 
She had escape and lust in her eyes

Leaving the safety of the skies
The clouds rush past 
like some unreplicable memory she's better off without remembering

The trinity of perception 
swimming in Pisces desire

The bar is littered with numerical consequences vomited up
In swirls of ***** and red-bull
Dried and stale on **** carpet

She's left cleaning up pieces of her disillusionment 
Singing beneath her breath

Off with their heads 

(And down with their pants)

*We are what we are 
but cease when we become
we are what we were 
but cease when we swan dive 
thru the looking glass
And into a concrete grave
1.0k · Apr 2011
And I Whisper
Brandon Apr 2011
Standing outside
Staring into your bedroom
Standing outside
Watching you undress
Standing in the corner
At the edge of your bed
Standing in the corner
Watching you sleep

And I whisper
You and I
We were made for each other
And I Whisper
You and I
We were made for the other
And I say
If only you knew

Standing outside
Staring into your bedroom
Standing outside
Watching you undress
Standing in the corner
At the edge of your bed
Standing in the corner
Watching you sleep

Long shadowed nights
Alone in the back of my car
Not too far from where you're parked
Long shadowed nights
Alone in the back
Not too far from where you are

And I whisper
You and I
We were made for each other
And I Whisper
You and I
We were made for the other
And I say
If only you knew

...And we were made for one another
...And we were made for each other
...And we were made to be together

And I whisper
You and I
We were made for each other
And I Whisper
You and I
We were made for the other
And I say
If only you knew

You and I
You and I
You and...
This is a love song...about stalking.
Brandon Sep 2011
Help keep the Zombie Apocalypse from getting out of hand
Rip the lower jaw off the deceased before you bury them
[Picture a zombie Uncle Sam pointing at you]
1.0k · Aug 2014
Brandon Aug 2014
People get to me
I'd like to remove the *to
1.0k · Mar 2012
Brandon Mar 2012
It’s become painfully obvious
That you’re in love with the sound
Of your own voice
Drowning out all those around
You have never had a moment of silence
Always filling the air
With nerve-grinding
Yeah-yeah-yeah” conversation
And the “he-he-he” of your laughter
I’d staple, sew, and stitch your mouth shut
If I were assured that you wouldn’t find
Some way to talk out of your *******
1.0k · Nov 2013
Brandon Nov 2013
You got your cigarette lit
Bathed in the back porch light
Gesturing madly with your drink
Lifting it to your lips
And taking a sip
The air is starry
And the sky is lit
Like the fire in the firepit

We lead ourselves astray
Into lives we never thought we'd leave
Say goodbye like we're saying hello
I can remember watching the shadows recede
On the white picket fence
But not the smile on your face
When it left me without a chance

Oh but these nights
They don't retreat
Oh, no they don't
They stay so long
After the war is over

The kids are crying
You tell them it's alright
I take your hand
Pull you closer for the night
If we can keep it up
Play this charade
With our flawless facade
We can make it thru
Until the sun comes up

Oh but these nights
They don't retreat
Oh, no they don't
They stay so long
After the war is over

Your cigarette is out
And the spirit's empty
Bottles on the floor
The fire is ashes
And they're burning out
Quicker than we can light the match

We lead ourselves astray
Into lives we never thought we'd leave
Say goodbye like we're saying hello
I can remember watching the shadows recede
On the white picket fence
But not the smile on your face
When it left me without a chance

Oh but these nights
They don't retreat
The don't

There's broken dishes
And broken hearts
They litter this home
Like works of art
There's empty wine glasses
And empty conversations
They litter this house
Like works of art

Oh but these nights
They don't retreat
Oh, no they don't
They stay so long

After the war is over
The war is over
After the war is over
The war is over

The war is over
After the war is over
The war is over
Don't retreat
1000 · Apr 2012
Brandon Apr 2012
The silence of solitude
                                                        ­                  The stillness of solidarity
The motion of the crowd                                                          ­                
The misery of the down
                                                         Waking eyes
Blistered seclusion                                                      ­            
Wandering eyes
                                                    Blissfu­l servitude
Tongues glued                                              
To frozen poles
                                                         ­  The ability to erase memories
The ability to ease intentions                                                     ­       
Does an exit exist?
Brandon Feb 2013
Her eyes cried graveyard dances when she saw his ghost empty the dilapidated body before her
The ache of loneliness echoed the space in her heart
Causing a well of shivers to convulse thru her fragile worn body
She wasn't sure how much more she could bear
But knew her life meant more now than it had before
Touched by a love so vast It circled the galaxies and haloed everything it caressed
She had no choice but to breathe in and fight the overwhelming desire of depression
Struggling to pull her under
She would make it thru
Scarred beyond physical flesh and tortured with every waking second and with every nightmarish dream
But she would continue on
Never giving up or giving in
Never letting the cavernous beast deep down inside her win.
Dedicated to B & J. May it last forever no matter the circumstances.
980 · Mar 2012
Brandon Mar 2012
To the pansies that want to know
Why it is that my poems
are getting encouraged*:

