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Mar 2019 · 144
Dearth Mar 2019
Without you I'm lost
Though with you,
equally lost
But at least
I could pretend I wasn't
When you were still here.
Mar 2019 · 179
Dearth Mar 2019
What's it like
To be undying
Staring at the edge of eternity

What's it like
Knowing this will never end
With every breath you draw
Burnishing the brass in your lungs
Mar 2019 · 171
Dearth Mar 2019
Your words haunt me
Every waking moment
A singular note
Heralding my despair

I lived and loved
Every bit and bite
That life offered
Regretting nothing

But one

For you were my only mistake
The burnt toast
The spilled milk
Of my story
Feb 2019 · 185
Dearth Feb 2019
Your aseptic words
Carefully crafted
Like a careful carpenter
Or a surgeon with his scapel
Wreathes me with fire and smoke
Sophistry in its finest form
Feb 2019 · 136
Fool's gold
Dearth Feb 2019
I see your sorrow
In the lines of your smiling face
Every crack
You try to fill with plaster
And gold

While I sit alone
Drowning in this
Abyssal ink
Just another poison
I'm addicted

The sense of loss
Broken and marred
Your visage
A lonely mask
Covered in heavenly tears

The longing to stem
The stream
Runs through my veins
Like the nile
It always overflows

Whats it be to be a pariah
False hopes and dreams
A pyrite, never gold.
Feb 2019 · 191
Cool breeze
Dearth Feb 2019
Caress my skin with
Your feathers of air
Cool air
Sweet as a mint chocolate

Gentle light
Shining down from above
Like a shaft of God's will
All that I wanted
Jan 2019 · 140
Dearth Jan 2019
Tempos burning higher
Pruning the trees
snip snip
shears of revolution

Tempered bones
fallen trees
hold your torches up now

Sulfur and Brimstone!!
graying marble
ashes all around

All this for
Jan 2019 · 241
Dearth Jan 2019
Everything seems too much
Its the insidiously subtle taste
of drawing not
enough air

I'm slowly drowning
under the weight
of all I am

The slightest touch of your hands
overloads my senses
until i burn

a socket
with one too many
plugged in
Jan 2019 · 132
Dearth Jan 2019
This is the year that you left me
To place that I can't reach
I know its not forever
Some part of me can't seem to accept it

This is the year I sit
In the ashes of all I burnt down
Building a new home
With my blackened hands
Where for the first time
I'll live

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder
But I must confess
I'm no elephant
But a goldfish
Forgetting you
With every passing moment

This empire
So cold now
Will spring ever come?
I ponder

I await patiently
For this frost to thaw
And that day
Can't come
Nov 2018 · 128
Dearth Nov 2018
I broke a *** today
It slipped from my buttery fingers
Shot to the ground

I broke a *** today
It's shards sleep on the floor
Waiting to be swept

I broke a *** today
It was my favourite ***
Now, no more

I fixed a *** today
Never the same
Think I'd throw it out
Nov 2018 · 123
Dearth Nov 2018
When I first met you
It was raining.
The softly falling drops
Mirrored the way your eyes shone.

At our first embrace
You enveloped me
The **** taste of raspberries
I could never forget.

With your first touch
A spray of sea salt
Wind running through my hair
And stung your cheek.

Iron and rust in my mouth
Mud and grime on my skin
All that's left
The first time I left you
It was raining.

— The End —