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Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Our hopes and dreams are not as far off as they seem. If you believe, you should see something happening in Between Their  fantasies And you're reality. Hope will start rising up inside Their Minds, While they're dreams Will be seen In their hearts Then time Will bring it to life And they'll see it in their eyes. The dreams will hold their Fantasies Close to the light, So they can be seen at night  Children starting a new life inside While death dies on the outside of time.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Lay your hands in mine, You're the children of time. Show them the light that's inside you, So the truth outshines everything they've been able to find, In a life full of darkness And greed.

The only thing They were taught Was how to make money For the darkness To succeed In taking The freedoms Away from you and me.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Quiet is the noise That captures a voice Inside a whisper. Spoken in riddles because he missed her. Said softly Shy of what he might find. Blindid by the love That's in her eyes. Kind with the words That care for her. Was a quiet noise That Was found In a whisper From a boy that mist her.
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
God made time a box To stay in, so not to get lost. They call it the clock!
Tick tock
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When you Worry Your time becomes empty. leaving you late for everything. Always in a hurry, Forgetting to breathe. spreading a disease they call stress. You give You're worries Too much to think about. Let them rest with The patience that finds peace in everything. Then watch your worries fade Away with the mistakes Before they're made. Worry is the fear That has no place to be Inside of you and me. I set it free with the Faith He gives me  Every time A worry wants To take me.
Stress free
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
When everyone panics. confusion has a place to go. It lies about what it knows. building a relationship That grows into the fear that's so scared it can't let go Of the paranoia it created when it was alone.
Back in my tweeken times!😣
Joe Quaale Apr 2021
Torn In between what we see and what we think. can be confusing without the answer being question. forever separated from the reality that you both used to know. Only believing in what they don't. What  you see and what you think, needs to believe in themselves. or they will never know how to believe in you or anything else.
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