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B Mar 2015
Maybe he left
because he got
tired of plucking
splinters out of
his fingers every
time he touched
me because of
the fence I built
around my heart.*

B Mar 2015
I knew we weren't meant to be when it hurt more to tell you that I loved you than to think about what it would be like if I lost you.*

B Mar 2015
I didn't realize
that loving you
would have the same
effect on my
as having a
few too many
I guess I
should learn my

B Mar 2015
I think about you a lot.
I think about how badly you hurt me, but mostly how much I miss you.
I miss your stupid laugh.
I miss your stupid voice.
I miss your stupid singing.
I miss your stupid stories.
I miss your stupid drawings.
I miss your sarcasm.
I miss your ******* attitude.
I miss those random 3am phone calls that consisted of me complaining about how tired I was and you annoying the **** out of me to stay awake.
I miss calling you ten times when you were dead asleep just so I could fall asleep with you.
I miss hearing you breathe on the other end of the phone, whispering sweet "I love you's" in your sleep.
I miss our stupid conversations that made me laugh so hard that my stomach hurt.
I miss our talks about the universe even though you told me how cliche my ideas were.
I miss hearing about how your day went and how the only thing that got you through the day was knowing that I was there.
I miss our ridiculous arguments.
I miss how you could make me feel better with a simple "I'm here baby" when it felt like the world around me was going to collapse.
I miss how you made me feel weightless.
I miss hearing your plans about your future and subtly hinting that I was the one you wanted to spend your life with.
I miss everything.

B Mar 2015
You're laying on the beach on a hot summer day. You start sweating so you decide to cool off in the ocean for a second. You go too deep and you're swept off your feet and you find yourself tumbling under the waves. You come up for air but only for a second until the next wave crashes on top of you. Water  is filling your nose, burning as it travels down your throat.You struggle to regain your footing. When the waves finally calm, you surface and you see that you have  traveled farther than you expected. You start to swim back to shore, but unfortunately, another wave is forming. You swim faster hoping to escape your fate, but it's too late. You're already trapped under the forceful waves and you find yourself doing summersault after summersault. You claw your way back up to the surface looking around to see where you are. You're close to shore, so you swim back, letting the current push you. You decide to lay in the sand for a second to catch your breath.
So tell me, is this what it felt like to love them?

B Mar 2015

B Mar 2015
Love is so twisted. When you fall in love, you fall hard. Your whole being comes crashing down and it seems like your heart is beating so hard that it might explode in your chest. Having every single bone in your body shatter would be less painful than being in love. He's such a beautiful human being that you almost forget how badly he's hurt you. When you look into his eyes, you can see galaxies upon galaxies, but unfortunately, you are only one of his tiny stars in his giant universe.

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