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327 · May 2014
Brandon May 2014
she wanted an escapE
so I...
it never gets any betteR
there's not a cloud in the skY
stygian grey as far as I can seE
i'm doomed to repeaT
she wanted an escapE
so I...
it never gets any betteR
there's not a cloud in the skY
stygian grey as far as I can seE
i'm doomed to repeaT
she wanted an escapE*
*so I...
322 · May 2012
Everyone Haiku
Brandon May 2012
everyone is a
poet; this does not mean that
everyone can write
320 · Jul 2014
I Can't Help But Wonder
Brandon Jul 2014
I can't help but wonder
That if I should have the icon
Of a gorgeous woman,
A feminim pseudonym,
A blurb of how I am a soul searching poet
And one hell of a *** goddess;
How many followers would I gain?
How quickly?
Would I lose them just as quickly
When I don't follow back?
Would I get
More men?
More women?
(Am I the only one
That finds this site
Is populated by too many children?)
A social experiment
I'd love to try
If only I cared
About insignificant likes
319 · Nov 2014
Brandon Nov 2014
How quickly the falling leaves of autumn
Gave way to the bitter frost of winter

As the sun ended its shift earlier every day
And the cold dark night sky stretched across the horizon

Stars frozen in place
Shimmering on iced-over lakes

And glittered snowflakes fell to the earth
Compacted and crunched beneath our road weary feet

Our breath hung still in the air like ghosts made of vapor

We were lost in the white blanketed landscape

With only the warmth of each other for company
Brandon Sep 2018
Where once I adjoined
A facet of evergrowing life
I now fall through the air
Destined for the ground
And the crunch of footsteps
Brandon May 2018
Granite face
Heart of stone

No tremble
Through my bones

Stoic eyes
Silent tongue

An image of a ghost

I’m good at hiding
The way I am feeling
Brandon Aug 2018
One day
All of the heroes
That we have held
Close to our hearts
Will perish
Into a memory
That we will no longer
Be able to recall
310 · May 2014
Come A Little Closer
Brandon May 2014
I can feel your broken heart
It's beating
Come a little closer to me
I'll hold you tightly
I'll wipe away your tears
And kiss away your fears
Come a little closer to me
I will help to heal your heart
I wrote this a couple months ago. I think I wanted to do more with it. But the moment has passed.
310 · May 2014
We Were Young
Brandon May 2014
We were young
Driving endlessly
On tanks of gas
We couldn't afford
Hopelessly in love
With the radio
And the open road
Singing our songs
At the top of our lungs

We were young
Buzzed on bud
Buzzed on love

We were young
With the sun in our eyes
The ocean to our side
Nothing to do but drive
Surfing the radio stations
Looking for songs to sing
Out of sync but we didn't mind

We were young
Buzzed on Bud
Buzzed on love

We put miles on that car
We put miles on our hearts
We killed so much time
We thought we'd never have any left
When we were young
We never saw an end to any of it
Resist the urge to sing that annoying fun. song while reading this.
308 · Nov 2014
Brandon Nov 2014
Tonight I want to crawl into the darkness that grows darker without your presence
Envelope myself in the dreams winding, twisted and snarled thru my head

Dreams I’ll weave into nightmares by the end

I can live reality another day if by chance I’m alive to see it unfold

Feel the bitterness of cold press itself into every pore

I’ll beg for warmth but feel it no more

I say my prayers to the wind and let its whirl carry me into an abyss

These are the moments I struggle silently
308 · May 2012
Untitled Haiku
Brandon May 2012
I want to write for
you but I can't get published
so I write for me
306 · May 2012
Untitled haiku
Brandon May 2012
I cannot deal with
This anymore; my percep---
tion has become numb
302 · Nov 2013
Brandon Nov 2013
I cannot see
The depths of
Her despair
I cannot see
The way she looks
With her bedroom stare
I cannot see
The things she says
When she's silent

She says
She can see
Thru me

I cannot see
The depths
Of her desires
I cannot see
All the scars
On her heart
I cannot see
The meaning
Behind her smile

She says
She can see
Thru me

She can
See thru me
She says
Brandon Jul 2018
Endless nights
Days confused
In sunlight
Close my eyes
Squeezed tight
I’ll never be able to block out all the noise
297 · Jun 2014
A Few Too Many You Think
Brandon Jun 2014
I make a drink.
A few too many you think.
I put a record on.

