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6.5k · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Vanity has created insanity in humanity,
the worldly hope men set their hearts upon,
possessed by Money, power, fame &respect;
empty pride inspired by an overweening
fruitless human desire,
wining and dining as the clouds darken in the
middle of the night,
as they settle for a life of deceiving enjoyment,
eyes are faded while he rest his body for a new
he turns & roll in discomfort while he sleeps,
dreams are clashing, the fear of been poor
strikes his mind,
meanwhile the poor sleep in comfort ,
he won't wake up unless you wake him,
men of exotic fast cars,
Sell their soul to feed their vain pursuit,
and their happiness to feed their ego,
a life of unsubstantial enjoyment, reality awaits
its faith,
as it will be too late to plea of insanity in
no hospitality for mental spirituality,
the vanity of human wishes reflect upon
superficial vision of human unfulfillment,
In essence that leads to eternal death.
the poor can't control his pain,
as tears drop from his eyes uncontrollably,
watching man with his fruitless ambitions,
as he settles for worldly materialistic goodies,
living beyond his means,
So many years on earth yet unsure of the
living a life of insecurity & fear of the unknown,
mention the word death ,he will ponder &
begin to wonder,
what his fate will be,
Vanity upon vanity,
When his time elapses,
he won't be left with anything but his good
No mansions, no cars, no fame, no sweet voices,
what a life of vanity!!
4.7k · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
What's your name?
Abubakar salim bin jahedee
sorry sir you will have to step back,
****** hypocrites,
how does my religion connect to terrorism,
I'm just a tourist in your territory,
no doubt,
my fellow brothers who dress like me,
act upon their anger due to ignorance,
and the quest for freedom ,peace& justice,
Just see,
What a curious coincides that is,
-but does that make me a terrorist?
Islam's a religion of peace,
yet they propagate islam with bad image,
Which is a huge damage,
Who's involved in horrendous crimes,
Who oppresses mere harmless civilians?
When we retaliate the world begins to hate and
start generalizing,
without realizing what conspired,
-does that make me a terrorist?
Its we muslims who suffer from terrorism,
all around the globe,
Terrorizing and vandalising isn't islam heritage,
Impressed and obsessed you are with your TV,
believing the twisted storys as it gets to you with
no atom of truth,
Corrupted by silly illusions,
Apportioning blame on hopeless islamist
seeking for peace,
Do you still think i'm a terrorist?
Develop some form of reservation when you
call us terrorists,
I need not to speak through my nose,
before you know islam is against all kinds of
-How can I be a terrorist then?
Innocent muslims die everyday,
In the hands of american soldiers
yet we are never part of the mainstream news.
No one cares,
Take a soul of an american citizen,
Then the whole world will point at muslims as
how tragic,
-does that make me a terrorist?
As a Reflection & manifestation,
Of an expression to the element of truth,
My Quran says,
you with your religion & me with my religion,
-does that sound like words of a terrorist?
I dress in the most noblest of form,
Yet you criticize me while you breed monsters
in your country,
Man to woman, woman to man all in the name
of civilization,
All these leaves me spellbound,speechless &
In loneliness and seclusion,
Reflect over the word terrorism,
And you will see it has no connection with
i'm a muslim not a terrorist.
3.5k · Jan 2014
thinklef Jan 2014
We flip the page and write out our goals,
But yet we end up falling in the hole of circumstance,
Constantly been consumed by our own thoughts,
We are all familiar with that thy voice of confusion,
Apparently i was once in that uncomfortable position,
Were you have no mental authority ,
Were  your first thought becomes your final decision,
Authoritatively speaking you can gain full & total control of your mind,
First, you have to believe  
nothing works without believing,
Build your mind in a more organised & profound way,
Understand that your body is a vessel which respond to instructions,
And where does that instruction come from?,
The brain,
Your brain is the most sensitive and delicate part of the body,
Nothing is achieved without the use of the brain,
Now let's reflect back to where we started from,
We are about to work on your brain,
Now, understand that no matter the amount of thoughts that runs through your mind,
You have the ability to control it and pick the ones that best suit your condition,
Focus, without focus your can't achieve or attain your goal,
Now close your eyes and create an image in your mind,
The image may be what you want to achieve within certain period,
Eg,if you are saving your hard earned money in other to purchase a house,
Now close your eyes and create an image of that house , in a beautiful way..
Now let's go back to reality,
A friend comes to your house and tells you he found a beautiful car which is been sold at a very reasonable price,
You see,now your brain starts working,
You may totally forget about the house you are tryna purchase,
Due to the fact that the car is been sold at a cheaper rate,
But due to the fact that you have created an image in your mind of the house you want to get,
in such a way you have already seen yourself living in it,
There is no way anyone can change your mindset or persuade you in purchasing the car,
That is what is called,mind builder,
Apply this steps to your everyday life,
And you will see everything will start falling in place for you.
This isn't a poem but a little motivational note for the end of 2013..bless you'll..
3.3k · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
My secret crush,
you make me blush,
each time i stare at your beauty,
consider the following typical scenario of the
a scenario that's quite puzzling,
I couldn't help it ,but go down memory lane,
visualizing your smile,
but still so vivid in my head,
you have no idea,
you have no clue,
through my looks,
just how much I think of you every single
My heart feels like it's torn apart,
But i know deep down we are never apart,
In fact,
I hit myself so hard knowing i can't make you
notice me,
the distances seems so far,
But look straight at the moon tonight,
you will know we are never apart,
i can barely write these lines,
But your beauty brings out the rhymes and
make it rhyme,
My feelings for you runs deeper than the ocean,
This is not just a reaction from my emotion,
But a confession of my submission,
I wish you only knew.
yet I'm still invisible to you.
your love is so sweet,it knocks me off my feet"
Show me a road path, leading straight into your
And i will take my shoes off and walk in with
my feet,
Beneath your beauty lies your behind,
That why you never fall behind.
i wanna cave you a bear hug,
then settle for friendship,
In other not to make a mess
as i go to bed,
be in my dream tonight,
because in reality,
Its all i have ever dreamed of,
you are my secret crush.
2.6k · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
U gave me that leaf, & said u were never gonna leave, Cause we were meant to live, now I have to Outlive & conceive the pain of grieve,

Who are u to tell me when to meditate? Please go your way and don't dictate, I have been born to innovate, Learn from me and don't aggravate,

Why dig into my past just to excavate things and deliberate , Yet you imitate and commentate and say it irritates, Never hesitate to prostate, Cause it elevate and motivates my innovative.

