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thinklef Jul 2013
Its like i have employed my own boss, Sometimes i hold my head & wonder how you make me ponder, i flounder day and night through the cold weather, as the pain triggers, my heart bleeds rapidly, your love strikes me so hard it feels like thunder, Don't write me off yet,

memories of my horrid past, clashing together, each time i take a deep look at your portrait picture, you make me have a flash back,

It may seem like the days are gone, but every moment we spent together still makes my heart skip, Oh yeah you make me trip,

i'm writing you this in pain, feel my words as they get through your vein, this shall not be in vain, cause anytime i look into the sky i see the rain falling on me,

My head's so heavy it jingles and rambo, My words are becoming empty, We are not together no more, It feels like i don't have anyone anymore, We have chased each other round like cat and rat, bet we didn't fight,

i believe true love last forever, i believe we didn't trust each other, I believe if you give me another day to reminisce i'd make things work, you can think that over again,

i'm sorry for the bishop(wine) intoxication, that night i spoke to you roughly , i thought i was in a Talk shop,

Your intimidation, made me timid, Your words felt like bullets, as they punched straight into my heart, beautifully broken and tragically torn apart i felt,

Now i have to leave & map out a strategy, Changes in etiquettes, Remember you'd say we are not of the same quality, no more stooping so low, i also got a star attitude, don't try to belie your tears i will turn deaf ears,

