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784 · Jan 2015
Never Give Up
Benji Lovell Jan 2015
The things I feel can not go away.
All I feel is pain and suffering.
I am trying to make myself better in a way that we can be better one day.
It bothered me at first to not hear from you in awhile.
Now it's slowly going away as I understand why this all happened.
I have scared you to a point of possibly no return.
But I ask you this......
Would you give up on something you can always have?
Would you throw everything away like trash and not come back?
So many questions go through my head but it's not getting to me as bad as they did.
I'm starting to become better and not worry about things because I still have that hope.
Because I must still carry on with my life.
The hope that one day we can be together again.
I'm sorry for everything I have done.
Just please give me the chance of redemption.
To show you how I have changed.
I have been reading the book you gave me.
The book to get my mind off of things.
To read what I promised you I would do.
To make me better too in many ways.
Please if you are reading this. Please don't run away.
Please don't be scared of me.
Because I promise that one day you will understand.
One day I hope that we can be together again and go on with our lives.
I still think of you from time to time and I hope you do the same.
I am deeply missing you but I am waiting patiently for your return.
Thank you for changing my life in a good way and thank you for being there for me.
Now it's my turn to be there for you.
I am waiting patiently for you.
I made a promise to not give up and that's exactly what I'm doing.
Not giving up...............
Just got home from work and just thought of this.
706 · Sep 2016
The Void
Benji Lovell Sep 2016
Everything I have done was all in vain. Everything I do ends up with no happy ending.
But I'm not gonna give up.
I will never give up. I will continue to try to fill the void until it's finally full.
Life's to short to be sad and depressed. I can finally see that now. I will find my happy ending even if I have to travel to the ends of earth to find it.
Am I happy right now? Hell no I'm not.
I will throw away all the darkness and hate and try to make anew. Try to make my life right and walk away from everyone's negativity.
I will continue to fill my void with happiness I don't have yet. I'm not gonna give up. I will not  succumb to the darkness again. So ******* and everything you try to throw my way.
665 · May 2016
Benji Lovell May 2016
As I walk through the valley of pain and regret, I see the rocks crumbling around me.
Surrounded by my past. Old emotions and memories I shouldn't be thinking of. Sometimes I wonder why? I continue to walk hoping that the rocks will stop falling so I can continue to my path with ease. Things haven't been good in my life. It does have its moments. My life is like a cloudy day. You don't know if it's gonna rain and storm. My life has been full of pain and regret and little light. As I try to continue on with my dull life I ask you who is reading this. Should I continue? Should I go on and move forward and hope for the best? I am confused and in my emotions and old memories that I shouldn't be thinking of and don't know what to do. I ask you.....the reader. Should I?
640 · Jan 2017
Change For The Better
Benji Lovell Jan 2017
The past couple days I can already feel a change coming.
Hoping it's for the better and not the worse.
I have hurt to many people for everything I have done.
I need to get rid of this beast inside of me for good and become the man I want to be.
I have hurt myself and others for far too long.
I want to better myself first before I can Love again.
I can't find true love with the beast inside taking over and to lie and cheat with the person I am with.
I am going to take the opportunity to better myself and finally become the man who I want to be and actually be loyal and honest with the person whom I love the most.
Maybe not next week, next month, or the next 6 months.
However long it takes to better myself I will do it.
I know who I care about and want to be with.
I hurt her badly to the point of possibly no return.
Whether she stays or goes I won't stop bettering myself.
Only time and effort can tell..........
592 · Jan 2017
Carpe Diem (Seize The Day)
Benji Lovell Jan 2017
The past two weeks I have been doing my own thing.
It actually feels pretty good.
I have been just chilling at the house and working and doesn't seem like much.
But it feels really good.
I know now what I am going to do with myself I just got to keep pushing and I will be where I want to be.
With the advice of two friends that are still there for me. Shockingly.
They have helped me and pointed me in the right direction.
For that I thank you both.
I must let go of the past and move on with my life.
I am starting to let go of the past to continue on this road.
I feel like I have made a right turn.
I must seize the day now and let the darkness of my past go.
I have little time left to turn my life around before the big day.
For all the people I have hurt and betrayed.
I am sorry for my actions and wished things could've been better.
Someone told me that the stuff I have done was in my head and I didn't think about it. The exact words that was told to me was I had a mind set and didn't realize it was "well I'm gonna hurt them before they hurt me" in a sense that is true. I didn't even realize until someone told me.
I have one more thing I have literally only told one person and they understood.
Even after everything I have done to hurt them. They were still there for me.
They were in the same position as me and understand everything I'm going through.
I must finally put my destiny in my own hands and follow my dreams and as should you. The reader.
I will seize the day and grasp the opportunities I am given.
You only get one shot in life and I don't want to miss out anymore.
I must make myself happy and a better person now to truly be who I want to be not just for myself but for the people around me.