I've taken a look at some of your "poems"
And despite the parade of kudos and likes
On your...............masterpieces..........
Your bland words and verses
Worked better than barbiturates
I was fast asleep
Before I even finished your title

Now, live and let live.
Don't read my 'mean, hurtful, destructive' poems
and I won't read your trash that you try to pass off as good poetry
A word on the title: I once got in trouble at work for calling someone a ***** (They were too chicken **** to do a very simple menial task...) so I started calling everyone Snap-Dragons...
Brandon Aug 2014
There's an emptiness inside of me
That I've been doing my best to avoid

Words used to fill the hollow spot
As deeply as the humans I once knew
But slowly they all slipped out
And left a bottomless well
That burns like rotgut whiskey and ulcers

There's an emptiness inside of me
That I choose to ignore

I take my mind off of it with small adventures,
Afternoon beers,
Late night cocktails,
Early morning ****** Mary's
And whatever semblance of interaction I can procure.

There's an emptiness inside of me
That I've been trying to ignore

But it has grown vicious teeth
And jagged talons
It tears me apart from the inside out
But you'll never see it on my face
Or hear it in my voice

There's an emptiness inside of me
That I've done what I can to ignore

But the emptiness inside of me is mine
And I'll walk with it to Death's door.
I haven't been around.
976 · Sep 2011
Brandon Sep 2011
Nothing* compares to autumn

Standing underneath the hanging tree

Wishing fireflies in the summer breeze

Hushed silence of nature

This is peace

This is my last good *memory
974 · Mar 2012
Marmalade Mo[u]rning
Brandon Mar 2012
Marmalade on my toast in the morning
Fractions of seconds we tend to ignore
Oh how we adore all those in mourning
964 · Mar 2012
Brandon Mar 2012
Someday our face will be on the t-shirts of college co-eds
They will have the silhouette of our face on their dorm room walls
We will be hailed as revolutionaries
As visionaries
As the ones that got things changed

The Man will try to forget us
Make others forget about us
The Man will try to ruin our name
Try to ruin what we stand for

We won’t let them
We will remind them daily
We are here
We are everywhere

We are the revolution of revolt
963 · Oct 2011
It's Become An Obsession
Brandon Oct 2011
My wife says I spend too much time writing

That I’m always on the computer or cell phone
Scribbling digitally

She says that it’s become and obsession

She says that I spend too much time writing
That it’s all I ever do anymore

She says that writing poetry
Is all I ever think about

I told her

No, sometimes I think about leaving you,
Now which would you rather me do?

She flipped me off
And stormed out of the room


Back to writing in peace and quiet
956 · Mar 2012
We Were Here
Brandon Mar 2012
We were here fifty years ago

Drifting in and out of conversations
About some perverse poetry

Sultry vixens and the men they tamed

Whispers and shouts
Eloquently spoken over some scrambled background jazz

A hustle of people migrating around
In some discordant harmonious rhythm

Cocktail hour at this doomed speakeasy

We drank and were silent

We drank and were voicing our opinions

We drank more until we could no longer drink any longer

We stumbled outside

Attempted to hail a cab
Fell asleep on a park bench

Awoke to the sun’s rays glaring
From some far off distance

Warmth on our nightly chilled face

We rose from our slumber
And began to walk towards the nearest open bar

To start it all over again
939 · Apr 2012
American Democrazy
Brandon Apr 2012
The days where you were respected have become a memory
But it’s going to take a century to expunge all the damage you’ve done
And rewrite the wrongs that you’ve held as a nation of conviction

The world looks with weary eyes as the skyscrapers climb
In the name of bombs dropping, wall street journalism, and cash flow

The initiative that everyone is judged by the actions of corrupted officials
Humanity ruined in the eyes of offspring growing into a world of detestation

The silence of the unvoiced majority grows louder as the streets crowd
We are not the same and we are not part of the hidden agenda
Of world *******, civil suppression, and authoritative tyranny
938 · Jul 2014
Brandon Jul 2014
She had been planning it for almost a year. Her skin had felt ***** ever since she felt his touch. She screamed no between tears and pleas for help but no one came and no one stopped him.  She went to the police and anyone she could think that could help her after it happened but she was told it was her fault. That she had been asking for it. That she secretly wanted it and enjoyed it and only got help afterwards out of some guilty conscience on her part. That she was drunk and wearing clothing that revealed too much skin. That it was her fault. Her fault. Her fault. Those words echoed daily in her head, tormenting her insides until she no longer recognized the woman she saw in the mirror every morning.

He was free. Out in the world doing as he pleased. Smiling. Partying. Working. Free.

She remembered carefully peeling off her clothes and putting them in a trash bag that night. She got in the shower and lay in a fetus position, drowning her tears and sobs with the water pouring out of the shower head. It was the last time she cried.

