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Dominque Rodello Dec 2023
My biggest fear
Is the man in the mirror
He hasnt found the cure

Hes controlled by depression
And depression has an obsession
With guilt from life lessons

Hate is the essence of pain
In a sense love and hate are the same
They pave the way but one lays with grace

We shake from anxiety
Anxious as **** thinking about sobriety
Im just a weakling to society

Drugs bring out the life inside of me
Its my god given right to be drugged accordingly
So please don't do it forcibly

I handle my mental health horribly
Treat myself horridly
You can call it morbidly

Dont waste your time mourning me
Because i failed at everything
Everything and its entirety

Feel like a used up dryer sheet
I can't make a fire breathe
My soul is dim and tiredly
Dominque Rodello Dec 2023
My past self still haunts me
Its absolutely exhausting
***** really good at taunting
100 percent ugly and daunting
My present says its costly
Future has no frosting
Im easily crushed like origami

I miss you looking at this astronomy
My space is decorated with your pottery
Too bad nobody does lobotomies
Cause I keep on losing my ticket to the lottery
Letting all the wrong things bother me
The right girl gets you feeling fatherly
My eyes are puffy and still wattering

I cant keep myself from pondering
Wondering if we'll ever share our laundry
Heart aching listening to daughtry
You never once wronged me
And loved me entirely broadly
Thinking of you forever fondly
Until our paths decide they need crossing
Dominque Rodello Nov 2023
A vow of silence
Because i feel lifeless
Like a bird thats flightless
My being doesnt feel righteous
My words are making you frightened
I feel like a shattered diomand
Stranded on an island

Surrounded by bile
Endless are the miles
Opposite of my smile
Drowning under this depression pile
Its obsession for me feels vile
Im being stalked down grocery aisles
Helpless little prey in the wild

Do i play the victim
My life isnt blissless
But where do i go to get it
Its missing from my shipment
And it was supposed to be exquisite
So ill just sit and listen
My voice will be back in a minute
Dominque Rodello Oct 2023
I want to be a writer
But my depression makes me tired

Never seen myself as much of a fighter
Maybe its just how im wired

Lighters set things on fire
Happiness feels like a liar

Why are the morning birds growing quieter
The walls in my head are closing tighter

Seeking help is feeling dire
Cause getting high doesnt feel any lighter

The holes are growing wider
Nothing to say cause i feel like a whiner

My mental health has priors
Im the guy struggling in the flyers

Ticking time bomb without a timer
Thats not drawn on red eyeliner

Cuts always heal a little finer
But I need my fire to burn brighter
Dominque Rodello Oct 2023
Behind on my taxes
Got unpaid infractions
My arms full of over reactions
These aint scratches from silly little rashes
Im 25 but they say this **** passes
Im the host for which depression attaches
It makes me hate me with passion
Sometimes i feel happy but then it crashes
No reason to be sad my life isnt tragic

Does sadness have a limitation
Depressions done its best imitation
Most say its my own creation
But why would i create something so abrasive
Was i just born a little tainted
Or is this the story ive chosen to be painted
Does happiness follow the patiently waited
Does it make it to those who fake it
No part of me is ever shameless

Shame is me
Guilt chases me till i cant breathe
Its not deep enough if blood doesn't bleed
Ill never be free
Its sunken its teeth
Impossible to think
Let alone eat
Waking up beat
Makes you want to go back to sleep
Dominque Rodello Apr 2021
Momma come be with me
I dont wanna be
When I die
When I pass into a different life
I cut myself with a knife
And the blood won't stop
Life just got to be a lot
The ground beneath me grew to be so hot
But I'm growing freezing cold
22 years old
Soon to be a story only told
Narrated with a memory
Of something absolutely ugly
For the lack
Of chemicals
Godly principles
Light in my eyes
That's guides us through the night
Dominque Rodello Apr 2021
Hold her body
As if she was the first shape you ever felt
Feel her
With the way she breathes
Let your fingers flow
Against her chills
Taste her warmth
And sweetness
Breathe in her aura
Listen to the beautiful sounds
That so naturally find their way through her lips
Caress her body as you ****** yourself inside of her
Breathe her in
Whisper in her ear
"You are perfect"
**** and lick her *******
And *** your warmth into her
She is perfection
And you are lucky to be apart of her in this moment
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