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Apr 2021 · 315
Brandon Apr 2021
Your claws
they sink
Teeth into me
I scream
Oh no
It’s ecstasy

I can’t
Get through
A day without your taste
I need
To bleed
Your life into me


Your eyes
Pierce clean
Right on through me
I hunger
Oh no
It’s ecstasy

I can’t
Get through
A day without your taste
I need
To bleed
Your life into me

Shadows lurk
On the wall
Waiting for your fears in mine
I stray
Oh no
It’s ecstasy


Oh no
It’s ecstasy

It’s Never Ending

Brandon Apr 2021
Jabberwocky hip hop doo ***
It don’t stop
Til the Hufflepuff huffs and puffs
And shatters the glass slipper
Watch your step on yellow brick
It may be the same advice for yellow snow
Don’t you know
If you tip the magic hat
The rabbit will jump out and hippity hoppity
To a late, very important date
With a snake offering an apple
To the fairest one in the land
Take a bite, it will be alright
You’ll see things so far out of sight
Just one bite will take you higher
Another bite might be like dancing with a sprite all night
Oh the things you’ll see and oh the things you’ll do
If you listen to my advice
And dance the jiggly jig
Of the jabberwocky hip hop doo ***
Dec 2020 · 259
Grandpa Always Said
Brandon Dec 2020
Grandpa always said
The next time you want somebody
And can’t live without that somebody
Remember that everybody
Always wants a somebody
Until they can’t hide the body
Brandon Dec 2020
The slipping
In ash
The being
From nothing
To be born
From fire
We’ll wait forever
Last light
Into darkness
Snuffed out
Into darkness
Brandon Dec 2020
For the rush
Kick in, kick out
Nothing better
Than wasting
I once saw potential
Thought it a massacre
A shower on the killing floor
Washed out
No sense in dreading
The day will never come
I exist only to cease
Nov 2020 · 192
Brandon Nov 2020
Same late night
The monitor plays static
Drowning out tv screams

Another show
Plays on rerun
A repeat of something
Already done

Growing old

Waiting for a sunset

Growing mold

Staring at an eclipse

Heavy are the eyes
To close like a mouth
Scornful memories
Teeth biting down

I’ve burned bright
Like a moth
I miss playing grindcore.
Aug 2020 · 191
Spider Haiku
Brandon Aug 2020
Spider crawl, Eight legs
Moving across the pavement,
Searching for next meal
Mar 2020 · 170
Shakespeare Quarantined
Brandon Mar 2020
One of the images
I’ve had in my head
Since I was a little kid
Still learning in school
Is the image of
Shakespeare Quarantined
In his house
Seeking asylum
From the Black Death
Writing and scribbling
Play after play
Sonnet after sonnet
Until his inkwell
Ran dry
And his doors
Opened to the outside.
Feb 2020 · 143
Lemon Water Recipe
Brandon Feb 2020
Fill glass with ice and water
Squeeze juice from lemon into separate glass
Poor water and ice into dog or cats water bowl
Drink the lemon juice
Turn your insides as sour as your soul
Dec 2019 · 231
Brandon Dec 2019
I tire of playing this human game
And it’s rules that change on a whim,
It’s cataclysm of ego run rampant
And woefully harmful mentalities.

Return me to ethereal stardust
Where I no longer have to play
Dec 2019 · 243
Sleep Spell
Brandon Dec 2019
Sleep enchanted
Rest weary headed
Eyes to dream
In peaceful sleep
Silence engoldened
Shrouded deeply
Til the morning sun rise
Sleep serenely
Dec 2019 · 305
Brandon Dec 2019
Go to sleep
I will
Shall never
Catch me
Brandon Jun 2019
As I watch my wife
Screaming in pain
Delivering our first child
I can’t help but think
That all this pain
Is more bearable

Than all the wishful “do you see an extra line?” pregnancy tests
Than all the out right negative pregnancy tests

Than the skipping of channels at just the right moments
[And the attempt at skipping channels but failing to do so in time]
Than turning the movie off right before my wife figures out what’s going on
[And not turning it off soon enough]

Than all the doctor visits that failed to answer any questions
Than all the doctor visits that ended only in tears

Than a doctor pushing for termination
Because a test result didn’t fit in with the majority
Than a second opinion from another doctor who said “**** that doctor” and helped ease her sadness

Than all the times we wished good tidings
With anger and sorrow haunting our thoughts
Than all the times where we said nothing
Because it was just too painful to consider

Than all the moments etched permanently into our memories
Than all the moments forgotten from our thoughts

I see the pain on my wife’s face
And I hear her shouting that she can’t do it
While everyone present assures her
she can

But I don’t see the frustration and the sadness that lead to this moment
And that’s when I know

That all this pain
Is more bearable

May 2019 · 233
Dear Wall
Brandon May 2019
I apologize for all the holes and damages that you’ve endured all these years
When pen to paper would not sedate the apocalyptic lust that hungered for the world
And when words spoke were wasted in silent memorials for tombstones never visited...

