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Xman Mar 2018
The cherry blossoms' petals are at my feet.
The bloom is pretty this time of year.
It is one of the beauties in the world.

There are so many things beautiful in the world.
You are one of those things and yet,
You cannot see it yourself.

I encourage you that you are beautiful,
But my words are lost when you hear them.
It makes me worried for you.

You are blind to yourself and deaf to my words.
You make yourself up to be prettier than what you think are,
Though you are already prettier without it.

It is a shame you cannot see yourself.
The thought of you doing this to yourself pains me.
The meaning of beauty is lost and support cannot fix it.
Xman Mar 2018
Music is a compelling force, yet mysterious.
Nobody knows why it makes us feel what we feel.
Is it the beat? The lyrics? The tone of voice?
The answer is us. Our experiences make us enjoy the feel of music.

But now, I feel we are straying from that answer.
So many people seem to just like music because others like it.
They are being told what like and dislike.

All it takes now it a repeated, unoriginal beat
And lyrics that are catchy, but don't have meaning.
The tone is the same in every song. Repeated without end.

Music used to have feeling to me,
But now when I listen to newer music, I feel empty and hollow.
The void music used to fill still exists when I listen to newer music.

Now I listen to older music, when music itself had a soul.
Now and then, there are some songs with that feeling,
Written by people unknown to the world.

But that music is drowned out.
Never to make the shine it's destined.
But it shines for me, and I encourage that shine.

When I try to show the shine to others,
But they do not see it nor feel it.
They have been blinded to a point past fixing.

This new music is a plague, eating individuality and personality.
Making people hollow shells, unable to make contact with.
Void of emotion and senses, never to have those back.

And I fear it will never change.
Xman Mar 2018
I wear a mask that everyone sees.
Nobody knows my true face,
so they think the mask is my face.
The mask has a smile and is able to tell jokes.
My face has a frown and is able to tell the truth.
Sometimes I take the mask off when around people,
but they all still see my face as the mask.
The truth is perceived as jokes and the frown is a fake.
It makes me wonder if the mask is actually my true face.
That is the problem with this world.
Sadness is perceived as a joke so people are blind to it.
Happiness is a state that people use to hide their sadness.
In the end, we all know.
We are only masks.
Xman Mar 2018
You are knocking at my door
like a storm in my mind,
You are something to make me mourn.

I’m not used to your downpour
that is strange to mankind,
You are knocking at my door.

Something all will abhor.
It makes others unkind,
You are something to make me mourn.

You are the plague or more,
You need to be quarantined,
You are knocking at my door.

Not afraid of you anymore,
I am no longer confined, though
You are something to make me mourn.

Your power is nevermore
Your reign has halted to a grind
You were knocking at my door,
You were something to make me mourn.

— The End —