Even if your silences grieve so loud in my ears, I will never freeze, I will always leave, Because I never lived, I am never relief, I can't be pleased, Even when u sneeze. It only aggravates my pain when I eat, Dats the reason I refused to breath.

How can you call me fake When that's what you are, What you are is what I say , What I have seen is what am saying..

Fake, fake, fake, Fake u are like fanta Colorful yet distrustful Great pleasure Hidden smile, Full of Fantasy, deceitful u are.

You said u were my friend, then why stab me twice and expect me to talk once, U have twined &twisted; me, Enough of the Glossy bossy, mischievous in motivation, Malicious in thought,

Why judge when you can settle to be a judge in a jungle Stop been unjustly, & learn to be justifiable,

Now it's time for u to leave , superstitiously I have lived suspicious u have been, Dangerous you have become, Unpredictable you are , You're definitely a *******. You're never my friend
2.5k · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
Assalamu alaikum, may peace be upon you!
I'm Islam,
The religion of peace & ease
Islam is not hatred or adversity
or a course in the university
Hold on a minute,
I'm sure you are familiar with me,
Oh yes you're,
You see me everyday in the news,
Been accused of things I didn't do,
Are you amused or transfixed
Cause I'm been abused?
Lol let me break it down for you,
Like my brother kadir rightly said,
In his last poem,I'm not a terrorist,
They say,
I have become a threat to the west to the world in wide,
I have been black listed,
Among the list of the rest to the west,
You know,
It sounds so funny when I'm been addressed as a terror,
Some even go far calling me an error,
They say i terrorise & create tension
that's not my intention,
I don't give out such instructions,
I have obligated you to fast & pray,
& not discriminate,
I have obligated you not to hate & lower your gaze,
For lustful eyes crystallize Into habit & habit solidifies into circumstance,
I tell you not to use harmful substance,
For the pain won't subside,
it will only lead to suicide,
I tell you to respect others religion,
and play with your wife during your leisure,
I tell you to be kind to others & never raise your hand on a woman,
I mean if I tell you that,
Why would you raise your hand on a human,
I have given you a holy book of truth,
Sent from up above your roof,
Yet you go from root to root searching for truth & then you end up been used,
I tell you not you **** unjustly,
You may call me a saint,
Yes I'm,
Cause i've been sent by the creator to the creations,
I'm not a preacher nor a teacher,
But I'm here to preach to those who are wretched & rich,
My message to humanity is that vanity,
creates insanity,
So to those who are sensitive,
Take up the responsibility to defend my name ,
In time of shame,
Some i permit ,some i do not,
For you will have a shade in hereafter.
2.5k · Aug 2013
thinklef Aug 2013
It's 6pm,
anxiously waiting till its 8pm,
For the voice of magic,
that magnifies my heart from so many miles away,
This is my confession your voice is  perfection,

I love the way you alter those words of affection,
Without going down memory lane,
Butterflies in my belly doing the flip floppy thing like a lolly,
As I feel your sweet melodious voice,
Solidify & Stir-up in my heart,

I wanna radically alter my thought,
I'm astonished by your rapid transformation of words

To be sincere,
If the sea where to be a burning fire &
the blustery wind were to blow it  profusely
Like a stormy rain of volcano upon the land,
I will never leave,

I will always be on nigeria info,
Where I get all the info,
the purest of creativity you deliver,
you diva,
When I tune-in  in the evening,
you Ignite my heart
Your eyes are the kaleidoscope,
to my ever moving colorful world of reality,

Let me leave for now,
I will be back soon by night,
I think others are in anxiety,
Trying to drop in,
Their beautiful words of human creativity.
2.4k · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
My quest began, before Inquisitive questionnaires, questioned my solicitude.

I traveled round the globe, In search of a Gold, to meet my goal.

In frnt of me, stood a beautiful angel, with a beautiful body.
,nothing wil hold me baq,

the way she walked was so dramatic, which made her attractive, by love I became assertive, but her vioce was fantastic, So I grew attentive, In other to be romantic, which made me sarcastic.

her smile waz beautiful, Which made me Boastful, but yet doubtful, I became Playful, I Never knew she was powerful

her luscious gigantic figure, was Perfectly executed to perfection, Suddenly I became frantic, Now I have to be more strategic.

i only grew anxious, which made her precarious. i turned perplexed, while she remained unagitated, her behavior waz sassy. i grew crazy,

the meaning of loneliness, was created frm her lovely eyes, i wish you could see the angel I see when you stand in front of me, i fell in love with someone, Who separated me frm everyone,

i adore how u make me smile, even from so many miles away, you energize me in standing up tall, Love me again like you did the first day You are pretty, you are sweet, but im still a bit naïve with my heart"

If d sea were to be a burning fire under d sun, and the blustery wind were to blow it, profusely like a stormy rain f volcano, upon d land, i will never leave.

i will always be there for you, i am your little friend, i will always be in love with you, all the way till the end, My eyes blinked twice, Fully opened in tears

Tonite my heart seems in pieces, My eyes drop tears that itches, Now I am here making wishes , Trying to picture u near me within inches.

