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Aug 2016 · 845
Some people drink themselves to death.
Others choose Trust to do them in.
Ink on paper.
Love on the heart.
Jul 2016 · 842
The wrong person
Might say the
Right words;
She's gone.

Faster than fast.
It isn't right.
In fact it's
Wrong. You lost.
Jul 2016 · 840
To some, broken is art.
The canvas disagrees.
To some, shattered is
The victim of what was.
Jul 2016 · 712
The distance between joy and hell
Is all the words left unsaid.
The lilacs left dead
Inside you head
Are the nightmares that you tend
To forget.

It is those battered hearts that beat
The hardest under the glow of
This autumn moon.

Don't hide.
Jun 2016 · 741
You loved me as a volcano;
Unstable in your words.
Violent in your actions.
Hearts are left in sediments
This way.
May 2016 · 579
We think the right choice of words,
Written in the right order,
The right way,
Makes us God.
May 2016 · 538
The silence in the things
Left unsaid
Is a blanket of darkness.

It is covered in all those
Words stuck in your throat.
They were sentenced to life
In a rusting cell.

To die.
May 2016 · 712
The poet knows pain.
The poet though, will make sure
You live forever.
May 2016 · 481
True self
A poem in dealing:

You're not Bukowski.
May 2016 · 397
This is true
The sun sets silently inside of you.
This is true.
Let it engulf you.
We all need to burn.
This is true.
May 2016 · 510
A look to a child
In all their unbridled
And a thought:
Where did I leave mine?

It is all over the place.
The traumas of growing up.
The realization that people
Are their own worse enemies
At times.

All the time instead.

In the broken pieces
Of you,
Put back together
In a haste,
Only to be shattered again.

This innocence,
Abstract now,
Does exist
In the person you
Once were,
That child nurtured
To love, molded to hate.

A rotten fruit now;
Only on the inside.

Your smiles have turned
Into dissatisfaction for
Your lack of action
In existing,
Forgetting to live.

You grew up too fast.
Now it is to late to go back.
May 2016 · 424
Everything speaks through the silence,
Like family heirlooms
Picture frames of a time
Belonging to your past.

Through the nothingness of it.

It is the sound of the tides slamming inside of your head.

Say this or look at that or avoid this.
Your head is polluted.
It is years of humanity delicately turning your heart into stone.
It has become an immortal God, flawed in all its beauty;
In all its silence.
In all its truth.
May 2016 · 354
Made up
Your love is
A made

May 2016 · 395
A poem for Her.
It hides deep in your dark trenches.
It is the boldness of joy!
Rip it out of you and be relentless.
Be careful though; watch out for those menacing decoys.

Your happiness isn't in others.
It doesn't belong to them.
Treat it like you would your mother.
Tend to it and whatever you do: don't pull out the stem!

Your chest swells up with sadness.
Don't think that's not okay.
I know that it may all be madness,
But after it, you'll be left feeling gay.

You will sometimes feel scared.
You may sometimes feel sad.
Although you don't know it you will always be prepared.
It's okay to get mad.

I will always be there for you.

A best friend to love you.
A lover who knows how strong you are.

Your soul is battered.
Life can be tough.
No matter what though,
I'll always be by your side.

You're not alone.

I love you.

-For Julie.
May 2016 · 374
Do you remember?
Do you remember?

You made me tremble
When you put those lilacs
On my lips
And called it

Something close to that.

You said that all of nature
Was giving me a kiss.

I didn't taste the sin in that.

Do you remember our love?
The word itself is pointless
Worth it in the end;

Like most things.

I remember those blades of grass and how they cut as sharp as lies
And you told me...

This is love.
The scars and the cuts.

It is a bedtime story before bed.
The ones where everyone winds up dead
In the end.

In the end.
You'll wind up dead.

Saying that: take that risk.

Have honor in your scars and cuts and remember:  this is love

Just not all
The time.

Do you remember?
There are miracles in doing that.
May 2016 · 581
Your pain through it
I've felt your pain
Through the truth of your bones.
The truth is though
You're not to blame.

Your black mass is a heavy burden.
It must be religion telling you
The devil is in you.
The devil is this world.
This beautiful place that


May 2016 · 302
I know
Sadness is
It is its own heartbeat.

Apart from you
Or yours.
It has its own desires.
May 2016 · 751
You bare the nails that were
Your words to me.
It was only for the world within me
To see.
Backward truths and bland
Love was,

Your tongue to mine.
Benevolent lover with the fogginess
Of your crooked lies.

