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856 · Jul 2014
Brandon Jul 2014
She sits in a swing beneath a tree all alone drinking her wine out of the bottle like she's been a pro at it her whole life time.

She thinks to herself my happy moments are getting farther and fewer in between and I don't know how much lower I can go but she takes another long drink from the wine to see just how far she can sink into the world and disappear.

The swing swings slowly and the branch pretends to bend beneath her ghostly weight.

Her feet kick up off the ground, she's looking for momentum, trying to swing her way to the skies.

She sees in kaleidoscope and her fingers tighten around the bottle's neck, she needs comfort and something real to hold onto as she soars higher and higher.

Her hair flows behind her in tangled waves of slow motion and hectic abandon.

Her feet kick and pull and kick, higher and higher she goes.

The branch pretends to bend beneath her ghostly weight and the swing swings tightly as the rope's taught against the pull of her push.

She's in the air drinking away the remnants of memories she doesn't want to remember.

She tosses her emptiness away on the backswing and gives her legs one last strong kick and the swing sends her higher.

She jumps free into the void around her, feeling the rush of air and a small moment of absolute freedom.

The branch remembers her ghostly weight as the swing settles to a slow rock and then stops.

She's in the sky and her body lies motionless accompanied by an empty bottle of wine.
856 · Apr 2011
Suicide Notes parts 1 - 3
Brandon Apr 2011
Maroon [suicide note pt one]
Love letters written in dried blood
Memories that were once ancient history
The colors swirling into a galaxy
I woke up today and everything was maroon
She said there wouldn’t be a tomorrow
I hate it when she’s right
I carved her name on my arm
The only memento my body will leave
Besides my heart

Untitled [suicide note pt two]
Bliss is a warm gun
Melting in your mouth
Candle wax dripping into opened wounds
Blistered by the birth of prayers
There was a rainbow over this world
There was a rainbow
Vanished before I could touch the halo
I’m leaving this world

A Love Letter [suicide note pt three]**
I looked at your pictures again tonight
And when I was done
I smashed my fists into glass
I need to get these demons out of my head
But now there’s just a trail of blood
I smoothed a wrinkled piece of paper out and uncapped my black pen
The one you bought me for our anniversary
I etched out the details of my soul and slowly filled it in with my memories
I still don’t feel any better
Remember I’ll always love you
I keep my promises
To the end
855 · Apr 2011
Needs Vs Wants
Brandon Apr 2011
Golden handed
Walking straight lines
There is no sense to be made
Except for small change
Copper pennies
Cents to spend
Bought and paid for like a good slave
Rave and be paid
Tell me where you stand on such topics
As the finest new kitchen appliances
And the must have technology of its day
For fear that we soon forget what it’s like to be human
A walking decaying piece of meat
Entrapped in its own selfish thoughts
Everyone is guilty
Even me
855 · Mar 2012
Cosmic Love
Brandon Mar 2012
I want cosmic love

Keep your conservative nine to five love
That mechanical love that feels so cold against my skin
The kind love that restricts the breathing of first chances
The kind of love that shouts heartache from the first verse
The kind of love that goes day to day without passion
Keep your black love that swims in a sea of uncertainty
That pulls me drowning into an abysmal depression
The kind of love that feels like talons ripping into my heart

I want cosmic love

The kind of love that fills the empty spaces of space
I want love that swells in kaleidoscopic swirls
Of purple, blue, green, red, orange, and yellow
Glowing neon beneath a black-light kind of love
I want love born from a binary star going supernova
Exploding far across the Milky Way
I want love that sings the songs of the galaxy
With the beauty of nebulae streaking across the skies

I want your cosmic love
848 · Nov 2011
There The Poet
Brandon Nov 2011
There the poet lives  *                            
            Sunk in his own blissful depression and sorrow    
                       Protesting sobriety with gallons of liquor and hallucinogens                        

          *      There the poet sleeps*      
                           Dreams are made of reality beginning to fade                          
                                         A beautiful cacophony of syncopated Technicolor                                                      ­          

              *  There the poet sits
                       Writing and stringing together subjugated thoughts                    
                                    ­                                For someone to decipher and find further meanings for funding  

                                          *        There the poet listens

            Screeching birds like pterodactyls drilling his mind              
                                  Piercing the silent observations he desires  