It was only a dream!
2.3k · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
Oh mother,
what have I done to deserve this destruction,
This humiliation is beyond human imagination,
You have no idea how much I prayed for my existence ,
Yet you used those substances,
Those gloss illegal narcotics
given to you by that man across the street,
Still you weren't satisfied you went to that man in white,
as he made complete mess of me,
You killed my dreams & aspiration within mintines due to your desperation,

You deprived me from that beautiful place called earth,
In every breath of yours,
I was few steps closer in achieving my dreams,
I guess it's too late to change the belly of origin,

We shall meet another day,
The day I get to live again,
I forgive you,
But pray to the creator for forgiveness,
For he gave you goodness,
I'm a witness,
It's time to say goodbye,
I wish I could buy more time ,
to  converse with the mother I never had.
It hurts me,
it bites me,
it consumes me whenever I see kids been aborted,
words can't express now sad I feel,
let's make this world a better place #Stop-Abortion#
2.1k · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
My thought is empty,
I'm in search of something to let in,
I am gazing at nothing,
In search of something,
I'm harking back to my past,
Trying to find out what I left out,
The only thing I remember is the future,
But its just an illusion,
You may call it vision ,
Since I'm on a mission,
that's the reason why am confused,
Because I'm been used,
Now I remember what I must put together,
I most achieve my aim,
Through the meaning of my name.
2.0k · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
It started like a dream and ended like a tree,
Just a single reaction growing into different branches,
nothing hurts more than trust ,
Breaking it and feeling lost,

Especially if it's from friendship,
that has a strong relationship,
My heart was once full of love,
for those who weren't my blood,

They have broken my trust,
Leaving me to rot, they thought,
I will never fall victim of broken trust,
1.6k · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
I was born into a nation of corruption,
were civilization has no implementation,
leaders come with their formation with
no reputation ,
Only in the aim of enriching their pockets to

How would there be transition in our nation,
We are all creations from different locations,
Even if we aren't of same complexion
We are all born into one nation,
All we need's collaboration,
There should not be concentration & centralization
on our resources,
Or there would be desperation & contradiction ,
Which will lead to questions & implications

When I was little,
my mama told me not to live with assumptions,
But to chase perfection with my innovation,
When I feel there's desperation in my nation,
I take vacation,
I don't seat in front of my television,
Waiting for an audition,
To accomplish my ambition,
All i need's vision to attain my destination ,
Within the limitation,
Through my concentration.
1.6k · Aug 2013
thinklef Aug 2013
As the sun reaches it zenith & the moon becomes full,
Soldiers are deployed at various point,
Allowing their thought to wander away into ephemeral violence,
Well armed,
Red pointers at human sight,
killing in the pretence of liberation,
Defenceless civilians murdered in sight,

I don't have the adequate vocabulary to constructively & emotionally create that atmosphere,

As a poet they don't mind if I make a sound
But it's a real problem
if I ever get too loud,

It enrages me,
I'm bitterly miffed,
Imagine the agony, stress, depression & tension they are
going through,
Let's be factual,

Their based desire & legitimate purpose is to associate ,affiliate & standardize us as terrorist,

They come in front of our tv & give us speech our forefathers have never heard of,
Humanity in it eternity have been blindfolded & deviated from the truth,

They have  become the fixed &  Luminous center around which innumerable lifestyle revolves,
Civilization will not lead mankind to insanity,

It feels good to be in power ,
But a day will come when they will ponder, reflect & introspect,
but their reflection will be to no avail,

Reflect over what I say,
In silence & tranquillity,

We may be on a Long arduous journey,
But victory is to the oppressed,
Categorically & selectively speaking ,
It will become a practical reality,

Innocent souls are been lost everyday,
In pakistan,Syria,Iraq,Iran
Yet the conference continues,
Killings intensifies,
Women are murdered,
Fathers are slaughtered,
Kids are held captive some rigorously excluded,
Without them labouring humanity searching for peace will perish,

It's a sad time we live in,
Educated leaders with no heart of  human sympathy,
Acting upon their based desires & ego,

You may call this character assassination,
I call it supreme words of justice
Only time will tell who is the true terrorist
1.4k · Mar 2015
thinklef Mar 2015
I have seen a lot of girls, some made me feel like ice,
This day, i dreamt of a pretty lady, her voice made me raise,
she got intellect, I drew the pillow closer with a smile on my face,
she was blessed with beauty, like a goddess from another race,
each time I drew closer to her, it flet like home,
I didn't want this to be over,
I could see the curiosity in her eyes, the love in her heart;
the mystery in her speech, I couldn't wait to unleash the dragon in me,
I have dreamed & dreamt & dreamt & dreamed,
of an angel, **** to the toe,
I may be an ordinary poet but I will make you rain again & again,
I wanna have my first child with you, travel the world & learn all the words,
you made me feel love like an electric shock,
well, now I can be sure how it feels like to love,
there is no law in love, its all a heart connection,
I have had convos with alot of girls, non like you,
now I'm grasping for air,
you remind me of someone, someone I used to love,
someone who I loved so much, I could mimick her motions
tho I love a girl with a fat *** & laps,
nevertheless I her tight,

our interractions weren't smooth, I think that is where we lost the attraction,
she was one a kind, the type that will make you fall in love & forget the laws,
she was stunned with beauty, everyone loved her,
her voice was like a melody, a theme song,
the type you would find in Romeo & Juliet,
tho I do regret we are apart now, cause every moment with her felt like bliss,
sometimes I reminisce, upon my kness,

she made me look like a phyco,
when we gathered around the circle,
I have never loved another the way I loved her,
she was my moon, my Sun, my rainbow,
but I have learnt one thing, greater things ahead,
I wish you well,
to the lady I saw in my dream, I know you are closer than I think,
I will keep penning till I find you.
1.4k · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Its better written than said, Yet they say am blindfolded by your love, Fooling myself without been bewitched,

Who cares, when your blazing love, beautifys my heart from miles away, this 's not a subject of discussion, Now they say am subjecting myself to unnecessary distraction,

Let them talk we say, Who cares what they see, When they are tired they will seat,

When no one was here, It's u I could find, In u I confine, No need to confirm,

When u speak, I toss and turn, that grinds my gears, No need to cough Before I confess, Your beautify's clouding my head of nonsense,

They say it makes no sense, I need to be counseled, you have created a cell of love in my head, It needs to be casted,

