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 Sep 2013 Sub Rosa
Zac C
Come on now,
I thought you were better than that...

Well, you know,
times are hard.
But why shouldn't I?

I have to say,
out of all your attempts
at chasing death,
this has to be your dumbest one to date

Hey man, *******
what do I have to prove to you?
It's not like you ever stuck around for me.
You never taught me right from wrong,
you only told me what was wrong
when it was too late.

It's about her,
isn't it?

isn't it?

Listen man,

It always was

I know what you're thinking but

But I'm right

Yes, okay yes
you're ******* right.
Happy? Is this
what you wanted to hear?

You know,
smoking twenty packs a day
couldn't help you

And your point is?

I can

Listen man,
I'm no charity case
and you know that

I know you miss her

I know you stare at her pictures
when you know nobody is around
and I know you choke back the tears.
I know you never wanted to let her go,


But I know you did

What was I thinking?

You were thinking you could live with out her
that some day, you'd stop thinking about her.
Now, let me ask
How's that working for you?


Why do you have to kick me while I'm down?

If not me, than who?

as far as I'm concerned,
you can sit around and whine and whine
whine and whine
But when it comes down to it,
it's just me and you,
you and me.
But I'm telling you now,
it doesn't have to be like this.
It can be you and her.

Can it?

Only if you want it to be

A slight decent into madness.

Me, *Conscience*

takes place in the future (sort of)
And hopefully will serve as inspiration and a kick in the *** to myself.
 Sep 2013 Sub Rosa
Zac C
 Sep 2013 Sub Rosa
Zac C
When you find yourself
with your toes
hanging over the side
of your 7 story apartment,
the breeze whistling between
your toes, inching closer to the edge,
Who do you call?

When you find yourself
Staring at your reflection
in the bottom of the bottle,
tears sliding down the side of
your cheeks, inching closer to the edge,
Who do you call?

When you find yourself
screaming at the phone
the words you feel,
slipping out of the hidden place of
your heart, inching closer to edge,
Who do you call?

Call me.

When love doesn't carry
the same weight,
the same weight that
presses against your lips,
and gentle pushes your head
against my pillow,
I will promise that I will stay.
I will promise to stay the same.

Words needed to be spoken to myself, but there is nobody for me to call tonight
There's a reason there's a path outside your door
that leads to a road
that leads to an interstate,
that leads to an airport.

And there's a reason that planes fly from that airport
to one near here.

Same reason that airport has a road
that leads to a highway
a highway that they are repairing as we speak
that leads to my town
to a path that leads to my door

And its not just coincidence.

Any more than its coincidence that you are reading this.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
Zajan Akia
Gravity doesn't make people
fall in love
but I'm caught in your orbit
lilting through space
as galaxies tangle our souls
with their arms

now and then
a shooting star
settles on your cheek
like a snowflake in autumn

you don't brush it off
you shine
"Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity." ~Albert Einstein
She lives a quiet life,
she tiptoes around,
she whispers when she speaks,
she hardly ever makes a sound.

Although her words are quiet,
her mind is very loud.
She has so much to say,
but no one listens for soft sounds.

She's an invisible girl,
who doesn't want to stand out,
she just wants to be heard,
without having to shout.

Sometimes the loudest people,
aren't saying much at all.
Empty words and promises,
just leave their mouths and fall.

But whispered words fly high,
and catch peoples attention,
they're intriguing, so amazing,
but only when they listen.

So look outside the spotlight,
because often the real star,
isn't anyone on stage,
but the mind behind it all.
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
Tru Baker
I envy the cup of coffee that gets to kiss your sleepy lips awake every cold and bitter morning.
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