              *         There the poet laments*    
                              Perched on the edge of the world                        
            Waiting for oblivion to come and save us all
848 · Sep 2011
Brandon Sep 2011
Time was we spent in an abyss
Looking towards the falling stars
Like kings of yesteryear
Centuries gone by and dynasties fell
To the tremor of your aftershocks
Thinking thoughts of purity
Reminded me of how we used to be
Pitch black midnight hour
Singles the halo of astrology
And years of vermin run thru the streets
Plaguing the healthy
And making wealth of the diseased
Some thought we could see the end
Some thought we were only where it began
In the ocean I swam with sharks
And made mad friends with the deep
Anchor around my feet
So I can’t risk the escape of air
And digital dreams I’ve remembered
Mixed with truths of your fiction
We depict the despicable in black
Soiled our whites obsolete
With out intentions
And mentions of a better life
We plead for our illuminations
Of a bitter embrace
But descend silent in your aftershocks
Silence in your thoughts
Brandon Oct 2011
Hushed the librarian
Pushing her glasses
Up onto the bridge of
Her nose
This is a library
Please keep your noise
To a minimum
We have people
Quietly enjoying
Their latest find
Amongst our many rows of
Books and books
And more
We can’t have any
So please keep your voice
And resist the urge
To make any loud
If you do
Feel the desire to be
Go to the back
Of the library
Where the Classics
Are located
You won’t bother anyone
Back there
No one reads the
Brandon Sep 2011
The* breath stealing beauty
Beholds existence in a single tear
Shaped droplet of water
Germinating and eroding time
The flowering bud versus the budding flower
The entanglement of enchantment
Met with such exuberance
That it becomes second nature
Force yourself to open eyes and ears
Hear the poet's tongue
Reflect upon every painstakingly chosen syllable
As it flows like the Rio Grande
Telling ancient stories of incredible minds
We are nothing but betrothed to the *stars
Brandon Dec 2012
You were born an original

But you'll die a clone

Made unoriginal

From all the things you've ever known
834 · Sep 2011
Death Bed
Brandon Sep 2011
I don’t even know where to begin
Possible I should start at the end
Where we are old and dead
Or at the very least lying on our death bed
Talking of our fond memories

Maybe a voiceover for the scenes of our laments
And flashbacks of the lives we lived

Did we do well in our deeds
Did we do badly in our mistrusts
Did we do all that we could do

Or did we just sit at home
Watch television as time passed us by
In cruel shades of silver, black, and white

What do we talk about
In our final moments
In our final breath

Do we pronounce our undying love

Or do we finally choose not to
Ignore our revulsion that festered in our bellies
Like growing infants long passed the due date

I choose to think
We’d speak of adoration
Because in this world
There’s already too much loathing to bear
And not enough love to dwell

Or maybe we do speak of the abhorrence
The contempt that never seemed to die away
From that first moment of infidelity
To the last shouted “I love you”
Shouted during one of those great big
Silent fights that we were known for

Suppose we spoke of both love and hate
Talked and narrated the past many years
In the few moments that we both still continue living

Our dying eyes gazing into the others extinction
A feeling of panic then euphoria overtakes us

And in our last gasping, final breath
I think I’ll tell you
That no matter what our history has produced
There’s no one I’d rather die with
Than you
829 · Feb 2012
After The Rain Storm
Brandon Feb 2012
Rain pours like luscious waterfalls
Early spring morning of mourning
Glissading down from grey cumulus clouds
In bursts of brilliant streaks
The rain moves on to another town
As warmth begins to shine
Rising and heating the ground
The rain puddles sizzle
Evaporating into a warming atmosphere
Birds begin tweeting
Talking to the world in sweet bird song
Grasshoppers begin hopping
From overgrown soaked grass stalks to my pant legs
The breeze blows thru the air
Like god’s breath renewing the Earth
The sun shines brightly like a calamity
As the animals come out of hiding
And begin to explore the world
After the rain storm
829 · May 2012
Brandon May 2012
I will smother you
with my words and one day you
will know the meaning
of my vocabulary
as you suffocate
under the letters written
by me just for you
sort of a haiku...
828 · Apr 2011
A College Graduate
Brandon Apr 2011
You’re working at McDonalds
For less than minimal wage
Trying to support a family On a 4.5 GPA
24/7 may I take your order
Unprepared for the real world
Where did your college degree get you now?
Brandon Apr 2011
Consciousness is an appalling obsession headed for experience
Gone astray from all my existent associations
Buried implications within nothing I carve
Interpret alone and discern the unaffected me
Preserve dependence on cerebral traffic
It’s possible I am just a liar
824 · Dec 2015
Brandon Dec 2015
It was a national day
I pieced myself together
From remains of melancholia  
You asked about the weather
I said it looked like a tornado
I'm spinning into a dreary dream
You laughed the way roses wilt away
And took another sip from a broken glass of wine

I watched the garden untangle itself
In the breeze of an April's December
Hanging holiday lights with whiskey breath
Your hair tangled in knots
Like bows on unopened presents
I remember the shade of Crimson
That you left across the white picket fence
When the rain poured and tried to wash it all away
Brandon May 2011
Scientists have recently been reported to having tried and successfully reanimated human tissue
With the new millennium it is stated that millions will die of starvation
New drugs are in development that are said to cure all diseases even the common cold
Stem cell research is closer to creating the perfect clone
One by one civilians are being rounded up and made to perform in test experiments
The government has its eye in every third ratio of existence
One out of every ten doctors agree that the world will end soon
Further tests have confirmed that what we are witnessing here is
The sudden irrational decline of humankind
These are the words for a noise track that i did for an old band of mine. The title is much better than anything written in the poem itself.
822 · Jun 2012
Hear Tonight Crashing
Brandon Jun 2012
I cannot hear you on the days you dream
Saying lover like a curse word
I overheard what you oversaw
The scene we waited for
To save our lives
We’re older now
And school is out
We're older now
School is out

These streets are lined with car wrecks
Thousands of crashes
And tonight I sound of your collision
Pulling you apart and mangling your edge
Feeling the glass staining our eyes
So that we can tell
The nebula is exploding
When we collide

I wish I could take your hand
And pull you closer to me
In this wreckage of scrap metal
Twisted our lies into a new religion
I’ve been waiting for you
To stay for the night
But I can only walk away
From this point on

These streets are lined with car wrecks
Thousands of crashes
And tonight I sound of your collision
Pulling you apart and mangling your edge
Feeling the glass staining our eyes
So that we can tell
The nebula is exploding
When we collide

There’s something I want to tell you
But you have to lean in to hear
There’s something I want to tell you
But you won’t hear me tonight
There’s something I want to yell you
But you can’t hear me over the *crashing
822 · Sep 2013
A Brief Love Story
Brandon Sep 2013
"You’re worthless to me" he whispered in her ear.