Compare this to that and call it
No like or as
Call it metaphor.
Make sure it is home.
The idea of your love
Punched my young hernia.

That is where love enters.
That is where
Took it from me.
Like a bandit in the brightest night.

There are no three wise men here.
They don't come to see me.
Instead, good old and wise fear
Fills my lungs until I bleed

Bleed bleed.

You bandit in the night.
A lover without a light.
You took my time and mixed it with your lies.
A bandit in the night.
Nov 2015 · 446
It ruined me
You ruined me.
There you go
Down from your
Towards your very own
You've named it Epiphany.
She's dressed to ****,
Eager to as well.
You roll
Your mountain top
Surrounded with
Her kisses.

Your suicide,
That final scene;
It ruined me.
Sep 2015 · 617
A poem to myself
This suicide taste funny,
with its imprint eternally
in my head.
It has the taste of an end,
my end,
and end filled with stars.

It taste like a badly cut movie,
with missing scenes.
The best ones thrown away.
Those were your best traits.

It breathes in the night sky.
I swear it's real.

This suicide mails those stamp-less letters,
postmarked to your younger self.
Where did I fail me?
It must have been those times I wasn't brave enough,
or it wasn't enough.
The pendulum of restlessness.

It must have been after the divorce I never understood.
That was and end to an endless war.
Good men died that day.

Those years of ripe maturity,
with tiny fragments still stuck to my heart.
behold the man you
see today.

It was all make believe, or clever guessing,
or a game of tag with no friends,
which makes no sense.
I could not be brave then too.

This suicide is now my confidant.  
It's been with me all these years.
Every Winter: here.
Every Autumn: Here.
Every Spring: here.
Every summer: here.
It's been with me through
the oceans I've cared so little about.
Through the scenes of beauty I could not
Through everything that could not fit inside my head.
Suicide, you *******, I'm through.
this death isn't funny anymore.

*I've changed my mind.
Sep 2015 · 605
Walk of the heart
Today my heart broke.
The pieces are everywhere.
In the trees,
The sky,

On the tip
Of your tongue.

August is the time for
Those walks in the park,

Like we used to have.

My heart lays
On the park benches
Where we almost kissed;

Before you left.

My heart slipped out of
My throat
And onto the pavement.
It’s in pieces.

Oh, pretend that you
My love suffers from malnutrition.
My skinny soul can hold
The tears no more
From lack of
A dam
And a ****.

I lived in that hurt;
The hurt that belongs to August.
There’s beauty in that.
Sep 2015 · 518
The words of September
Your words are folded up into
As if they are meant for others.
Unfold them though.
After all, you are their great mother.

Sprinkle these shards you call words
Unto my skin,
Like a mother would.
Nurture me and feed me stories;
The ones full of glory.

Lock me up when I see
These stories being full of allegories.
"There is no moral in feeling condemned,"
You said.
"They keep away those horrid angels,
Said the talking head.

It's the truest form of truth,
Pure and worth more than gold.
These words that transform into stories,
Are full of meaning and glory,

and nothing more.

There's no God in these stories,
Nor life or death.
There's only everything worth saving,
After that, there's only the words
That must be bled out and said.
Sep 2015 · 437
Flowers and Words
The flower doesn't ask to bloom;
Nor does it whisper,  "I will one day die. "
It's aware of its penultimate doom,
But yet, it lives; it's aware of its life.

Like the classics, they are survivors.

The Hemingways, with their red rage.
The Fitzgerald's, as innocent as lilacs.
Those Bukowskis; that smell of sage
Splattered all over their heart attacks.

Like the classics, they are survivors.

The touch of the Woolf's; bliss.
The smell of the Sexton's; pain
The look of the Plath's; abyss.
These flowers; victims of the honest brain

Like the classics, they are survivors.

Like the flower, they all had to bloom.
It was the start of their doom.
Those heavenly colors, like their words,
Are survivors, yet somehow, absurd.

Like the classics, they are survivors.

I am in debt to you all.
I write in your honor.
To continue this cycle of death;
Now there's your writer.
Aug 2015 · 471
I need your light
When you meet
The one
Made out of it;
The universes gift.

A mouth

Once opened,
Illuminates your battered

The one made out
Of star stuff:
I need your light.
I've been blind

Far too long.

Enough of the shame
Of my own shadow.
In your light.

In the same way
Those tired,
Battered men
That returned from

The mouth

Of Poseidon
Come home,

Kiss their wives,
And know that,
In that moment,

They need their lovers
For the darkest of nights;

I need your light.