From the caging love that has be canoeing In my head, it's time it capsize, But who cares , When canopying your love , brings me joy,

They keep staring , With there brutal faces , From different races, backstabbing claiming to be, back stopping the bleeding That has been fooling My blessings without no lesson,

Its time to make it clear, Like I have said, Its better written than said,

Am not blindfolded by your love , Nor obsessed by your touch, nether will I be addicted by your thought,

I only see an angel when I look at you, admiring the beautiful creativity of nature,

You are in this because you have colonized in my heart .
1.2k · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
I was born into a world where your inner pocket
decides your destiny,
A world were dreams have no value
A world filled with people with black hearted soul,
Carrying around big cheesy smiles across their face,
Living with malicious thought but still never fail to
Mischievous they are, they depend on your success
for motivation,
Yet our motive is to be innovative,
Seating so adamant not observant,
and end up been their servant,
When shall it end we ask, today or tomorrow ?
tomorrow's better if not today we reminisce,
Hoping for a breakthrough,
After we have been stabbed & left with scars,
Looking for the strength to stand up tall ones again,
Realizing our mistakes & adopting a new personality
I Never had d chance to dream,
So how do I revive myself ,
Noting inspires me ,
so why should I be affectionate we say ,
We become so ****** nd vained,
Anger & sadness mixed with joy , pain & sorrow,
No one to count on anymore,
All these strains my credulity,
sadness gathered from one mistake
Making me miserable every minute,
Suicide we think of,
but the pain subsidies,
Shivering and capturing ourselves cap sizing
Within a blink of an eye,
But the truth of life's,
We need nightmares to appreciate not been in it,
life is a beach we are just playing in the sand ,"
1.2k · Apr 2015
thinklef Apr 2015
Audio version- listen.
you can also drop your comments.

i'm just a vessel, words pass through me,
my mind is a clouded place, you cant understand my nature,
I have been through alot of tortures, mental,
you see, i revived myself in other find myself,
tired of hiding in the shadows, becoming so shallow,
my mind is a battlefield, my words are my greatest shield,
beauty, lied under her lips, her words,
she, she was my greatest gift, but I have learned to let go the best things in life,
shoutout to my ex, she made me grow.
she turned me from been an ordinary guy to a poet,
now i dream elusive. i think exclusive,
even tho I tried to make we work like a telecommunication,
when I find my next, I will never lose the communication,
they say, they don't know me anymore, the person I have become,
you changed me, the world, you made me,
i write poems on my skin, in hidden places at night when it's 2am,
in between heaven and earth,
thats where I find my serenity,
counting the stars as I dig my feets in the ocean in motion,
so many things I see not, I wish I saw to pen into words,
the waves, war of both worlds, a constant battle like the heart of man,
we claim we are educated but still find love complicated,
broken every piece of physics still can't find the mystery to life,
we claim we are soft hearted but yet, we find it hard to forgive even those we love,
these are deep words that burn in my soul as it echoes at night,
as I chat with my folks I see them lose hope,
hope on life, like the knife was drawn to their throat ready to slay, cold.
imagine how people see life, they have planted a seed of failure left to grow, groomed & watered with empty thought,
but no,life is beautiful,
like the eyes of a woman, so delicate like an egg,
we protected by God like the shell,
sometimes we need to climb the hills to feel,
to heal, to grow,
my mind,
my mind is a hidden room, filled with words,
& poetry is my only escape,
from the ridges to the bridges,
I seek to know more, I flip the pages,
in each flip I flip, I have a tear drop on each page to remember me of we,
I once wrote a poem on a red rose,
and sang each words to the moon at night,
hoping the stars will kiss her through the window,
with a light so bright,
once upon a time I watched Romeo & Juliet,
I never knew u would leave me so soon in June yet,
without no melody,
do you still remember my name, or you only tune me on. when you bored?
my love was so deep I told motherland she wasn't as pretty as you are.
she still reflect,
I dreamt of you and me together, summer, my hand inside you further,
I kissed away your fear and inhaled your breathe,
I tasted your fanta a fantasy and you complimented my size,
if my heart was to love till now, I place my hand on my chest,
for I have never seen true beauty till that night.
#love # romance#drama#hope#life
1.2k · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
It's 3am,
The alarm never stops,
Red lights flashing so bright,
Another call to duty,
Driving on the highway smokes and flames reaching the sky,
I can feel the vibration & voices from distances screaming aloud for help,

My heart bleeds for these souls,
Only few might live to see the night,
Racing up the stairway,
My faith is unknown to me,
As long as my flesh & blood brings hope to man,
death I'm not scared of,

Tears highly undeniable,
As i watch these souls pass out in my very own eyes,
So scary,scary scary I say,
If this was a movie I'd fast forward,
Little are we paid,
running into burning buildings
While others run out,

I have got a family also,
My little daughter must be awake anticipating my arrival,
Dad promised he was gonna be home early,
Pick up,pick up the cellphone,
Baby if I don't make it,
Read this at night,
I will be by your side,
even when my shadow isn't visible,

The fire is becoming intense,
hell is not a place to be,
i can barely breath,
Hope when I'm gone my name will be among the great heroes of time?
I Hope the rescued will value their life ,
Knowing I traded mine for theirs?