The silky blondes of her hair touched softly on his lips and sent ******* trembles throughout his body. He groped his hands beneath her shirt feeling the intensity of her ******* becoming hard beneath his touch. He bit her ear causing a small shriek to escape her smiling lips.

"I know" she said as she took out the twelve inch butcher knife she hid earlier in the night beneath the pillow and began stabbing him.

She was laughing her child like laugh.

There was blood everywhere.
821 · Oct 2013
Your Touch (is so far away)
Brandon Oct 2013
Well I want to touch your face but you're so far away
Can't seem to stretch out my arms long enough to grab ahold and keep ahold
you keep pulling away

But I'm not giving up
Grasp my hands for every strand of you that I can pull away to pull closer
Just to be near

I crave

I ache

It's your touch I need to soothe these moments that don't want to give in
Oh but your finger tips and the palms of your hand just sever these pains
And I give in and I'm lost in between those fingers
I want to clasp my own
Interlock and weave
I cant believe theres been a whole life we haven't been together
It's just these shared moments of passion that last forever
but it all ends too soon

Oh darlin I'm here to say I need the ache of you inside my chest
And I'd feel so alive as you with you bursting out my rib cage
Holding my heart in those beautiful hands

But you're so far away
And our arms aren't long enough
And our hands aren't strong enough
820 · Jan 2014
Untitled dumbness
Brandon Jan 2014
Is there anyone out there?

I could use a drink.


        Yes please to all three.

         Ill settle for some ginger ale.

                  Or the sleeves of a warm sweater.

It's too **** cold. 

                 s   h   a   k   i   n   g

Maybe get some food.
Feel the fire warming.

Anyone want to go get food?




Liquid lunch?


                     Cabin fever.

Lets converse and **** some time.

Also if anyone finds my ability to write,
         send that ******* back to me.
Brandon Sep 2011
Silence is the memories of late night truck stops
Some sticky September serenades of noise
And just legal cleavage
The dawn rises too early
With the whipping snap of a bitter wind
Romancing the trees, grass, and man-made nightmares
Of construction, pavement, and steel
We are alone here some voice echoes
Reassuring that no one will ever be with anyone
And the dying days of our light is just that
Left hanging in the whimpering breeze

*Traveling to foreign shores with seaside shanties
Of mermaids, sirens, and demons of the depth
One day we will rest in Davey Jones’ locker
Telling stories of our youth to rusted seashells
Waiting for a sun to rise beneath the trenches of dead whales
Brandon Mar 2012
I spit gasoline from my lungs
And my words are a spark
Waiting to escape my mouth
And ignite the world on fire

So strike the match
Let's burn this place down
And rise again from the ashes
Like a phoenix reborn
From a dream that i had...
807 · Oct 2011
Brandon Oct 2011
Vultures pick at the waste of roadside leftovers
Diseased of the carcass and wrecked feathers rambling
Shoveling mouthfuls of **** into dislocated jaws
Left hanging by shreds of flesh and sanctioned torment
Scrubbing and scraping flecks of putrid skin off the bone
The natural progression of consuming decay
And the cleansing of the human race
805 · Sep 2011
Hello Haiku
Brandon Sep 2011
All of your hellos
Every time you see me
I’d rather say **bye
There's this guy at work...who says hello EVERY TIME he sees me...he walks or drives by the shop maybe 10 or more times a day and even when I'm fully into a breakdown, he stops and says hello. i find this very annoying. this haiku is for him.
Brandon Sep 2011
I remember being all alone
Lost and trapped in my silent home
Broken and bruised*

Down the rabbit hole I began to wander
Always wondering where the other side would lead me
But in my quest I became blind
Blinded by those that seek the guidance
Of Buddha, Christ, Gandhi
And every other groovy hippy messiah
Inducing hallucinations of the good in mankind

I should have been reading Nietzsche all along
But the fine print between the lines was so perverse
That he was too scared
And too scarred
He could not see the potential
Of a stark raving mad world unleashed on itself

Like insects feeding on clockwork
We all get digested as time ticks away
i'm not entirely sure if i'm done with this one or not but i felt like posting it anyway...enjoy...or don't.
Brandon Apr 2011
The quest for love is tired and spent
Endless anguish for one that you hope to find
Along this extensive desolately disenchanted road
Where faces come and go in and out of aged shadows
No body is sweetly thought about for longer than an affair
Grown uninterested and somnolent of the same tedious routine
It’s all just a squandered course of existence

