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  Apr 2015 Temet Nosce
you stopped talking so I stopped trying.
it's a miserable existence to feel the pain of slowly dying.
and now we're trading indirect curses hoping the other will notice first and give in and say hi.
but instead we sit alone and suffer in silence.
just pretend that you're fine.
hide behind those fake smiles and blank stares.
the feelings will fade until you remember you care and you miss her.
  Apr 2015 Temet Nosce
Sarah Mulqueen
So torn within myself.
A battle I'm unfit to fight in let alone win.
On the brink of tears at every moment of the day.
Jealousy, anxiety, nill confidence and self esteem.
Constantly apologising to those around me.
How could I have been so foolish and naive to try and bury these burdens praying they wouldn't catch up with me.
I don't want pity or to be cradled and told "everything will be alright."
All I want is to feel I'm in control of my emotions and begin to feel less alien in my own skin.

— The End —