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Joe Quaale Mar 2021
For is not to love ,when the heartbreaks how we take the pain away is more than it makes It's never easy when the heartbreaks, As it set free from the one who trusted in love is more for learning What it wasn't before they could find out what it was.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Tripping Over my thoughts. Falling through the memories That open up My emotions. Clearing my mind, to get me back up Just in time, To look up And capture the sky Sliping Into my eyes.
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Feel me stair into your flowers, watch me walk with the clouds, as I drift into your trees. help me see the world beneath your wings. carry me off into the peace that sings lullabies to sleep. Oh mother nature set me free from this depressing life In the city!
Spend time with mother nature so she can spend time with you!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
My desert is no longer dry. it's full of life. A lush forests rises up, as his water touches the sand, Thirst find it's glass Of the everlasting life Filling the glass Twice before The empty Find's it's bottom. Then thirst becomes dead before it can reach it's end!
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
My eyes are heavy, and my heart needs rest. The tears I cry Are blessed from inside. Every Tear That falls, Goes through his fingers with the blessings of god. Not one touches the ground, Cleansing Each drop Before They fall into nothing at all. My eyes are light, And my heart is blessed, Because all my tears Have finally found rest!
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Me A cup of tea And my rabbit I named For Luck. Where Contemplating, if The mad hatter Can be trusted with his lucky foot. While Alice tries to find her wonderland, The flowers whisper softly Through the trees calling out for someone to believe That life In the forest can be touched Bye somebody's dream. As long as we all believe In what's good For everybody, Synchronicity Will complete the dream, as it finds it's opening to be your reality.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
My time has held
on to my life because I need to find the wisdom that guides me a crossed to the other side. It's the life I hold inside the one from the sky. Where time let's go of us because we're gonna be all right. It's a life that flows withย ย life letting go while the other returns home Where it Belongs.
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Remember the songs the birds would sing ,when you played inside the melody of spring .And how the notes took flight ,just as a breeze played inside the night .Flying outside the melody you heard Playing in the trees of birds.
I was having a moment
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
My little My little flower last time I seen you You were Playing with your pedals Looking for dreams Now you've tearned into more then a woman but A lady as pretty as The flowers in the garden can be. But wild like the dreams you used to see When you were blowing in the wind Inside the peddles ofย ย my Fantasies.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
I sit on the sidewalk Waiting for time to pay attention to mine. Cars pass by Following the road that gets them Where they need to go. What does life see When I look in the mirror of mysteries? Did it see Past the face That's anxious To see time fill in the spaces Before this day can leave us. Or Did it see my face Fading Because time let go of the reflection I was making?
Dreams, fantasies, Reality, More. Reflections in time. Imagination stretched Over the line.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
I sit on the sidewalk waiting for time to pay attention to mine. Cars past by following the road that gets them where they need to go. What does life see When I look inside the mirror of Mystery? Did it see past the face that's anxious to see time fill in the spaces. before this day leaves us. Or did it see a Different face fading Because time let go Of the reflection I was making?๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
The American seem more than you think!๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When my mind creates thot's. I focus on what they're thinking. While patience shows time What it takes to wait. I appreciate my relationship With patience. I would never take it for granted! When things are in a hurry, your patience will be there to calm things down, And show you a way out. patience is there to distract you from the worries that rush you around. When patients sits with me, we both grow with the moment that waits for time to arrive. Sharing the space we field while waiting inside.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
If you have patience then you have time!๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
Joe Quaale May 2021
Deep in the forest, inside a place beyond ones imagination. Where the stars come out During the day, and the sun shares it's lite during the night. It's a place hidden in between the time that rests on the other side of life. Where Dream's come  to find someone to believe in. And fantasy is the reality it brings. We're here to find the map in a world that lies about Where it's at. When I finally realize it was inside my soul, I reached in and grab the key and open the door to Life's mysteries. leading me to the map That leads me to the forest of fantasies. where my destiny finds me in the trees free of the world that's now behind me.
Dreams, fantasy, Reality that lives Inside you and I.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค”
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
It's okay to let the rain fall on your day. Because it's a better tomorrow than yesterday. The tears that fall from the sky, bring life That rinsis away the dirt when they cry. Storms bring sunshine, that chases away the dark skies, Wile his wind blows from Within you and I.
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Our souls are like snowflakes there's not 1 alike And they're all so pretty how they fly to the sky and then melt when they touch his Light Then become 1 with everything Free In a
moment in time we're space and life collide!
What if we were all ***** Of light. Flying with the stars During the day, Not just at night!