People covered in leaves
Sitting on a couch
Covered in leaves
Looking at me
Staring at me
Covered in blood

We were here fifty years ago
Drifting in and out of conversations
About some perverse poetry
Sultry vixens and the men they tamed
Whispers and shouts
Eloquently spoken over some scrambled background jazz
A hustle of people migrating around
In some discordant harmonious rhythm
Cocktail hour at this doomed speakeasy
We drank and were silent
We drank and were voicing our opinions
We drank more until we could no longer drink any longer
We stumbled outside
Attempted to hail a cab
Fell asleep on a park bench
Awoke to the sun’s rays glaring
From some far off distance
Warmth on our nightly chilled face
We rose from our slumber
And began to walk towards the nearest open bar
To start it all over again

This is *******
Proceed no further
A thousand exotic images
Flashing widescreen
Moans and groans
Entanglement of legs and limbs
Writhing in ecstasy
A million dollar money shot
*** get baptized
No sense in wasting a good time

There’s hopelessness here
Behind my eyes
Thirty thousand words
Scripted in chaos
Where does our destiny lie?
Somewhere out on the open broken road
Riding down damaged goods
Animals roaming free
Over civilizations failure
Hard-edged footprints
Caked in last night’s mud
Wandering shapelessly
We are lost
Feed the wall
Feed the tree
I only hurt in your dreams
So I plagiarize because there’s nothing better to do
Just killing a remembrance of time
Lying on the nearest railroad track
And waiting for the end of the line
803 · Apr 2011
Crypt Kick
Brandon Apr 2011
A grave is only as comfortable as the home you make
A far off feeling of a second chance
Clean-shaven and a new suit
Same old romance
Stuck in a room with nothing else to do
Well I thought I’d be better by now
But clearly it's just the same old thing
Just a different scene
So come on and escape
So come on and escape with me
Leave it all behind
Just put the noose around your neck
And take a step off the edge
I swear I’ll be right behind you
Yeah right behind you I swear
The walls are closing in
Velvet and unseen
Respects are paid
While jokes are made
Not much longer to wait
Close the lid
And await my fate
So come on and escape
So come on and escape with me
Leave it all behind
Just put the gun to your head
And pull the trigger
I swear I’ll be right behind you
Yeah right behind you I swear
800 · Dec 2015
Brandon Dec 2015
Yesterday I watched the world get torn away
Clenched my fists until I bled
Closed my eyes and a laugh escaped
I think I'm going crazy
But that's to be expected
Whatever happened to my happiness
Tied it off into a tourniquet
Didn't mind, I was made to forget
What's usefulness used for
If its utilized uselessly?

Have left behind
The things that bind
Have left behind
The things that bind

Tomorrow I'll see the reflection of my past
Can't count the days
But I'll watch them slowly degradet
It's all in asking the questions
Maybe the answers will spill out
When I'm not paying attention
What's usefulness used for
If its utilized uselessly?

Have left behind
The things that bind
Have left behind
The things that bind

Today came and went
Couldn't tell you a **** thing about it
I cleansed the dirt beneath my fingers
And pealed my skin away
What's usefulness used for
If its utilized uselessly?

Have left behind
The things that bind
Have left behind
The things that bind

I have
Left behind
All the things

That bind
795 · Jun 2012
Brandon Jun 2012
There's blood between us
Choking our throats;
A noose brightens
before eclipsing crosses
Made from ashes
The water rushes
Down my lungs
And I'm drowning

I call out your name
But you won't answer  
I stretch out my hand
But you're not there
I've seen the best and it's over
I'm soil and dirt you harvest
what's left
I know what's there 

The tide came in.
And washed away.
Our names.
In the sand.
The moon howled.
In pain.
Like sulfur.
Like desire. 
It's over.

I can drown in you
Take my last gasp from you
(it's like the forever
we never knew
I can drown in your kiss
My final breath thru your kiss
(it's like the forever
we'll miss

We shine
Like diamonds
Drowning in water
Crystal eyed transcendence
Asphyxiating on your blood
793 · Jul 2012
I Know I'm Alright.
Brandon Jul 2012
I'm having flashbacks of events that haven't happened yet 
seeing faces where faces do not exist 
hearing voices when it's silent 
there's glitches in my thought process 
as the hollow click of the revolver 
echoes in my ears 
another empty chamber this morning 
I need to control this excessive paranoia 
so I bounce my legs, 
twitch my fingers 
and play hidden games in my mouth 
counting teeth with my tongue 
and clicking noises to the city blocks 
if everything would just fall into place 
or if I turned that doorknob just right 
I know I'll be alright
I know I'm alright. 
I know I'm alright. 
I know I'm alright 
reputation of the repetition of threes 
Always adding up 
The mathematical equations of hallucinations 
nail biting 
tearing at the buzzing 
crawling beneath my flesh 
I need to tear open my skin 
and let this hive of hornets out alive
I know I'm alright
I know I'm alright 
I know I'm alright
Partially inspired by Click by Kristopher Young. Then I went off into a tangent.
792 · Apr 2011
Brandon Apr 2011
This is not the life I want
This safety net that envelops me
Dangles and strangles and entangles
What’s the use of proper grammar
When the TV is all we know and see
Another argument over nothing special
Just another night that ends in pre-twilight’s clutches
Another howl from the dog
I’m so bored and so is she
A lady with a bag on her head
Commenting on the state of normalcy and weirdness
Mundane talk and useless ramblings
A dog-eared page still looses its place
A living breathing organism of death
With silent lips seething from old wounds
And fingernails aching to tear open fresh ones
I bask in the midnight sun
Soak up the rays of a thousand burned out stars
Only to think that at one point the world was new
So why worry
Why plan ahead if the future ends in calamity
This planet is a rough draft
Apparently we failed at writing a better ending
Everything must sooner or later be terminated
A sad fact about life
That it must eventually close its eyes
One last time
789 · Jun 2012
Zombie Love Poem
Brandon Jun 2012
If I were a zombie I'd eat your heart and nothing else.
That way you'll always be a part of me