Paradise i pray for,
Enough of the blazing fire.
Firefighters go through a lot, yet we consider dem as ordinary people..#RESPECT ....
1.1k · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
I have always dreamed and hoped for a Princess,
a princess so priceless not worthless,
Someone magnetic not robotic
Someone with a gigantic and elastic figure,
So I can be less dramatic,
and be more romantic,
As I take her to Atlantic,
With my loyalty,
Someone I can wake up to with my poetic poem,
Placing her head on my chest,
Reciting a magnificent poem,
deep down from my heart,
As the melody of my voice ,
trigger through her veins,
Making it sweet and sour
to the beat of her soul,
As it sails,
Feeding her with some chicken alfredo,
to prove to her am not a ******,
As we Sip together from a jug full of gip juice,
I may not be Rod Zimmer,
But I will take you to Zimmerberg
As we linger away in my hummer ,
Sooner, all through the whole summer,
As the sun rises,
u put on your giant over sized sweater,
While I pull off my tuxedos,
Putting on my tommy Hilfiger Boxer,
Holding hands,
On one lane,
making each steps count ,
As the memory stays,
having a sunset walk on the beach,
Gazing deep down at the sparkle
in your liquid blue eyes,
As it radiates to my soul,
You can't deny,
My smile warms your heart,
Under your sponge bob cover,
We are two heart beating on one rhythm,
Let my rhymes be your wine ,
as u read every line ,
always get high,
relent on my lines at bedtime
cause they wil never decline.
As they will always fill the unspoken words that
were never said within time.
1.1k · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
Heaven forever and ever an eternity,
only to those who invest their ability & time,
on profitable dignity,
heaven calls yet we decline,
and still in line with worldly activities,
deceived by worldly pleasures of hidden fantasies,
vanity upon vanity,
a soul is lost,
It all vanishes,

on this memorable momentous moment,
open your mind to reality,
and strive for paradise
for truly the thrones and crown await,
It seems so far but yet so close,
Which of the favor of the lord can you deny?
Bricks made of silver & gold,
Mansions on mansions,
You can mention,
rivers flowing inbtw
All these to the believer,
with good intentions,

Every single thing,
at your finger tip,
river with water, milk,honey and wine,
all for the believers,
fruits hanging in rows,
You may call it fairy tale,
Weigh it on a scale and it will prevail,
Which of the favor of the lord can you deny?

No time limit,
No limitation,
to any incantation,
Every structure is based on your satisfaction,
Gone is pain & battle for fame,
Use your brain and don't be lame
The worldly goodies have nothing to offer,
Its just in vain,
Save yourself heaven  nd avoid the shame,
Insane you are,

If you are still on a journey for fortune on earth,
You will fumble & stumble,
remain humble,
For the prize of hereafter,
Is better than the world and everything in it.
1.1k · Jul 2013
Dear mama
thinklef Jul 2013
Oh mama,
words cannot describe how much i adore
your endless love & understanding,
you are the road path to which i see the
your ever everlasting devotion to my
success is undeniable,
in a meaningless chase of materialistic
you used your incredible wisdom &
wonderful insight in guiding me,
Sometimes you **** me off ,
but i have never for one day stop loving
I know how often I took you for granted,
yet i was never grounded,
you caved me a bear hug even when i was
Each time the world let me down as tears
run down my cheeks,
you kissed me in the forehead & stood by
you understand every word i do not say"
Looking deep down in your loving eyes,
all i see is everlasting love with no
you hold a mirror to which my future lies,
i can't imagine a world without you,
i rather die than see u cry,
i will never forsake you mom,
nor condemn you as i age,
how will i forget the pain you went through,
the unbearable miserable feeling of
the sleepless nights i gave you,
they shall not be in vain,
Each time i see you laughing it gives me
inner joy,
It feels like a blessing,
not everyone's opportune to have someone
like you,
i will keep loving you till i take my last
1.1k · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
Address-From the depths of my heart
Subject:               MEMORIES

Happy times,
Midnight convo's,
Merging hearts,
Long distance,
Fading trusts,
One sided love,
Bleeding heart,
Emotional breakdown,
Fast texting fingers,
Auto re-dial,
Sleepless nights,
Radio at highest volume,
Music for the pain,
Heavy eyes,
Reading old texts,
Voice note on repeat,
Not granted,
Emotionally strong,
­Pening words,
Memory shared,
History lives on..
#Broken heart...
1.1k · Apr 2015
thinklef Apr 2015
Audio version- listen.
you can also drop your comments.

i'm just a vessel, words pass through me,
my mind is a clouded place, you cant understand my nature,
I have been through alot of tortures, mental,
you see, i revived myself in other find myself,
tired of hiding in the shadows, becoming so shallow,
my mind is a battlefield, my words are my greatest shield,
beauty, lied under her lips, her words,
she, she was my greatest gift, but I have learned to let go the best things in life,
shoutout to my ex, she made me grow.
she turned me from been an ordinary guy to a poet,
now i dream elusive. i think exclusive,
even tho I tried to make we work like a telecommunication,
when I find my next, I will never lose the communication,
they say, they don't know me anymore, the person I have become,
you changed me, the world, you made me,
i write poems on my skin, in hidden places at night when it's 2am,
in between heaven and earth,
thats where I find my serenity,
counting the stars as I dig my feets in the ocean in motion,
so many things I see not, I wish I saw to pen into words,
the waves, war of both worlds, a constant battle like the heart of man,
we claim we are educated but still find love complicated,
broken every piece of physics still can't find the mystery to life,
we claim we are soft hearted but yet, we find it hard to forgive even those we love,
these are deep words that burn in my soul as it echoes at night,
as I chat with my folks I see them lose hope,
hope on life, like the knife was drawn to their throat ready to slay, cold.
imagine how people see life, they have planted a seed of failure left to grow, groomed & watered with empty thought,
but no,life is beautiful,
like the eyes of a woman, so delicate like an egg,
we protected by God like the shell,
sometimes we need to climb the hills to feel,
to heal, to grow,
my mind,
my mind is a hidden room, filled with words,
& poetry is my only escape,
from the ridges to the bridges,
I seek to know more, I flip the pages,
in each flip I flip, I have a tear drop on each page to remember me of we,
I once wrote a poem on a red rose,
and sang each words to the moon at night,
hoping the stars will kiss her through the window,
with a light so bright,
once upon a time I watched Romeo & Juliet,
I never knew u would leave me so soon in June yet,
without no melody,
do you still remember my name, or you only tune me on. when you bored?
my love was so deep I told motherland she wasn't as pretty as you are.
she still reflect,
I dreamt of you and me together, summer, my hand inside you further,
I kissed away your fear and inhaled your breathe,
I tasted your fanta a fantasy and you complimented my size,
if my heart was to love till now, I place my hand on my chest,
for I have never seen true beauty till that night.
#love # romance#drama#hope#life
1.0k · Oct 2013
thinklef Oct 2013
Nothing feels good than having an angel by your side,
Someone who knows all your flaws & doesn't quote the law,
Someone who you can be awkward with &
Would smile & won't say a word,
I have searched all around the world for that special one,
Up over the foothills & beneath the mountains,
Truly they don't exist,
These girls come & go like cargos,
After building the relationship so tall like iroko,
Sometimes, i sit, i stare, i glance at this girls and wonder,
What do they really want,
They say taste varies,
Some dream of tall guys,
Who smell nice & doesn't tell lies,
Guys with abs,some go for guys with mba,
While few go for guys with integrity,
i call this mental confusion,
i love to be affectionate,
despite this emotional challenges,
But I have no one to share it with,
i have trusted so many,
Even when your voices are ringing sonorously in my mind,
i will forever remain a loner,
Truly not everyone is worth the stress,
Shoulders raised high been so unnecessarily sensitive,
Penning these long lines isn't even worth it,
I'm done writing about love,
It's time to face reality.
974 · Sep 2013
thinklef Sep 2013
It breaks my spirit ,
and my heart is bleeding,
It hurts so much ,
i have no choice rather than to let go,
I am heartbroken,
But the memories between still unfolds,

