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Aug 2016 · 370
the formula to success
Thomas clark Aug 2016
sitting here once again
numbers running through my brain
will i fail again

will i be a different person
with a maths degree
no i won,t
i,ll still be me

maybe i,ll be more clever
but will anybody see
that i,m a little bit more cleverer
if  i,ve got a maths degree

i guess what i,m saying
is i was happy with before
and if it was,nt for my advisor
i would,nt have walked through your door

its surprising how the dole
can make us do these actions
by telling us if we don,t
they,ll bury us with sanctions

i actually dream at night
quite often you may know
of walking in the dole
and telling her where to go

so let me win the lottery
i,m praying to my preacher
let me win a mill or two
so i can be the teacher
Aug 2016 · 521
why did i go to school
Thomas clark Aug 2016
I,m sitting here wondering
why I ever went to school
cos every course I go on
they treat me like a fool
they ask me easy questions
that my nine year old can do
like three times three
or what is two times two
so was there any point
in learning what I learnt
my gcse passes
might as well be burnt
no offence to my advisor
or the learning concepts staff
but you really got me thinking
someones having a laugh
cos I really aint a fool
I,m a pretty clever bloke
and I,m really wondering
if this all a joke
it makes me feel inadequate
I feel like shouting out
come on Jeremy beadle
its about time you popped out
Aug 2016 · 348
learning concepts
Thomas clark Aug 2016
learning concepts
is the place to be
to do all your courses
or get an up to date c.v
cos some people out there
really want jobs
not everyone on the dole
are all lazy slobs
so what brings me here
working so hard
i want to pass
for a new cscs card
cos my last one ran out
a month or two ago
and i need a new one
to employers to show
cos getting a site job
is really hard
in fact you have,nt got a chance
without a cscs card
so here i sit
put boredom to rest
write for two weeks
and then pass my test
then its thank you learning concepts
then a site job for me
with money in my pockets
and a bit of dignity
Jun 2016 · 316
I,m back
Thomas clark Jun 2016
Hello peeps
I,m back again
Bathed in sorrow
Swathed in pain
For a while
I was lost
I,m found again
Despite the cost
I lost my pen
Down my settee
When it was gone
I was,not me
But now I,m back
I feel at home
I live to write
Another poem
May 2016 · 333
I love u baby
Thomas clark May 2016
I looked for the words
I searched high and low
For the words I would say
So you and only you would know
That I loved you so
I love you Clare
But you already know
That's why you ignore me
And tell me to go
May 2016 · 490
Gender scan
Thomas clark May 2016
We went today
For our gender scan
To find out our babies ***
Hello there little man

Now we saw  you
On the scan
Your no longer an it
Your actually a man

Time to go shopping now
That we know what you are
Little blue jump suits
Little toy car

No pink dresses
Or doll toys for you
Action man figures
And boys toys will do

So hello little Bentley
Hope you like your name
And though your not a girl
We love you just the same

Congrats to my lovely lady Clare
Thanks babes ***
Mar 2016 · 364
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Every man
Has his she
His soulmate
His destiny
Some are lucky
Some are blind
Some will search
But never find
The reason that
We all live
To find a she
Our love to give
I found mine
But did,nt know
That she was she
Till I let her go
Mar 2016 · 416
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Its dark outside
And I,m awake
It,s two fifteen
For heavens sake
Why is it
That every night
My bodies tired
But my brains alight
It burns and burns
Like the fires of hell
Why can,t I sleep
Please won,t you tell
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Has an unfinished work
A loss of inspiration
A dark day or night
When I do
I sign out and return on a better day
An unfinished poem of mine is not unfinished
It is just a work in progress
Mar 2016 · 2.2k
The skeleton in my cupboard
Thomas clark Mar 2016
In the deepest darkest corner
In the recess of my mind
I built a little cupboard
We're my skeletons can hide
Then I imagined an electrician
To give my cupboard light
And gave all my little skeletons
A nasty little fright
Now they have no darkness
No place that they can hide
My skeletons can,t hurt me
I just brush them all aside
Mar 2016 · 366
I found my inspiration
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I searched the highest mountains
I swam the deepest sea
In search of inspiration
That freely eluded me