and I'll always be in your heart.

Err ...

Well your heart will be in me is really what I mean.
Unless zombies ****.
I've never seen a zombie ****.
Do Zombies ****?
788 · Apr 2011
We Are Not Afraid
Brandon Apr 2011
Lost somewhere along a missing mile
Far passed a forgotten house
Sheltered in vines
A twin dream
Of a tree branch
Hanging over the highway
We are not afraid
Drawn and inked
Covered in splattered blood
A lost soul drifting
Coloring the walls with crayon
We are not afraid
Ghost dreams
As the spider weaves its web
Spirits calling
From across the antique mountains
Nothing is sacred here
An exit was promised
Somewhere past the horizon
We are not afraid
Nothing is sacred here
787 · Apr 2011
Too Lazy For A Title
Brandon Apr 2011
I can read for hours until the words become one indistinguishable filmstrip
I can even write for just a few more moments longer than intended
Past the stretch of inspiration where disenchanted thoughts lay to rest
I can work non-stop until my fingertips are scraped to the bone
I can even get on the computer without looking at *******
...............................Well, sometimes...............................
I'm told that I can do anything that I want
If I just wasn't too ******* lazy
786 · Sep 2011
Brandon Sep 2011
Scalped and peeling skin of ****** laments
Broken hearted suicide at three am
The early waking dawn of last night’s tragedy
Carved into verminous veins
Scathing with golden luxuries of contempt
Slown moon shivers
Negating passive pretenses momentarily eclipsed in a sea of blood
Bathed in the shallow light of the mirror
Our reflections burn brilliant hues of stygian darkness
**What remains buried is unclear
785 · Feb 2014
You Were The One
Brandon Feb 2014
I saw you from across the room
Locking stares with your icy eyes
Dancing between the hookah smoke and piano notes
The black dress you wore hugged every inch of you perfectly
Showing off the glamour of your feminism

Silhouetted in the dimness of light
Your hips swayed to an invisible beat
Some jazz lament, some pop secret

You were all alone
Surrounded by all your friends
And everyone you've never known

I drank away at the scotch eating away at my insides
Building the courage to whisper a simple hello

The air smelled thick of cocktails and speakeasies,
Intense conversations of after-midnight intents

With a draft twirling thru the darker strands of your hair
You nursed some drink
I couldn't tell what it was
But I imagined tasting whiskey on your lips
And smelling innocence lost on your breath

There was feigned laughter and a cracked smile
A hint of teeth and a vicious tongue

You were the one
I'd been waiting my whole life on

I adjusted the noose around my neck
Thumbed my hands into my pockets
With nervous twitches
And made my way across the room
Drawn to you like Death to a tomb

I parted the haze of wafting smoke
Hooked by the gaze you worked the room with so well

I felt the chill in the air warm as I neared
And I watched you closely
Like a beast hunting its prey
I could see it in your eyes
You were doing the same

I asked you to dance as you finished the last sip of your drink
And sat the glass down on the table with ice cubes clinking seductively
You smiled, baring teeth I wanted to feel deep in my skin

I pulled you closer and smelled your perfume
The smell of intoxication and the crisp nighttime air on a full moon

We held each other tight
One hand on the small of your back
The other entwined in your grasp

With your head cradled to my chest
We danced slow even tho the song playing was loud, fast, and crazy

The room disappeared into an obsidian blackness as we danced
Holding each other close and tight,
Wearing our groove into the floor

You were the one
I've been waiting my whole life for

You were the one
I've been waiting my whole life for

You were the one
I've been waiting for

And then I watched you disappear
As the world came back into focus
And the lights snapped on, brighter than a thousand suns

And then I watched you disappear
As the music stopped
And all the drinks had been drunk, the intoxicated stumbling home

I watched you as you disappeared
Leaving me dancing
784 · Oct 2014
Brandon Oct 2014
I am no beast
tearing thru the wilderness.

I am a newt
hiding beneath the leaves
trying not to get crushed
beneath the feet
of those destroying my habitat.

But sometimes
you have to be a beast...

so I am a newt
with poisonous skin.
Brandon Sep 2012
Stay out late at night
Rambling in the city streets
Walking with new shoes on
Looking like somebody I once knew

You got your new clothes on
Out at night on the town
Living your new lifestyle
Looking like somebody I once knew

Your face is painted
In monographic memorance
In search of new romances
Looking like somebody I once knew

Your hands are accented with the smoke from burning cigarettes
The taste of stale alcohol and cheap perfume permeate
Your ruby red lipstick smears into the stains of your black eyeliner
The stress of your dress traces each curve and movement of your figure

You look like somebody I once knew
But that's just a passing recollection.

