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Thebeau Feb 2018
So intricate, yet fragile like glass,
Shining bright, like a star,
Holding you close, I can see the real you in your eyes,
The difference between the real you and the other you is that right now, you are here, in my arms,
I can feel you staring into my soul,
What is it that you find in there?
What is it that you see in me?

I'm certain I'll never know,
I'm certain I'll never understand,
I'm certain I don't NEED to,

It takes a great care,
You are fragile,
It takes a great care,
You shine bright,
It takes a great care,
You stare INTO me,

It takes a great care to create perfection, but somehow you've managed to do it,

I wear no glasses, but yet you are still colored in a shade of light pink,

Are you the solution to my problems?
Thebeau Feb 2018
I tried to overstep my bounds,
I tried to spend the nights helping where I had no jurisdiction,
I spent many nights listening to tears that never ended,
I spent many nights feeling the tears roll down my cheeks,

I burned my tounge on the harsh truth I delivered to you,
I deprived the truth of its secrecy,
I handed you a box and told you it was the future,
You opened the box and discovered that it was empty,

You didn't know what I was doing then,
You still may not now,
You didn't know my motives,
Nor may you ever,
But they were coated in positive intention,
And rotted into a negative result,

Never did I try to hurt you,
Never did I unsheath the knife,
Never did I open the mind to the negative word,
Never did I stop the result,

I handed you a box and told you it was the future,
You opened the box and discovered that it was empty,
What I forgot to tell you is that it was my future that was in the box,
Not yours.
Thebeau Feb 2018
I break myself in half,
Not physically, but emotionally,
I have had moments when I thought of nothing and everything all at once,
I have had visions of going no where,
The ticks in my head never stop.

You give a blind man eye glasses not to be offensive but in an attempt to help a situation that you know nothing about,

You give the mute woman a megaphone because you don't know the situation,

Similarly, you don't know who I am now in my disparity any more than I remember who I set out to be.

I dreamt of being fantastic,
I dreamt of being someone,
Most importantly, I dreamt.

That's not something I can say anymore,
The dreams stopped,
Reality set in,
The lens' in my rose colored glasses have shattered,
And they cannot be replaced...

I have become the blind man,
The glasses no longer help me,

I have become the mute woman,
My words are no longer heard,

My voice is muted,
But my mind never stops running,

"I think, therefore I am," has become,
"I think, therefore I will be,"

But for me, I thought, therefore I was.
Thebeau Jan 2018
I used to think that the older you were, the wiser you were,
But I've started to see now that the older you are the more you know about the things you shouldn't,
And the less you know about what you should be doing,
I've started to make some connections about the human thought process,
I've started to see and undergo the stress,
I've taken off the rose colored glasses and revealed a world I did not know, nor did I want to,
I've started to understand why people drink until they can't remember,
I've started to understamd why people smoke until their lungs are black,
I understand why people throw themselves off of buildings,
They look at the concrete below and hope that if they pull it toward themselves they may be able to re-collect their glasses,
See the world how they did before,
Relive the good,
Dismiss the bad,

My dad used to tell me to follow my dreams,
He used to tell me to touch the sky,
To never give up on what I wanted to do,

My father became an alcoholic,
My father became abusive,

My father's sky was labeled Skyy, and he couldn't put it down, much less stop touching it.

I too have dreamt of going nowhere,
I too have had overwhelming feelings that I couldn't explain if I tried,
I had no courage to muster up to help her when she needed it most,
And even less to him,
Why do they still trust me when I left at their darkest points,
But more importantly,
Why do they still help me at mine?
Thebeau Jan 2018
I walked in the house that day,
I was warned there was something in there that I would dread,
I knew that it was you,
I saw the official depression vehicles arrive at the house, but I still wanted to enter,
I knew that it was you,
I knew that you had finally done it,
Nothing else could cause these cars to arrive,
I knew that it was you,

I remembered the talk from the night before,
The hatred we spewed,
I remember every word you said,
I remember every word they said,

They told me you were sick,
It was a stab in the heart to hear that,
But over the years I've come to realize it was true,

You were sick,
Now I'm sick,

Will I follow in your footsteps?
Thebeau Jan 2018
These words mean whatever you need them to mean,
They mean no less than what you make them out to say,
And the make no more than however you process them,
To me, these words ring like the sound of putting down the blade,
They slide like the sound of untying the rope,
They clank together like the sound of retreating the pill bottles,
The disappear like the smoke in the air,
There's a release in these words,
But it's not the release that I would take from what is written,
These words mean whatever you need them to mean.
Thebeau Jan 2018
There's a difference between a dad and a father,
Even though both, your life can alter,

Because My father was an alcoholic abusive one,
And My dad cares about me, I'm not even his son,
I have a brother, we're not related by blood,
Just emotion, it flows and makes us who we are,

I've always been amazed by the moon and the stars,
If the night sky is perfection like we have in our minds,
Then why does a shooting star break free and glide?
It simply decides that it's predetermined place,
Is incorrect in balance with the vastness of space,
And if our minds mock the sky and we wish on that star,
Then we wish on the mirrored imperfections we are.
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