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Tita Halaman Jul 2024
It’s like climbing on top of the world that’s sinking
It’s like piecing together a shattered mirror
It’s like building sandcastles at the tide’s edge
It’s like walking a tightrope over a chasm
My mind’s a party confetti
Bursts of color, yet messy
And I keep celebrating small wins
Out of grief, out of suffering
And funny how the mind just keeps coping
A mad good party kind of feeling
A poem for a painting
Tita Halaman Jul 2024
Like bees drowning in their honey
Are the leapers and their ladders
Are the kneelers, the kissers
The free flyers of a big shot superior
The flower givers, the ally seekers
The fast eaters, the sweet talkers
Come, starve yourselves more
Be crazy ambitious, be *******
And we’ll wonder, we’ll ponder
What’s the power hunger for?
A poem for a painting
Tita Halaman Jun 2024
For it took just one soul to grow a life
A soul with womanly yet valiant mind
With her manly motherly undaunted might
With her unwieldy towering chunk of dreams
All alone, she raised me
Bruised and blemished badly
And, “a proud mama’s boy you are”,
you might say?
And, why would I even be ashamed?
A poem for a painting
Tita Halaman May 2024
Was knowing less, was bruiseless
Thus impetuous, hence careless
A high diver, a high spirit
Only to find out,
I have drowned, just in shallow chances
I have melted, just in shallow phrases
And it built me,
A tactical diver, a toned spirit
Less smiles, more doubts
In knowing love, in knowing life
Side by side
A poem for a painting
Tita Halaman Mar 2024
With beams from their teeth
With dripping flames they swallowed
With sharp yet tired eyes and feet
The well built chests, the hard made meats
The restless arĂŞtes
They’d narrow their steep roads
Extremely narrow and steep
That I’d crave to pass by
That I’d die to live
A poem for a painting
Tita Halaman Feb 2024
Yet, we’re more of a black ant, than red
Kinder, haven’t you heard?
Safer, less likely to hurt?
We succumb our humble heads in scents and hues
We dye our bad blood,
Ambers, Fuchsias, Carmines, Blues
The game of cutting ourselves bleeding
Bursting, splats, like party confetti
To win the heart is to reign royal the world
To lick your dog-eat-dog ears with our flowery words
A poem for a painting for Art Fair Ph
Tita Halaman Jan 2024
Assembling pathways, breeding flowers
Over clouds, I’m scattering colors
Shaping growth, sprinkling party confetti
Flying heights, for childhood’s happy

Little did we know, little smiles do grow
It’ll hug you, you’ll glow
It’ll succor you when you’re slow
Here, where my big leaps are for
A poem for a painting
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