You look like somebody I once knew
But I'm glad I no longer do
Brandon Jun 2014
I wanted to say so many things to her but couldn't.
The words would stick in my throat and I would choke on them.
I'd struggle to set them free but only my own insecurities and ignorances would manage to escape,
filling the air between us with a vile lexicon that made the simple act of communication null.
I wanted to tell her that her intelligence gave me a taste of the universe,
that her beauty was the ache that every ancient poem was written about.
I wanted to tell her that she was flawless
and when she would argue I would say there are no such things as flaws,
only traits that others can't appreciate.
I wanted her to know that someone out in the world saw her for her
even when she felt no one could.
I wanted to say so many things to her
but couldn't,
the words were stuck in my throat.
771 · Sep 2011
Brandon Sep 2011
I just had a religious experience
Everything that was everything decorated the skies
                   Life in all its glory and purpose
                         The sun shown in all too brilliant rays cascading sheets of pure light
Upon the animals, the faces, the millions of faces
         The earth
              Covered with mountains, canyons,
                            Gulfs streaming with storms
Oceans of life littering the spaces
            Between wolves howling and grizzlies catching salmon
                          Leaping from fast flowing rivers
                                       The trees and forests grow to such great heights
It’s beautiful
    Too beautiful for my vocabulary
          Lexis fail to describe in detail the pure extravagance of it all
                  The sun changed the hues of vast Eden
                        Spits of negatives and diluted colors
                                Welcoming all as one
                                   Tired eyes from beauty’s light
                                                    ­             The dark so dark that it was hard to focus on
                                                              ­         Moving slowly like a monolithic sludge
Engulfing the light
                            Till all was dark
                                 Till all was dark
And good and evil existed as one
768 · May 2011
Brandon May 2011
Write insanely
                                        It doesn’t matter what you write
                  Incoherent ramblings or poetic rhymes
                                                          ­Clean-shaven in youth
Grizzled beard in the wisdom of age
                       Wear a distinctive cap
       Strategically placed without a care
                                                            ­ Or none at all
                     but ALWAYS keep MeSSy hair
    Dress up from others throwaways
                                              Or dress to the nines
                                                           ­        Clean suit and all
                                        But most importantly
                                                Write­ insanely
766 · Jan 2016
Social Media
Brandon Jan 2016
Social media
What a great way
To bring the world together
Connection and communication
At the flick of a finger
And the touch of a button
Lonesomeness is a send away
From deletion.

Social media
Share the vulgarity,
Expose the ignorance,
And uneducated minds
Of fellow manunkind.
765 · Aug 2013
The Dark Closes In
Brandon Aug 2013
There's a sound of thunder rolling closer and I think to hold you tighter

We're sitting inside listening to drops of rain hitting the window pane

We're drowning in our drinks
And filling our lungs with shotguns

It's just you and I here tonight
In this cabin by the lake
We used to call a home
But is now less than a house
And less than it never was

The waters unfished and the boat is moored in the growing weeds

The trees bend in the breeze
Playing shadow games with our imagination

The stars in the sky sparkle like the beginning
But that was a million light years ago
And they're burnt out supernovas now

Lightening flashes and our eyes dart to the light hoping to find illumination

But the dark closes back in after glimpses of twilight

But the dark closes back in until we're alone in the same room

Until the cabin is a ghost

And the water is dried up

And the grass turns to death

And the trees fall to the ground

And the sky opens up

And the dark closes in
763 · Apr 2012
Mother Spider
Brandon Apr 2012
A spider clings to the brick and mortar wall
Facing the setting southwestern Sun
A sack of a thousand eggs hangs from her backside
Meticulously thrown over her abdomen
She watches wearily for saboteurs
Or watches hungrily for prey to quench her thirst
Her web ripples slightly from a hidden breeze
Giving the illusion of her dancing
To a lost tribal mamba
a spider that i talked to at work, she gave birth and died shortly thereafter.
Brandon May 2012
This is a place for poets with acid on their tongues
This is a place for those who don't watch the world with blinders on

This is a place for [free]thinkers, unoccupied minds, and opened eyes
This is a place for radical inspirationalism and gonzo journalism grind

This is a place for ****** mo[u]rnings and ink-fuelled nights
This is a place for cosmic loves, muses, [viva la] revolutions

This is a place for [re]form, free[dom] form, in liberated verses
This is a place for the loudest scream and the sultriest of whispers

This is a place for the [un]Beat[en] Generation

This is a place for all those **without a title
762 · Jul 2014
Brandon Jul 2014
Wake up

beep beep beep

The alarm is going off

beep beep beep

The alarm is always going off

beep beep beep

Stretch your legs until they hit the armrest on the couch

beep beep beep

Why am I sleeping on the couch

beep beep beep

The girl you paid for is upstairs

beep beep beep

Tangled in your bedsheets and snoring loudly

beep beep beep

You couldn't sleep

beep beep beep

My mind is working slow

beep beep beep

Shut that ******* alarm off

beep bee------

It's a struggle to sit up straight
Even more to get off of the couch
I try once,
On the third time I use the couch's springs to launch myself to standing position