                   A bit of spackle
               Drywall patch here
          A little mud flung about
  Just the right amount of sanding
     A fresh coat of primed paint

           No one will be the wiser

                                 A wall repaired and forgotten
Brandon Apr 2019
Am I
        Staring back
       At me


Am look
         Staring back


Re       tion
    In the



Mar 2019 · 194
You’re Music
Brandon Mar 2019
Words I can’t write
Times that I can’t get right
Moments lost in echos

Hold my breath
Bite my tongue
Swallow blood

You are the music
That I can no longer hear

I’ve reached with crippling fear
Only to find it easier
Pushing than pulling

Clench my fists
Close my eyes
Whisper good bye

You are the music
That I can no longer hear

A face is a stranger
When the soul changes
And the distance continues

Don’t let me go
Keep reaching for me
Set me free

You are the music
That I can no longer hear

You are the music
Brandon Oct 2018
I’m barely holding
the strings of reality together
I close my eyes
and I still see the silence enclosing
My blood burns and boils
without the option of an eruption
Keep the skin taught
like fragile emotions
God has a plan Be ******
Tethering to an anchor
cast into an abyss
It may barely be perceptible
When you trace lexicons
Like ****** ticks
But I’ve had enough of this
Brandon Sep 2018
Where once I adjoined
A facet of evergrowing life
I now fall through the air
Destined for the ground
And the crunch of footsteps
Brandon Sep 2018
I have been spending
Too much time roaming
Inside the four walls
Of a big square oven
I crave the open
Sep 2018 · 226
Grass Hopper
Brandon Sep 2018
Do not jump at me
You crazy little grasshopper

I sit in the tangle of tall grass
Beating gently with the wind
I am no matter more than the dirt
From which the roots grow
And continue to shall grow

Do not jump at me
You crazy little grasshopper

I am not here where you aim
Recklessly in no regard to your landing

Jump above

Jump around

Jump another way entirely


Do not jump at me
You crazy little grasshopper
Brandon Aug 2018
During the light of days
We forget
What the sleeplessness of nights
Can remind us
Would anyone like a spinal adjustment?
Brandon Aug 2018
One day
All of the heroes
That we have held
Close to our hearts
Will perish
Into a memory
That we will no longer
Be able to recall
Brandon Jul 2018
Endless nights
Days confused
In sunlight
Close my eyes
Squeezed tight
I’ll never be able to block out all the noise
Jun 2018 · 280
Brandon Jun 2018
Cold June rain
On the tips of grass
Green and lush;

Laid flat beneath my feet

Some crushed;

Some curling over the tops
Trying to knot themselves
To the hair of my toes -

Hold me in place;

Keeping me
From places I choose
Not to go
Brandon May 2018
Granite face
Heart of stone

No tremble
Through my bones

Stoic eyes
Silent tongue

An image of a ghost

I’m good at hiding
The way I am feeling
Brandon Jan 2018
I feel nothing tonight
As the clock ticks its seconds away
From the time when I should’ve been in bed
Hours ago
And the piano chords strike a note that used
To resonate deep in my bones
But my bones are hollow and hardened tonight
A surface fleeting of empathy
That sours the air around me and I sit
Waiting for a new ballad to dig up old haunts
To shed today’s skin and all the violence that raged contained
Like scriptures weaved through my nerves
Coaxing a rapture
As blood boiled in veins eager to rupture
Once again my head should be resting
Comfortably or as comfortable as I can be
On a pillow but still the early morning hours
And the long waking day dredge me from my slumber
Tonight I feel nothing but the wrath
Of someone parking their broke down van
Where my truck should be parked
When my eyes should be closed
And my head resting
Or as comfortable as I can be
On a pillow
Waiting for tomorrow’s alarm to go off.
Brandon Jan 2018
It’s January.

Why the ****
Does everyone call and
Want to do **** with me
In January?

It’s January.

I spent the last two months
Seeing family and friends
Without being committed
To a lunatic asylum.

It’s January.

I want to hold up
In my house
And forget there’s a world
Beyond these walls.

It’s January.