Let it spin.
Let it play.
Let it sink in.

I fall apart.

I take a drink.
A few too many you think.
I let the record play.
Brandon Jun 2014
Too late to die young
I've lived past my chance
Old age is waiting for me
Unless I find a way out
And die halfway through
Before the credits roll
294 · Nov 2014
Damn The Man
Brandon Nov 2014
"We only get a half hour break for lunch!"

Been on lunch for an hour and twenty three minutes.
Brandon Dec 2020
For the rush
Kick in, kick out
Nothing better
Than wasting
I once saw potential
Thought it a massacre
A shower on the killing floor
Washed out
No sense in dreading
The day will never come
I exist only to cease
292 · Jun 2014
Brandon Jun 2014
I was always afraid to be without you

And when it happened...

I found out

That there was nothing to be afraid of.
Found this scribbled in one of my notebooks. Felt like it should be posted somewhere.
292 · May 2014
I've Forgotten How To Write
Brandon May 2014
I've forgotten how to write
I hold this pen like a knife
Threatening to cut and hack
Scars I thought had healed
But still bleed profusely
Coloring the black and white
Of my unfinished tattoos

::The ones I got to erase the memories of you...How fitting it seems they do the opposite of their intentions::

                    There is ink and blood on the paper in front of me
                    Jackson *******'s Rorschach Test

What is it I'll see I wonder
As the words bleed from me;
Draining and filling lines
              That will be crumbled and discarded into the waste basket
              Along side empty bottles, used condoms, and undelivered love letters

The next page awaits this emptiness.
290 · Jun 2014
Cave In
Brandon Jun 2014
You touch
Deep spots

With claws

Too much


I've known
Your mouth


Your lips




288 · Aug 2013
Somebody Better
Brandon Aug 2013
I'm the kind of guy you date
Til somebody better comes along

Then you realize that somebody better is all wrong

But by then it's too late
I've already moved on

And I'm long gone
Just something stupid that popped into my head today.
287 · Jul 2014
Brandon Jul 2014
We all want love.
Some of us think we're unworthy.
Some of us think we are more than worthy.
All of us ache and hunger deep down for it.
Some mystical feeling that artists,
drunkards have been trying to describe
since the dawn of first thought.
We chase after it.
We give into it.
We fight it.
We're crushed by it.
It's a *****.
And we all die a little.
Searching for it.
287 · Jul 2014
I Will Die
Brandon Jul 2014
I will die
Before my time is over
I will die
Before your touch touches me
I will die
Before you know the truth
I will die
Before I know freedom
I will die
Before this drink is drunk
I will die
Before this cigarette extinguishes
I will die
Before I finish this poe...
Brandon May 2014
Cities and their streets crumbling
Bodies falling from the sky
Hitting the ground twitching
Am I going mad here?

Apparitions without faces
On the edge with nowhere to go
The fragilness haunts me

Like a story I've read before
Like a story I've written before

Candles in the window
Flickering with their flames
Casting shadows

Children dawn masks
Staring with their black eyes

Watch the sun in the sky
It fades slowly like a whisper

How did I get here?

