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B Sep 2019
I’m not scared to say I love you
With you, I’m safe
Safe from being shattered
Safe from being hurt
Safe from pain I’ve already felt
Please don’t ever let this end
I don’t think I could bear it
B Sep 2019
Sometimes it feels like the world is going to end..
Life is hard.
People aren’t who you think they are...not everyone is good
But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be
Jobs aren’t always easy
Money isn’t always abundant
Friends come and go
Relationships end
The only consistent thing in life is yourself
As cliche as it is, everything happens for a reason
People leave your life because you don’t need them
The job you left wasn’t right for you
Your significant other was not your person like you thought they were
You are the most important person in your life
So take care of yourself
Let go of toxic things in your life
Buy that item you’ve been itching to have
Call in from work once in awhile
Give yourself a break
If you don’t love the life you have, change what is in your control
In the end, it’s not going to matter
Life isn’t forever
Be who you want to be
Love who you love
Do what makes you happy
Don’t worry about what other people think
Just give yourself a chance.
B Jan 2017
When I was little, I used to pick all of the petals off the flowers in the backyard and scatter them on the grass, on the dirt, on rocks, in the pool, on the play set, and anywhere else you could imagine thinking it would make everything look more beautiful and colorful, but little did I know that I was killing the flowers in the process. I didn't realize I was doing the same to myself until I couldn't give the best parts of me to people because they were already gone. I gave pieces of myself to everyone I ever cared about and those pieces of me died after I couldn't get them back. Don't pluck your petals and leave yourself with a stem. You're so much more than that.

B Dec 2016
I hope you find someone who falls hard for you.
I hope you find someone who loves you at 1pm and loves you even more at 3am.
I hope you find someone who throws bits of food at you and laughs as loud as they want in fancy restaurants and doesn't care what other people think.
I hope you find someone who lights candles and makes you tea while watching your favorite movie.
I hope you find someone who wakes up in the middle of the night and covers you with a blanket so you're not cold.
I hope you find someone who wakes up in the morning smiling at you and kisses the top of your head while you're still sleeping.
I hope you find someone who is willing to pick you up from your house late at night  when you don't feel well because they want to take care of you.
I hope you find someone who picks you up and dances around the kitchen while they're making you dinner.
I hope you find someone who sings at the top of their lungs because they know it makes you smile no matter how obnoxious they sound.
I hope you find someone who holds your hand while driving.
I hope you find someone who reminds you of how important you are.
I hope you find someone who tries to makes you smile even if you're mad at them.
I hope you find someone who surprises you with your favorite candy on days you feel low.
I hope you find someone who randomly grabs you and kisses you like it's the first time all over again.
I hope you find someone who's not afraid to feel absolutely everything for you.
I hope you find someone who doesn't let you cry yourself to sleep while you're laying next to them.
I hope you find someone who gets drunk and goes on late night walks with you.
I hope you find someone who writes you letters just because.
I hope you find someone who will find you a rock or shell on the beach to keep as a memory from your adventure.
I hope you find someone who puts in as much effort as you do.
I hope you find someone who tries to love you more than you love them.
I hope you find someone who loves you with everything they have.  
I hope you find a love so strong it consumes you.
B Nov 2016
When did your home stop feeling like a home? Was it when the clocks stopped ticking? Or when the lights started flickering and you were too tired to change the bulbs? Was it when the flowers leading up the drive way wilted? Or when the windows became too hard to open because they were stuck? Did you realize it when the shower was always a touch too cold and your sink wouldn't drain completely? Was it when your favorite foods didn't taste the same way and your fridge was always empty? Was it when the candles you've always burned didn't have a wick to light anymore? Maybe home was never really home. A home doesn't take more than it gives. A home is what protects you, not makes you feel vulnerable. A home keeps you warm, not allows you to shiver until your muscles ache. A home is what keeps the light inside your eyes lit and keeps the flame in your heart burning. A home would never blow that flame out. Maybe your home wasn't your real home. You were just renting it until you could settle into your permanent one.
B Nov 2016
I have fallen in love with you so many different times. I fell in love with you when I first saw you, although I didn't really know you yet. I fell in love with you when you told me you wanted me to be yours. I fell in love with you once I got to know you, the real you. I fall in love with you every time I wake up next to you and the first thing I see is your smile. I fall in love with you every time you wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning and pull me against you. I fell in love with you even more the first time you told me that you loved me. I fall in love with you every time you tell me i'm beautiful even when I don't feel like I am. I fall in love with you whenever you make plans for our future; not just yours, but ours. I fall in love with you more and more everyday which I never thought was possible. Sometimes it hurts how much I love you, but it's a love I'll never regret.
B May 2016
Your walls heard all of the confessions I whispered to you while you were asleep. They heard me talk about how terrified I was to fall for you. They heard me say that I was scared that you were going to get to know me better and you weren't going to want me anymore the first time I stayed in your bed. They heard me tell you that you made me happier than anyone ever has and that you're the reason why I can finally wake up in the morning and actually get myself out of bed. They heard me tell you that it hurts when you drink yourself sick and I'm worried that you're going to destroy yourself. They heard me tell you that I hate how you bail on me and that it makes me feel unimportant to you even though you fell asleep with me wrapped up in your arms. They heard me tell you that I could spend my entire life with you and I would never get tired of you. They heard me whisper "I love you" for the first time and then later heard me say it over and over again until I fell asleep with my face buried in your chest. Your walls have heard everything I never had the guts to say. They heard everything. I just hope that they can keep my secrets and I wonder what secrets my walls are keeping, too.

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