For the first few months she went around to the local haunts she knew she had seen him at before but did not run into him or talk to anyone that knew where he was. She did not know what her intentions were but she knew that she had to find him. To confront him. To resolve the way she felt inside. She was about to give up when one day she saw him walk into the gas station as she was filling up the tank in her car. Her body froze. Her mind raced. She topped off the tank, hung up the pump, and jumped into her car. She idled her engine and watched thru her car's windshield the man buying some beer, cigarettes, a bag of chips; laughing at something the cashier said. He looked the same as he did when she met him but his hair was a little longer and he was clean shaven. She remembered feeling the goatee he wore that night as it roughed against her face as he held her down. She cringed. Her face tightened into a grimace.

She put the car in drive and followed him as he walked out of the station and got into his truck. She maintained a couple car lengths behind him, even allowing other cars to get between her and him but she never lost sight of him. She followed him down the highway, thru neighborhoods, sat outside as he stopped off at three different women's houses; picking each woman up and kissing them as they answered the door and pushed it closed behind him. She followed him home and say outside his house even after he had shut off all the lights.

She did this for months. She watched. She followed. She waited. She learned his schedule and she studied his mannerisms and his movements and the way he carried himself differently around every person he came across. She felt herself coming to know him and know his next move before he made it. She made a plan up in her head.


He couldn't complain about a second of his life. His father was wealthy and he grew up privileged, having the best that money could buy, including paying off anybody anytime he came into trouble with any form of authority. He knew he was good looking and knew how to work his charm to get what he wanted from whomever he wanted. He didn't care about anyone but himself tho he told many women that he cared only for them. He always laughed hysterically inside every time he told this lie and they fell for it. His pleasures came first, that was how he lived and he saw no end to it.

He had been ******* his best friends wife when he was at work, telling her that he was a **** and didn't treat her right and that he was getting *** on the side. He wasn't. He knew this. But convinced her otherwise. But he was getting bored with her and felt like moving on. After he was done with his session; as he called them; he told her that her ***** was loose and tired and that he was done ******* a filthy **** like hers. He threatened to tell her husband everything and make her come off as some ***** if she said anything. Claimed that he was just a man taken advantage by a ****. She cried and screamed and threw plates at him and told him to leave and told him to ******* as she collapsed into a mess on the kitchen floor. He smiled and laughed as he walked out of the house, nearly skipping joyfully to his pick-up.

He slid into the drivers seat and pulled out a cigarette from the pack he kept in the glovebox. He lit it and inhaled. He looked into the rear view mirror and saw a pair of icy blue eyes that he had the vague recollection of knowing staring at him. It was the last thing he saw before everything went black.


She hid in the rear cab of the truck and waited for him to see her before hitting him in the head with a hammer. Not hard enough to **** him but hard enough to make him blackout. She climbed into the front seat and pushed him aside and drove to an empty storage unit she had purchased under a false name. She parked the truck and dragged his body out of it and into the shed. She clumsily picked him up and propped him to a chair sitting in the center of the unit. She taped him to the chair with duct tape. First taping his hands together behind the backrest, then around his chest until the roll ran out and she grabbed another and taped both his legs to the front legs of the chair. She placed a piece on his face around his mouth, wishing to herself that he still had his goatee so she could rip it off when she removed the tape.

She splashed water on him to wake him up. His eyes burst open in fear and he struggled and mumbled but could not break free. In front of him she had sat a camera up. It focused on him. It was recording.

She stood in the shadows behind the camera with only her face exposed. She could feel him burning his stare into her and searching his memories for her face. She knew he found it when his eyes widened and tears began to form at the corners. He mumbled something thru the tape. She pulled down a black ski-mask over her face and walked into the cameras frame. She peeled away the tape.

He sobbed he was sorry. That he never meant to do it and that he felt bad about it everyday. He told her he had money and would give it all to her if she'd let him go. He begged. He pleaded. She knelt down and looked him in the eyes and whispered in his ear to confess to the camera and she would let him go. He started to scream. She smacked him hard across the face and put another piece of tape across his mouth.

He rocked about in his chair trying to set himself free but soon realized that he could not free himself. He cried some more and looked at the woman who once again stood behind the camera. He stared at her and into her and finally resigned himself to what she asked for. He nodded his head and she walked out from behind the camera and stripped away the tape.

He confessed to ****** her and six other women. He confessed to touching his niece who was only ten years old inappropriately and denying it to her parents when they confronted him, saying she had an active imagination and they should get her help. He admitted to paying off judges and cops and eyewitnesses anytime he found himself in trouble.

He admitted to many things that made her skin crawl. All she wanted was a confession of his assault against her but he kept going on, rambling thru tears and pleas and more tears. Finally he was quiet. She asked if that was all. He stared at her with glossy eyes and shook his head yes. She looked closely at the man in front of her, disgusted to depths she did not know existed. She walked towards him and replaced the tape on his face. He again attempted to struggle to no avail. She walked out of the storage shed and to his pick-up and grabbed the five gallon bucket of gasoline he kept in the back of the bed. She walked back into the shed and closed the door again.