Well who's left anyways.
Life has given me plenty of curve *****.
I am ready to step up to the plate and make a home run.
Carpe Diem (Seize The Day)
Benji Lovell Jan 2015
I know that we are not together.
I know that we are both trying to better our future relationship by making ourselves better for it.
Right now......
I'm barely keeping my sanity.
Seeing you today was the best day so far.
Hugging you and seeing you smile was all I needed to make my day.
You still are loved even though you might think your not.
You are still cared about even though you might think no one cares.
I'm still here.
I'm still waiting for you return.
I promised you before anything bad happened that I wouldn't give up and I'm still keeping that promise.
We just need some time apart.
Yeah we were only together for such a short time.
Yeah we told each other we loved each other and it might've been soon.
But I meant it all.
You have been the only one to accept me for who I am.
You overlooked my failures and imperfections and accepted me for who I was.
That's why it's hard to let you go.....
You mean the absolute world to me and it scares you that I'm like this.
Please just don't give up on me.
Yeah I have my moments and make you mad.
I also get on your nerves with questions.
I can be a pain but please don't give up.
I promise you if you are trying to make us better don't stop.
I promise you I am worth it because I know that you are.......
This happened January, 27th 2015. It made my day.
565 · Feb 2015
Never Stop
Benji Lovell Feb 2015
I sit here and type this wondering a lot of things.
I have been through a lot of pain.
I have been through a lot in so little time.
Sometimes I wonder.....
You still mean everything to me and still will do anything for you.
All I want in return is your love.
Please don't ever let go when you wrap your arms around me.
Kiss me out of the blue and just randomly love on me.
I'm sorry for my mistakes.
I'm still here to make things right.
Yeah I'm still scared that it might happen again.
Yes I sometimes questions our relationship.
I'm just scared that it might happen again.
I'm scared to lose you again and that's why I'm doing whatever it takes to put that smile on your face.
To see you happy and make things right.
To see that smile on your face and for you to be yourself makes me so happy.
Feeling your arms around me and your lips touching mine are so amazing.
I can be a handful at times.
I can be irritating too.
But please don't give up on me.
Please don't ever give up on who or what you love.
Because I love you and I will never give up on you.
Just please don't leave me.
Please keep loving me and don't stop.......
Benji Lovell Jan 2015
These feelings I have felt for you have finally gotten me back to you.
Seeing your smile once again and you lips pressed on mine were like a dream come true.
Thank you for coming back to me even though I don't have much to offer.
Yeah we made a mistake.
But we both are together again to make it up to each other.
I prayed and hoped that this day would come and it finally did.
I didn't give up on you because your worth the wait.
Yeah it may have been just a few days.
But for me those few days seemed like years.
Please don't leave me again.
It still terrifies me that it might happen again.
But hey.....
That's called life.
**** happens.
I promised you this and I still promise you.
No matter what happens.
No matter where we are at or what we are doing.
I'm never going to give up on you.
I promise...............
I feel so happy again. :) Lol
423 · Aug 2015
My Life Now
Benji Lovell Aug 2015
My life I thought was good and now it's better. You made your move and now it's mine. I'm on my own path. My path in life. This road I have taken has made me anew. Where I was at I thought I had it all. Now I know I have it all. I've been on so many roads and have been nothing but dead ends. Time to cut the ties that has held me back and continue on forward. My life has never been better. The times I was in were just shorts periods of happiness. Now my happiness is continuous. I have found someone who doesn't play with my mind or put me through stress. Who actually wants me and will do anything they can to make me happy. Who hasn't led me on. I have been through a lot of relationships. But I think this one is the truest and honest one I've had. We've already been stressed, irritated, aggravated, etc. But we have still stuck together and have made each other happy and fulfill our needs and wants. Never a dull moment. Never. So thank you for making your mistakes because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where I am at today. A better person and having a good woman who cherishes time with me and loves me for who I am.
Benji Lovell Jan 2017
I have finally made a big leap on making myself better.
I am making a big jump and going away for I don't know how long.
Hopefully if everything goes through I will be leaving from where I am now.
To actually be the good man I can only dream of right now.
I am doing this for me and to try and make up for what I have done to hurt so many people over my lifetime.
This journey is going to be a long and rough journey where I am going.........
But it'll be worth it.
To my only 5 followers on here.
Thank you for taking time out of your day and reading what I type on here.
