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Holly D Aug 2014
Taught to fall
But learnt to fly
Taught to cry
But learnt to smile
New and fresh
Always there
But nothing more
Can hurt her.
Holly D Aug 2014
I just want to talk to myself
Because I understand
I will judge
And argue
But no one's there to mind.
Holly D Aug 2014
You always think you're right
But this time you're torn
You always win
So what happens when
The person your arguing with
Is just the mirror?
The girl you can see
In the reflective glass
Is no longer you
And you wish
That you can get back
To the way you used to love
That same girl
The one in the mirror
Where is she now?
Holly D Aug 2014
To speak one's mind,
Is hard enough,
Without the added worry,
That your thoughts,
Would be ignored,
Or fly off in a hurry.
That you'd become,
Or unnoticed but for me,
You'll always
Be the sunshine
That makes my thoughts fly free.
Holly D Aug 2014
You pool underneath my skin
An intense heat that spreads
From my fingertips
To a smile that was misplaced the day I lost this
This thing I imagined
The way you laugh is infectious
Even when we don't know why we're laughing
The smile of a girl without worries
But the look of a girl who can lose herself in thought
Tracing a empty promise
A way of getting that attention again
Back to me
As far as I'm concerned you could be bothered
Though I know you don't know how it feels
To admire so much
And only be ignored
It doesn't matter
You have better things to do
I understand.
Holly D Aug 2014
I've realised how difficult it is to see when you're not there
When you don't shine with a smile that blows people away
When they yell and scream so loud I can't stay with them
When all I want to do is slip away
And fix myself

I've realised how difficult it is to smile when you're not there
When you can't laugh at stupid things that aren't funny
When they giggle amongst themselves about boys I don't know
When all I want to do is sleep
And forget myself

I've realised how difficult it is to breathe when you're not there
When you can't block out the people with your marginally carefree attitude
When they poke and **** my consciousness without even realising
When all I want to do is jump
And lose myself
Holly D Aug 2014
If you see this girl could you tell her where I am?
How I'm further than any country or continent
Further than any airplane could take me
Further than any spaceship could go
Further than any planet or any galaxy or any universe
And still sitting right next to her
Could you tell her?
Because I can't.

— The End —