Joe Quaale May 2021
There's a window inside my eyes. looking out. looking for someone to see me through The Otherside of the glass. So I can show them the crack Inside this world That splitting In half.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ณ
Where am I?๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿค•๐Ÿ˜’
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
I had to come a long way to see their mistakes on display. When you hold their words up to the light It will show what's Right and wrong. Showing that the other side was they're all along. Disguised in the fabric of time. Blending in to the background. till you wake up and open your eyes. For some it's too much to take in. So they turn their heads and play dead. For what's been said it is a lot For our minds To afford. But if ignored Were Bowing To the money Making it lord! It's a price will never be able to afford!
Affinity, time, Space, god, Spirituality, Hope, Truth!๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‹
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
There was a time I was stuck in my own delusions. Caused by the fear Which is neither here nor there. My eyes seen What they were programmed to see. Somehow I got lost in there logic That was bent to look Appealing to the eyes. Money lives, without it we die. that's how our minds are Programmed Buy the ones who hand it out. They give us just a Enough To serve them. .we have bin Tot to close Our eyes, We need to open them Before they turn off the lights!
Hope peace Freedom
Joe Quaale May 2021
Spirits are everywhere, some play to close To what most call reality. The vale between this reality and there's is getting thinner. it's about to tear, when it does, we will rise up and stand strong. showing what's behind their walls has been built on the lies that have heart us all. Time will no longer hide their secrets. handing them all over to us bringย ย there time to its end. giveingย ย us ours back never to be stolen again!๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜
You know!
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
I will Carry your pain If you Carry mine. Just so one of us canย ย feel alive. Every tear will share, That way there won't be too much To bear. If my pains too much To bear Give it back I can handel a more than that .pains okay when you have someone to share it With. When you're alone the pain tonts You making you pole Anger out of the box! When it's not the feeling you want!
Share your pain!
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When everyone panics. confusion has a place to go. It lies about what it knows. building a relationship That grows into the fear that's so scared it can't let go Of the paranoia it created when it was alone.
Back in my tweeken times!๐Ÿ˜ฃ
Joe Quaale May 2021
When patience finds the time to wait, Let it in before it's Too late.๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‹
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
I have patience It's the time that has the problem How long must I wait how long is too long I sit quietly waiting for it to come not even knowing if it's gone now time is telling me to hurry up So I had to let go Of the patience before it let's me go I set it free from the time that keeps haunting me when I'm awake On this side of space
What time is it
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Give me a minute of your time and it will give you back some of mine. Next time you're late remember the clock Not allowed to hesitate! Give it a break, It was there and you were late! don't blame time, it's tired of being your scapegoat. If you thank theย ย clock Time will thank you Bye slowing down When you're having a good one. Or it will give you more When you're running out of yours. Don't be blind Pay attention to your time. That's how I got it To remember mine.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Tik tok The clock time Minutes ours Decades Seconds Moments  time Is now mine!๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Peace gives hope a place to go when it loses what it knows!๐Ÿค—
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Peace finds a quiet place to be. I like it when it finds me dreaming in my sleep. When I wake up I like to see it staring back at me. So when I start my day It's the quiet that takes me away!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
So many poems reaching for attention. hoping to spread wisdom with good intentions. If not red They'll be laid to rest. Some reflect pain that needs  a way out.  Some express my needs, With the Ink that Bleeds. I like to share What I see happening around me. Somethings it can be blurry Hard to understand. Because I can see In between the Realm Of man. Sometimes I stair into space and wait For something to Drift bye. So can I write it down before it falls out of the sky. Hoping if it's good enough for my eyes, It will Capture yours when it Rhymes!๐Ÿ˜‰
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
My quiet times are full of life. They know what I like when I sit by there side. they listen to my thoughts as Theyย ย quietly think about life. It's a lot to have when things get too loud.ย ย a sound smashes To the ground Echoing Through the streets That can be mean When you're Looking For  something to keep Safe from a world that takes.
The streets can be mean
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When I look out the window my eyes reach into the sky We're my dreams look back at me waiting for my life to embrace what they see So they can fulfill Their destiny within me!
My dreams Watch over me When I sleep!
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When each raindrop finds its end, they all come together again. Becoming one with the river. Sharing it's drink with you and I. Quenching  our thirst every time. The river of rain is free all you have to do Is look inside of me and you. So next time it rains outside step inside And watch the river flow From Within your life like it does mine!๐Ÿค—
Spirituality nature Freedom
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Sanctuary finds it's way home when the heart grows smarter not harder!๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
One day time was on my mind. I started realizing It was alive. If I was late I would appreciate And respect the time I let go. I started watching it close. Time knows how far things go and why the day opens its eyes, and when the night gives up the fight. Time will soon take Life On a trip through space. Different dimensions Inside of different realms. Some lead to places made of fairy tales, with fantasy cradling dreams full of love and magic. Gideing life through truth, with wisdom that knows all, Through the kingdom of god.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When your eyes fall for nature's beauty hold on to her when you close them. then let her take you into a Place of peace that hold you and I, forever in time. give her some of your attention, and she'll give you second sight. Completing the 6th sense That can see what's on the other side of peace. Every truth will cut through the lies.ย ย every one will be seen Hiding behind the eyes. Where there trapped in time. Looking for away out of the spotlight.๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When your eyes fall for nature's beauty. hold on to her when you close them. Then let her take you into a place of peace. That holds you and I forever in time. Give her some of your attention, and she'll give you second sight. Completing the 6th Sense That can see what's on the other side of this reality. Every truth will cut through the lies. Because everyone will be seen Behind the eyes!   Where there trapped in time Looking for a way out of the spotlight.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When secrets go unsaid,They remain a secret. Secrets told twice become a rumor. cause it changes every time it's told. Which means the secret has been sold to a liar for gold. Twisted and torn the rumor loses the truth Before it can find the Secret for me and you!