Don’t talk to me until February.
Jan 2018 · 238
To Break These Wounds
Brandon Jan 2018
I want to scream out
But these private moments
Are not my own
To voice
I place faith in an emptiness
Feeding the hollow in my chest

   Waiting out these tribulations
   To cast my shadow
   A new generation

So I hide until I die inside
A little time is all it takes
To break these wounds

Condemn me
For wanting
To taste the temptation
Of a lifetime achieved
With fists clenched towards an abyss
I bury my knees to the ground

   Waiting out these tribulations
   To cast my shadow
   A new generation

So I hide until I die inside
A little time is all it takes
To break these wounds

   I place faith in my emptiness
   With fists clenched towards an abyss
   I bury my knees into my chest
   And sever this hollow ground

So I hide until I die inside
A new generation
My shadow cast aside
Brandon Jan 2018
Another late night in a row of late nights
I hunger for slumber but my mind keeps tracing
The curves of your body like a memory
I ache only to forget all the sorrow
Begged from the last conversation
That only took place in our imagination
The pain always felt so real
When you whispered good bye
Every time you said it would be the last time
I could clutch my breath close to my chest
And feign interest in hearing your voice
Promise excuses that proved excruciating
To the extent that I could no longer breathe...

...I’m just going to close my eyes
To what reminds me...

...Of all the past and future
To what haunts me...

Something to remind you...

Jan 2018 · 252
Another Love Ballad
Brandon Jan 2018
She lies next to me
In a twisted embrace
Slumbering eternally

Soaked bedsheets
Cling to every curve
Of her disfigured cadaver

I recall the purpose
In her last whisper
Was a pleading

To her love forever

Etched into a sordid memory
That scars the withering
Of my heart
Nov 2017 · 255
Brandon Nov 2017
I stay awake
For far too long

Waiting for these nerves
To die out

So I can settle down
And get some sleep

So I can awaken
For far too long

Waiting for these nerves
To die out
Brandon Sep 2017

My wife is sleeping.
My dogs are sleeping.
My cats are sleeping.

I'm awake.

Eating beef jerky.
Drinking lime La Croix.
Putting sights on a rifle.
Flipping channels on the TV.

Wanting to sleep.

But still awake.

Jul 2017 · 607
I Forgot What To Title This
Brandon Jul 2017
I remember
When the music didn't come
When the words did not flow
When creating didn't happen

I remember
Strangling my fingers on strings
Pounding my fists on keys
And my voice shouted hoarse

I remember
Ink flowing across a page
And the click clack of QWERTY
As words became sentences became stories

I remember
Sawdust on the floor
The hum of power tools
My hands building what my mind saw

I remember
The frustrations etched into my soul
When my soul was not at peace
And Death layed inside my being

I remember
When the music didn't come
When the words did not flow
When creating didn't happen

I remember
Wishing for my memory
To remove
Everything that I could remember
Jul 2017 · 265
Check List
Brandon Jul 2017
Wake up.
Die a little.
Get ready, go to work.
Die a little.
Clock in.
Pad someone else's wallet off your sweat.
Clock out.
Die a little.
Go home, wind down.
Die a little.
Go to sleep.
Die a little.
Repeat daily for years.
Retire with your life to look forward to.
Jul 2017 · 418
Brandon Jul 2017
'Round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round...    

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

I don't know who Jack is.

**** Jack.
Jul 2017 · 633
Brandon Jul 2017
Every day is a new day

To feel the closeness of Death
Wanting to take my last breath

Every day is a new day

When I open my eyes
And ask why

Every day is the same old day

And I'm just another machine
Stuck in the way
Of a tomorrow
Apr 2017 · 483
My Work Is Done
Brandon Apr 2017
My forging hammer

Lies reclined

My bellows, too

Have lost their wind

My fires extinct

My forge decayed

And in the dust

My vices layed 

My coal is spent

My iron is gone

My anvil is broke
My work is done

My work is done

My work is done

My work is done

*My chisels
Lie dull

My saws, too
Have lost their edge

My trees are felled
My lumber decayed

And in the sawdust
My clamps layed

My angles are bent
My jigs are gone
My tools are rusted
My work is done

My work is done
My work is done
My work is done
Italicized from the song "My Work Is Done" by Steve Von Till (lyricist unknown) the bold is an added in addition in the spirit of woodworking by myself.
Feb 2017 · 465
Brandon Feb 2017
Watching thru the open window
There's a figure dancing
Or is she convulsing
Waiting for the right moment
She bite the nails on her fingertips
Eagerly awaiting