Obliterate my body.
Absorb me tonight.

I need your light.
Those blue pills have been given to me by those
Angels in stethoscopes.
The dying will stop, so I’m told.
Your soul will be able to hide now.
I smile at the thought of this blackness
Being ripped from my innards.
A hard night of drinking will
Do well enough, now.
I ***** out my soul.

Every few months I am your play thing, my angel,
My savior in your white coat.
Milligrams increase as I stare up at the hazel
Sky. I ***** out my soul once more.

I am your baby, now. I rely on you not for life,
But rather, not to die.
Cradle me, kiss me on the forehead,
Say it will all be alright.

Die, sweetie, die!
Die, your *******!
You venom, seeping through my veins,
Die and come back to life and Die.
This blackness; I need you.

My angel, with his shiny new armor,
Loves me with no remorse.
He’s told me as so.
Let’s put more heaven into you,
He says.

This is love.
Jul 2015 · 376
You'd swear that I am
always being punched on the nose
from how much I cry.
Jul 2015 · 617
The Roaring Pendulum
My self is trapped within the wood chips
that creep within my lonely heart.
It's becomes a bird feeder; come take a sip.
You'll do it if you're smart.

Just like with all the others;
I have died for you.
These bags under my eyes are my lovers.
They are mementos of my own, personal, truth.

I've built my own prison and I've bought
all the goodies for it too. It's full of hyperbole,
for all the lovers that have been caught
in its deceptive web, as you will see.

I love you more than the Sun.
I'd burn a city down for you.
I'd **** for you.
You'll **** me too though.

**** Me.
Jul 2015 · 388
Die now, die
Onto my flesh, under those wonderful
Green rivers, is your blood,
Slowly suffocating

In a body no longer yours.
That's your legacy.

Those pine tree hairs, no longer *****
At the thought of your

That's my remembrance of
You to me.
My goblin in the night.

My pact with you is broken.
I buried you six feet under,
Another six more, to

I buried your name here,
My dead rose.
I've stopped watering you long ago.

I suppose it's the day you told me
To take care.
Die, now.
Now die.

My tongue no longer enjoys your taste,
Like a pianist, with out his lover to
Play for;
I felt that alone.

Oh, but no more.

Die now, die.
Jul 2015 · 693
The ride and its worth
The winds of July swing
Your hair from
Your age shows now.
It's in your color.
Brown fields that mascarade
As mothers spaghetti,
Only yours though.

The sounds of the month are
Those of busy people.
I see industrialism on the
Brown fields.
Busy body beauties, black in nature,
And because of it;

Work, work, work.

They too know the worth of a dollar.
Jul 2015 · 328
The curb knows my love
Now tell me;
Whisper it softly into my skin.
Bite my lip and say its love.
Your rubber-like tongue
Seeps from mouth to lust.
Is this love?
Is that word more than the world
Can contain on this
Blurry night?
Those lies
Seep into my skin, like an
Carres your skin onto mine;
Call it the love of the month.
Hang it for all to see.
Jul 2015 · 366
To know
Those pearls on your neck are
The eyes of angels.
Pasty white, with a pastier background;
I swear I were looking into the
Eyes of God.
Your milky skin, asking to be
Tasted on this January night.
I swear this is what dying is for.
To know that this was all real.

To know that you were real.
Jul 2015 · 445
That July Night
The muddy dirt I walk on
Are the lies I've told.
*****, unashamed of the
Suicides in my head.
It's all been said.
All the moons are full tonight,
White with innocence.

The rain washes nothing away,
Only the surface lies.
They died there in that July night.
The night of my first suicide.

Enter date here.

The leaves on those trees are self
Sufficient, unlike most men.
The sons of God, the ******* of a
Society unwilling the see the
Lies I've,
we've told.
Say no more.
This is the death foretold.
The tree of death is here for you,
Unwilling to leave without your flesh.
This is the truest truth.

A death foretold.
A suicide, unashamed.

The death, in living, is here
For me,
For you,
For them,
For the *******.

The muddy dirt
That I walk on,
Paced only by the beat of the heart
I left on the moon all those years ago.

One pump.
Then another.
One more for show.
There's a joke in that.
Jul 2015 · 358
She's the one with bliss
Parading all over her
Skin. The march of love.
Jun 2015 · 402
When she returned
A square peg in a rusty, circled hole:
That's my tongue sliding down your throat.
Those wishful words are stuck,
Hoping, like you,
To not go unseen,
Even though you do.
Those words are daggers, behaving
As though they aren't mine.
I speak with knives;
I meant for them to be
Those doves were sacrificed, back in June,
For no honest reason.
I speak with charcoal ash,
Black as those knives I spit
At you.
Those apologies are weapons I use
To **** it.