Its eating me inside,
Like a sickness within,
My heart is in pieces,
Every memory breaks it into more pieces,

My eyes are full of sadness,
The floor is full of ocean caused by tears,
Am finally gonna let go of my fears,
Its high time I stay strong,
Forgetting all that went wrong,

U always called me headstrong,
Its time i belong,
This love and loneliness has caused despair,
this 's the perfect time to disappear,
I love to be affectionate,
But I have no one to share it with,
I have adopted a new personality trait,
no one should tell me I have changed.
955 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Its alright they say,
Raise your head high and pray,
Nobody has time to play,
Its another day,
Everyone wanna be on the spotlight,
It has become more frightening,
Turn on the news at 5,
It's another fight,
Everyone is fighting for their right,
Just to see the light,
It's a gunfight,
All we see is candlelight,
Only few could see the night,
I remember back in the days ,
When we play in our place,
Sand on our face,
As we ran in the race.
But its too late,
The memories has faded,
All in the name of war,
We stare at the sunlight,
the world is changing each and every day,
The days are becoming dark,
the hearts turning black,
The minds are becoming wide,
the people are turning aggressive,
A beautiful world full of happiness & laughter,
Caught in between a raging war,
the innocent were murdered,
by men of war,
With solid guns,
Who spare no life in battlefield,
Spraying to destruction & death as if they weren't
meant to be,
I see humans, but no humanity."
Insane u were born,
Hypocrites you have become,
Hell you will abide,
If only u knew,
Life is not yours,
If only you understood,
War has options,
If only u could think,
Am only 18
Acting like a teen ,
trying to survive within time,
to live and fight another day!
952 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
a time of happiness, joy,fun & laughter,
a time of which the mind's at peace and ease,
as beautiful chirping birds fly around,
boys and girls,
on shorts and skirts,
roaming about from room to room,
cover the books,
Its time to lose lets feel the grove,
Hearts are melting,
Broken hearts awaiting,
Emotions are hanging
hearts are racing,
Its time to jump on the ride,
to an unknown island,
let's feel the world form another view,
at least we are few,
Turn on the radio,
Let's feel the stereo,
Sing along with the morning song,
as we feel the sun sent down to the son,
As the phone beeps,
we won't hesitate to move our hips,
After all summer time is never long!
872 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Its like i have employed my own boss, Sometimes i hold my head & wonder how you make me ponder, i flounder day and night through the cold weather, as the pain triggers, my heart bleeds rapidly, your love strikes me so hard it feels like thunder, Don't write me off yet,

memories of my horrid past, clashing together, each time i take a deep look at your portrait picture, you make me have a flash back,

It may seem like the days are gone, but every moment we spent together still makes my heart skip, Oh yeah you make me trip,

i'm writing you this in pain, feel my words as they get through your vein, this shall not be in vain, cause anytime i look into the sky i see the rain falling on me,

My head's so heavy it jingles and rambo, My words are becoming empty, We are not together no more, It feels like i don't have anyone anymore, We have chased each other round like cat and rat, bet we didn't fight,

i believe true love last forever, i believe we didn't trust each other, I believe if you give me another day to reminisce i'd make things work, you can think that over again,

i'm sorry for the bishop(wine) intoxication, that night i spoke to you roughly , i thought i was in a Talk shop,

Your intimidation, made me timid, Your words felt like bullets, as they punched straight into my heart, beautifully broken and tragically torn apart i felt,

Now i have to leave & map out a strategy, Changes in etiquettes, Remember you'd say we are not of the same quality, no more stooping so low, i also got a star attitude, don't try to belie your tears i will turn deaf ears,

Don't bother cause by then i most have crossed the border. Your spell has been broken!
865 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Here he goes again, Another love story, He's back with his imperfection trying to create attention, But Perfection is my profession, Didn't u notice my intention in my mention?

Now your eyes are opened wide, Your ears raised like an antenna, Hearing yourself read, to d wonderful words of human creativity, just to know why, Wondering why with an endless gaze of suspense, bagged with a humble smile of confusion,

Look at the stars tonight , As we see the same light, Even though we are miles apart, You are never far from my heart. I will face this battle of love, till i defeat d loneliness within, Through the pains and through the gains.

I searched round but found no one, I decided to turn back And found one shining like the moonlight, And knew she was made of beauty light. She was one that attracted everyone, But how did nature create this one,

My heart ran into liability, So i searched for a gold with ability, Now I found my responsibility, Its time to show my capability, A round of applause to d precious one, The heart beat f d beautiful ones, You are surely nature's most beautiful creatively.

I loved you then, I love you now, I see no one, But you the one, U my love, in u I call, Take me back to yesterday, All the wonderful things We throw away.

