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Feb 2023 · 155
To Hold a Star
Richard Graydon Feb 2023
All I ever wanted, was to hold it.
It’s burning embrace I accept
ripping my body apart,
My mind hold strong
This is what I want.

It’s heat grows strong, my arms tire.
Must I abandon my dream
leave what I know to be true, a
husk of what I am, could be.
For now hold up my facade.

My face in shadow
I must accept what is true.
What I was is no more
my body torn, my skin burned.
Wax tears drip on my darkened
marble floor.
God I wish I could’ve held her just one more time.
Feb 2023 · 95
Richard Graydon Feb 2023
I could have done better,
No I should have done better.
Your beautiful lies play mean
tricks on my gullible mind.
Once more, I’ll believe you.

How pathetic am I?
A shell of expectation,
A wish on a dead star.
I’m sorry that I led you on
Into the darkness even I dared not enter.

Pay no mind for tomorrow.
The sun won’t rise for me anymore
A final selfish apology, this time I mean it.
Once more, please believe me.
Nov 2022 · 130
I am Fine
Richard Graydon Nov 2022
I am fine, what does that mean?
Do you think twice about me?
Does your heart flutter to my voice?
Do you get lost in my eyes?
Does your mind trip at my sight?
Do you question what I say?
Do my actions scare you?
That’s what I’m fine means.
Can I even be sure my girlfriend likes me?
Oct 2022 · 115
In Darkness
Richard Graydon Oct 2022
Order had returned, the bright tyranny faded
into dark freedom, the day had ended.
No more shall the heat force sweat,
Nor shall the light demand blindness.
The cool breeze whispered pleasantries,
Welcome back my love, I hope all is well.
For my hollow arms grew cold without you,
And my holy wails grew emptier, no more
no longer. We are united again, in darkness.
Oct 2022 · 123
Forgive me
Richard Graydon Oct 2022
How do I apologise to you?
What should, could I do.
When did you last shed a tear?
Darling, honey, sweet dear
Do not pout,
The sun is setting if you look out.
Oct 2022 · 368
The Brilliant Sea
Richard Graydon Oct 2022
A brilliant blue sea,
Sits idly, happy as can be.
It’s crystal view,
Sparkles as if brand new,
The cool calm water,
Hides a truth you knew.

The murky green ocean,
Resting a malicious devotion.
A shrouded blanket,
Covering it’s true intent,
For storms are brewing,
Which you couldn’t predict.

The grey clouds mirror the grey sea.
Their sadness shared as one,
Their hatred crashes together.
The land below bends to it’s will,
A painful joy of endless thrill.

Black waves crash upon the sea wall,
The oceans wrath revealed to all.
A dark bile brewed in ocean deep,
It’s hidden price, one too steep.
The coast now wrapped tight,
Trapped under the water’s blight.
The last two stanza were written as separate poems about the sea, however combined into one with the original view of the ocean.
Sep 2022 · 329
The Brilliant Blue
Richard Graydon Sep 2022
A brilliant blue sea,
Sits idly, happy as can be.
It’s crystal view,
Sparkles as if brand new,
The cool calm water,
Hides a truth you knew.

The murky green ocean,
Resting a malicious devotion.
A shrouded blanket,
Covering it’s true intent,
For storms are brewing,
Which you couldn’t predict.
I moved back from one coastline to another, and decided to go see the sea. It really does change when you get up close.
Jun 2022 · 215
Coloured Cliffs
Richard Graydon Jun 2022
I stand above on this cliff,
Before me, a legion of colour.
As they march continuously, endlessly.

I demand them to stop, to become stiff,
Their colours, to fade in my land of grey.
For I can’t rest till they’re all grey.

