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Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Simple minds have more Room for Wisdom That travels through Time. Possibilities open to More than a complicated mined Can Achieve.Β Β Believing Is the key to Simplicity.Β Β It opens the mind To the magic of time. To a complicated mind Time can only go forward and backwards. To an open mind It can take you anywhere, Sometimes Reaching the other side in a blink of and eye. A complicated mind Can only see on the inside Or outside of the space it fills. it cant See What's In between Because they're too busy thinking About What's not happening Instead of believing in what can.πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜€
Expanding the mind Space time Open Possibilities Dreamer's
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
There's a world That's outside of this one. Where it gives you a better look At what's going on inside. Where they hide the truth from you and I. While they create their disguises That cover the eyes. They've Even been Known To play with our time, And Cheat Us Out Of Yours and mine. This is what I was able to see On the other side of this reality.πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜‰
Dreams Space time Journey Explorer more.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
As I was watching the creek Take a drink. I look to my right and a dear Was staring at me While it was slowly Licking the doo From The leaves of a tree.Β Β In between me And the dear The energy was so Positive And free, I could feel It going through me Like a Warm breeze, Capturing my heart For a moment of
peace. I thought I was spending the day With nature. But the closer I looked I could see It was spending the day with me!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜Š
Nature Peace Mother Growing Isolation
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Close your eyes and hold on to yourself. When you reach my peace, let go Feel the air breathe inside, Watch the stars Behind your eyes. Then Smell The beach Outside the storm, Walk by the water and Feel The mist Give you a soft Taste the salt on your lips As you take a drink .Then  I set you free To wonder into the peace Inside a new reality!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‡πŸ™
Divinity, Spiritual, Peace,love,hope,TRUTH!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
This world has lost it's direction. there so many people full of rejection, Losing Their way To Perfect perfection. Holding on to a tomorrow That lost it's way somewhere inside of yesterday.πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜Œ
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When you sacrifice Your time It shapes your character. Its Sharing yours with mine And Mine With yours that Rescues the time We had Before. This life takes a lot more than it wants to give.Β Β So if we share we'll always have enough to spare!πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€—
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Sobriety has brought me a lot closer to god. To understand patience and grace that can Create faith, Changes the whole game. The World Calls Fantasy Childish. It says it's not real. Instead they tell us to takeΒ Β a pillΒ Β that takes awayΒ Β what's Real. I see the streets Full of the empty dreams, And the drugs That's steelΒ Β The children Away from Their families. Love being confused With lust. Truth Bean Betrayed Because they only use it halfway. The days are short as time gets twisted from the inside. Our Lord IsΒ Β standing Bye Ready To strike At anytime. It's time For his children To shine there  lights from every mountaintop On hi. And fight for the ones That Have Lost sight In a world We no longer Half to fight.
Spirituality love Truth Everlasting Life!πŸ˜‡πŸ‘ΌπŸ™πŸ˜‹
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