Your absence away from me, doesn't take away your presence from my heart, You are enclosed in my heart, like a bad habit without a cure, You bring sunshine to the rain Is that why they call u D Dew from Heaven?

If I was made to choose over and over again, btw u and them, btw u nd the others, I will always choose u, Only you!
836 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Everyday the pain triggers,
Sometimes i just want to pull the trigger,
Its so heart-wrenching,
watching all this drama unfold,
my world seems to be falling apart,
every single thing is tearing apart,
I can no longer belie my tears,
these tears are making me go blind,
Its like i'm mentally going crazy,
emotionally unstable,
my heart is burning at a fast range,
flash back of every single moments clashing
i trust no soul no more,
high hopes on my shadow on the wall,
besides its always there even in the dark,
Nor does it tell any lie,
Everyone says they feel your pain,
but no one have ever gone through the pain,
i just wanna jump in front of a train,
Shuffle the cards,
Pass it on to the next till it gets to me,
Open your card,
Its a 4star,
Four suicide attempts and
not one single reason to live,
walking down town through the tunnels,
Everyone wants to play with the gun ,
but nobody knows what's hidden behind the
Let me take a look?
You all step back,
i think this is where i say good bye,
My eyes ******* shut,
My lip quivering in fear,
Watching my hands trembling,
As i place the gun up above my head,
Memories, memories, its all i see,
As least,
After the world read this,
They will feel my pain & know my name,
This is my way of expression,
Its time to let the blood flow,
good bye world,
832 · Oct 2013
thinklef Oct 2013
i wish,
i wish i could change the choices i have made,
right from childhood to adulthood,
i wish i could change the hands of time,
back to the time i knew nothing,
i wish i never made those wrong decisions,
that kept eating me up,
i wish i never met you,
i wish i never fell in love,
i wish every tears or mine ,
were tears of joy,
i wish right from time i knew right from wrong,
all along,
i wish i could change the world with my words,
making everyone know,
money is just a paper with printed figures,
i wish hatred never existed in our existance,
i wish distances didn't really mean a lot in relationships,
i wish people knew there's a better place above these walls,
i wish i didnt have to express my love,
when my heart beats only for you,
i wish memories were optional,
i wish for a better tomorrow.
812 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Late in december i remember,
So vividly when every member of some Malian
families were falsely executed,
Kids were left out,
too young to see their mama & papa
Slaughtered all in the name of war,
Responsibilities accumulated,
yet no accommodation nor education,
hustling for survival under the hot sunny harsh
life is such a roller coaster,
now i believe in the book things fall apart,
I remember the last word mama said,
as she held tight and whispered in an emotional
Never let the scars change who you are,
but let them determine who you become,
this words have been buried inside me,
Lord please see me through,
this can't be true,
i have been through a lot,
but still not enough to fill the ***,
my pain is real,
Imagine a world of children raising children,
feeling of being left behind and how life isn't
but in the end we can always move on,
Each day I would close my eyes and pray,
hoping the world would see our pictures,
and feel our pain as they stare within inches,
but its all fairly-tale,
As mama said, its a world of injustice,
we only look up to the provider,
Let the body suffer the pain,
there's always a brighter day,
at the end of the day.
790 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Every night i lay in my bed
trying to picture what tomorrow will bring,
But these visions have limitations to what lay
Mass destruction of the mind very hard to hide,
what is it that i fear most?
i don't know,
these dreams can't be interpreted,
a state of entropy i'm in,
Day dreaming of a glossy life,
In silence and tranquillity,
at night so glum as a glue,
or am i scared of the future responsibilities that
It may be near when it seems so far,
Is that what i truly fear?
i can hear myself think,
as i feel my inner voice grating on my nerves,
this sincere tone & eloquent words arousing me
to reality,
my head propped up n both side,
realizing the thing i fear most is been me,
these words are brewing in my mind,
Or is it the mistakes i have made due to human
i can't keep wallowing sentimentally,
due to the fear of the unknown,
All i have to do is focus on the future,
In other not to jeopardize what lays head,
with tension & pressure,
Its time i confide in me,
Life will always have its twist and turns.
763 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Sometimes i don't even know how i feel,
It feels like the mountain have been mounted upon
the views are becoming blurring,
My heart keeps melting every night
as these problems accumulate in 4 letters,
My life is a puzzle,
i need someone to break it down,
My heart is fragile,
be careful how you handle me,
My words are becoming empty,
please understand how i feel,
i look minor when i stare in the mirror,
you can hardly tell cause this pain feast on my soul
It hurts me, it bite's me, it consumes me
i only look up to the provider,
as i wait for the stars for directions,
My heart keeps crashing,
when those memories trigger my emotion,
i need someone to believe in me,
Someone who won't judge me by my mistakes &
These tears won't let me think straight,
If you are to count my tears in numbers and
figures ,
you would probably be going to a million
My head keeps running in circles,
i need directions to the finish line
Truly lost am i in a huge world,
Every step forward looks like I'm on reverse,
i need to look ahead this obstacles in other to
revive myself,
You think you know how i feel?
How about been shot 55times without bleeding?
Apparently that's how i feel,
My future may be shining ,
But i have to trace the light,
in other no to be caught in darkness
You all said you were gonna be here,
i trusted you,
Yet again I'm here all alone with my shadow,
When i cry i bleed,
When i bleed i pen
Life kicks me like a ball,
Plays me like a tennis,
Takes me up & down like a roller coaster,
The cotton maybe closing on me,
but there is a brighter day above this walls,
Every night is a stormy night,
as these tears form a deep ocean
enough to drown a fast boat,
The past i will never forget,
Tomorrow i look forward to,
Life is but a moment,
i can't keep wallowing sentimentally,
to this statement of expression,
Cause my intention has always been my reaction,
i am running out of ink,
i think life is becoming so cruel everyday,
i will continue to pen these words,
till i know exactly how i feel,
I'm going back to the start.
749 · Jan 2014
thinklef Jan 2014
I have fallen, I have crawled,
Through the darkest moment,
In the darkest hour as it drained my power,
I never gave up,
I kept on climbing the mountain of success,
Constantly been consumed by the pain of the rough edges,
Spontaneously been drown in my own, actions & reflection,
My heart cannot adequately express my feelings in this scripture,
which I have written in my leisure,
I asked the world what is the way through,
It said I'm at liberty to what I do,
In the restless & reckless moment,
I never gave up the momentum,
I was always driving & aspiring to be on top,
It is undoubtedly & conspicuously visible
It been a year of memories,breakdown,
But never the less,
I never melt down,
Thank you lord for a year well spent,
It sweets my spine,
And my eyes soaked in tears of joy,
Knowing you made me enjoy this year without fear,
I look forward to 2014,
For more blessings with no lessons to reap,
734 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Door & window jammed Weapons unleashed from the hidden places,