His eyes widened in terror. She confessed to him that she was going to let him go after he admitted what he did but after hearing everything she had decided that she could not. That it made her sick to think about him walking the streets or even rotting in prison. She couldn't trust any system that kept letting him and people like him off. She poured the gasoline on him, even removing the tape and forcing him to swallow some so that it sat heavy in his stomach. She replace the tape for the last time and looked at him. Looked into him. She felt fear leaving her body. She felt pain leaving her body. She felt an overwhelming sense of peace wash over her and she smiled and laughed for what felt like the first time in her life.

She walked out of the camera frame and turned around. He sat in the middle of the room, tape to a chair and covered in gasoline. The camera was recording. She lit a single match and then a book of matches and threw them towards him. She watched as the flames engulfed him slowly at first and he squirmed in his chair and the flames worked their way up his body quicker and quicker and she could hear his muffled screams and see him struggling but still securely bound to the chair. Everything aflame. The camera still recording.

She pressed stop a few moments after she saw his head fall forward and his body stopped moving. She watched the flames a few more moments eat away at the man that ate away at her. She took the video out of the recorder and put it in a plastic case and sat it outside of the storage shed. She closed the door and walked off into the distance, smiling and enjoying her life and the fresh air.
I was hesitant to post this. A friend convinced me to.
938 · Aug 2013
Last Moments
Brandon Aug 2013
The wind howled outside of the lean to and Brian knew that it was only a matter of time before the chill settled in and the last breath of life would leave his body. He thought about his family back in the city and he could not bring to mind any bad times tho he knew that there were many. He thought of his marriage and how beautiful his wife had looked on her wedding day walking down the aisle escorted by her grandfather who had a tear in his eye. He remembered the way her dress and her hair flowed behind her as if there were some slight breeze that had hit her at just the right angle to make it possible. He remembered trying not to cry and to only smile the closer she got to him and how he nearly lost his composure when her grandfather handed her off to him. Brian thought of their first born who he called Maggie but  was named Magnolia by both parents and his wife still used that name. She would be turning sixteen this year and he had not been around as much lately as he had liked but he felt that she knew he would always be there. A tear rolled down the wind bitten cheeks of Brian and began to slow once it got close to his chin, partially leaving a frozen trail from eye to tears end. He thought about Maggie as a little girl, perhaps around the age of five, and the fishing trips that they would take out on the lakes of Minnesota. He remembered the first time that she had baited the fishhook herself and how proud both she and he were when she had caught a ten pound walleye with that same hook. Brian wanted desperately to hold onto that moment for the rest of his life and swore he would never forget and all thruout the years of his life it was one memory that we went back to anytime he felt low and out of place with everyone and everything around him. Brian thought of his two sons, Jameson and Benjamin, twins that could not have been more different. Jameson was great at sports and thrived on competition where Ben was more artistic and would often be found doing volunteer work. Tho they had many differences, they were brothers thru and thru and never had a bad moment together. Brian and Ruth Ann had raised there children right; he knew that much was true and felt the pang of sadness pierce his heart as he felt the anguish of his wife when she heard the news that he was dead and she would have to finish raising them alone. He knew she would do just fine and he wanted to tell her so, to comfort her somehow even tho he wouldn't be around but he had no way of doing so and instead shivered beneath the lean to and continued thinking of his family to keep his mind active. After a short while tho he felt his brain slow and the memories became distant like dreams do after a few moments of being awake. Brian closed his eyes tightly and forced himself to think and focus. He thought about the last family photo that they took and how grown up everyone was becoming and how much love was still in his wife's eyes and he lied down on the cold ground with that image in his head and he slipped into a sleep from which he knew he would not wake up from but still he smiled at his memories and hoped that even without him his children would continue being happy and would grow further and start their own families which would have their own families and so forth. He hoped his wife would be strong and keep on and if she should find someone else he hoped she would not let Brian be the thing that kept her from living. Before Brian exhaled his last breath, he saw Maggie baiting the fish hook and smiling the way a child does. Brian smiled too and slipped into death.
936 · Sep 2013
Insert Useless Title Here
Brandon Sep 2013
I shake these insecurities and scratch away my skin
Close my eyes and bite deep until I bleed again
I know I'm never too good to remember but you'll never forget
The taste of it still lingers on nights strewn with hearts on fire
I cross my heart and hope to live
It's a disease I'm sure but I'm sick anyway
This passion is violent the way love repents
And darkness closes in on me while I'm in daylight
I can't see but I'm open to your opinion
I can't strand this imagination on ancient shores
They crash to me like ghosts and demons drunk on moonshine
Freedom is another word we made up
But forgot to put meaning behind it
I've stitched myself to so many pieces I'm bound to unravel eventually
Will you sew me back up or have you given up on this jigsaw puzzle
It's been so long I've forgotten the words and what any of them meant
I'm so alone it doesn't matter does it
935 · Feb 2014
To Sea
Brandon Feb 2014
Would you break your silence
As the tide washes over me?
Lend me your lips for one last kiss
Before I'm thrown into the awaiting abyss
It's become abysmal to walk the surf
Without holding your hand in mine
And the soft pallet of your laughter
Drowning out the music from seashells

It makes what time we have
Feel like a short eternity
But names written in the sand
Have a tendency to wash back out to sea

There's footprints I follow
Will they lead me to the beating in your chest
Or are they where I've already been?
Have I touched the tender ache of your skin
The way I dig my toes into the sand
And feel the ocean caress me like your finger tips
Have I known this all along
Or have I sank to the bottom
Lungs filled with melodies of woeful maladies?