I looked in every library
I searched in every book
But you were good at hiding
You were never we're I,d look

I searched the deepest darkest caves
Took a rocket to the moon
You,d found a brilliant hiding place
But I knew I,d find you soon

Then one day I decided
To search for you know more
Then like a little lost puppy
You came knocking at my door

I found my inspiration
We're I never thought he,d be
In the one place I did,nt look
Right inside of me
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
The pen versus the sword
Thomas clark Mar 2016
A sword can cut and slash and ****
A pen can spew an inken spill

You wield your sword
To win a war
My pen writes peace treaties
By the score

The sword and the pen
Met on the battlefield
The sword was so much stronger
But the pen just would not yield

The sword swung first
The pen retracted
The sword flew past the nib
The pen quickly counter acted

The pen drew a tree
The sword stuck in the bark
Then the pen drew a forge
And drew a flame and a spark

He popped the sword in
And melted it down
Then drew a Parker pen mould
and an army was found

An army of pens
To rule the land
To fit snugly
In a peacekeepers hand
Mar 2016 · 273
War (10 words)
Thomas clark Mar 2016
War is a battle
Someone always loses
What's the point
Mar 2016 · 386
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I learnt a lesson
So immense
Poetry does,nt
Have to make sense
Some of the meaning
You can only understand
If your the one who wrote it
With that pen in your hand
For I haven,t walked in your shoes
And you have,nt walked in mine
Yet sometimes you stir me to emotion
Poetry,s so divine
So to all the poetry writers
And to those who have,nt yet
Pick up your pens
You can do it I bet
Mar 2016 · 1.0k
Symphony of snoring
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I wrote my poetry
To a symphony of snoring
As my lady lies beside me
Sleeping through till morning

The kids asleep
In the rooms next door
While I,m wide awake
Writing once more

Probably writing
Till one maybe two
Till sleep overtakes me
And I fall asleep too

She looks so peaceful
As she lies there asleep
The kids are so quiet
I hear not a peep

Maybe it's wrong
But I feel it's right
To say that I love
This time of night

It's my time of creation
The darkness of night
When words come a haunting
And I start to write

But now as I tire
I turn out my light
All that's left to do now
Is wish you all goodnight
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Do the blind of the world
See no evil
Do the deaf of the world
Hear no evil
Do the dumb of the world
Speak no evil
If so
Take these senses from me
As long as I can smell the wonderful scents of the world
And hold the hands of the people I love
I would be truly happy
Mar 2016 · 268
Close my eyes
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Sleep evades me
Most every night
Words fill my head
When I turn out my light

When I close my eyes
The poetry demon enters my head
So I stay awake all night
Writing instead