Erosion, disintegrate

I can't stay

I've got the answers
To questions I never thought to ask
Torn from pages of forgotten books
Yesterday remains gone

How do I get back
To where life still breaths?
Yesterday remains gone

Abandoned or aborted

*death still grows after the sunflowers are plucked
284 · May 2012
Brandon May 2012
I will be the heartbreak you can't forget
I will be the face of the face you can't get out of your head
I will be the ghost on your back with my arms wrapped tightly around your chest
282 · Dec 2019
Brandon Dec 2019
Go to sleep
I will
Shall never
Catch me
279 · Feb 2016
Brandon Feb 2016
It's the smallest moments
Etched throughout time
That swells your heart
With unyielding love
277 · May 2014
Brandon May 2014
Ive been looking for vacancies
In all the wrong arms
My callused hands claw the grave
For one more conversation
Hear your laughter change with the seasons
Jewelry fading and roses dying
I couldn't find a way to keep you from falling
There were lies and lips were moving
I remember the cuts but not the reasons


I forgot the meaning
Couldn't find an idea worth believing
Took some time off
And saw you dancing
Beneath the flickering city lights
Come what may and might've been
Screaming curses and silent treatments
I couldn't find the words to write
To keep you living another night

276 · Jun 2014
I'm Tired
Brandon Jun 2014

This blank page represents more emotion and more meaning than any collection of words could ever intend or hope to capture.
273 · Jun 2014
We Dance.
Brandon Jun 2014
We dance to some old French song
Whispering words like we knew their meaning

I hold you close and our bodies find syncopation

You grasp my shoulder blades like a life you can't live without

My hand starts at the small of your back but slowly slides down
To grab your *** and squeeze it tight

You smile and giggle the smallest giggle I've ever heard
The kind that makes a man instantly fall in love

We dance to the scratches on the record
Coming closer and closer until even the lack of space between us
Has become too much of a distance

I feel your skin against mine
Cool and burning at the same time

The music becomes some ****** melody
A haunting rhythm we can't fight

Our bodies entwine
Limbs grasping
Lips locking
Pelvics grinding
I claw at your soft skin
And you tear back into mine

I want you
You want me

We dance ravenously
Ravishing clothing and flesh
Pulling harder and harder into one another

The record ends

The needle plays a dull cadence of empty space

But still we dance

Your skin against mine
And mine in you

We dance

We dance

We dance
270 · Apr 2021
Brandon Apr 2021
Your claws
they sink
Teeth into me
I scream
Oh no
It’s ecstasy

I can’t
Get through
A day without your taste
I need
To bleed
Your life into me


Your eyes
Pierce clean
Right on through me
I hunger
Oh no
It’s ecstasy

I can’t
Get through
A day without your taste
I need
To bleed
Your life into me

Shadows lurk
On the wall
Waiting for your fears in mine
I stray
Oh no
It’s ecstasy


Oh no
It’s ecstasy

It’s Never Ending

269 · May 2014
Do Not.
Brandon May 2014
Do not stand in front of me
For I am not a follower

Do not stand behind me
For I am not a leader

Do not stand beside me
For I am on my own

Do not take offense against me
For I know only where I am going

Do not go down the same road as me
For you must choose your own
Brandon Jun 2019
As I watch my wife
Screaming in pain
Delivering our first child
I can’t help but think
That all this pain
Is more bearable

Than all the wishful “do you see an extra line?” pregnancy tests
Than all the out right negative pregnancy tests

Than the skipping of channels at just the right moments
[And the attempt at skipping channels but failing to do so in time]
Than turning the movie off right before my wife figures out what’s going on
[And not turning it off soon enough]

Than all the doctor visits that failed to answer any questions
Than all the doctor visits that ended only in tears

Than a doctor pushing for termination
Because a test result didn’t fit in with the majority
Than a second opinion from another doctor who said “**** that doctor” and helped ease her sadness

Than all the times we wished good tidings
With anger and sorrow haunting our thoughts
Than all the times where we said nothing
Because it was just too painful to consider

Than all the moments etched permanently into our memories
Than all the moments forgotten from our thoughts

I see the pain on my wife’s face
And I hear her shouting that she can’t do it
While everyone present assures her
she can

But I don’t see the frustration and the sadness that lead to this moment
And that’s when I know

That all this pain
Is more bearable

263 · May 2014
Brandon May 2014


263 · Jul 2014
Brandon Jul 2014
A year ago today
The life I lived fell apart


I am still picking up
Jagged razor edged
Puzzle pieces
And putting them together
With pieces that don't fit