I almost fall back down when the tequila from the night before
Reaches my head and gives me the spins
I steady myself by finishing off a warm beer bottle sitting on the table
And add it to the piles of empty

My head clears
I think it clears
I'm not sure what clear feels like much anymore
I shake my head clear of these thoughts

Stumble towards the stairs
And step on a used ******
It follows me up the stairs like a piece of snake skin clinging to my foot

Thirteen steps feels like climbing Everest
I sit down on the seventh and wonder if its worth it
It's not
Nothing ever is
But I crawl up the remaining stairs and stand ***** in the hallway

I open the door to my bedroom
Her snores echo in the mostly empty room and she's mumbling someone's name

I block it all out and leave a couple fifties on the dresser
Close the bedroom door and walk to the bathroom

I drop my boxers on the floor;
Knocking loose the ******;
Scratch my ***** and **** out the nights alcohol

I'm feeling dehydrated now

The shower is on now
I step inside and let the water wash down on me
In these short moments I feel alive and awake

I try to hold onto this feeling but it always fades

The water is getting colder
I can feel my spine tense up under it

****, I don't want to
I never do

I shut the water off and towel dry poorly
Beads of water still dripping from my naked body as I walk around the house

I open the door to my room
There's a pile of work uniforms sitting in the corner
I'm not sure if they're ***** or clean
But I don't much care either way

The girl stirs
Coming awake long enough to ask me to **** her again
I tell her I can't but if...
I let the sentence trail off as her snores start again

I stare at her as I pull my pants on and throw on a button up shirt
She's beautiful in a damaged way
Her life is etched in the lines and faults of her body and she needs to eat
I tell myself tonight I'll buy her dinner before we **** ourselves to death

My **** lingers to life for a minute at that thought
But I'm running late and have no time to see it through

I kiss her softly on her forehead
I haven't done that to someone in a long time and it feels foreign to me
I shrug the feeling off and head outside to my car

I turn the key and the engine cranks but doesn't start
I turn the key again expecting different results and not getting them


I take out the flask in my glove box and take a long drink of the single malt scotch inside it
I feel my insides burning with life as it works its way into my stomach
I crank the key again and the engine sputters to life

I get out of the car, remove the wheel chalks, and jump back in as the car slowly rolls backwards out of the driveway

I throw the gears into drive and head towards work
Getting stopped by every red light along the way
I sip away at the flask at every stop
And by the time I get to work it's empty
I immediately dread the sober drive home in twelve hours

I pull in through the gate at work and idle my car into the first parking spot I can find
About half a mile from the front door

The guards are standing around talking sports
One is an ex-cop
He sees me and grabs the wand to scan me

He spots a book in my lunchbox
Says, "
oh you're one of those readers; I never had the patience for that ****."
Yeah me neither. It's toilet paper."
He chuckles, I roll my eyes
And go out into the factory to punch in

I wait until it's a minute past my start time and punch my time card in
I sneak away from the morning meeting and go to the bathroom
Smoking cigarettes for the next hour until the cleaning crew comes in and kicks me out

I work my shift by hiding away from the cameras and other people as much as possible

I punch out for lunch and go to a gas station down the street and buy a six pack
It's a three pack by the time I clock back in

I finish my day off by wandering the rafters above everyone's head
They never look up
I watch them
Study them
Stare down exposed cleavage

Joe comes up the ladder and interrupts my voyeurism
this where you been hiding?"
one of those days?"
aren't they all."
yeah. listen, I'm going to the bar after work. you drinking?"
when am I not?"
true. so I'll see you there?"

I lied.
Joe has a certain way of weaseling out of paying his tab and I'd rather not be the ***** today

A half hour left until my shift is over
I sneak off to the bathroom again and smoke a couple cigarettes before I punch my time card and leave

I hit every red light on the way home
My three pack is gone by the time I hit the last red light

I pull into my driveway just as the girl is waking up and about to leave
She smiles at me and makes small talk
I ask her if she is hungry
Her smile widens
yes*" she says

We go out to eat at some roadside diner down the street, stop in the bar for a few beers and comradery,
Pick up some wine and a bottle of *** on the way home

And **** and drink until sunrise

I call off work

And we **** for both our money's worth.
759 · Apr 2011
A Lifetime In Milliseconds
Brandon Apr 2011
The purity of your sacrifice lingers on my deranged thoughts
Tender fingers caressing the shivering slivers of your broken spine
Sultry vampyric lips licking at my broken glass wounds
A fist shatters the silence of the night
A thousand times
Ending it all in a pool of blood and yellow tape
We can no longer envision the sunrise together
754 · Sep 2014
Carry On
Brandon Sep 2014
Jacob awoke early in the morning on Sunday and stretched out his limbs beneath the flannel sheets on his bed before carelessly tossing them to the side and off of his body. Jacob sat up and half yawned before catching a whiff of his own morning breath and cracked a slight smile and smacked his lips together in disgust. He stood up and after adjusting himself walked down the stairs to his kitchen where a *** of coffee was already brewing having been programmed to do the night before. When the coffee was done percolating, he poured himself a cup in a mug that a student who had graduated years ago had given to him for his help with her English Lit thesis. Jacob drank his coffee black and could not understand why anyone would ruin the taste by mixing it with sugars and cream. But again he thought that of he were truthful he didnt understand much about people at all anymore anyway. He was out of touch with the outside world after his wife had passed away a little less than a year ago. She always kept him up to date with current events and trends, always made sure to keep him social. And without her around he had become a hermit only leaving the house to occasionally show up for work or go on hunting or fishing trips alone.