I close my eyes
Finally sleep envelops me
I start to dream
I dream poetry

Then when I wake
And open my eyes in the morn
I write about my dreams
And some poems are born
Mar 2016 · 269
Married(10 words)
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I love you
You love me
Will you marry me
Mar 2016 · 510
The wow factor
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I. Remember the. First time I saw her
It was a warm summers night
She had. The wow. Factor
  Taught  me to believe in love at first sight
  We shared our first hello
I  loved her soft tender smile
She dressed like a lady
Full of grace and style
I. Wanted to ask her out
But I started to hesitate
She was too beautiful for me
I was punching above my weight
I,ll never forget
As I turned to walk away
She opened her mouth
And I heard her say
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
Roar like a lion
Thomas clark Mar 2016
If you,ve something to say
Don,t squeak like a mouse
Roar like a lion
Bring down the house
If its the truth you are speaking
Make sure you,re heard
Roar like a lion
With every word
A truth softly spoken
Just does,nt ring true
Roar like a lion
Let people hear you
There's no greater sound
Than a lions roar
So roar like a lion
And speak the truth evermore
Mar 2016 · 306
I cry too
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Some people say
Men are,nt supposed to cry
But that's a load of crap
And now I,ll tell you why
I watched the champ
And at the end when he died
Something  strange happened
I broke up and cried
I cried and cried
At another film too
A fault in our stars
It broke my heart in two
So don,t you believe it
When you hear men don,t cry
Cos one weepy film
Puts tears in my eye
Guess I,m just a softy
But shhh don,t tell anyone
Cos men ain't posed to cry
Guess I,m just an odd one
Mar 2016 · 312
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Everybody makes them
Some more than others
To admit a mistake
And to learn by it means that mistake was,nt made in vane
If you get bit by a crocodile
You will be wary of them in the past
And you won,t get bitten again
Look back on your mistakes and amend them
Life is too short to make to many mistakes
Mar 2016 · 411
No news for me
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I used to watch the news
Morning noon and night
No news for me anymore
It just gives me a fright
It's always bombs or murders
That seem to make the news
IS the world really that depressing
It ,s giving me the blues
A car went in the water
Six people were inside
Five of them perished
One baby survived
Do I rejoice for the baby
Then weep for the rest
Listening to the news
Puts your morals to the test
So I stopped watching and listening
To the news three times a day
Cos no news is good news
Or so some people say
Mar 2016 · 255
Count (10words)
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Miss a few
Six ate seven
Nine ten
Mar 2016 · 255
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I thought I was alone
Lost in dreams
Then I realised
It's not how it seems
I,m wide awake
Or so I believe
Or am I dreaming
Don,t know what to believe
Am I breathing
Or am I snoring
Answer me
Stop ignoring
Going now
Cos this is boring
Mar 2016 · 276
Hello poetry
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Your members cheered me up
When I was feeling down
I turn to your members
When inspiration can,t be found
I find comfort when I,m writing
And solace in some of yours
Your hello poetry site
Has opened many doors
So thank you hello poetry
And to all who choose to write
I,m really pleased
To be part of your site
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
Goodbye dear Debbie
Thomas clark Mar 2016
debbie dear debbie 
you dont quiz my friends 
this is the day 
our friendship ends 
if you had something 
you needed to know 
why didnt you ask me 
i wud of told you so 
who i sleep with 
wat i do 
really has nothing 
to do with you 
the person you asked 
i aint even met 
but she is the best friend 
i got on the net 
and wen you hurt my friends 
and make them cry 
thats wen the time comes 
we must say goodbye 
so take care debbie 
hope all your dreams come true 
i wish you all the best 
i really do 
gonna delete you off my facebook 
now ive told you why 
take care of urself debbie 
adios and goodbye
Mar 2016 · 328
Can,t take my memories
Thomas clark Mar 2016
you can take my pride
take my dignity
call me abuse me 
throw your stones at me 
break my heart 
make me cry
but you cant take my memories
cos they will never die 
the good ones are precious
the bad ones are too
they all mean so much 
cos there memories of you 
one day we,ll meet in heaven 
i feel this in my heart
then i,ll shelve my fading memories
so the new ones can start
we will dance to golden harps
and fly on angels wings
when i get to heaven 
is when my life begins
this world i face without you 
has never been the same 
the wind in the treetops 
still calls out your name 
everywere i go 
and everything i do 
reminds me of the precious times 
i was proud to spend with you 
wait for me in heaven
i promise i,ll soon be there 
to meet with you and hold you 
and find new memories we can share
Mar 2016 · 414
Ugly face
Thomas clark Mar 2016
i,m charming and witty
sometimes i,m funny
i aint a millionaire
but i aint short of money
i,m a canny lad
my hearts in the right place
just a shame
i got a ugly face
but i do look good
wen i turn my back
but if i face you
cover my head with a sack
i got big ears
and my eyes are brown not blue
but if i i say i love you
you,ll know its ttrue
my manhood is just average
i got sum manboobs too
i got knobbly knees
and my y fronts stink of poo
so wat i need is a blind girl
with no sense of smell
and 1 whos deaf too
so her friends cant tell
guess wat i,m saying
is i,m insecure too
if you still talk to me