I forget about the puzzle
And go outside and play.
260 · Jun 2018
Brandon Jun 2018
Cold June rain
On the tips of grass
Green and lush;

Laid flat beneath my feet

Some crushed;

Some curling over the tops
Trying to knot themselves
To the hair of my toes -

Hold me in place;

Keeping me
From places I choose
Not to go
259 · Jul 2014
In This House
Brandon Jul 2014
In this house
Spiders are sleeping
Cats are sleeping
Dogs are sleeping
Humans are sleeping
My mind is hungry
258 · May 2014
Brandon May 2014
You help me tear it apart

             But I...

But I can't help
    But think about the fall

            Please send help
   Save us all
                I've been waiting

                To ignore deliverance

      Ourselves are burning
      Ourselves are glitching
      Ourselves are ours

You finger the deepest
    Shades of grey

Peel away

But you...
                     You stripped the enamel

And watched it slip away

         Please send help
I've tasted too much
               I've been waiting
               To ignore your touch

      Ourselves are burning
      Ourselves are glitching
      Ourselves are *ours
256 · Jul 2013
Wake Me
Brandon Jul 2013
Wake me when this is over
Let me sleep until then
There's no reason to be awake
Even after this ends

Wake me when this is over
Let me sleep a little longer
There's no reason to be sober
When the bed is empty

Wake me when this is over
Let me sleep some more
There's no reason to leave
When you're next to me
254 · Jul 2014
Brandon Jul 2014
253 · Oct 2014
Brandon Oct 2014
You see their face
And it's the same face you've stared at for years
But suddenly it's not them
It's not the person you once knew
You're staring at a stranger
And that stranger no longer stares at you
Brandon Apr 2019
Am I
        Staring back
       At me


Am look
         Staring back


Re       tion
    In the



Brandon Apr 2021
Jabberwocky hip hop doo ***
It don’t stop
Til the Hufflepuff huffs and puffs
And shatters the glass slipper
Watch your step on yellow brick
It may be the same advice for yellow snow
Don’t you know
If you tip the magic hat
The rabbit will jump out and hippity hoppity
To a late, very important date
With a snake offering an apple
To the fairest one in the land
Take a bite, it will be alright
You’ll see things so far out of sight
Just one bite will take you higher
Another bite might be like dancing with a sprite all night
Oh the things you’ll see and oh the things you’ll do
If you listen to my advice
And dance the jiggly jig
Of the jabberwocky hip hop doo ***
250 · Sep 2014
Brandon Sep 2014
I've been stuck
Inside again
Hard to find
When I'm lost
In these four walls
I can't touch
But I scratch
The surface
Of who I've been
And who I'll become
I'll wear it thin
Tear it apart
Let myself in-
Side of the out
244 · May 2014
Brandon May 2014
When I'm deep in it
                            Can you just give in
When I finish it
                    Can you just give in

What have we done
                         What have you become
Do you feel as one
                      When we come undone

What we've come for
                         You've got to give up
What you've come from
                               We've got to give up
239 · Jul 2017
Check List
Brandon Jul 2017
Wake up.
Die a little.
Get ready, go to work.
Die a little.
Clock in.
Pad someone else's wallet off your sweat.
Clock out.
Die a little.
Go home, wind down.
Die a little.
Go to sleep.
Die a little.
Repeat daily for years.
Retire with your life to look forward to.
Brandon Sep 2018
I have been spending
Too much time roaming
Inside the four walls
Of a big square oven
I crave the open
237 · May 2014
Brandon May 2014
These lonesome roads
How far they stretch
Too long I roam
To find a you that doesn't exist
Living as a rest stop
I'll never be a home
237 · Jun 2014
Brandon Jun 2014
And I wonder how is it that I've
Seen your face...
Felt your touch...
Tasted your skin...
Inhaled your scent...
Heard your laughter...
Without ever knowing you before
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