My cries fall on Death’s ears.
Their power impossible to the light.
And the colours continue forward.
I saw a red door and wanted it painted black.
May 2022 · 217
Day’s End
Richard Graydon May 2022
I want the sun to set,
The end of the day, the cold grip met.
Not for the moonlight,
But the sun heat, I’m too weak.
I want the warmth, of a cold night.
I watched the sun rise and set at the beach, a truly unique experience.
Apr 2022 · 99
Cold Room
Richard Graydon Apr 2022
I pulled down the lights,
Lifted off the posters.
Removed my name from my home.
No more, are warm nights,
Or alcohol stained coasters.
I sit by the door, alone.
Taking down my decorations for my university provided accommodation.
Mar 2022 · 465
Richard Graydon Mar 2022
I stand triumphant, my words
echo here across the world of ours.
The woes that once plagued me, all
fall into towers of salt and sand.
A voice beckons to me, birds
come here across to see the truth.
One once great empire of words, fall
Into the ruins of what never was.
Jousts is not a common word, but refers to a hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.
Feb 2022 · 153
Modern Love
Richard Graydon Feb 2022
Double suicide, a modern love tale,
The ultimate act for another,
For when “love” surpasses our frail
mortal bodies, and we promise forevermore,
To dance in the void together.
After a small break, set 4 begins.
Jan 2022 · 132
Richard Graydon Jan 2022
Caged walls drip Tar.
My familiar prison cell,
Hopeless Escapism,
Futile Resistance,
Pathetic Optimism.
Fall, deep, deeper.
Into the place I called home.
Dec 2021 · 112
Richard Graydon Dec 2021
i hate how easy it is,
to turn around and go.
it gives me grief,
just to know,
that all I need,
is some rope,
to abandon hope,
and the setting sun won’t rise anymore
I went to my parents place for Christmas and I hate it here
Nov 2021 · 605
Free Will
Richard Graydon Nov 2021
In a Life of free will,
I chose to give myself away.
Not for wealth or influence, but
to learn everything I can,
Of you.
Procrastination poems
Nov 2021 · 372
Richard Graydon Nov 2021
I’m sorry, I know
you deserve, a better friend.
But as the day, always end
and time waits, never.
There was, not a whether,
But a when, I would fail you.
This was made because I felt like it. Sorta about me, sorta about how I fail everyone I care about. Pseudo-deep stuff.
Nov 2021 · 102
Richard Graydon Nov 2021
Concrete hallways guide forever,
Doors to doors, empty rooms.
The quiet hum of ventilation,
The silent loss of consciousness.
Fear what’s behind, don’t look!
Forget the breathing, on your back.
That wasn’t a touch, you can’t feel.
Sep 2021 · 192
Richard Graydon Sep 2021
Renewed view, renewed thrill.
Warm waters, rushed downhill.
A new life, no old me,
Frameless soul, cold and exposed.
Does someone know;
Where to go?
If someone cares, can they check if I already called a poem lost?
Sep 2021 · 96
Richard Graydon Sep 2021
Purple fills the shot,
Sweet, Bitter, enjoyable pain
The sting, The rush, The high, The push
The fall, The ride, The haul, The lie
Purple is the shot,
A façade of what was;
Purple fills the hole
a continuous flowing.
My new friends, if they are actually friends, said they liked some of my poems, but now I’m not even sure if they were genuine or being kind.
Sep 2021 · 84
Richard Graydon Sep 2021
Jagged rocks await the crash,
Sea salt sits stubbornly in the air.
I peer hoping for a rush.
White noise chokes the brain;
blank stares fill the view.
Nothing changes.
Sep 2021 · 108
Richard Graydon Sep 2021
Red roads rip ruthlessly
running rich regal peace.
Rapid reduction of thought,
Relentless loss of identity.
Frustration blinds the path
Relentless sun.
Runs red. Rage
The theme was red, can you tell?
Sep 2021 · 317
Richard Graydon Sep 2021
Deep blue burns the sky,
a gentle gust of known nothings
The sun sat; denying to fly.
Today was its lazy day.
“Oh dear sun, why won’t you try,
the air longs for your warmth”

A tired sun looks down
chuckles a little,
And rolls over.
This started as a poem about the colour blue.
Aug 2021 · 96
Not Today
Richard Graydon Aug 2021
Grey walls surround the world;
A dull, dimmed, damp view.
The feeling of entrapment passes me,
My neutrality fuels the madness.
The walls bled together,
their shade shifts around.
Rain falls upon my eyes,
the tears streak alone.
Today was not my day;
nor will tomorrow be.

I hope, wait, pray,
for the sun to come and play.
I don’t have many extreme feelings or emotions right now. I just feel mild and neutral and I try to express that through the poem.
Aug 2021 · 139
Richard Graydon Aug 2021
The forest is silent this time of year.
It’s leaves,
shake no more.
The birds,
all left for warmer skies.
Just lonesome giants,
their empty cries.