Children took covers in their blanket, while the adult attacked,

The blood ******* creatures flew about, Landing on any human within sight,

The adult had set an ambush, Creating a nuclear weapon from George bush ,

they released the insecticide from the can, Devastated & confused the vampires ran,

There was no escape, The windows and doors were closed,

As the blood drained from the vampires, They dropped down dead as if they were on fire,

The children came out of their empire, The mosquitoes have been defeated with a nuclear power.

By tomorrow night we have another war at hand, Come & join us let's go for the fight.
thinklef Apr 2014
I met him at the grocery store,
his arms so strong Like that of a stone,
he looked so stunning miss he said,
you look like a bunny,
let me give you a ride,
I think its sunny,
I was ashamed,
who cares when offered me a shade,
at least he could share,
he sounded so amazing,
I was freezing,
weeks gone by,
I placed him in friend zone,
after we got back from ozone,
he hardly spend,
but keeps complaining his bank account is red,
as a girl of class,
I was fed up of him bringing bread,
funny enough,
he never asked us to go to bed,
my homies,
said he was a zombie,
soon enough I drove him,
weeks gone by,
I saw him in a Lamborghini,
with my best friend,
who said he was lame ,
I'm all to be blamed,
I will never forget her name.
C:2014 Apr24
691 · Oct 2013
June 25, 2009
thinklef Oct 2013
June 25, 2009,
It was day break,
I cling to my coffee cup as usual,
Scrolling up & down my computer screen,
I stumbled upon an article of a legend,
a man who fought for humanity, less privilege & even underage,
he gave the world all he had to offer,
I'm not his biggest fan, nor do I have all his albums,
I continued to scroll down & I was beginning to like him more,
I read quite few things about him,
the scandals, the conspiracies,
but still there was something about him,
his voice was so charming & melodious,
this most be a superhuman I said to myself,
His voice triggered into my brain,
as his words lingered trough my veins,
It left me in emotion pain,
His message was so clear,
I could easliy learn,
Still scrolling down the page,
I have found a new bestfriend i said,
i have only knew him for 50minutes & it seems like ages,
Just at the bottom of the page,
my mouth couldn't say what my see have seen,
my new bestfriend just died of cardiac arrest minutes ago,
just when I was getting to know him,
His name is Michael Jackson.
659 · Jul 2013
thinklef Jul 2013
Its alright they say,
Raise your head high and pray,
Nobody has time to play,
Its another day,
Everyone wanna be on the spotlight,
It has become more frightening,
Turn on the news at 5,
It's another fight,
Everyone is fighting for their right,
Just to see the light,
It's a gunfight,
All we see is candlelight,
Only few could see the night,
I remember back in the days ,
When we play in our place,
Sand on our face,
As we ran in the race.
But its too late,
The memories has faded,
All in the name of war,
We stare at the sunlight,
the world is changing each and every day,
The days are becoming dark,
the hearts turning black,
The minds are becoming wide,
the people are turning aggressive,
A beautiful world full of happiness & laughter,
Caught in between a raging war,
the innocent were murdered,
by men of war,
With solid guns,
Who spare no life in battlefield,
Spraying to destruction & death as if they
weren't meant to be,
I see humans, but no humanity."
Insane u were born,
Hypocrites you have become,
Hell you will abide,
If only u knew,
Life is not yours,
If only you understood,
War has options,
If only u could think,
Am only 18
Acting like a teen ,
trying to survive within time,
to live and fight another day!
434 · May 2014
thinklef May 2014
Dear john,
it been a journey
I miss you hunny & all your funny jokes,
Lord knows,
our daughter rose,
has began to take hard drugs
and even overdose
you promised not to **** any kid,
but you did,
you keep saying sorry,
each time you **** any make them bury,
here we are five years no son,
still looking up to the sun,
this is no fun,
I have something to say,
I'm afraid this before the table,
I hope it won't make you emotionally unstable,
it was meant to be a boy,
I thought this would be successful,
so we can live peacefully,
I even got him toys,
the doctor said i had miscarriage,
and should be brave,
which made me so afraid,
I went out of range,
I guess what goes around comes around.
421 · Apr 2014
I'm back to stay ;)
thinklef Apr 2014
Hello poetry,guys I missed you'll soooo much. been away for a while, now i'm back to stay. with more beautiful poems coming your way. And yeah will be going through your poems soon. much lv
351 · May 2014
thinklef May 2014
Dear daisy
sorry I have been so lazy to write to you,
you have the right to know,
training has been intense,
with little time to rest,
the war and it unrest
has left us with little time to connect,
I miss those hours,
we hung around the beach,
as we fish in the middle of the sea,
we are moving to Afghanistan,
to settle the crisis,
I will be back by may,
maybe when peace has rein,
I have a confession to make,
hope it won't cause you an heartbreak,
I shot a kid at the lake,
the other day we went on a mission,
to there region,
he couldn't take the pain of death,
as every breath of his,
was his last release,
he was harmless,
and I got armours,
now my conscience,
is wailing in unrest,
I just want you to know,
I will arrive by noon sometime soon,
pray for me so I see the moon,
cause my enemies within,
are planning a coup.

— The End —