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 Oct 2013 Maia
Sara L Russell
(a satirical pop at the Illuminati)*

It's time to slay fatted consumer cows
It's time to fumigate the Great Unwashed;
To sow mutation's seeds behind the ploughs
To see the dullard's dreams forever quashed.

How movingly they pray not to be harmed!
How doggedly they work to make a wage!
How prettily they line up to be farmed,
Yet, how they long to be at centre stage!

The Useless Eaters eat their pizzas deep,
Their double fries and creamy mayonnaise;
Produce only some methane while asleep,
And fodder for landfill, throughout their days.

It's time for the superiors to win;
Unleash the virus, let the cull begin.
 Oct 2013 Maia
My heart skips when I hear you
Whispering all the things you
can never say to me sober
And much like the hitch in your breath
every time I moan your name,
I tend to get stuck on the little details
like how you act as if the world isn't
pushing it's weight into your shoulders
And I wish you knew that it was
pushing on me too
bearing down on all of the
weakest parts of us.
 Oct 2013 Maia
 Oct 2013 Maia
I know that you are not responsible
for picking up the pieces of my
constantly shattering emotional state
just as I am not responsible for yours
but I shouldn't feel as if I can't tell you
when I'm having a **** day just because
you're stressed out too
and you have other priorities that don't
have anything to do with me.
Am I selfish for wanting to be
part of those things?
 Oct 2013 Maia
 Oct 2013 Maia
I let you in and you’re running away
like a scared little girl, the way I used to be
before boys and best friends
made me grow skin, tough as an elephant

and I refuse to run forever,
from life and all of things that can **** up
and miss all the beautiful parts
you can’t see
the beauty in butterflies if you refuse to stop

You say you can turn it off, if you wanted to
I say they were never real
if you can make them disappear

I would have never chose you if that were the case.

— The End —