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Holly D Aug 2014
Who could brandish thoughts like a craving of meaning?
What could run through your mind to not let you watch with glee?
Where could they hide if you couldn't find them?
When will you agree and stop fighting yourself?
Why not just do it for you?
How could you forget?
Holly D Aug 2014
Who could drape themselves in red without a cause?
What could push you that far?
Where can you hide but in your own mind?
When will the pain subside?
Why would you do that?
And how could you leave us?
Holly D Aug 2014
My words are nothing
Hollow, empty
Without something to lean back on
My words are broken
Cracking, shattered
When they are left alone
Dry and dusty
Spurts of constantants
Silence is a comfort
Dizzy and falling
Heavy blocks of vowels
A last, a final vow
I won't leave
Holly D Aug 2014
How long did it take to paint the mask
To hide away those years of pain
It must have been a horrible task
While staring at the falling rain

The shouting loud and all the lies
You a brave soldier, hiding this
Watching as inside she dies
The sister now you only miss

I wish that I had been right there
To comfort as you silently scream
But now you know I'll always be here
If you need someone on who you'll lean

I'm sorry if it makes you upset
To think about the way it was
The thought of that awful threat
But I know you can because

I will always be your friend
And you know you can count on me
A long way past the very end
And I promise that if you need me
Here is where I'll always be
Holly D Aug 2014
Nothing matters
I've given up hurting
I've given it all up
I get nothing in return
Just acceptance
That I'm wrong
In every
Of the word
I'm wrong
No corrections
I'm starting to think I've done things
And I haven't
When will this finally get me
My dreams will come
And they will take the day
When I can't see what's right in front of me
Because I know what isn't
And that matters
Holly D Aug 2014
Caught in a bubble
Life is a struggle
Catching up with time
Too many feelings
Sends yourself reeling
With nothing left but rhyme
Holly D Aug 2014
Have you ever felt like you aren't really there?
Like you are just watching your life unfold,
From your own little bubble far away?
Have you ever felt like there is more to life,
Than what's going on?
Like you are meant to figure out how,
Everything works,
How life is?
Have you ever thought that there is,
Someone there watching you unfold?
That they are moulding you into,
What you should be?
Have you ever felt like you truly are alone?
That no one else exists on your level,
And you aren't ready to see?
Have you ever thought that there is something else?
Something beyond now,
Waiting til you succeed?
Have you ever felt like nothing really matters?
Like it's all a practice,
For something more intricate?
Have you ever felt like everything you do,
Is being judged?
That everything needs to be you,
Or it's not worth the time?
Have you ever felt like you are crazy?
That you look too deep,
For answers that aren't there?
Have you ever thought that you know,
More than you should?
That you could die for this?
Because you could.
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