respect to you
Mar 2016 · 260
What is a friend
Thomas clark Mar 2016
i asked myself this question
what is a friend
the answers were infinite
the possibilities never end
a friend gives
without receiving
a friend is all seeing
and all believing
a friend always tells the truth
even if you dont want to hear
a friend cud live a lifetime away
yet always feel so near
but the thing that gets me
and plays on my mind
is why are true friends
so hard to find
some friends come
and some friends go
yet some spend a lifetime
with the friends they know
but to me true friendship
Never ever ends
and i love you all so much
all of my friends
if we drift apart
i promise you this
you,ll still be my friend
someone i miss
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
Sir dolly dimple
Thomas clark Mar 2016
come all you story readers
be you young or be you old
to the land of sir dolly dimple
were fairytales unfold
not so far away
and not so long ago
lived a boy named dolly dimple
and a horse named dynamo
they lived in a land of tyrants
were fear and greed was bred
yet this boy called dolly dimple
had a halo on his head
he grew to be a decent man
big and brave and strong
he rode the land on dynamo
to put right all that's wrong
he rescued damsels in distress
he put dragons fires out
he made the land a safer place
he was loved beyond all doubt
yet as he grew so famous
so did the boy next door
the wicked tyrant gordon
did evil deeds galore
now gordon was a wicked boy
who grew to be an evil man
to undo the good deeds dolly did
was gordons master plan
now gordon hated good sir dolly
ever since they both were boys
cos sir dolly quite by accident
broke one of gordons toys
so gordon kidnapped all the princesses
and locked them in his tower
to grind down all the corn he grew
and turn it into flour
he crept into peoples houses
to steal kids from there bed
to work in his bakeries
to turn his flour into bread
then he sent out all the orphans
to work on the street
seling his bread
to the people they,d meet
then he bought up all the houses
with the money he made
and doubled the rent
that the poor people paid
now everybody panicked
shouted screamed and bawled
till someone suggested
the mayor should be called
now the mayor listened carefully
and when he heard it all
he picked up his phone
and gave sir dolly a call
he quickly told sir dolly
what was going on
on dolly said dont worry mayor
i,ll be right along
so he dressed in his armour
loaded his pop gun
climbed up on dynamo
and his good deed had begun
he rode up to the tower
scaled the walls of stone
peeped into the window
to see the princesses were alone
when he saw it was all clear
he climbed into the tower
and made a big rope ladder
from the bags that held the flour
so sir dolly and the princesses
climbed down to the ground
and he took them all home safely
except 4 one he found
she was princess of the orphans
princess clare was her name
sir dolly fell in love with her
princess clare felt the same
now sir dolly had a mission
he knew he must go alone
so he dropped off princess Clare
at the mayors home
princess Clare  told sir dolly to take care
he said dont worry i,ll be back
with the wicked tyrant gordon
******* in a sack
so he rode off on dynamo
to the bakery door
so he could free all the children
so they could sleep once more
he kicked down the door
took off every chain
rode them all home
and tucked them back in bed again
then he rode to the orphanage
and hid in bushes by the gate
he knew gordon would come back 4 the kids
all he had to do was wait
first thing in the morning
just as it got light
he saw gordon coming
so he jumped out of sight
sir dolly shouted gordon
we meet again at last
i,ve come to punish you 4 all ur crimes
ur evil days are past
yet gordon was so quick
he turned and as he fled
sir dolly pulled his pop gun out
and shot him in the head
all gordon cud do
was fall with a shout
as the cork from dollies pop gun
quickly knocked him out
so dolly tied gordons hands up
tight behind his back
then picked up evil gordon
and dropped him in a sack
he put gordon on dynamos back
tied him on with his tail
rode him back to town
and threw him into jail
now the whole town cheered
and shouted dolly,s name
and gave him a medal
for stopping gordons evil game
now princess Clare
gave dolly a big kiss
and everybody cheered again
and not long after this
sir dolly and princess Clare
became husband and wife
and lived happily ever after
for the rest of there life
Mar 2016 · 318
What I want for Xmas
Thomas clark Mar 2016
When i was little
i just wanted toys
then wen i got older
a bike like other boys
then wen i was a teenager
i wanted designer clothes
now im an adult
i dont need none of those
so wat do i want for xmas
theres nothing that i need
xmas is for my kids now
and it makes my heart bleed
to know i cant give them
All the material things
but i can give them my love
and the joy that it brings
so keep my xmas presents
i dont need anything at all
to know my kids are happy
is the greatest gift of all
Thomas clark Mar 2016
i,d pluck the stars
from out the sky
and place there twinkle
in your eye
i,d give u the dust
from a butterflies wings
i,d search the world
for special things
i,d give my last
and a little bit more
i,d walk a million miles
just to knock on ur door
i,d give u a shoulder to cry on
and always a hand to hold
a small ring with a diamond
and then a band of gold
every minute
of everyday
you,d know u were special
in everyway
cudnt promise you 4ever
but its wat i,d be aiming for
you,d always get my best
and even a little bit more
i,d give you my everything
and all you have to do
is learn to love me
the way that i love you
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Save my tears for bedtime
you,ll hear me laugh
you,ll see me smile
but im still sad
alll the while
saving my tears for bedtime

