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thinklef Jul 2013
What's your name?
Abubakar salim bin jahedee
sorry sir you will have to step back,
****** hypocrites,
how does my religion connect to terrorism,
I'm just a tourist in your territory,
no doubt,
my fellow brothers who dress like me,
act upon their anger due to ignorance,
and the quest for freedom ,peace& justice,
Just see,
What a curious coincides that is,
-but does that make me a terrorist?
Islam's a religion of peace,
yet they propagate islam with bad image,
Which is a huge damage,
Who's involved in horrendous crimes,
Who oppresses mere harmless civilians?
When we retaliate the world begins to hate and
start generalizing,
without realizing what conspired,
-does that make me a terrorist?
Its we muslims who suffer from terrorism,
all around the globe,
Terrorizing and vandalising isn't islam heritage,
Impressed and obsessed you are with your TV,
believing the twisted storys as it gets to you with
no atom of truth,
Corrupted by silly illusions,
Apportioning blame on hopeless islamist
seeking for peace,
Do you still think i'm a terrorist?
Develop some form of reservation when you
call us terrorists,
I need not to speak through my nose,
before you know islam is against all kinds of
-How can I be a terrorist then?
Innocent muslims die everyday,
In the hands of american soldiers
yet we are never part of the mainstream news.
No one cares,
Take a soul of an american citizen,
Then the whole world will point at muslims as
how tragic,
-does that make me a terrorist?
As a Reflection & manifestation,
Of an expression to the element of truth,
My Quran says,
you with your religion & me with my religion,
-does that sound like words of a terrorist?
I dress in the most noblest of form,
Yet you criticize me while you breed monsters
in your country,
Man to woman, woman to man all in the name
of civilization,
All these leaves me spellbound,speechless &
In loneliness and seclusion,
Reflect over the word terrorism,
And you will see it has no connection with
i'm a muslim not a terrorist.
thinklef Jul 2013
Vanity has created insanity in humanity,
the worldly hope men set their hearts upon,
possessed by Money, power, fame &respect;
empty pride inspired by an overweening
fruitless human desire,
wining and dining as the clouds darken in the
middle of the night,
as they settle for a life of deceiving enjoyment,
eyes are faded while he rest his body for a new
he turns & roll in discomfort while he sleeps,
dreams are clashing, the fear of been poor
strikes his mind,
meanwhile the poor sleep in comfort ,
he won't wake up unless you wake him,
men of exotic fast cars,
Sell their soul to feed their vain pursuit,
and their happiness to feed their ego,
a life of unsubstantial enjoyment, reality awaits
its faith,
as it will be too late to plea of insanity in
no hospitality for mental spirituality,
the vanity of human wishes reflect upon
superficial vision of human unfulfillment,
In essence that leads to eternal death.
the poor can't control his pain,
as tears drop from his eyes uncontrollably,
watching man with his fruitless ambitions,
as he settles for worldly materialistic goodies,
living beyond his means,
So many years on earth yet unsure of the
living a life of insecurity & fear of the unknown,
mention the word death ,he will ponder &
begin to wonder,
what his fate will be,
Vanity upon vanity,
When his time elapses,
he won't be left with anything but his good
No mansions, no cars, no fame, no sweet voices,
what a life of vanity!!
thinklef Jul 2013
a time of happiness, joy,fun & laughter,
a time of which the mind's at peace and ease,
as beautiful chirping birds fly around,
boys and girls,
on shorts and skirts,
roaming about from room to room,
cover the books,
Its time to lose lets feel the grove,
Hearts are melting,
Broken hearts awaiting,
Emotions are hanging
hearts are racing,
Its time to jump on the ride,
to an unknown island,
let's feel the world form another view,
at least we are few,
Turn on the radio,
Let's feel the stereo,
Sing along with the morning song,
as we feel the sun sent down to the son,
As the phone beeps,
we won't hesitate to move our hips,
After all summer time is never long!
thinklef Jul 2013
Everyday the pain triggers,
Sometimes i just want to pull the trigger,
Its so heart-wrenching,
watching all this drama unfold,
my world seems to be falling apart,
every single thing is tearing apart,
I can no longer belie my tears,
these tears are making me go blind,
Its like i'm mentally going crazy,
emotionally unstable,
my heart is burning at a fast range,
flash back of every single moments clashing
i trust no soul no more,
high hopes on my shadow on the wall,
besides its always there even in the dark,
Nor does it tell any lie,
Everyone says they feel your pain,
but no one have ever gone through the pain,
i just wanna jump in front of a train,
Shuffle the cards,
Pass it on to the next till it gets to me,
Open your card,
Its a 4star,
Four suicide attempts and
not one single reason to live,
walking down town through the tunnels,
Everyone wants to play with the gun ,
but nobody knows what's hidden behind the
Let me take a look?
You all step back,
i think this is where i say good bye,
My eyes ******* shut,
My lip quivering in fear,
Watching my hands trembling,
As i place the gun up above my head,
Memories, memories, its all i see,
As least,
After the world read this,
They will feel my pain & know my name,
This is my way of expression,
Its time to let the blood flow,
good bye world,
thinklef Jul 2013
Every night i lay in my bed
trying to picture what tomorrow will bring,
But these visions have limitations to what lay
Mass destruction of the mind very hard to hide,
what is it that i fear most?
i don't know,
these dreams can't be interpreted,
a state of entropy i'm in,
Day dreaming of a glossy life,
In silence and tranquillity,
at night so glum as a glue,
or am i scared of the future responsibilities that
It may be near when it seems so far,
Is that what i truly fear?
i can hear myself think,
as i feel my inner voice grating on my nerves,
this sincere tone & eloquent words arousing me
to reality,
my head propped up n both side,
realizing the thing i fear most is been me,
these words are brewing in my mind,
Or is it the mistakes i have made due to human
i can't keep wallowing sentimentally,
due to the fear of the unknown,
All i have to do is focus on the future,
In other not to jeopardize what lays head,
with tension & pressure,
Its time i confide in me,
Life will always have its twist and turns.
thinklef Jul 2013
My secret crush,
you make me blush,
each time i stare at your beauty,
consider the following typical scenario of the
a scenario that's quite puzzling,
I couldn't help it ,but go down memory lane,
visualizing your smile,
but still so vivid in my head,
you have no idea,
you have no clue,
through my looks,
just how much I think of you every single
My heart feels like it's torn apart,
But i know deep down we are never apart,
In fact,
I hit myself so hard knowing i can't make you
notice me,
the distances seems so far,
But look straight at the moon tonight,
you will know we are never apart,
i can barely write these lines,
But your beauty brings out the rhymes and
make it rhyme,
My feelings for you runs deeper than the ocean,
This is not just a reaction from my emotion,
But a confession of my submission,
I wish you only knew.
yet I'm still invisible to you.
your love is so sweet,it knocks me off my feet"
Show me a road path, leading straight into your
And i will take my shoes off and walk in with
my feet,
Beneath your beauty lies your behind,
That why you never fall behind.
i wanna cave you a bear hug,
then settle for friendship,
In other not to make a mess
as i go to bed,
be in my dream tonight,
because in reality,
Its all i have ever dreamed of,
you are my secret crush.

— The End —