It makes what time we have
Feel like a short eternity
But names written in the sand
Have a tendency to wash back out to sea

When the tide comes in
Would you break your silence
Would you struggle to save me from my fate
Would you cry if you were too late
When the tide comes in
Would you forgive me for not staying

When the tide comes crashing in
There's a tendency to wash back out to sea

It makes what time we have
Feel like a short eternity
But names written in the sand
Have a tendency to wash back out to sea
932 · Dec 2012
Brandon Dec 2012
I'm light years away from you right now
Watching thru a telescope
Barely seeing the small fragment of life you've become to me
I sometimes wonder how our worlds drifted this far apart
When we had such heavy gravity
Pulling us together
But I guess it wasn't enough
Because somewhere along the way
Our orbits began to pull apart
And you started to collect
A ring of asteroids and comets
Hanging around like they were your moons
Stuck in your magnetic pull
You started thinking you were the sun
And everything centered around you
I couldn't be near you after that
So I let the space between us grow and grow
Until we were in different galaxies
And no longer held together
In each others gravity
I'm not really sure I like the wording at the end but posted it anyway. Maybe I'll come back and revisit it. Someday.
925 · Mar 2012
BurneDown Billboards
Brandon Mar 2012
Propaganda and hype
Litter the roadway
Engulfed in burning flames
And chainsaw serenades

Jesus saves

So sit back and enjoy
A cool, crisp, refreshing 7Up

Before your time is up

The best advertisement
A billboard can advertise
Is written in smoldering ashes
925 · Nov 2013
Brandon Nov 2013
"Truly you love me?" she whispered beneath the soft sound of his kisses which started near the sharp edge of her hip bones working slowly up, tracing every inch of every slender curve until his mouth met the softness of her neck and the whiskers of his beard tickled her slightly and caused her to tremble and her toes to curl. She smiled and bit lightly on her bottom lip.

"What makes you so sure," he inquired thru a mischievous grin. He could feel the warmth of her skin touching his and in this moment he knew that he loved her and only her deeply but he did not want to say so just yet and played coyly with his lips on the nape of her neck and entangled his fingers in the golden blonde strands of her hair, pulling just enough so that she arched her back and ****** her ******* into the hardness of his chest.

"It's in the way that your mouth moves across me."

"Perhaps my mouth is only hungry?"

"Perhaps. But then how do you explain your hands?"

"They have a mind of their own."

"A wonderful mind it is."

She ached for his mouth to be on hers, to feel the course hairs of his beard on the softness of her cheeks, for the hard lines of his hands to cup her ******* and squeeze her ****, for him to be the only moment she would ever have. She wiggled out beneath his force and in doing so he lay supine with her on top. Her hair was hanging down like a curtain over his face so that all he could see was her icy blue eyes and beautiful red lips. His hands moved across the smooth tan skin of her back until she grabbed his arms and traced them with her hands up to his, ensnared their fingers, and pinned his arms above his head.

"You're my prisoner now."

"You are my warden?"

"I am."

"My crime?"

"So cruel, it is unmentionable."

"I'm innocent. I swear." He said unbelievingly.

"We are all innocent in our own wicked ways."

"You are not innocent."

"No, I am the devil and I've come for your soul," she laughed.

He lunged his face forward to meet her lips but she pulled away, smiling.

"You haven't served your time yet."

Her tongue was tracing the canines of her teeth and there was a growl to her voice that made her seem like a wild beast and this drove him insane on the inside. He feigned struggling to lift his arms up away from her pinning him down but liked that she was on top of him and did so only in play.

"Don't I get time served for being good?"

"Yes. But I don't want you to be good."

"But I am an angel."

"Your halo is held up by horns."

He tired of their banter and raised his arms and flipped her over on to her backside and lay on top of her once more. The sheets on the bed were now completely tangled around their bodies so that they had cocooned themselves and were pressed very tightly together. His mouth met her mouth and they shared a long kiss that awakened both the insides and the outsides of their bodies.

His eyes met hers and her lips smiled and her face creased beautifully.

"Truly, you are the only one I love."
Don't think I'm really done with this yet but thoughts?
923 · Jul 2013
Moving On
Brandon Jul 2013
Martha woke up early and began combing the rats out of her hair with her thick bristled brush that also doubled as her first ***** the summer before she had turned eighteen and could legally go to an adult store and have her pick of *** toys. Martha often thought of that first experience when her hands gripped the handle tightly and she would often smile fondly and sinfully at the memory. She brought the brush to her hair and counted each brushstroke from roots to split ends until she reached 100 on the left side of her head and repeated the process on the right side of her head until her unruly auburn hair found some semblance of order.