It slips out of me.
This love of mine.
This black love.
I'm through.
Jun 2015 · 282
The universe knows
about you; it will soon lay
lilacs on your scars.
The walls bleed blue blood,
Like a Reverend who cannot
Make love.
God will smite thee.
My sins are on these walls.
All the loves and all the might
Have beens are whispering from
These walls with the best secret
Of all: love hides in the chaos
Of the waves inside your head.

Close your eyes and feel, don't see,
This love that never hides.
It's in between the ripples.
It's her smile and those hazel eyes you
Lust over.
It's the skin that was so soft you
Knew it was the devils work.
It's her laugh,
Oh god,
That laugh that kills you every


It's the way she caressed your soul
And whispered, like a bandit
With a bad secret: this is love.
This is home.

Why didn't you steal this memory, my bandit in the night?
Like the gold watch on the night stand, it has worth.
The important things have more worth than all the gold in the world.

Those blistering June nights when
We would kiss.
This IS home.
This was home.

I pray to the shadows and I tell you this.
"You're already home were you feel loved."
They leave me alone now, those shadows, with their lonely smiles.
They have their pain.

I have mine.
May 2015 · 342
holy hell and her
Thinking of you is peace on earth.
You exists in the balance of my heart.

within me and in
The lies I say.
"I wasn't awoken because of her eyes,
Her essence of calmness;
I've put you up with the God's now.
They're now your protectors.
Grab my throat and choke sense
Into me.
This is death in the present.

Those butterflies flutter freely in
The meadow,
Each with a piece of you on it.
It's the butterflies I vomited out tonight.

Ah, yes!
My breath is back, you had taken that too.
How may I rest when you roam in the
Distance of my mind and my heart?
Those two winding intersections are
Blocked off now.

The her that can't,
Shouldn't expect love.

It's a suicide of sorts, this love.
It reciprocates death in every
Which way.
Tire tracks over me and love me still.
You are romantic in a time that hides
It so well.
Almost ready to both buy and sell.

Holy hell and her.
Reach down my throat and
Pull yourself out of me.
At this rather mature age,
I cry and this thought:
It will die, this love, and I.

Still, run.
Run to and from my
Needle point confidence of you,
Of myself;
Microscopic love.

My veins flow in spider webs now
No order, just chaos.

I smile and die.
I smile and die.
This is love.
I can't get your eyes off my skin.
It's my new tattoo; your tongue.
I can't escape from my best sins.
Your skin is my new warden.
Yes, ma'am
No, ma'am.

I had thought these days
Were over now.
I buries you under my coffin,
In the Arizona night.


These days of love are back;
I'm dying all over again.
Holy hell.
I'm dying I'm all over again.

Now, now, child; the stars will
Take care of you.
May 2015 · 555
If anything, we
Are the words that we never
Pull out of our souls.
May 2015 · 406
hazy light
There was a subtle, but yet aggressive tone,
In her voice.
This woman wanted to run away
And up into the stars.
She wanted simpleness to sweep through her veins.
That's the life blood she needed.
You can't have life without cracking
A few eggs;
Without dying a few times, in this, our only escape from death.
Life itself is the escape she longed for.
The type of life in which it's OK to lie and die, every morning, and smile over it.
Lie to herself and to her
Universe inside her head.
Oh how it rest there, subtle, yet eerily aware of it all.
May 2015 · 274
Where do I put the bad?
You know when people say,
"Take the bad with the good?"
Well, what then?
What do I do with the bad
That I carry?
There's blood on my hands.
What do I do with the bad
That I carry
When it has become stitched onto
My skin?
I'm aware of the bad.
I have married and attempted
To rip it off my flesh, but I simply can't.
What do you do with the bad
That you carry?
The divorce just won't stick.
Only the bad that I carry.

It wasn't until the end when I realized:
I need the bad that I carry.
It's the one covered in fresh, bleeding
It's the one that spews from my innards
And cries:
It's not all so bad child;
The bad that you carry.

There's the genius.
May 2015 · 443
The hurricane in me
There is a hurricane in me,
Leaving my organs,
My soul,
My essence in shambles.

I am in the eye of the storm now.

I can ready myself
For the next
Put up those palates
With rusted nails.
Scratch the linens on my organs.

