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413 · Mar 2015
Can you see it?
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
Well, i'll tell  you what I see,
Within this squared frame,
I see an artist
With limitless creations,
And an unceasing imagination,
A poet full of potential,
With bursting passion,
Person sweeter than sugar,
With a warm heart
Kinder than ever,
I see so much talent,
And so much still hidden,
That'll one day fully awaken,

Can you see it now?
Though this mirrors frame,
Your True Reflect.

~A.d | 18 Nov 2014
This was to one of my close friends, she has so much talent yet she doesn't recognize them as well as others see it in her. I hope she one day views them the same way I do.
412 · Feb 2015
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
Something feels so wrong,
Getting real confused,
Is it just me or am I
Just being used?

Is it something I lack?
What am I missin'?
I'm in the edge, guna crack,
No one's tryin'a listen,

Every time I realise that,
It turns out too late,
Is this some kinda punishment?
Or just harsh fate?

My heart fiercely shaking,
Tryin'a stop all the aching,
Slowly feeling myself breaking,
So many lies and people faking,

Just a misunderstanding?
Or the plain truth?
I still doubt myself,
Even though there's proof,

No surprise in betrayals,
Just tryin'a deny reality,
Wonder if it's the same with males,
Is this really community?

Why do I keep forgiving?
When I'm the one who's hurt,
Tryin'a avoid a useless fright,
Their logic states they're right,
And suddenly I'm at fault?

The over friendliness I get,
Can't tell if it's an illusion,
Two faced people, I bet,
Trust no one, is that a solution?

What if I hurt someone?
I keep asking, what then?
I end up being that person,
Wounds ripping open once again,

Can't reach peaceful ends,
Just endless twists and turns,
Every path I take just bends,
Nothing left to hold on,
Everything slowly burns.

~A.d | 11 Aug 2014
410 · Aug 2017
Loose thoughts Aug 2017
No one notices,
man it's just sad.
Isolate me from this society,
before I go mad.
402 · Jun 2015
View your actions
Loose thoughts Jun 2015
You keep on asking,
But do you give?
You keep on complaining,
But do you ever forgive?

~A.d | 3 April 2015
401 · Feb 2015
I wish to & I will
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
I wish to be present,
Whenever you feel unpleasant,
And eliminate for good,
Whatever ruins your mood,

I wish to make you truly happy,
And erase anything that opposes,
And keep that gorgeous smile on you,
And send you flowers and roses,

I wish to keep in touch,
With you always,
Wherever you may be,
In any place or phase,

Dont want, from the roots of my heart,
To face a day where we part,
Don't wanna ever loose you,
Someone I can't ever replace,
Don't want in my heart,
A craving empty space,

I wanna feel your embrace,
Where lies comfort and peace,
Where my shattered heart is in place,
Where despair leaves no trace,
Where no matter what my state is,
I sink into a warm, calming trace.

~A.d | 10 Aug 2014
393 · Jun 2015
That click
Loose thoughts Jun 2015
My mood could click,
In a single clock tick,
Just on thought or flashback,
And it all comes back..

~A.d | 26 March 2015
383 · Jan 2016
& instead wrote.
Loose thoughts Jan 2016
One second, I'm speechless,
The other, drowning in thought,
Right timing never seem in sequence,
Abandoned the unspoken & instead wrote.

-  a.d | 13 April 2015
382 · Mar 2015
» Art «
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
Art can be found in design,
Or even in anything plain,
Displaying a specific sign,
Or something completely insane.

~A.d | 26 Jan 2015
379 · Mar 2015
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
Staring  out the widow,
waiting for your arrival,
other than you babe,
everything else is a trival.

Getting cold in this emptiness,
the clock constantly ticking,
words can't even come close to express,
oh how your absence is engulfing..

~A.d | 18 Feb 2015
377 · Mar 2015
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
Even though our journeys
take separate paths,
Your heart will always
dwell within our hearts.

~A.d | 22 Jan 2015
To my older brother who's studying abroad.
375 · Nov 2016
Let me,
Loose thoughts Nov 2016
Let me be weak,
Although it is not of my nature,
Cause comfort i desperately seek,
As I enclose meysf in a chamber.

374 · Jun 2015
Peace of mind
Loose thoughts Jun 2015
A mind at ease,
Is a mind that will please.

~A.d | 28 March 2015
370 · Mar 2015
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
My heart cannot stay at rest,
Knowing a loved one isn't at their best,
Their pain I'd gladly digest,
Without heatitation, I confessed.

~A.d | 28 Nov 2014
370 · Mar 2015
» Scars «
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
I strive for curing advice,
Yet I know the exact words I need,
But are spoken from the same aching voice,
So scars continue to bleed.
Unceasingly, continue to bleed.