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Martha was not conceited nor too pretty but felt that she was a healthy mix of feminine wilds and tomboyish charms. She considered herself the girl next door even tho her nearest neighbor was twenty miles up the well traversed road and on the opposite side. Martha slid off her nightgown and pulled on her favorite pair of white cotton ******* before putting on a red bra. Martha did not care that they did not match nor would others’ opinions bother her if they somehow saw her in her unmentionables. She slid into a pair of ragged jeans that had tears in them from working in the family garden and a black tshirt that was loose but not loose enough to hide her curves.

She gave herself one more quick pleased look in the mirror and paused her eyes on her brush once more and walked out of her bedroom down the stairs and into the kitchen where the coffeemaker was making her a fresh *** having been programmed to do so the night before. Martha drank her coffee black and could not understand why anyone would mask the taste with milk and sweetener.

She poured herself a cup and went into the living room where her father was already awake sitting in his reclining chair reading the newspaper. Martha sat down on the couch and inquired about her favorite baseball team but her dad said he had yet to get to the sports and did not know the outcome. She asked to be told when he found out and he said he would let her know.

Martha finished her coffee in silence while her father read. She stood up, went back into the kitchen, rinsed her mug out in the sink, and yelled to her dad that she was going out and would be back in a little bit. She saw the top of his head over the chair nod okay and she walked out the kitchen’s screen door into the backyard where she kept her car parked.

Martha unlocked the car and opened the trunk, pulled out a container of gasoline and walked back to the perimeter of the house and began to slosh the fuel along the foundation and the siding. She put down the emptied container and went back to her car and slid into the drivers seat, put the key into the ignition and cranked it until it started.

She fumbled with the dial on the radio until she found a station she could tolerate and took a cigarette out of the glovebox and lit it, inhaling its fumes before tossing it half smoked towards the house.

As Martha watched the flames begin to grow from embers into an inferno, she put the car in reverse and left the driveway before moving the gearshift to drive and taking off down the road, sending a pile of dust into the air as her tires grabbed for traction on the dirt road and she sped out of sight of her house without looking back.
907 · Apr 2011
A Crime Scene Lament
Brandon Apr 2011
The slow saunter of charcoaled amber courage slithering down my throat, the old familiar burn of a love gone wrong and one too many nights spent staring at the city lights, wishing for that ******* pool of darkness to finally overtake the senses. It never happens. This place may as well be a brilliant hell-bent flame never dying out. Some broken swing jazz plays in the background, left over from an alternate time-line where life never progressed from the fall of the roaring twenties. A depressing state of depression, lost in gloom. Smoke hangs in the air like meat at the butcher shop, thick and over-powering, the somber stench of stale Camels, American Spirits, and matches burning down to the tip. Even the cool night air filled with the falling rain does nothing to move this smoke or smell away from the nostrils or eyes. It’s getting late but still the lights shine, the eyes burn, and the whiskey continues to be pored and drunk. A phone rings somewhere in the distant room, I barely make it in time before the last ring. I shouldn't have picked up. Not on a night like this...

My heart is breaking as I hear of her footsteps lightly walking away from the door, knowing the end of her walk was not much farther down the line. It’s too late to save her. A cop tapes off the scene of the ******, rain drenched and keeping reporters at bay, miserable in his line of work. But a man must earn a living in these modern times. A man must earn a living in these modern times. Her lifeless corpse lays uncomfortably on the floor, traced in chalk, with her scantly clad black dress slightly as-cued of her earthly surrogate, she looks like an angel of broken memories. Blood from her wrists and a suicide note that just doesn't seem right. The bruising on her neck looks fresh. Too fresh to be from any day or time but the present. Heavy boot prints lead on the concrete towards the streets, washing away in mud and continuing downpour. The world is on fire as the flame in my heart dies out knowing what must be done...

I sit lonely at my desk, scarred by broken glass and endless wars, sifting thru notes of tragedy that all blend into one bad noir movie repeating some forgotten enchanted quote about life and death and everything not meant to happen in between. It is what it is. It’s always what it shouldn't be. She wasn't old, just shy of some milestone birthday, but she lived hard I'm told by the few that knew her...

There's a barely audible knock on the door, heard only by the quite constant repetition of flesh meeting hardwood. I stand to open the door but before I can pull myself together to walk the some odd number of feet towards it, the door slowly opens and in steps someone I knew from a past life. There is not enough whiskey left in my glass for this encounter to be of any good...
My attempt at noir i suppose.
902 · Nov 2013
Brandon Nov 2013
"Tell me something that no one else knows darling" she crooned to me as I ran my fingers thru strands of her golden blonde hair before grabbing it and wrapping a fist full of strands around my hands and pulling tightly, moving in for a rough kiss on her soft lips. She bit my lip and drew blood. I bit hers and she yelped as if she had had a small ******. Her body became weak beneath my touch.

