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Jul 2019 · 379
Thulani Molefi Jul 2019
I wrote this
At exactly 01:13
On the 9th of July
I am not crazy
Nor am I mad
But in my absence
This is my way of showing to you
My NeuRose

That I care about you
That I adore you
That I admire you
That I cherise you
And worship every part
Of your beautiful existence

When you wake up
This early  morning
Know that I love you
Not just any love
Unconditional and ever so true
And never doubt that NeuRose
For a woman of the initials L.L Masoga
Jul 2019 · 383
Tears in the Rain
Thulani Molefi Jul 2019
for he was no more
and was now just a fragment
of the complex crystal
which was her memory

his soul ascended
scattering into miniscule droplets
integrating ever magnificently
with the clouds above

from this fateful day
the love they once shared
would  now forever exist
in the skies and heavens

and on every rainy day
when the clouds would part
the droplets of his soul
would caress her cheeks

as a soothing reminder
of the tender love and care
she once received
from his mortal being
Jun 2019 · 14.8k
Thulani Molefi Jun 2019
As the rising morning sun
shines its immaculate rays
on a field of sunflowers
these flowers , they awaken
from their nocturnal slumber
and ever so slowly
they spread their petals
and gaze upon the Sun

For in the Sun
they found an eternal source
of life , hope and warmth
And just like the Sun
will my soul tirelessly
shine upon hers forever
giving life , love and warmth
to this Sunflower , deeply rooted
within the crevices of my heart
May 2019 · 296
Thulani Molefi May 2019
As the light of the moon
illuminate my face
the dormant thoughts
trapped in the confines
of my mental cage
become invoked
and a sad realisation
send the deepest chills
down my backbone


my soul is imprisoned
in a husk , that once housed a man
and my  caliginous eyes
reflect the decades of pain
endured by a soul
a soul so deeply damaged
by the hurt of the unforgiving Earth...
Apr 2019 · 267
Celestial pas de deux
Thulani Molefi Apr 2019
She was the Sun
And he the Moon
She was the Yin
And he the Yang
She the push
And he the pull

Their love existed
in perfect balance
And of planetary magnitude
was the love
circulating between them
And so vehement was this love
That the stars shimmered
to proclaim it proudly
And all the celestial bodies
danced around their axis
in awe of this immaculate love
Apr 2019 · 244
Thulani Molefi Apr 2019
As I stared
Into her autumn-brown eyes
They drilled deep into my soul
Connecting with my deepest physche
And I fell shamelessly into a deep hypnosis
For at that very moment....
My soul was forever trapped
Inside the deep wells
Of her dark illuminating eyes
Mar 2019 · 249
Thulani Molefi Mar 2019
For the first time
He knew
What true hurt was
What true pain was
And wow
What a human feeling it was
But such emotions
He had to disregard quick
As it will weaken his
Strong mental fortress
Mar 2019 · 344
Thulani Molefi Mar 2019
Her every detail
Was finely crafted
By the gods themselves
The energy she exerted
Was psychedelic
She was a drug
Inducing an addiction
Stronger than that of heroine.

She was an impeccable being
The true definition
Of a woman
She would captivate
And capture your mind
A prisoner to her
Beauty , mind and soul
Is what you would become...
Feb 2019 · 186
Thulani Molefi Feb 2019
She was like Indigo
In the spectrum of colors
Hard to find
But once you do
Your perspective of beauty
Would be altered forever
For she was rare aesthetic beauty
Equal to sapphire itself....
Feb 2019 · 600
Thulani Molefi Feb 2019
You grew onto me
You rooted yourself deeply
Within the gardens of my soul
But you weren't pigweed
Nor bindweed
Oh ..No Dear..
You were a crimson red Begonia
Glistening so  beautifully
In the rays of the morning sun..
Feb 2019 · 185
Untitled 1
Thulani Molefi Feb 2019
the addiction
you incited inside of me
was one stronger
than incited
by heroine itself
you gave me a high
so deeply psychedelic
an outer body experience
is what I endured
in your presence
Feb 2019 · 238
Thulani Molefi Feb 2019
she was

a tornado
of the finest flowers

a flood
of the purest love

a chaotic beauty
a magnificent destruction

a paradox
beauty and destruction
intertwined within her

— The End —