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 Jul 2016 Tats
Robert E Moore
The ocean waters pound,
directed by the wind –
Its music is a kind
of elemental sound.

And when we hear it played,
our bodies stand a chance
of falling in a trance,
as if the music made

was music to our ears.
The sea repeats a song
it played when we were young,
and stays with us for years.
 Feb 2013 Tats
Sophia Nuanez
I don't mind you much, it's true
But please, just don't stick to
Me like glue


But then again, no.  
I am not your territory to cross
I'm saving my roads, you see,
For something better than you and me
Please don't cry, darling,
Can't you see it in my eyes?
You're perfect, boy, but I know from the depth of the ocean floor
I am nothing to you but a swift
 Feb 2013 Tats
Harry J Baxter
 Feb 2013 Tats
Harry J Baxter
we are a nation
who bonded over a simple ritual
much to the disappointment of our parents
and our lungs
before you even open your mouth
that cancer stick tells me
that we are one in the same
we are all trying to escape from something
and for the most part
we don't like ourselves
but take comfort in the knowledge
that we are in this together
and yes you can *** one
my old friend
smoke 'em if you got 'em
and there is nothing more beautiful
than sharing a post-****** drag
smoke a pack for every sin
we have committed
which went unnoticed
and in that night sky
your face partly lit
as if by a stop light
with every inhale
the cherry is a supernova,
God I love the ritual
 Feb 2013 Tats
edge of sanity
 Feb 2013 Tats
I'm on a mission to forget

everyone that I never met

this might sound confusing at first

feeding my mind won't quench my hearts thirst

tucked away in a box of old photos and a love note

turbulant life rocks the boat

all that I had and ever could use

nothing more to gain, nothing less to lose

flailing around in the open air

reaching out for whats not there

falling off the edge of sanity

in a state of chaos you'll find me
 Feb 2013 Tats
the serpent
 Feb 2013 Tats
My thoughts burn into flesh a mind so corrosive

one glance could level all my eyes are explosive

image black as night to match my soul

where a heart once beat is just a hole

toxic venom to make blood burn in every vein

more twisted than a coiled body is my brain

lurking in the shadows, stalking innocent prey

once in my grasp there is nothing gets away

so when you are out and about becareful where you tread

cross paths with me and you will wind up dead
 Feb 2013 Tats
Brittany Carter
Wait in the darkness
I cannot bare to look
at your bare expression
everything I don't wanna feel
is behind those hazel eyes

so please ...oh please
listen to my plea
stay and wait in the shadow
for if we become seen
the truth will be bright
and it will burn
like a blistering light
turning our likeness to ash.
 Feb 2013 Tats
I touch the Sun, Moon,
Stars and the Heavens
above this morning,
just from your embrace.
It was surreal, you
looked into my eyes
I into yours. I felt like
you touch the very core
of my soul. I felt
something at that very
moment (LOVED)
not just LUV but LOVE.
I know with all my heart
and soul you felt it also.
 Feb 2013 Tats
Oli Nejad
For years he strived,
Worked hard, and blind,
To the reach the place
That promised a mind.

And once arrived
He fell, struck, to find,
That there are no answers,

Only lies.
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