I wave to the forest,
It waves back.
The style of poetry I have been writing has gotten shorter and shorter to where I can’t think past line 4. So imma try to write longer more descriptive poems. I also tried using spacing to slow this poem down.
Jul 2021 · 622
Richard Graydon Jul 2021
You’re grace, you’re beauty,
A feat only a few achieve.
What do you see in me, me?
This was written as a birthday gift to a friend, and is my attempt at a haiku. Unfortunately I failed, with it having a 5,7,6 syllable pattern and not a 5,7,5 pattern. Hopefully they won’t realise.

After a while, on the 6th of February 2022 I figured out a way to make this a “proper” haiku and fit the 7,5,7 pattern
Jul 2021 · 180
Richard Graydon Jul 2021
Your hate is strong,
Lie littered little girl.
With you, turns good wrong,
I grow stronger alone.
This is supposed to be a counter to my poem Crush. It’s an awaken and realisation that “false love” and crushes only distort what’s true. This is supposed to be the “truth”.
Jul 2021 · 181
Richard Graydon Jul 2021
This is forced, my notes- Blank.
My plans- Numb. I drive my Will.
It weeps words, the pen I shank.
The ink I spill,
A heightened thrill.
i write short poems now simply because i can’t think any further. this one has some attempted symbolism, with the pen and book mentioned somehow being me? i don’t know, i felt like i needed to write a poem so i did. i
Apr 2021 · 148
Richard Graydon Apr 2021
The clock flows slow,
My heart stops beating,
This new low.
Shhhh, you’re interrupting the weeping.
Your time is fleeting,
Your mind is screaming,
You won’t, you can’t!
Don’t look. Don’t feel.
Whatever you do stop the heal.
Don’t kneel, fight. Fight, Fight.
Lol this was written because I was bored at chemistry.
Mar 2021 · 158
Richard Graydon Mar 2021
The moment any thought
Is value and sought
After is when pride
Reveals a different side
A part of you
That shouldn’t be true
Greed takes the charge
And we feel large
Moves along the trend
And leads to our End
Ehh this is so so. Almost like how I’m feeling
Mar 2021 · 158
Sun Rises
Richard Graydon Mar 2021
The sun will always rise,
even when clouds cover the skies.
Rain never drowns hope for long,
joy, peace, love, all thrive in song.
So never forget what you’re worth
because you belong here, with me on Earth
This is pretty bad now I read it out loud buuuuuuut I felt like writing it for a classmate. Now I don’t feel like giving it to them because it’s poor. Oh well.
Feb 2021 · 152
Richard Graydon Feb 2021
A foreign flutter, their distant mutter.
They speak of you, what to do,
My mind dances, I blow my chances.
She slips out of view, my view
So I stared to talk to this new girl and so far I really like her, I just feel like I’m being obsessive and annoying, even when she says I’m not. Ugh it’s hard.
Jan 2021 · 139
Richard Graydon Jan 2021
My thoughts of you, they torment me.
It’s true.
I dance with their lies, wither in ignorance.
Happiness cries.
This pain I do, I won’t stop,
Not for you.
This is like a Crush 2, and I hope you can see the same criticism I made of my crush to this girl that I made in my first one, they’re just more obvious in this one.
Jan 2021 · 152
Time’s Arrow
Richard Graydon Jan 2021
Time’s arrow slowly marches on,
Never stopping, nor turning for no one.
As Yesterday’s regrets cry dry Tears,
Tomorrow’s woes slowly appears.
The clock continues to Tick,
And the candle runs out of Wick
I haven’t had the mood to write so I kinda forced this one, and I think it’s obvious.
Dec 2020 · 119
That awkward Moment
Richard Graydon Dec 2020
I have so much to say,
But when I look your way,
My thoughts put on a play,
And I die a little today.
Obviously continuing on from my last poem Crush, I’ve realised that my attraction hasn’t went away I’m just able to ignore it better. This one is about that relatable scenario when you go to talk with your crush and the words just disappear from your mind.
Nov 2020 · 141
Richard Graydon Nov 2020
You are kind without reason,
Picture perfect person.
With you, is like a spring season.
I slowly worsen.
Idk. This was written about my current crush at like 2am. It shows probably the only real reason i like her, my delusion of her and how I can’t see past my frame of mind, and how my rather awkward and probably short lived “obsession” effects me. I rather like it.
Oct 2020 · 91
Richard Graydon Oct 2020
I’m drunk and emotional, what about you?
I just can’t stop, how do you?
The point is beautiful, why are you?
Through all my stuff, there stands you.
My light that holds, the one that knows me.
I only wish you were true.
So this low quality poem was written after I downed most of the out of date alcohol in my house, and crying for 10 minutes. Uhh it’s not the best, but I think that’s characteristic of me by now, so imma say that’s my style.
Oct 2020 · 94
Richard Graydon Oct 2020
My life is just the worst,
All my pains, I feel like I’ll burst!
I’m not the genius I once was,
And I’ve learned many flaws!
Doesn’t that sound awful.
It’s like I’ve ripped out my heart and offal!
Her, my crush doesn’t recognise my love.
The bread I had was taken by a dove!
Mom and Dad don’t love me,
And I’m not who I thought I’d be!

