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Sam Barger Mar 2015
Sam Barger Mar 2015
I see the stars
I see them shine
I feel your hand nestled in mine
I see the moon
I see it gleam
I feel your heart
It's every beat
I feel the wind
It's blows your way
Inspiring your hair to dance and sway
I could not imagine a more perfect sight
Then you in my arms on this beautiful night
Sam Barger Mar 2015
To be bound
by what is
and never
venturing away,
progression will
be a myth.
Sam Barger Mar 2015
I don't want it anymore, I'm done.
I'm a guy looking for something real, something meaningful, not just fun. I'm ready to start and share a life with someone honest, loving and sweet, not just a bed and twisting sheets.
To feel that feeling of bliss, happiness and "I wouldn't change a thing".
To share smiles and cries along with the laughs and screams.
To hold in my arms and forever in my heart.
Finding an angel in a hell of demons, that's the hardest part.
Sam Barger Mar 2015
We're all glass bottles.
Empty glass bottles.
Sitting on someones shelf, for keepsake.
Slowly over time, we start filling with toxic fumes that bead up and collect at the base.
Over flowing with this vile compound, we try to soak up the remains and cap ourselves off from any other chemicals adding to this combustible cocktail, shaken and stirred for years.
Til one day, someone with a soft, warm, caring grip picks us up like a found gem, inspired to rid us of the abysmal creation within.
Drop after drop we start to drain and gain our clarity again.
Then as if from nowhere, a spark flies and catches the corner of the tattered, soaked rag once a security blanket, now, the perfect fuse.
Upon ignition, our once heaven sent savior becomes startled and frightened, casting us away into the dark with no remorse or thought about our fragility.
Our flame growing with intensity, now, lighting our way down to the ground.
We shatter, exposing what was once contained, it meets the flame it has sought after for years.
Now, smothering and destroying everything beautiful in our surrounding path, waiting for the moment we finally burn out and someone with the time and patience to piece us back together, recycling us, making us whole again.
Sam Barger Mar 2015
Truth is, we all share a similar scream.
Not like any ordinary scream expressed by lung power and vocabulary. But, a scream from within.
A scream that says "I like you" or "I love you".
A scream that says "I need this job" or I need this raise".
A scream that says "I'm strong" or "I'm not strong enough".
A scream so loud, that sometimes it pierces any barrier or a scream that whispers so soft it fades like smoke.
Now, Here's The Lie.
The Lie is, everyone listens and everyone cares all the same.
Sam Barger Feb 2015
Spending time with so many people in my life has been...enlightening to say the least.
In many terms, they're a disaster.
But, their selfless dysfunction is ultimately why it all works.
It's clear to me that we all react to life's challenges in different ways.
Some fight death.
And, some embrace it's solace.
Some recognize their fate, and others do whatever is necessary to alter it.
Sometimes we defy others expectations and occasionally we rise to meet them.
But, the constant is being true to ourselves.
We do what we have to when we have to.
We react for better or for worse.
It's why we all succeed.
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