~A.d | 14 Feb 2015
#Scars #words #aching
367 · Dec 2016
2:18 am
Loose thoughts Dec 2016
Knowing what is it that's engulfing your inside
Is one step taken into healing already,,
366 · Apr 2017
2:13 am
Loose thoughts Apr 2017
Once you adapt to change,
Comfort zone won't feel as comfortably wanted.
365 · Jul 2017
Loose thoughts Jul 2017
Content, calmed, confronting.
Corrupt, cracked, confusing.
362 · Mar 2015
Comes and goes
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
It comes and it goes,
Constantly flows,
Adds up and slowly grows,
Drifts away, then suddenly blows,
It comes yet never permanently goes.

~A.d | 10 Feb 2015
#permanent #sufferings
358 · Jul 2017
7:015 pm
Loose thoughts Jul 2017
When you hella miss someone, yet they busy n life-occupied. Tryina be chill n tolerate the wait. But too impatience to not call, In mind I debate.
356 · Feb 2015
Seen with eyes closed
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
This beauty that you possess,
Oh so hard to express,
But so easy to impress,
Rids any feelings of distress..

No not the kind that's see with eyes,
Nor created with makeup or some disguise..

Through the heart, is how it's felt,
Your true colors, is what it spelt..

Your character, like no other, so extraordinary,
Flawless, unique, I'm running out of vocabulary..

Whenever I'm sad, really lonely, or feel blue,
I think to my self, what a wonderful person.. I'm really glad I met you.


3 July 2014
353 · Dec 2016
2:29 am
Loose thoughts Dec 2016
"Are you always this hyper "

They say,

" Why do you always look happy "

They say,,

" You're always smiling "

345 · Jun 2015
The truth
Loose thoughts Jun 2015
Don't give a lot,
Or appreciation will be cut.

~A.d | 26 March 2015
Sometimes we only learn when going through the hard ways in life..
344 · Dec 2015
They don't know,
Loose thoughts Dec 2015
It's slowly shredding,
and they don't know,

That feeling, I'm dreading,
but what's the point though,

Through the explaining,
it doesn't thoroughly show,

That feeling, I'm fainting,
without warning, one day, will blow.

~ a.d | 5 April 2015
340 · Feb 2015
Your soul
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
There's something within your soul, that I somehow feel.
Something people are too blinded to realise or see.

This vibe of warmness and mesmerising beauty,
Evoking from the heart of the one and only.

Say pure souls were replaced with light suddenly,
People might really go blind while staring at you, glowing so brightly.


21 Jun 2014
340 · Mar 2015
» Memories «
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
Those who forget easily
wish they didn't,
Those with a strong memory
despise their existent.

~A.d | 23 Jan 2015
339 · Feb 2015
That feeling
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
That feeling I get, all day long,
Can't take control, just at too strong,
Missing you so, missing you very,
Why does it hurt that much, what went wrong?

Thinking of you,
I smile unawarely,
Tears find a way somehow,
And pour unceasingly..

Closing my eyes,
Seeing only your face,
Within I see the universe,
And outer space..

Echoing in my head,
Your soft voice,
That feeling I get,
So relaxed yet intense..

Feelings my checks go warm,
Knowing they're red,
Eye's watering non stop,
Can't go to bed..

Staring at the night sky,
Feeling lonely,
Wishing you were here right now,
Oh, if only..

~A.d | 26 Aug 2014
337 · Feb 2015
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
I can sense it within your voice,
No matter what you say,
The attitude the word choice,
State those feelings you convay,

Through a soft smooth tone,
You beauti-fully portray,
What is not easily said,
What you truly intend,
Holds truth, no pretend,
What some can't comprehend,
What would never offend,
What could heal and mend,
What a pleasure to have you
as my friend,

Simply the way you speak,
Whether using words or codes,
Your reaction or responses,
Your rhythmic singing voice,
Or artistic drawing skills,
You somehow find a way,
That uniquely illustrates,
And in a way communicates,
Deep feelings or simple meaning,
Filled with warmness and kindness,
Blended with intelligence n brilliance,

Even your silence,
Holds such significance,
Speaks what words fail to define,
Where quietness n wisdom intertwine.


4 Aug 2014
336 · Mar 2015
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
We're close, but we're not,
Why all this spacious distant.

From deep talks to barely any chats,
Within a swift of an instant.

It hurts, severely pains,
Why, why all of a sudden.

Heart aches, eyes sobbingly swollen,
Tears shred in place of the unspoken.

