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Theheartofman Jul 2020
Healing yourself,
you are never actually by yourself. You are connected to the Universe.
So the healing you do in you,
becomes my healing.
The healing that I do within me, becomes your healing.
We are all fragments of the Universe/ God and interconnected beings.
When we realize that, we realize I AM is never about self as an individual, but as oneness with eachother,
that's when the real healing starts!
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Even when we are awakening, we all still have our periods of darkness, so we can grow stronger.

[Like a seed before it becomes a flower, it has to go into the dark, cold, soil and grow its roots. Before it has the strength to push it's head through the soil and become alive!]❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
We are Love it is who we are! Everyone deserves to have their voices heard, in the spirit of acceptance and understanding. Regardless of what we've done or said. We are all imperfect beings trying to live this life the best we can. We all fall down and make mistakes, but we all need the space to forgive and be forgiven! In that space we can always come back to Love!❤️🕊️❤️

I love you all, my friends and family!

❤️🕊️❤️ Namaste ❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Remember always be humble and kind. You never know how your light is healing and helping the people around you!❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
"Usually the thing I find the hardest to do, is usually the thing I'm supposed to do!"
Theheartofman Jul 2020
My vibration of Love and what it means to me:

I've always had the natural ability to really accept people for who they are and see the good in everyone. I've always believed in order to get to know someone, you have to look below the surface. Because, everyone has their masks on, it also takes a lot of courage and vulnerability to show our true and authentic self. So I've always had a deep fascination and curiosity about who people really are. Because of this, I've always seen the good qualities and the beauty in everyone I've met, internally and externally. Even my love relationships, that was the part of them I fell in love with.

Unfortunately, I've had the rude awakening, several times. You can't show people what they don't want to see. Because some people just don't see their true beauty and value. So, they gravitate towards a lower vibration of themselves. But I continuously try to remind and show the people in my life, how they are valuable and beautiful. Hopefully, so they can see and embrace that part of themselves that is perfect and divine for themselves.

These past few months I've had a real lesson in learning to love and accept myself. Self-love is how I pulled myself out of my depression this past winter. Ironically the good and beauty that I was trying to show in other people also existed in me. Just like everyone else, I was blinded from seeing my own good and unable to reach for it. I've really learned the lesson " you can't truly love anyone, until you love yourself". With this being a new lesson for me, I'm still very much at the juvenile stage. But, I learning to turn that patience, acceptance and understanding towards myself.

I'm learning to accept in this process of loving, accepting and understanding myself. I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. But, I just remind myself I'm not perfect and I'm not trying to be perfect. I'm just trying to be the best version of myself. It's been a few years since I've taken HAI level 2 "Loving yourself". I guess I'm just a slow learner. For the first time in my life, I'm patient enough with myself to be okay with that. I am hopeful as I keep going forward on this path of self discovery, I'll attract the perfect person for my life. Rather than feeling like I have to prove myself and impress everyone. Now I'm really learning to have healthy boundaries with people. The biggest one being, "if people can't accept me for who I am. Then their not meant to be apart of my life".
Theheartofman Jul 2020
When I'm okay with being out of my comfort zone,
is when I'm
time I've fallen down
and gotten back up.
from my lesson,
from my mistakes,
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