Always alone.

Today Jacob decided that he would spend the better half of the morning catching up on the world around him as he walked to his front door and opened it wide letting a bright vast amount of sunshine in nearly blinding him before his eyes adjusted. On his front porch was a stack of newspapers from everyday for the past three weeks. Jacob took the top five off of the stack and went back inside to his kitchen table and sat down after making a second cup of coffee, this time adding a splash of Kentucky bourbon. He unfolded the top section of the first newspaper and skimmed the headlines trying to catch something that would hold his attention. There was war, casualties, politics; none of which he felt like stomaching on this early morning.

He flipped to the comics and scanned the panels, laughing a silent chuckle at Garfield and a few others but folded the paper back up in disgust and tossed it towards the pile of other papers when nothing caught his attention longer than a couple of seconds.

Jacob sipped his coffee and stared into the dark black liquid until he saw his reflection staring back at him. He was disheveled, could use a shave and a haircut. His eyes, always the brightest blue, now looked dull grey, bloodshot, and sunken slightly into his forehead causing his eyebrows to become a prominent feature on his face. He wondered when the last time he had seen himself was but could not recall. He stared at the reflection and did not recognize the man staring back at him so he started to talk to him like a lost friend that he had not seen since the early stages of childhood.

Jacob caught up with the black coffee version of himself, handling both sides of the conversation in slightly different voices discussing his life story since they had last parted. How he met his future wife early in high school and how they could not stand each other initially, went to college on a football scholarship but fell in love with the English department and academia as a whole, how his girlfriend became his fiancé when he proposed to her while on vacation in upper Vermont, how they were married on a sandy beach in Hawaii hours before a hurricane came and the island was evacuated. He told his reflection about his three children - two boys and a girl - and how they had grown up, how he had finally got tenure at his alma mater, how his wife had succumbed to the cancer that had plagued her for the last few years of her life...he stopped at this part of the conversation and stared once again at the coffee and past his reflection. The coffee rippled from a tear that had been welling up in his left eye before slowly falling down his cheek into the coffee. Jacob stood up with the cup in his hand and emptied it out in the sink.

He rested his hands along the linoleum countertops and peered out the kitchen window, watching the breeze make the small birch tree branches sway and dance gracefully. He thought to call his children and see how they were doing but remembered that it was still too early in the morning in their part of the country. The sun was now shining in the backyard and if he looked hard enough he could see birds landing in his grass to eat worms and insects before flying back off to where they came or to where they were going. Jacob wished silently that he could be a bird and just fly away.

"There's no sense in all this dwelling," he heard a voice say from out of nowhere. For a moment he stood very still and felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up before he realized the voice was his own. He did not know he had spoken but knew that it had been said and tho he did not quite feel it, he knew it too be true as well. Jacob let a heavy sigh leave his body and felt a change come over him that started in his outer limbs before spreading inward. He felt a renewal of energy cling to his life.

Jacob went back upstairs to the bathroom and once again studied his face in the mirror. His beard was salt and pepper and he decided it looked rather good on him but needed a trim. He removed the beard trimmer from one of the cabinets and put on a number three guard, trimmed the hair, then replaced the guard with a number two and trimmed again. He looked at the beard and admired the length, color, and thickness and decided that it was how he wanted it.

Next he looked at his hair and tho he needed a haircut he decided to just brush it back and to the side holding the unruly pieces back with a small amount of pomade.

Jacob's grey eyes began to lighten to a sky blue.

He walked to his room and found the cleanest clothes he could find: a pair of blue jeans, fitted black tshirt, and a dark blue button down blazer. He addressed himself in the mirror hanging on the door after dressing and thought to himself that he looked quite respectable and felt very much like a gentleman.

Jacob looked at the photo of his wife on the dresser and smiled at the memories that he cherished deeply of her and his hand drifted towards it and his fingers gently traced the outline of her cheek. He smiled again when he felt the tear roll down his cheek and he knew that he was okay and that everything was okay. It was the most alive he had felt in months.
Dedicated in part to B.
753 · Oct 2011
Brandon Oct 2011
flutter by butterfly
whisking by on air sublime
orange and black monarch of sky
butterfly fluttering bye

Where do you fly to in such a hurry?
Where do you go that you can't rest your weary wings?

off into the skies
the butterfly did fly
waving monarch wings
749 · Oct 2011
Going Off The Map
Brandon Oct 2011
We loaded our boats
And raised our sails
As we set our course
We hoped the world is flat

Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map
Going off the map

Oh ****,
the world is round
not flat
looks like we're stuck
maybe i'll be an
and go to outer space
but i heard it's hard to
up there
real hard to breathe
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