Mystery Liars Betrayal
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Shape's capture Themselves changing when they're field with more than they have. Bending and stretching to fit the shape that's full of empty space, Or full of more than It takes. When you empty iner space, it retracts  Giveing you more than you had Before.!!!๐Ÿค”
How much space do you have!๐Ÿ˜
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Give me someone to hold So they can hold me. Someone that loves me In the right way, Looking deeper Than the skin on my face. Outside the mistakes I've made. Give me this, As I kiss your lips Inside the morning We'll find Bliss!
Love and together miss
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
I'm a writer with no one to write to. But still I find  comfort In the pen that fits Perfectly in my hand. Capturing moments in the sands of time, As it writes them down in Rhyme. Feelings painted in ink, For eyes to read. Open to Scrutiny. Its Reality Searching for the fantasy Inside a poem That reeds in rhymes. Its Who I right too When I got the time.๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‰
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
Sometimes I like to put my thoughts to rest So they can dream away the day. That way I can travel through time, while I stare into Space And remembers the wisdom that took shape, before I blew the candles out on my Birthday cake.
Things I used to know
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Forbidden says enough! Why did we take that bite, and give the dark a reason to steel our lite. That's what started the fight, That brought the sin in. We're here to fight against it, Not ingest It. Satan has been manipulating Us Ever since that fight Started the clock That takes a life Every time it stops.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
The water grips the shoreline Holding on to the beach Before it slips back out to sea. Every cloud running from the other. The ocean smell slowly fills my nose Capturing the memory up close. As I   Watched the wind blow Out to sea and the water Keeps reaching For the beach,That's where I found  reality Dreaming For me.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Lay your hands in mine, You're the children of time. Show them the light that's inside you, So the truth outshines everything they've been able to find, In a life full of darkness And greed.

The only thing They were taught Was how to make money For the darkness To succeed In taking The freedoms Away from you and me.
Joe Quaale May 2021
I know the combination to time. the circle  turns And the hands they wind! The circle spins so fast You can't see it Move. Giveing the illusion that The hands are keeping the time For you and I. The time is in me and you, If you look at your hands You'll know what to do!๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜
Joe Quaale May 2021
My mind found a way into the time that travels on the other side. It's different than the time on this side. it's more modified. there's some in this world that know how to abuse IT IT's wrong . manipulating our  Mindes by changing the frequency that captures the moments that change the colors our emotions can see through the time they undo before it can be complete.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜Š
Joe Quaale May 2021
The fountain of youth Brings your child back to you. You're heart never broken From her love that lost it's way from where it was going. Free from the world that doesn't believe in anything but what it can see. The fountain of youth has been found! It's been inside of you and me The whole time. It's where life holds the light that keeps our child safe at night. Safe from the shadows that hide in the corners of our Eyes. Or the ones beneath our feet, when we blink. Seek the light from inside, and the Fountain Of Youth will be Found in you!
inner peace, Fathe, God, Hope Human race!๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
The cold spits in my face From the other side. Frozen in frost, It's stairs  Through The gate. Ice cracking under my feet. I listen To how The breeze Whispers through the cold, With it's warmth by its side Never letting go of What's whrite..
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When a smile reaches it's peak Watch it fall from underneathย ย and slip right into a grin finding happiness right where it is on the lips of a princess laughing out loud as the jester stills her Crown.
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When the river finds your beach, let it be far away from the city where the sounds of nature can be heard clearly From inside your fantasies! so you can live them out in your dreams finding yourself in the reality you're born to see.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
I drink from the water of life. Where truth over fills my cup With wisdom, that knows much about what this life was supposed to be, Before the evil found eve wanting to know too much for you and I to handle in a world that was free before the apple.
Joe Quaale Mar 2021
When I step forward And the world Steps back It looks suspicious how it Retracts What's it hiding The facts have too many shapes To hold enough truth. This world fell to deep into the hole it's been digging For me and you.Without truth lies live to trick us into things that are wrong for us. Otherwise why would it have to lie! When truth shines it's lightย ย catchis theย ย lie, killing it with the wrong making it write!
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