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thinklef Aug 2013
As the sun reaches it zenith & the moon becomes full,
Soldiers are deployed at various point,
Allowing their thought to wander away into ephemeral violence,
Well armed,
Red pointers at human sight,
killing in the pretence of liberation,
Defenceless civilians murdered in sight,

I don't have the adequate vocabulary to constructively & emotionally create that atmosphere,

As a poet they don't mind if I make a sound
But it's a real problem
if I ever get too loud,

It enrages me,
I'm bitterly miffed,
Imagine the agony, stress, depression & tension they are
going through,
Let's be factual,

Their based desire & legitimate purpose is to associate ,affiliate & standardize us as terrorist,

They come in front of our tv & give us speech our forefathers have never heard of,
Humanity in it eternity have been blindfolded & deviated from the truth,

They have  become the fixed &  Luminous center around which innumerable lifestyle revolves,
Civilization will not lead mankind to insanity,

It feels good to be in power ,
But a day will come when they will ponder, reflect & introspect,
but their reflection will be to no avail,

Reflect over what I say,
In silence & tranquillity,

We may be on a Long arduous journey,
But victory is to the oppressed,
Categorically & selectively speaking ,
It will become a practical reality,

Innocent souls are been lost everyday,
In pakistan,Syria,Iraq,Iran
Yet the conference continues,
Killings intensifies,
Women are murdered,
Fathers are slaughtered,
Kids are held captive some rigorously excluded,
Without them labouring humanity searching for peace will perish,

It's a sad time we live in,
Educated leaders with no heart of  human sympathy,
Acting upon their based desires & ego,

You may call this character assassination,
I call it supreme words of justice
Only time will tell who is the true terrorist
thinklef Jul 2013
Its better written than said, Yet they say am blindfolded by your love, Fooling myself without been bewitched,

Who cares, when your blazing love, beautifys my heart from miles away, this 's not a subject of discussion, Now they say am subjecting myself to unnecessary distraction,

Let them talk we say, Who cares what they see, When they are tired they will seat,

When no one was here, It's u I could find, In u I confine, No need to confirm,

When u speak, I toss and turn, that grinds my gears, No need to cough Before I confess, Your beautify's clouding my head of nonsense,

They say it makes no sense, I need to be counseled, you have created a cell of love in my head, It needs to be casted,

From the caging love that has be canoeing In my head, it's time it capsize, But who cares , When canopying your love , brings me joy,

They keep staring , With there brutal faces , From different races, backstabbing claiming to be, back stopping the bleeding That has been fooling My blessings without no lesson,

Its time to make it clear, Like I have said, Its better written than said,

Am not blindfolded by your love , Nor obsessed by your touch, nether will I be addicted by your thought,

I only see an angel when I look at you, admiring the beautiful creativity of nature,

You are in this because you have colonized in my heart .
thinklef Jul 2013
My quest began, before Inquisitive questionnaires, questioned my solicitude.

I traveled round the globe, In search of a Gold, to meet my goal.

In frnt of me, stood a beautiful angel, with a beautiful body.
,nothing wil hold me baq,

the way she walked was so dramatic, which made her attractive, by love I became assertive, but her vioce was fantastic, So I grew attentive, In other to be romantic, which made me sarcastic.

her smile waz beautiful, Which made me Boastful, but yet doubtful, I became Playful, I Never knew she was powerful

her luscious gigantic figure, was Perfectly executed to perfection, Suddenly I became frantic, Now I have to be more strategic.

i only grew anxious, which made her precarious. i turned perplexed, while she remained unagitated, her behavior waz sassy. i grew crazy,

the meaning of loneliness, was created frm her lovely eyes, i wish you could see the angel I see when you stand in front of me, i fell in love with someone, Who separated me frm everyone,

i adore how u make me smile, even from so many miles away, you energize me in standing up tall, Love me again like you did the first day You are pretty, you are sweet, but im still a bit naïve with my heart"

If d sea were to be a burning fire under d sun, and the blustery wind were to blow it, profusely like a stormy rain f volcano, upon d land, i will never leave.

i will always be there for you, i am your little friend, i will always be in love with you, all the way till the end, My eyes blinked twice, Fully opened in tears

Tonite my heart seems in pieces, My eyes drop tears that itches, Now I am here making wishes , Trying to picture u near me within inches.