Bleed, bleed, bleed!

I am in the eye of the storm.
The calm. The calm.
I can rest. It is a respite
From all.

You'll be back though.
I know this.
I won't be ready; I'll survive.
You might **** me though
With your god like winds
Devastating my insides.

I'll never be ready for this.
That's the point:
To be ready for anything means
That we know nothing.

My hurricane. My selfish tongue needs you.
You need me.
We need each other.
The calmness of death.

Die, die, die!
May 2015 · 529
blood orange
The horizon bleeds blood orange
And I can't help by smile.

We are made of the same materials.

Tell me sun, do you see our suffering and feel confusion that,
Even after you appear out
Of you slumber and give us light,
We still cry?
The star of our stars.
You're as needy as I.
With your yellow tongue
Sticking out and bringing tears out of my cavernous, hollow heart. That is where they rest.
Bump, bump.
Bump, bump.

My body is made out of the same materials as you, sun.
We are the same.
We are the same.

You light up our world
While I light up mine.

Remember, just like you sun,
I will only shine for so long.
Like you, I need to disappear,
If only for a time.
With your neat, permanent, burning skin, you vanish for the night.
I, too, vanish in the blackness
Of the night.

I imagine that is when you
Mostly do everything, but write.
I'll keep you alive with words.
You keep me alive with light.

May 2015 · 294
all of this
All of this;
This birds and the bees
And the moons other, hidden face,
Cannot be real.
All of this
Pain and judgement,
It kills me.
I am all the corpses of time.
All of this;
The shock on my face.
I have lost my tongue.
These backward people only
Go, go, go towards
These rose colored glasses have
Been shattered into pieces
That now room the earth,
Looking, seeing what I see: pain.
Apr 2015 · 475
Divorce splits not only families,
But souls.
It leaves damage more powerful
Than a hurricane,
Like a thief in the night,
It leaves no evidence behind.
Apr 2015 · 736
divorce (haiku)
Divorce, like a scab,
Might heal the wound, but the scar
Is always present.
Apr 2015 · 336
Although my moon isn't your mom,
And this night isn't your night,
My heart thirst for your truth.
Did you think of us when you
Were with her?

Time relapses under my eye lids;
I cry again.
The ghost of your deeds always haunts me.
Does it haunt you? broke me.
I am weaker with you.
You still walk this earth,
Void in my heart.

I forgive you, though.
I can't love you, though.

You're old now
And I'll catch up,
To a point.
I'm you, in some sense.
I'm you.
I'm you.

Dad, I'm done.
Dad, I'm writing this
For you.
I'm through.
Apr 2015 · 353
Not no more
She won't climb down from that hill.
She has nostalgia stuck in her throat.
It's left her voice rather hoarse.
She won't climb down from that hill.

Forced rhyming cannot dance.
It only struts, like a bandit in the night.
It steals all the important things:
It's in the words!

She made a home on that hill.
Sadistic how she could only think
of her own.
A much needed detachment from the world;
she's tired.

The grass will eventually die.
Show me what doesn't.
I'll show you Adam and Eve,
post Sin.

She won't come down from that hill.
Not no more.
She not needed come down from that hill.
She's her own will.
She's her own hill.
Apr 2015 · 360
My 5 senses
The birds and the bees
See what I see:
I'm a prisoner to your eyes.

The fox and the wolf
Taste what I taste:
Your tongue taste like lies.

The snake and the snail
Touch what I touch:
Your rotting skin.

The dog and the rabbit
Smell what I smell:
I'm your unwashed, decaying toy.

The bat and the owl
Hear what I hear:
I love you sweetie.

My senses betrayed me.
Mar 2015 · 686
it lacks you/it lacks me
The photograph fits perfectly
On that blue wall,
It fits in my heart too.
It has a place to rest here
It has a home.

That smile, with is crooked corners,
Is no more.
Those eyes,
With reflections of a time nailed
To the past: they're gone.

I have your hair and I love you
For that. It is the pieces of you
That have made me.
It makes me a convict of the past.
I am there. Always in the past.

A bandit took your photo.
I can remember it still, just not you.
Oh how the moon won't tell me where you are. Oh how the sun burns when I stare at it and I ask it: have you seen a missing angel today?

A lack of a reply is a reply: no.
That picture is gone now.
Although I Still have pieces of you,
I cannot truly remember you.
That photograph was a time machine.

although it had a home to call its own,
It lacked a purpose.
It lacked a reason to exists.
It lacked you.
It lacked you.
It lacked me.
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