But in the end,
oh well,
C’est la vie!
This is my attempt at writing something satirical, and in particular it’s satire on my view of the world. I tend to see the most minor of inconveniences as huge problems and they tend to bring down the importance of other problems in my life, but then at the same time I brush them off by saying “C’est la vie”, “that’s life for ya”. So ultimately I don’t know what the poem is meant to be about.
Sep 2020 · 95
Ghost Tears
Richard Graydon Sep 2020
Ghost droplets, after storms you remain,
Why? I can’t explain.
Perhaps to remember those lost in vain.
Just one more time.
I thought of this a while back after a heavy shower storm. It stopped raining but you could feel tiny droplets so I called them ghost droplets.
Sep 2020 · 112
Ode to Dacia
Richard Graydon Sep 2020
The sun rises on our lush land,
Where friends work, hand to hand.
Where family live, a pleasant place.
Where people learn, a Student race.

Our people, happy as can be,
No quarrels, help is always free.
Never scared, our light never fades.
Forever rich, with brothers we trade.

When the bell of war, chimes it song.
We turn from the light, fight the wrong.
But fear not my brothers, remember who you are,
Dacian, through and through, spre victorie
Sep 2020 · 98
The thoughts of Birds
Richard Graydon Sep 2020
The bird flys free,
And the wind lets him be.
To stop such pretty,
That would be a pity.

This air blows fresh,
Our sun warms my wing mesh.
But the moon rises,
With his cold dark prize.

My moon brings sorrow,
For pain hides in the shadow.
To walk towards death,
Is a fool’s wise tale.

The morning sun sings,
But only to an empty thing.
The hopes of birds
Are only empty words.
I wrote this during a psychology lesson on schizophrenia so I don’t know what that says about my work ethic or interest.
Sep 2020 · 97
Too Much Time.
Richard Graydon Sep 2020
I spend too much time thinking.
The Thorn hidden by the Rose,
And I act like it’s not me.
It’s petals mask a deadly secret,
I am not free, more time drinking.
For those foolish enough to touch,
I spend too much time drinking.
The red Rose stained warm,
And I act like I’m sane.
It’s petals laugh in the wind,
I am just a pain, more time thinking.
And it lives another day,
I spend too much time thinking.
The Rose that hides the Thorn,
I like it’s not me.
A deadly secret masked by petals,
I am free, more time drinking.
For those who touch are foolish enough,
I spend too much time drinking.
The warmth cooled red,
And I like I’m sane.
In the wind petals laugh,
I am a pain, more time thinking.
For another day, it lives.
I tried writing one poem and then putting a second inside it that sorta fits and I works at times but not at others. I also tried to use punctuation to mark which part of the poem it belongs to but maybe I’m making the reader out to be more stupid than I think. Oh well. C’est la vie.
Aug 2020 · 71
My own
Richard Graydon Aug 2020
My hands are not my own.
Perhaps I left them back at home,
On my night stand, all alone,
Where I rest my weary phone.

These fingers are not mine!
They’re cut and bruised. Mine are all fine.
I wonder how I got the time,
I had just sat down for some wine.