It was only a dream!
thinklef Jul 2013
U gave me that leaf, & said u were never gonna leave, Cause we were meant to live, now I have to Outlive & conceive the pain of grieve,

Who are u to tell me when to meditate? Please go your way and don't dictate, I have been born to innovate, Learn from me and don't aggravate,

Why dig into my past just to excavate things and deliberate , Yet you imitate and commentate and say it irritates, Never hesitate to prostate, Cause it elevate and motivates my innovative.

Even if your silences grieve so loud in my ears, I will never freeze, I will always leave, Because I never lived, I am never relief, I can't be pleased, Even when u sneeze. It only aggravates my pain when I eat, Dats the reason I refused to breath.

How can you call me fake When that's what you are, What you are is what I say , What I have seen is what am saying..

Fake, fake, fake, Fake u are like fanta Colorful yet distrustful Great pleasure Hidden smile, Full of Fantasy, deceitful u are.

You said u were my friend, then why stab me twice and expect me to talk once, U have twined &twisted; me, Enough of the Glossy bossy, mischievous in motivation, Malicious in thought,

Why judge when you can settle to be a judge in a jungle Stop been unjustly, & learn to be justifiable,

Now it's time for u to leave , superstitiously I have lived suspicious u have been, Dangerous you have become, Unpredictable you are , You're definitely a *******. You're never my friend
thinklef Jul 2013
Here he goes again, Another love story, He's back with his imperfection trying to create attention, But Perfection is my profession, Didn't u notice my intention in my mention?

Now your eyes are opened wide, Your ears raised like an antenna, Hearing yourself read, to d wonderful words of human creativity, just to know why, Wondering why with an endless gaze of suspense, bagged with a humble smile of confusion,

Look at the stars tonight , As we see the same light, Even though we are miles apart, You are never far from my heart. I will face this battle of love, till i defeat d loneliness within, Through the pains and through the gains.

I searched round but found no one, I decided to turn back And found one shining like the moonlight, And knew she was made of beauty light. She was one that attracted everyone, But how did nature create this one,

My heart ran into liability, So i searched for a gold with ability, Now I found my responsibility, Its time to show my capability, A round of applause to d precious one, The heart beat f d beautiful ones, You are surely nature's most beautiful creatively.

I loved you then, I love you now, I see no one, But you the one, U my love, in u I call, Take me back to yesterday, All the wonderful things We throw away.

Your absence away from me, doesn't take away your presence from my heart, You are enclosed in my heart, like a bad habit without a cure, You bring sunshine to the rain Is that why they call u D Dew from Heaven?

If I was made to choose over and over again, btw u and them, btw u nd the others, I will always choose u, Only you!
thinklef Jul 2013
Door & window jammed Weapons unleashed from the hidden places,

Children took covers in their blanket, while the adult attacked,

The blood ******* creatures flew about, Landing on any human within sight,

The adult had set an ambush, Creating a nuclear weapon from George bush ,

they released the insecticide from the can, Devastated & confused the vampires ran,

There was no escape, The windows and doors were closed,

As the blood drained from the vampires, They dropped down dead as if they were on fire,

The children came out of their empire, The mosquitoes have been defeated with a nuclear power.

By tomorrow night we have another war at hand, Come & join us let's go for the fight.
thinklef Jul 2013
I was born into a world where your inner pocket
decides your destiny,
A world were dreams have no value
A world filled with people with black hearted soul,
Carrying around big cheesy smiles across their face,
Living with malicious thought but still never fail to
Mischievous they are, they depend on your success
for motivation,
Yet our motive is to be innovative,
Seating so adamant not observant,
and end up been their servant,
When shall it end we ask, today or tomorrow ?
tomorrow's better if not today we reminisce,
Hoping for a breakthrough,
After we have been stabbed & left with scars,
Looking for the strength to stand up tall ones again,
Realizing our mistakes & adopting a new personality
I Never had d chance to dream,
So how do I revive myself ,
Noting inspires me ,
so why should I be affectionate we say ,
We become so ****** nd vained,
Anger & sadness mixed with joy , pain & sorrow,
No one to count on anymore,
All these strains my credulity,
sadness gathered from one mistake
Making me miserable every minute,
Suicide we think of,
but the pain subsidies,
Shivering and capturing ourselves cap sizing
Within a blink of an eye,
But the truth of life's,
We need nightmares to appreciate not been in it,
life is a beach we are just playing in the sand ,"
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