Benji Lovell Jan 2017
I'm gonna be honest with whoever reads this. The man I am today is not who I wanted to be. I've hurt the ones close to me and I can't stop it. This time I've ruined things and there isn't not turning back. I've lied and cheated on the one that was suppose to mean the world to me. What is wrong with me? Will I ever be helped and saved. The best thing for me to do is to stay away. I never thought I'd say this but you wasn't the walking disease. I am. I'm a plague. I honestly don't think I'll ever see my happy ending. I feel like Lex Luthor who tries to justify his mistakes. I can't do that. I will not allow that. If you ever read this I truly am sorry. I may be a ****** up person and hard to show emotion but you still mean something to me. I'm sorry for doing what I did. I'm sorry for all the times I hurt you. I don't deserve happiness for everything I've done. You do deserve the world and a lot more. I hurt you badly and I will never truly forgive myself for everything I've done. Maybe one day I'll be forgiven. Hopefully one day I'll be the best and loyal man a woman could ever dream of.
390 · Jan 2015
For You.......
Benji Lovell Jan 2015
Everything I have felt was true. Everything I said I meant it. I'm sorry for everything I put you through and I'm going to change for the good of me. I have some stuff to work on and so do you. I just hope one day we will be the same like we were before anything bad started. I'm sorry for pushing you to the edge and pushing you off. I do crazy things for Love and I am sorry for scaring you. Words can't describe how I feel now and I hope one day I will have the chance of showing you. You have blocked me for a period amount of time but I hope you don't block me from this. I am sorry. Words can't describe how I am now even though it has only been a short amount of time. Please never give up on the ones you love. I was told if you Love them set them free. If they come back they are yours, if not.......It just wasn't meant to be.

I Love You.........
379 · Jan 2015
The Heart of Failure
Benji Lovell Jan 2015
I continue to live my life the way I want it to be without you.
It still hurts knowing what happened between me and you.
I tried to make you happy and make you feel wanted again even after everything that happened.
I don't know where I went wrong........
I feel like now all I did was smother you and scare you away.
Will you come back one day?
Will we be together again as one?
Will we ever be the same if we did get back together?
Will the same thing happen again as it did before?
Life is all about taking chances.
There ain't no telling what's in store.
Hell.......for all we know we might all just die by flying unicorns from the planet Saturn.
I really don't know.
The point is, life is going to give you challenges we all must overcome.
I'm going through some challenges right now.
Why am I going through these challenges right now?
So that I can get ready for the even bigger ones coming down the road in my life.
The whole point of me typing this is to express myself and make myself feel better.
It does to an extent.
If you ever read what I type please don't be mad at me.
Please don't leave me alone.
Please whatever you do........
Please don't give up on me.
Because I'm not going to give up on you.
352 · Jun 2016
Don't Know What To Do
Benji Lovell Jun 2016
My life I feel is at a stand still.
With little to no friends I struggle.
My life is like a ******* hole full of emptiness.
I try to continue with the mask on my face and it starts to crack.
I am being pushed into a corner and don't know what to do.
I try to get help but no response.
I try to help others even when they never help me when I need it.
My life is a complete disaster.
I have lost my feelings for life and everyone in it.
I don't to feel anymore.
My mind, heart, and soul is lost.
****** into the void.
I am just an emotionless person trying to be happy when I know I can't.
Wondering upon this earth studying. Learning. How to makeup emotions and feelings.
Trying to make myself feel again.
I really don't know what to do or think anymore.
341 · Jan 2015
The Awakening
Benji Lovell Jan 2015
It has been only a few days and I am starting to realize the true intention of everything that has happened.
Yeah we both had a part to play in our separation.
Yeah we both thought it was probably to early to get together.
But what has happened, happened.
I'm slowly starting to be a better person and understanding why I did what I did.
Your making me open my eyes and see my mistakes and to improve them for the good of our relationship that I hope will come some day.
I still love you with all of my heart and then some.
I forgive you for what happened.
I still want everything from you and I hope that don't scare you anymore.
One day I hope that we are together and will be a better couple to improve on what we need to work on.
Maybe someday I can actually be myself again..........
319 · Jun 2016
The Darkness Inside of Me
Benji Lovell Jun 2016
I continue my life.
I still wonder why.
My darkness has come back.
I don't know what to do anymore.
I still wonder why I feel the same.
I've tried everything and still no light.
Sometimes I wonder if I ever will be truly happy.
I have a ****** up life and still do.
I found my light after awhile of searching for it.
The question is will the light come back?
Come back to get rid of my darkness.
So I can actually start to love my life again.
To truly cherish the precious life I have.
Only time can tell.
But time is catching up to me.
301 · Aug 2016
Tear Drops
Benji Lovell Aug 2016
The tears that are running down my face is from all the pain I have bottled up for so long. The bottle has smashed and the water works are running. I can't take that much anymore and don't know if I can take anymore. Will there ever be a time that I can actually feel again? That I can actually be happy again and go on with my life. I guess only continuing my life that I seriously want to end I will find out. I have no one. No one to talk to about my feelings. About how I feel without people saying I'm psychotic. I don't know if I can take another day of this. Restless all the time and feel nothing but pain. It has went on for quite sometime and don't know if I can take it.

For all the people that has liked my stuff on here thank you for everything. I love you all.

— The End —