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Theheartofman Jul 2020
I choose to learn the lessons rather then live in the insanity of (continuously doing the same thing expecting different results). I choose to learn, grow and become WHO I AM!❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
It's been a long road to help me realize what is important to me, who loves me and who I love. Because of my humble beginnings, I honestly didn't know what a family was or even what it means to love and be loved. My whole idea of love was based on what I did or how I acted. As a young adult, I realized my childhood, I was nothing more than a paycheck. No wonder it's taken me so long to understand what love really is. Trust me when I say I've hit a lot of bumps along the way, to figure that out. Realizing I AM love is reuniting being with the people who I love and love me the most.❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
"Fear is my battle field, Love is WHO I AM! I choose my love to enrapture me and protect me, as I stare my fears in the face!"
Theheartofman Jul 2020
Whether you believe in creation or evolution. I think the point is, our physical lives, aren't even blip on the radar, through the lens of eternity! I think that's the beautiful part of being human is we have the opportunity to see the purpose and meaning, every moment of every day. Perhaps that was our weakness in our God/Goddess forms? Perhaps finding the purpose and meaning in every minut details will help us create bigger, greater solar systems and better world's? ❤️🕊️❤️
Theheartofman Jul 2020
I have the choice do I want to listen to my heart, live wild, open and free? Or, be imprisoned by the negativity of my mind?
Theheartofman Jul 2020
I don't have mental problems, I have a thinking problem. If I change the way I think, I won't have any problems, only challenges I'm willing to face and rise above!
Theheartofman Jul 2020
If you are different and don't fit anyone's mold. That means your unique and special. It's never been someone who thought and acted like everyone else, WHO changed the world!

It's time to embrace, accept and appreciate WHO we really are! Then, just trust the Universe to take care of the rest! Rather than feeling like we need to fit into everyone little box and pretend we're something that we're not!

" I choose to be the change I want to see in the world."

It's not up to me to make everybody agree or except me. It's up to me to find the people who align with me that will love me!! ❤️🕊️❤️
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