I don’t understand what they feel
This was not the deal
I left them to heal
This is a lovely poem yes yes
Aug 2020 · 83
Richard Graydon Aug 2020
I got nothing. All I have is:
I scream into the void, wanting answers.
But I hear, not what I want, Darkness dances
I really want to be good at poetry, really just so I have something to shove in the face of my English teacher who didn’t believe in me. Well this came from me and a friend talking to a stranger online about insanity and what it is. So I decided to take out 30 minute conversation and condense it into a poem however I don’t know how to, and I got stuck on the third line. So I showed them this and I think it’s okay. It shows the final steps I take before giving up.
Jul 2020 · 100
The End
Richard Graydon Jul 2020
As the violence of life drifts away
And there is nothing left to say
I hope we were worth it
And I’m glad we didn’t quit

As the shimmer of light fizzles out
And there’s nothing left to cry about
I hope we can watch again
And I’m happy with you then

As the kiss of warmth fades cold
And there’s nothing left but the old
I hope we don’t forget time
As I wish you were mine.
This all started because I was listening to some remixes of classical music and I heard one of Clair de Lune by Debussy and I said I hope this is what plays at the death of the universe blah blah. Basically this is me trying to describe the death of the final white dwarf, the person who the narrator refers to can be interpreted as a lover or as the final star which is why I like the poem.
Jul 2020 · 91
Richard Graydon Jul 2020
Just staring at my heaven,
While you idly sat by.
I could not understand why,
As I cried till eleven

Just singing my little ballade,
While you gently swayed.
I couldn’t help but feel betrayed
As I thought of you

Just thinking of what I done,
While you calmly laughed.
I could not sit and just draft,
As I died a little.

Just dreaming of lives to be,
While you drifted from me.
I couldn’t see why you didn’t know
All I want is you.
I don’t know where this came from but I’m gonna lie and say I wrote it for someone to give to their crush.
Jun 2020 · 98
Richard Graydon Jun 2020
Detached like, Burning nights.
no lights, without hope.
missing scope, not alike.
Separate Dreams, Laughing peers.
dry tears, exposed lies.
useless tries, my extremes.
Apart now, Nothing here.
all fear, Brighter times.
hidden crimes, I allow
Wow. I actually sat down and prototyped a poem instead of just writing it in a fit of emotional rage. Ehh. It doesn’t have a name so if anyone can think of a good  one, and allows me to use it, I’ll happily accept it. Enjoy
: )
Edit: okay after some long contemplation, I’ve decided to call it Allow. It was suggested by one of my friends and I believe it has a sweet punch to it.
May 2020 · 87
Richard Graydon May 2020
Detached, like a house without a door,
With no light, and no safety.
Riches of life, make him so poor,
The tough giants, fall to the crazy.
Broken dreams. Tell no lies.
A chipped statue, mirror shattered,
Our river flows, the sun rises.
Knight disappears, nothing mattered.
Now you.
Ehh. Girl problems. Lol.
Apr 2020 · 91
Dear Mr.Whoever
Richard Graydon Apr 2020
Dear Mr. Whoever read this,
I just wanna say, I’m feeling lost and scared.
Because I’m at a challenge and I can’t miss,
And it’s hard for me, because she cared.
But you know, I feel like I can’t go on,
It’s not her, but what’s knocking upstairs
I love her, but it’s hard cuz I feel like a thorn,
**** it. I don’t even know if she cares.
All I feel is blank, constantly drained
But I know that she sees me strong
And I can’t fail her, but it’s always just rained
And the ground is slippy, Aren’t I wrong
She just sees me strangely
And she loves that I’m here
But I’m sure she would rearrange me
And not blink If I disappear.
This is about my new experience in life. I found someone who claims to like me very much, but I can never shake the feeling, no matter how small it is, that this is all a joke. That I’m going to be the laughing stock. Oh well. C’est la vie
Mar 2020 · 111
Richard Graydon Mar 2020
I never feel emotionless, there’s always bare emotion even if I have to dig to get it
It’s always there
Just out of my reach, just a bit.
But it’s there
Safe, my cage around it.
Safe safe safe safe safe safe Safe safe safe safe safe safe Safe safe safe safe safe safe Safe safe safe safe safe safe Safe safe safe safe safe safe not
Mar 2020 · 98
Untitled #53
Richard Graydon Mar 2020
If I disappeared today, would you wonder?
What way, I walked to the thunder.
If I went tomorrow, would you cry?
Would it fill you with sorrow, and ask why I try.

If you knew what I wanted, what I live for
You would be haunted, by what you saw.
I live to die, and I’m dying to live,
What I try, I don’t want to misgive.

My trust is nothing, trampled over,
So I was trusting, that you be my point prover
The one to push me, finally over the *****
Don’t worry, I’ll buy my own rope.
This was inspired by a speech my “friends” made saying that I needed more independence. However what they did not know was that I spend most of my time by myself. Muh Independence
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