"You've ruined me for the rest of my life."

"I said to tell me something no one knew, not something that is dreadfully obvious to even the town drunkard."

"I am the town drunkard."

"City drunkard."

"State drunkard."

"Earth drunkard."

"THE drunkard," I roared and pulled her closer to me, feeling the ache of her skin as it collided into mine. Her breathing was heavy. Rapturous. She smelled of lust and passion that only comes in the moment of being caught doing a thing that should not be done. I inhaled her. I wanted to destroy her so that no one else could ever know her the way I do.

"You're mine."

"Oh am I now?"

"Yes. Now."

"Well then. Own me."

"I don't want to own you."

"Oh? What is it you want then," she asked with a slight tremble in her voice.

"I want to break you as you've broken me."

"What if I am already broken?"

"Then I will take you."

"Take me."
Unfinished excerpt from a story rambling in my head.
899 · Sep 2011
Untitled Poem [W]
Brandon Sep 2011
Whimsical wayfarer will waver within wafting water
Waiting where we went when wild winds whimpered wayward warnings
While warring wolves whispered warm wanting wails
Whisking wilted white whales with winter wisdom wonder

Wilderness wanes widespread whilst whiskey whittles wit
Withering without wicked wearisome woes
every word starts with a W and no word repeated...
892 · Mar 2012
Enemy Of Honesty
Brandon Mar 2012
The liability of a liar’s ability to lie

Coincides with the truth we denied

*Enemy of honesty until the day we die
Brandon Aug 2013
The rain falls down heavily outside of the house except for eleven leaks coming first from the roof into the attic crawl space. Some of the rain splattering on support beams and flying in multiple directions and some of it dropping straight down onto the ceiling below until it weakened the structure and began dripping down into the kitchen and living room into a collection of pots, buckets, and a waterproof hiking boot. The other boot sat dry on a shoe rack.

Richard Davis sat in his living room across from a table drinking a whisky and mineral water. On the table was a failing play of solitaire. The cards that Richard needed to win was the Three of clubs and the Ace of ***** both of which were lying face down in the seventh column at the top two spots. He had no moves available with any of the other cards to get to them. Richard Davis sighed and picked up all the cards after taking a drink from his glass and shuffled the deck three times before laying them out for another round.

Davis was playing to **** the time until the morning world would catch up with him and he could leave the house out into the rain and go down to the docks and on the boats to catch some fish.

He had attempted sleeping earlier in the night but found that he could not rest for longer than a couple minutes at which time he was not truly at rest if he were honest and his head wrestled with all of the thoughts that ran thru it and he was in the light of the full moon before the rain clouds came in and obscured it behind their thick black and grey hues. He was not superstitious but still could not sleep and he wondered if sleeping in the full moon did induce nightmares or if it only did at sea.

After a few hours of attempting and failing at sleep, he got up and checked his nap sack and tackle box and rod and fixed himself a whisky and mineral water using a bottle of  Johnnie Walker Blue Label and a bottle of Perrier. He grabbed his drink and grabbed a deck of cards lying on the counter and walked into the living room and sat down and shuffled his cards before laying them out for a game of Canfield and drank his drink.

When the leaks started to appear from the ceiling he finished off his drink and stood up and walked around the house grabbing six pots and two deep pans and two buckets and placed them each beneath a leak before seeing one last leak at which moment he grabbed the hiking boot and put it beneath the stream. He laughed and made himself another drink this time adding less mineral water to the mix and sat back down and continued his game of solitaire.

The sun began to show outside in the eastern skies right near the drop off of the ocean and its rays slowly filtered thru the little city and across the hills and thru the rain into the window seeping thru the tattered blinds of the house. Richard Davis smiled at feeling the sun on his face and finished loosing at his game and finished off his drink, rolling the lasts bit of taste around in his mouth before swallowing. Davis stood up and grabbed his gear and opened the front door; sat his sack, box, and rod on the ground and locked the door and picked them back up, adjusting the weight as needed and went out into the rain and down to the docks for work.
Yeah not a poem but Baudelaire once said "always be a poet, even in prose"
882 · Jun 2012
Summer Clouds
Brandon Jun 2012
You're a fire I know 
I grab you and I burn
Six more minutes
And the sun sets
Across oceans rolling
I'm dreaming
Summer Clouds gather
And I'm thru

I say your name
On whispering lips
Tremble the shivers 
That build this tension
Calamity we've constructed
With our barb wired hands
Summer cloud comes in
And I'm thru

{There's something wrong
In the grin
Of your cadaver smile
It peels me
Pulls my skin back
And tastes me
It sedates me}

Former friends
For formal ends
The stars go black
The last breath of a snow angel
Maybe we should sleep
But summer clouds come
And I'm thru