i joke around
and act the clown
but deep inside
i still feel down
saving my tears for bedtime

i talk the talk
i act the part
but i still got
a broken heart
saving my tears for bedtime

got to be strong
for my kids
but my whole life
has hit the skids
saving my tears for bedtime

the tears i cry
no one will see
just my pillow
for company
saving my tears for bedtime

the sun will never see my tears
only the moon and stars will know i cry
wen you see me in the daylight
i,ll always have a smile in my eye
cos i,m saving my tears for bedtime
Mar 2016 · 267
Single again
Thomas clark Mar 2016
Another failed relationship
a million tears more
the pieces of my broken heart
are lying on your floor
think i,d have learnt by now
after all the tears ive cried
im meant to walk this mortal plain
with no one by my side
now i know all the plans
the man in the sky chose for me
i learnt to smile instead of cry
and face my destiny
to all the girls ive loved b4
and those that once loved me
i thank u 4 each happy time
and each golden memory
Mar 2016 · 306
Ghosts of my past
Thomas clark Mar 2016
made a lot of mistakes
but i,m learning fast
time to exorcise
the ghosts of my past
theres a rainbow on my horizon
an end to all my pain
no more ghosts will haunt me 
ever again 
new roads to travel
new friends to meet 
time to look for happiness
to stretch my itchy feet
i,ve come to a crossroads
on my dusty track 
left right or forward
i aint going back
got the wind on my back
and the sun on my face 
gonna keep on walking 
till i find a happy place
were tears are distant memories
and heartaches are banned 
i,m gonna keep on walking 
till i find this wonderland
holes in my shoes 
blisters on my feet 
still walking still looking 
but i wont admit defeat
one day i,ll find my heaven 
and be happy at last
and finally say goodbye 
to the ghosts of my past
Mar 2016 · 404
Nobody will hurt me again
Thomas clark Mar 2016
nobody will ever hurt me again
my heart was once
an open door
i fell in love so easily
but not anymore
had enough of misery
had enough of pain
made my mind up
nobody will ever hurt me again
if that means being lonely
and sleeping by myself
then thats the price i,ll have to pay
so leave me on the shelf
its not like i,m a prize boyfriend
got no money got no car
i cant even sing
and i dont look like a pop star
if i spend the rest of my life
sitting all alone
and crying everynight in bed
in my sad little home
dont pity me
or my sadness and pain
just remember how lucky i am
cos nobody will ever hurt me again
till the next time (****)
Mar 2016 · 1.6k
It's so hard
Thomas clark Mar 2016
its so hard 
to watch you suffer
you gave me life 
my sweet mother 
to see the pain 
in your face 
feeling so hopeless 
cos i can,t take your place
what will i do 
when your gone
i,ll remember the times
you made me strong
i,ll remember all the love 
over all the years 
a loving mum
who always cares
i,ll cry you a river
it will break my heart
for i hoped and prayed 
we,d never part
through all my tears 
and all my pain 
i know in my heart 
we will meet again 
so keep your loving arms open 
smile a smile only a mother can give 
till the day we meet in heaven 
i,ll remember as long as i live 
the sweetest mum 
that walked the land 
you earned the right 
to hold gods hand 
look out for me mum 
like you always used to do 
cos when my time on earth is done 
i,ll surely look for you 
i love you mam  xxxxxxxxxx
Thomas clark Mar 2016
If it was possible
To walk in the footsteps of man
Whose shoes would I like to wear
I,ll tell you if I can