Don't bother cause by then i most have crossed the border. Your spell has been broken!
thinklef Jul 2013
Late in december i remember,
So vividly when every member of some Malian
families were falsely executed,
Kids were left out,
too young to see their mama & papa
Slaughtered all in the name of war,
Responsibilities accumulated,
yet no accommodation nor education,
hustling for survival under the hot sunny harsh
life is such a roller coaster,
now i believe in the book things fall apart,
I remember the last word mama said,
as she held tight and whispered in an emotional
Never let the scars change who you are,
but let them determine who you become,
this words have been buried inside me,
Lord please see me through,
this can't be true,
i have been through a lot,
but still not enough to fill the ***,
my pain is real,
Imagine a world of children raising children,
feeling of being left behind and how life isn't
but in the end we can always move on,
Each day I would close my eyes and pray,
hoping the world would see our pictures,
and feel our pain as they stare within inches,
but its all fairly-tale,
As mama said, its a world of injustice,
we only look up to the provider,
Let the body suffer the pain,
there's always a brighter day,
at the end of the day.
thinklef Jul 2013
Sometimes i don't even know how i feel,
It feels like the mountain have been mounted upon
the views are becoming blurring,
My heart keeps melting every night
as these problems accumulate in 4 letters,
My life is a puzzle,
i need someone to break it down,
My heart is fragile,
be careful how you handle me,
My words are becoming empty,
please understand how i feel,
i look minor when i stare in the mirror,
you can hardly tell cause this pain feast on my soul
It hurts me, it bite's me, it consumes me
i only look up to the provider,
as i wait for the stars for directions,
My heart keeps crashing,
when those memories trigger my emotion,
i need someone to believe in me,
Someone who won't judge me by my mistakes &
These tears won't let me think straight,
If you are to count my tears in numbers and
figures ,
you would probably be going to a million
My head keeps running in circles,
i need directions to the finish line
Truly lost am i in a huge world,
Every step forward looks like I'm on reverse,
i need to look ahead this obstacles in other to
revive myself,
You think you know how i feel?
How about been shot 55times without bleeding?
Apparently that's how i feel,
My future may be shining ,
But i have to trace the light,
in other no to be caught in darkness
You all said you were gonna be here,
i trusted you,
Yet again I'm here all alone with my shadow,
When i cry i bleed,
When i bleed i pen
Life kicks me like a ball,
Plays me like a tennis,
Takes me up & down like a roller coaster,
The cotton maybe closing on me,
but there is a brighter day above this walls,
Every night is a stormy night,
as these tears form a deep ocean
enough to drown a fast boat,
The past i will never forget,
Tomorrow i look forward to,
Life is but a moment,
i can't keep wallowing sentimentally,
to this statement of expression,
Cause my intention has always been my reaction,
i am running out of ink,
i think life is becoming so cruel everyday,
i will continue to pen these words,
till i know exactly how i feel,
I'm going back to the start.
thinklef Jul 2013
Its alright they say,
Raise your head high and pray,
Nobody has time to play,
Its another day,
Everyone wanna be on the spotlight,
It has become more frightening,
Turn on the news at 5,
It's another fight,
Everyone is fighting for their right,
Just to see the light,
It's a gunfight,
All we see is candlelight,
Only few could see the night,
I remember back in the days ,
When we play in our place,
Sand on our face,
As we ran in the race.
But its too late,
The memories has faded,
All in the name of war,
We stare at the sunlight,
the world is changing each and every day,
The days are becoming dark,
the hearts turning black,
The minds are becoming wide,
the people are turning aggressive,
A beautiful world full of happiness & laughter,
Caught in between a raging war,
the innocent were murdered,
by men of war,
With solid guns,
Who spare no life in battlefield,
Spraying to destruction & death as if they weren't
meant to be,
I see humans, but no humanity."
Insane u were born,
Hypocrites you have become,
Hell you will abide,
If only u knew,
Life is not yours,
If only you understood,
War has options,
If only u could think,
Am only 18
Acting like a teen ,
trying to survive within time,
to live and fight another day!
thinklef Jul 2013
I have always dreamed and hoped for a Princess,
a princess so priceless not worthless,
Someone magnetic not robotic
Someone with a gigantic and elastic figure,
So I can be less dramatic,
and be more romantic,
As I take her to Atlantic,
With my loyalty,
Someone I can wake up to with my poetic poem,
Placing her head on my chest,
Reciting a magnificent poem,
deep down from my heart,
As the melody of my voice ,
trigger through her veins,
Making it sweet and sour
to the beat of her soul,
As it sails,
Feeding her with some chicken alfredo,
to prove to her am not a ******,
As we Sip together from a jug full of gip juice,
I may not be Rod Zimmer,
But I will take you to Zimmerberg
As we linger away in my hummer ,
Sooner, all through the whole summer,
As the sun rises,
u put on your giant over sized sweater,
While I pull off my tuxedos,
Putting on my tommy Hilfiger Boxer,
Holding hands,
On one lane,
making each steps count ,
As the memory stays,
having a sunset walk on the beach,
Gazing deep down at the sparkle
in your liquid blue eyes,
As it radiates to my soul,
You can't deny,
My smile warms your heart,
Under your sponge bob cover,
We are two heart beating on one rhythm,
Let my rhymes be your wine ,
as u read every line ,
always get high,
relent on my lines at bedtime
cause they wil never decline.
As they will always fill the unspoken words that
were never said within time.
thinklef Jul 2013
Oh mama,
words cannot describe how much i adore
your endless love & understanding,
you are the road path to which i see the
your ever everlasting devotion to my
success is undeniable,
in a meaningless chase of materialistic
you used your incredible wisdom &
wonderful insight in guiding me,
Sometimes you **** me off ,
but i have never for one day stop loving
I know how often I took you for granted,
yet i was never grounded,
you caved me a bear hug even when i was
Each time the world let me down as tears
run down my cheeks,
you kissed me in the forehead & stood by
you understand every word i do not say"
Looking deep down in your loving eyes,
all i see is everlasting love with no
you hold a mirror to which my future lies,
i can't imagine a world without you,
i rather die than see u cry,
i will never forsake you mom,
nor condemn you as i age,
how will i forget the pain you went through,
the unbearable miserable feeling of
the sleepless nights i gave you,
they shall not be in vain,
Each time i see you laughing it gives me
inner joy,
It feels like a blessing,
not everyone's opportune to have someone
like you,
i will keep loving you till i take my last
thinklef Jul 2013
Its alright they say,
Raise your head high and pray,
Nobody has time to play,
Its another day,
Everyone wanna be on the spotlight,
It has become more frightening,
Turn on the news at 5,
It's another fight,
Everyone is fighting for their right,
Just to see the light,
It's a gunfight,
All we see is candlelight,
Only few could see the night,
I remember back in the days ,
When we play in our place,
Sand on our face,
As we ran in the race.
But its too late,
The memories has faded,
All in the name of war,
We stare at the sunlight,
the world is changing each and every day,
The days are becoming dark,
the hearts turning black,
The minds are becoming wide,
the people are turning aggressive,
A beautiful world full of happiness & laughter,
Caught in between a raging war,
the innocent were murdered,
by men of war,
With solid guns,
Who spare no life in battlefield,
Spraying to destruction & death as if they
weren't meant to be,
I see humans, but no humanity."
Insane u were born,
Hypocrites you have become,
Hell you will abide,
If only u knew,
Life is not yours,
If only you understood,
War has options,
If only u could think,
Am only 18
Acting like a teen ,
trying to survive within time,
to live and fight another day!
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