Me, I'm away from you
Me, I'm without you
Me, I'm nothing
Me, I'm everything
Me, I am

The steps creek beneath my feet
Careful as I am
To place them without sound
I wonder does she hear me
As I close the distance
Between her desires and

Me, I'm away from you
Me, I'm without you
Me, I'm nothing
Me, I'm everything
Me, I am

Watching her silhouette
Sway back and forth
Beneath the crack
Of her bedroom door
She's lit by candlelight
Just a slab of wood away from

Me, I'm away from you
Me, I'm without you
Me, I'm nothing
Me, I'm everything
Me, I am

Hopelessly I tremble
My hand reaches for uncertainty
The **** turns with a silent click
There's a pulse burning in my veins
Aching to be let loose
And then darkness surrounds

Me, I'm away from you
Me, I'm without you
Me, I'm nothing
Me, I'm everything
Me, I am

She dances
For a death that never comes
Feb 2017 · 598
Brandon Feb 2017
There's a cross upon the wall
The burden on me it falls
To reach inside and tear apart
The wretches of a wretched heart


Every day converges with night
My memories die in dying light
I've constructed death as my art
Purify my flesh and soul to depart


I've constructed death as my art
To reach inside and tear apart
Purify my flesh and soul to depart
The wretches of a wretched heart


Stone atop stone
I build a wall
Higher and higher
I'll keep a sentinel
Watch it all
Come collapsing down

Nov 2016 · 771
The Truest Path To Ruin
Brandon Nov 2016
To trust any words heard
Or spill any voice spoken

To raise whilst contempted
Razed truth asunder
Under bequeathed breathless wonder
Slandering o'er verisimilitude
Tumultuously timid wounds

Seems a deathly mistake
One shall not afford to make
More than once to thy grave
Each fault lies contemption
O'er silver seas sown distention
Nearer to thine own heart
E*vermore beats in desolation
Nov 2016 · 1.6k
Rebel Injection
Brandon Nov 2016
Inject rebellion in your veins
Rebel against the grain
Bloodied knuckle change
We are what tomorrow brings
Sep 2016 · 779
A Warm Room
Brandon Sep 2016
I've neglected
This sordid sin
To mourn
My tattered skin

Sunday I seek
A warm place
To fill my lungs
With breath I've sought
To hide a moment

A warm room
To rest
A warm room
To neglect
A warm room
To forget
Jul 2016 · 347
Brandon Jul 2016
Burn your bridges
Learn to swim



Or build a boat
It's not that hard
To build a boat
Jul 2016 · 492
Brandon Jul 2016
Sleep wanders without consent
Vilified of contemptuous regret
Placated thru abyssed depravity
Unbeknownst by virtues deplored
The external, eternal mystification
Of burning eyes wide burdened
Apr 2016 · 414
Black & White
Brandon Apr 2016
Take everyday like it will be your last
But live so that you'll see tomorrow
And all the days after

Don't live a life drowning in a past
Where memories are only comforting
Until they twist and turn to sorrow

Learn a skill or craft to better your understanding
Of what brings us all together
And offer it to others in need
Without losing the advantages you bring

Find the worth of your own life
Before you seek your worth in another

Want the world at your fingertips
But remember the simple things in life
Bring the most joy

          Enjoy the sun shining down
                       On your skin
     And feel the moon kiss you at night
                    Dance in the rain
            And move with the wind
          Plant your roots in the earth
        But never settle where you are

Reap the rewards and benefits
Of living your life
In the *grey
Brandon Feb 2016
Endless nights spent flipping thru the radio dial to find a station worth listening to and settle the over talking of voices raging against the walls of my thoughts when the threat of silence permeates the thickening air and I'm sickening myself with the withering ashes of three too many cigarettes as the near empty bottle of wine laid hazardlessly on the carpet spilling it's last red drops of merlot taunts me into lighting up another smoke and grow weary of the song playing on the radio to the sound of my inner monologue screaming.
Brandon Feb 2016
It's not in your best friend
It's not in your high school sweetheart
It's not in your soulmate
It's not in your it's complicated
It's not in your girl next door
It's not in your boo or beau
It's not in your bae or your roll in the hay
It's not in your one night stand that stayed too long
It's not in your ******* telethon
It's not in your one that got away
It's not in your rebounds
It's not in your first or last chances
It's not in your love at first sight
It's not in your second glances
It's not in your some day
It's not in your angels
It's not in your baby birds
It's not in your ol lady or your man
*It's not in any name you call out to the lonely night skies
It's in the piece of mind that everything is right
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