There,s so many I admire
It's really hard to say
Can I live a million years
And wear a different pair each day

I think first I,d wear mandellas
Such an unselfish man
To give up 28 years of freedom
So we could understand

Then I,d wear Martin luthers
For I also have a dream
For peace and unity
To be life's only scheme

Then I,d wear Elvis,s
The rock and roll king
His songs had so much meaning
And I,d really love to sing

Maybe Florence nightingales
The lady with the lamp
The nurse of all
The saviour the champ

Then Neil armstrongs
The moonwalking kind
One small step for man
But a giant for mankind

Maybe John lennons
And yoko Ono,s too
They both strove for love and peace
If only it came true

I could go on forever
Wearing other people's shoes
I wonder if we had the chance
Whose shoes would you choose??????????????
Mar 2016 · 301
Family man
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I was sitting in the gutter
Wearing worn out clothes
My pockets were empty
Except for the holes
My shoes took in the rain
And let out my toes
Everyone would pass me
With a turned up nose
But they don,t know my story
They don't know how it goes
People would pass
With a frown on there face
Say look at that drunk
He,s such a disgrace
But I haven,t been drinking
Not since that dreadful night
When I turned the car over
And the petrol caught alight
My wife and two kids
We're asleep in the rear
They did,nt stand a chance
Yet I was thrown clear

See I was once just like them
I had a wife and two kids
But they died in a car crash
And my life'***** the skids
They still keep on passing
Some throw an odd nickel or dime
Why do they pay me
Cos they don,t know my crime
So I sit in this gutter
Day after day
Just passing my loneliest
Hours away
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I pray
That death will come for me
To take my pain away
For I don,t fear death now
I,ve made him my friend
Cos he can take me up to heaven
To be a family man again
Mar 2016 · 337
Golden pens
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I joined hello poetry
About a month or two ago
I thought I might be good
But I really did,nt know

But I read poems by some members
And I had to think again
Some of them were brilliant
And used a golden pen

It,s filled with bards
With Shakespearean skill
I,d love to write like them
Maybe one day I will

Some already published
And a lot of them should be
And amongst the literary geniuses
Sits little old me

Writing my own poetry
That simply don,t compare
But they say god loves a trier
So I put my work out there

Maybe if I,m lucky
One or two might take a look
But I know in self confession
It will never make a book

So to everybody out there
Who does amuse and entertain
And gives me inspiration and the courage
To try and try again

I humbly kneel before you all
With my plastic ball point pen
A mere literary beginner
A fool amongst learned men
Mar 2016 · 288
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I just read some poems
By the harbinger of nightmare
I was really quite impressed
If I,m honest and fair

I love reading poems
And do whenever I can
And mr harbinger of nightmares
Your a very well versed man

Reading your poems
Is like looking in my head
But I did,nt write them
You did instead

So mr harbinger
Please leave my brain
Your poetry is amazing
It,s driving me insane

I hope you don,t mind
If I follow you
Cos I really admire
The poems that you do

Thanks for the invite
To look in your brain
Just keep on writing
Again and again
Mar 2016 · 282
Tired poet
Thomas clark Mar 2016
My eyes are growing heavy
My yawns are getting worse
My brains not going forward
It,s now stuck in reverse

My writers block
Is approaching like the tide
My girlfriend is snoring
Right by my side

My pillow is calling me
The duvet looks so inviting
But I,m gonna make a coffee
So I can keep on writing

I,m fighting a fight
I know I just can,t win
As tiredness surrounds me
As I think of giving in

The moon is so bright tonight
The sun will soon be dawning
So goodnight everyone
And please stop yawning
Mar 2016 · 416
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I don,t believe in god
Or the man in the sky
And if you listen closely
I,ll try to tell you why

I read about the things he did
To give us a better life
But how can I believe it's true
When there's so much trouble and strife

If I was god
For even just one day
And I could perform a miracle
I,d take all pain away

No one would starve
No one would die
No one would go hungry
No one would cry

No one would fight
No one would ****
We,d all have a place to live
There,d be no blood to spill