With summer clouds calling
I'm thru
Brandon Apr 2011
Bullets taste reminiscent of a moonshine lullaby
Down a full glass in slow motion
Nursing an atomic bomb in gut-rot
With the bible came guns
And from guns came knowledge
Prophets in the midst of bullets
Wooden messiah holding an AK-47
Barb-wired incantations
A holy war fought for consideration of offensive nature
Comprehension is over and done
878 · Nov 2011
Untitled Nature Poem
Brandon Nov 2011
A thousand grasshoppers hop
from blade of grass to blade of grass
in the overgrown countryside
Playing a melodious melody for me
concealed somewhere in the grassland
Chirp, whistle, thrash
From early morning
to the dark of night

The sun’s born in the east
but we watch it die in the west

The spider weaves her web
a silky complex blueprint
that only the imagination of nature can manufacture
Like the spider's design stenciled from one place to another
Everyone is abundantly outfitted in life to be extraordinary

The cicadas hibernate for seventeen years
before emerging from earth
before emerging from split shells
dug into the bark on forest pine
Imagine their terrible twos
spent locked inside the ground
Angst-ridden and ready to greet
and eat the world
in buzzing clouds
blocking out the sky

Earwigs are born from locust husks
I've seen it with my own eyes
Crawling down from a tree
with seeds of sea urchins
falling and littering the ground

The sunlight never reaches the bottom of the ocean
Only the glimmering light of the angular fish
Luring prey into a mouth of awaiting ******* teeth

The effects of nature can be profound
If one only listens to the sound
874 · Sep 2013
Groundhog Life
Brandon Sep 2013
Is today even a different day from any other day?
I'm having trouble telling the difference anymore.
I write the same stories, the same songs, the same poems.
I see the same people who say the same things about the same subjects that everyone else is already talking about.
I see the same movies with the same plots.
I'm not even sure if they're different actors and actresses anymore.
I hear the same promises in every political party without any differences in policies.
One says this.
One says that.
A tug of war on who can get nothing changed and nothing accomplished.
I taste the same manufactured food everyday.
My tongue can't tell the difference between a cheeseburger and a cardboard box anymore.
The same crimes.
The same innocents.
The same lies.
The same truths.
The same work.
The same goofing off.
The same write ups.
The same appraises.
The same advice to change things up.
The same advice to stay the same and never change.
The same old fights.
The same moments of making up.
The same *******.
The same Groundhog Day.
The same Groundhog Life.
868 · Apr 2011
(de)Humanized (d)Evil
Brandon Apr 2011
Basics of the broken jaw speech
Selected deliverance on the Day of Reckoning
Violent seraphs contained in cages of tattered flesh and bone
Tear and sew
Tear and sew
A massacre of crows
Ribs of my mother’s swine
Ribs of my father’s lunatic mind
Apocalyptic cataclysm for coliseum vomitorium
Dislocate the providence of manifesting confrontation
Agitate the skin and scrape rotten the wreckage of man
Brandon Apr 2011
Slithering snakes from a false messiah's mouth
I call the desert my home until the scorpions fall from the sky
Maggots and flies
Maggots and flies
I search
Nurturing wounds
I search
The price to pay just keeps adding up til I’m broke
When gold runs out
We pay in blood, teeth, and virginity
Blood, teeth, and virginity
In broken English
I spoke
Soiled scriptures
**** the time I have left
The time I have left to **** the boredom
Hell yeah
Give the life I live to end the silence
Silence the life I give
Who's gonna save me when I’m an unknown
The stars quit shining on me
The stars quit shining for me
I am broken and left alone
Searching aimlessly
Searching soullessly
I beg for the hum of fluorescent lighting
Tears on the desert floor
860 · Oct 2011
Shoulder Deity
Brandon Oct 2011
On my left shoulder                                                                                                      ­                                                     
I wear the devil                                                                                                                     ­                                               
Devious and grotesque                                                                                                             ­                                          
With all the tricks of the coyote                                                                                               ­                                          
He persuades me to do                                                                                                              ­                                         
All the polluted things                                                                                                                 ­                                       
That my human nature craves                                                                                                   ­                                       
Drinking, betting,                                                                                                                 ­                                              
Cussing, smoking,                                                                                                                ­                                               
*******!         ­                                                                                                                    ­                                                  
The obscurity of his darkness                                                                                               ­                                              
Calls to me                                                                                                                       ­                                                    
As a *******                                                                                                             ­                                                        
Calls to her john                                                                                           ­                                                                 ­      
On a filthy street corner                                                                                                ­                                                     
Imploring me to do my offenses                                                                                             ­                                          
And join him                                                                                                                            ­                                           
In the gloomy shadows of sin                                                                                               ­                                             

On my right shoulder
I wear an angel
All clad in colorless white
His mouth has been covered in duct tape
And his arms and legs
Bound by rope
He seldom speaks
Only mumbles words
That I cannot understand
859 · Apr 2011
White Trash Princess
Brandon Apr 2011
You sure do got a pretty mouth
Wrapped around my love gun
Take it easy sweetheart
Daddy’s gonna love you all night long
Just get me a beer first
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