~A.d | 2 Mar 2014
A friend I had almost permanently lost for a reason i'd known not of. I thank god for every day, hour and minute I had and still do spend with her, she is the life that blooms through my steams of blood. Even though this unexpected distress lead me to a flood of tears, she is my wipes to my uetterly complexed whimpers. Why, what have I done in life to receive such a bless.
330 · Jul 2017
Loose thoughts Jul 2017
Dreamer, Direct, Disciplined.
Doubtful, Difficult, despicable.
326 · Dec 2015
Loose thoughts Dec 2015
No, don't pretend,
When you're really not,
Cause in the end,
what's really the point?

-  a.d | 3 April 2015
322 · Mar 2015
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
We desire what we lack,
We detest what we don't,
Our thoughts plain blank,
Reality with fantasy, just don't.

~A.d | 11 Dec 2014
320 · Jul 2017
Past Midnight
Loose thoughts Jul 2017
Still no response
Checking if you replied
Clock ticking past midnight
Hoping you're deep in sleep occupied,

Laying unstable in bed
From flips n twists, can't flee
Hoping it's not hollow hurt keeping you up
Wishing during hardship, by your side I'd be.

316 · Mar 2015
Keeping it all in
Loose thoughts Mar 2015
If only you knew,
How much I miss you,
Day would go dark,
Night would glow light,
The universe would reverse,
If I unleashed a word,
So I keep it all in,
Feelings all stirred,
Focus all blurred,
Seeking a stabled state,
Self beginning to deflate,
But I keep it all in,
Girl, where have you been,
Thoughts won't keep quiet,
Might burst in a bit,
The heart can't take it,
Trying to keep it all in,
A breath of release,
Im deeply longing.

~A.d | 11 Feb 2015
313 · Jun 2015
I do
Loose thoughts Jun 2015
I do know,
I just don't show,
I do feel,
I know what is and isn't real.

~A.d | 26 March 2015
312 · Feb 2015
Don't you forget
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
Just so you know,
And I totally bet,
That if people really knew you,
As well as their alphabet,

You'd be showered with endless praises 'n' admiration,
From cites to countries, thought out the nation,
And no that's not just my imagination,

So don't you EVER forgot,
What an amazing person you are,
Just be yourself, don't ever regret,
Whether people are near or far.


4 July 2014
310 · Dec 2015
Loose thoughts Dec 2015
Don't, from others, expect,
When you, yourself disappoint.

~ a.d | 3 April 2015
298 · Jul 2017
Loose thoughts Jul 2017
Distinct, determined & dedicated.
Distraught, damaged, deteriorated.
(Differing Description yet direct.)
296 · Feb 2015
In times of need
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
I'll give you some advice
If you're ever in doubt
Any time there's a crisis
Just give me a shout
In need of company?
Call me, we'll go chill out
Can't sleep? Come over
Well go crazy till we blackout
Sing and dance till day light
And make you forget all about
Any unwanted worries
Or undesired memories
I'll read you bed time stories
Or sing you lullabies
Anything that'll please
Anytime when all you need
For your heart to be at ease
Anytime in the near future
Or in a few years
Or even today, right now
Anytime, just let me know..

1 Aug 2014
290 · Jul 2017
Your presence, craved
Loose thoughts Jul 2017
Rewinding your vn
Impatient to call
Waiting for your return
Can't restfully sleep at all ..

290 · Feb 2015
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
The bad moments, I place inverse,
Yet consequences, I cannot reverse,

Washing away any fault,
Yet I cannot erase the guilt,

Turning over a new leaf,
Yet I stick to my every belief,

My old self, trying to revive,
Hoping to feel again alive.

~A.d | 14 Aug 2014
286 · Feb 2015
Here & There
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
I'm here,
and you're there,
Is somthing Icannot bear,
I'd risk it all,
even if I fall,
I don't really care,
as long as I,
get to be with you,
I'd do my best and try,
to surpass any dare,
wrestle a grisly bear,
grow on a fish some hair,
even cross a zillion lakes,
if that's what it takes,

You're there,
and I'm here,
can't endure it any longer,
holding back another tear,
I tell myself not to fear,
for this is only temporary,
this solid distance,
that I wish would disappear,
will soon become a memory,
replacing it your presence,

You may be there,
but you're also..
- places hand on heart -
still right hear..**


11 July 2014
267 · Feb 2015
My poetry
Loose thoughts Feb 2015
At times, my poems are encouraging,
Other times, are depressing.

To some, they might be interesting,
Others, may find them surprising,

But either way, all they say,
Words echoing within me for a decay.


10 Feb 2015
262 · Dec 2016
3:49 am
Loose thoughts Dec 2016
Though I do not Fear & do not Regret,
Unrecognized efforts n emotion will leave me aching the most,,

— The End —