I,d undiscover the atom bomb
And nuclear weapon too
If I was god
This and more I,d do

So me being mr average
Just a mortal man
How can I believe in a god
Who does,nt when he can
Mar 2016 · 359
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I touched your belly
And shouted hello
Can you hear me bump
I guess I,ll never know

I know scientists say
Babies hear in the womb
Can you hear me bump
One kick if  it's true

Whoa bump
I said one kick will do
Guess you ai,nt learnt to count yet
Cos you gave me two

Hurry up bump
Please don,t be late
I would really love to meet you
I just can,t wait

I guess you,d like to know
How you got in mummies belly
Well I can,t lie to you
There was nothing on the telly

Seven month more
And we,ll finally meet
Will you be another boy
Or a little girl so sweet

Not that it matters
I really just don,t care
A boy or a girl
Daddies always there

I love you Clare
I love bump too
So to you both
A big thank you
Mar 2016 · 421
I still feel the same
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I remember our first kiss
Was it really so long ago
When our lips first met
I knew I never wanted to let you go

A million kisses later
And it still feels the same
I still get the butterflies
When you whisper my name

We carved our names on that sapling
Laughed like it was a joke
Now where that sapling stood
Is a fifty year old oak

So many bridges
We built then we burnt
Some good times some bad times
We can,t say there were,nt

But as we grow old together
Like so many people do
I realised I still feel the same
As when our love was new

So when our life clock stops ticking
I hope it's mine that stops first
Cos a life without you
Just could,nt be any worse
Mar 2016 · 304
Thomas clark Mar 2016
We got a new apprentice
Willem is his name
We nicknamed him Rodney
Cos he,s a plonker just the same
He,s a canny kid really
But bites like a shark
So we wind him up all the time
Just for a lark
He climbs the ladder like a girl
Takes a week to get to the top
Never gets us what we ask for
When we send him to the shop
He,s trying to pack in smoking
It really is a joke
When he ***** on his vipe
And vanishes in a cloud of smoke
We let him paint at bahtias
The bit round the door
he painted next doors wall
And got more on the floor
It splashed on his face
His hands were white
He,s really no Picasso
In fact he,s *****
But I really like him
He reminds me of me
I was like that too
When I was THREE!!!!!!
Mar 2016 · 271
I don,t hate you
Thomas clark Mar 2016
I don,t hate you
I loathe your belief
To ****** people
To cause so much grief
How can it be the norm
To relish in the pain
Say no to terrorism
Again and again
To live by the sword
And swear by the bomb
I,m sorry to disagree
But it really is wrong
Mar 2016 · 395
My girl thinks I,m crazy
Thomas clark Mar 2016
My girl thinks I,m crazy
Or maybe even worse
Cos my head is filled with poetry
And I love writing verse

I write her love poems
Filled with beautiful word
She laughs in my face
And says that I,m absurd

But I don,t really mind
I love her free will
And no matter what she says
I go on writing still

Maybe one day
I,ll write a poem she loves
About football or knitting
Or white turtle doves

About Catherine Cookson books
Or a peter Andre song
Canal boats in Venice
Or a trip to hong kong

About dance moms
Her favourite tv show
I very much doubt it
But I guess you never know

So I keep going
And with every word
I,m beginning to wonder
Am I really absurd..????????
Mar 2016 · 452
To strive for peace
Thomas clark Mar 2016
In the face of devestation
After the nuclear bomb
In the voice of the survivors
The search for peace lives on

As they sit on there small island
Free from nuclear rain
They plead for peace
Spared to start again

So as they build a new world
Out of the ashes of the last
Born to strive for peace
After the nuclear blast

How many Martin luthers
Or John lennons will be born
The peace dreamers of the world
Slaughtered while we mourn

Is peace achievable
I guess we,ll never know
But to strive for peace
Is the only way to go

To hate is weakness
To love is power
Judgement day is coming
And in the final hour

As the buttons are pressed
And the missiles fly
And nuclear Armageddon
Blackens out the sky

As we fall to our knees
And accept our fate
As we finally realise
Peace came to late
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